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Name:______________________________________________________ Section: A B v
Parts (a), (b)
Quiz 03B : Magnetic Forces v02 A moving charged particle, of charge q and with velocity vector v pointing out of the x-­‐y-­‐plane ( = plane of the drawing), is subject to a magnetic field, with the magnetic field vector B in the x-­‐y-­‐plane, at an angle of +130o above the (+x)-­‐direction. Find the direction of the magnetic force vector, F, acting on the particle. If F is in the x-­‐y-­‐plane: state the angle θ of F measured from the (+x)-­‐direction, as a positive number (θ >0) if F points above the x-­‐axis; else as a negative number (θ ≤0). If F is perpendicular to the x-­‐y-­‐plane: state either “F into x-­‐y-­‐plane” or “F out of x-­‐y-­‐plane” B
Part (c)
Parts (d), (e)
__________________________________________________________________________________________ (a) Assume the charged particle is an electron __________________________________________________________________________________________ (b) Assume the charged particle is a proton __________________________________________________________________________________________ (c) Repeat parts (a) and (b), if the charged particle is traveling in the x-­‐y-­‐plane, into the (+y)-­‐direction, assuming the same magnetic field vector, B. __________________________________________________________________________________________ (d) Assuming the same magnetic field vector, B, as before, find the direction of the magnetic force vector, F, acting on a straight current carrying piece of wire, perpendicular to the x-­‐y-­‐plane, with the current I flowing into the x-­‐y-­‐plane. __________________________________________________________________________________________ (e) What is the strength of the force, F ≡ |F|, on the wire in part (d), if the current, I, is 3.0A, the wire is 4.0m long, and the magnetic field strength, B ≡ |B|, is 2.0T ? __________________________________________________________________________________________