Download Planning a Healthy Diet Chapter 2 MyPyramid Dietary Guidelines

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Planning a Healthy Diet
Dietary Guidelines
Food Labels
Chapter 2
• After reading Chapter 2, class
discussion, and learning
activities, you will be able to:
– Discuss the Dietary Guidelines for
• Discuss implementation of each
• Give examples of portion sizes
• Explain discretionary kcalories
– Utilize the new Food Guide
Pyramid with selected individuals
• After reading Chapter 2, class
discussion, and learning
activities, you will be able to:
– Evaluate menus using MyPyramid
and Dietary Guidelines
– Identify components of the food
– Interpret information from the food
– Distinguish nutrient claims vs
health claims on the food label
MyPyramid (cont’d)
What MyPyramid Says:
Message: Variety
In the Dietary Guidelines:
• Consume a variety of nutrient-dense foods
and beverages within and among the basic
food groups.
In MyPyramid graphic:
• Color bands represent that all
food groups are needed
each day for health.
Food Groups are Color Coded
Message: Proportionality
In the Dietary Guidelines:
• Adopt a balanced eating pattern.
– Sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables,
– 3 or more ounce equivalents of whole-grain
products per day
– 3 cup equivalents per day of fat-free or low-fat
milk or milk products.
In MyPyramid graphic:
• Differing widths of the color bands
suggest about how much food
should be eaten from each group.
Message: Moderation
In the Dietary Guidelines:
• Limit intake of saturated and trans fats, and choose
products low in these fats.
• Make choices of meat, poultry, dry beans, and milk
products that are lean, low-fat, or fat-free.
• Choose and prepare foods and beverages with little
added sugars or calorie sweeteners.
In MyPyramid graphic:
• Food group bands narrow from
bottom to top suggesting to eat
nutrient-dense forms of foods.
Message: Physical Activity
In the Dietary Guidelines:
• Engage in regular physical activity and reduce
sedentary activities to promote health,
psychological well-being, and a healthy body
In MyPyramid graphic:
• Steps and person on them
symbolize that physical
activity should be a part of
everyday healthy living.
Additional Messages in the
MyPyramid Graphic
• The name “MyPyramid” suggests an
individual approach.
• The person climbing the steps
mentally links each viewer to
the image.
Gradual Improvement:
• The slogan “Steps to a Healthier You” suggests
that improvement should happen in stages, over
1 ounce equivalent =
1 slice bread
1 small muffin
1 cup ready-to-eat
cereal flakes
½ cup cooked rice,
pasta, or cooked
Make half your grain choices whole grains.
• Subgroups
– Dark green
– Orange
– Beans
– Starchy
– Other
• Amounts:
(1 cup vegetables =)
• 1 cup cut-up raw or
cooked vegetables
• 1 cup vegetable juice
• 2 cups leafy salad greens
Vary Your Veggies
• Amounts:
(1 cup fruit =)
Focus on Fruits
• 1 cup cut-up
raw or cooked
• 1 cup 100% fruit
Meat & Beans
• Amounts:
(1 ounce-equivalent =)
– 1 ounce lean meat,
poultry, or fish
– 1 egg
– ¼ cup cooked dry
beans or tofu
– 1 T. peanut butter
– ½ ounce nuts or seeds
Go Lean with Protein
• Amounts:
(1 cup milk =)
• 1 cup milk or
• 1-1/2 ounces
natural cheese
(such as cheddar)
• 2 ounces
processed cheese
(such as American)
Get Your
Calcium-Rich Foods
Discretionary Calories
May be used to:
• Increase amount of food selected from a
food group
• Consume foods that are not in the lowest
fat form—such as 2% milk or medium-fat
• Consume foods that contain added
• Add oil, fat, or sugar to foods
• Consume alcohol (for those who
consume alcohol)
Examples of Discretionary Kcals:
Fat in cheese
Fat in poultry skin or most lunch meat
Sugar added to fruit drinks
Pies, cookies, etc. because of sugar
and/or fats
Portion Size Comparisons
• Portion sizes in the Food Guide
Pyramid do not always match the
serving sizes on food labels. Food
labels allow consumers to compare
the nutrients in two products.
• Portion sizes in the US have been
steadily increasing.
Key food group messages from the
Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid:
Focus on fruits.
Vary your veggies.
Get your calcium-rich foods.
Make half your grains whole.
Go lean with protein.
Know the limits on fats, salt, and sugars.
Adaptations of the Pyramid
Planning Menus Using MyPyramid
1. Does a day’s menu on the average provide at
least the number of servings required from
each of the major food groups for a 2000kcalorie diet?
2. Are most of the menu items nutrient-dense
(without solid fat or sugars added)?
3. Does the menu have whole-grain breads, etc.
at each meal?
4. Are most meat and poultry items lean?
5. Are fish, beans, and other meat alternates
6. Does the menu include servings from each of
the vegetable subgroups: dark orange, green,
beans, starchy, and other?
Planning Menus Using MyPyramid
7. Do most veggies and fruits have their skins and
8. Are there more choices for fresh, canned, or
dried fruit than for fruit juices?
9. Are low-fat or fat-free milk and other dairy
choices available?
10. Are the fruit juices 100% juice?
11. Are foods (especially desserts) high in fat,
sugar, and/or sodium balanced with choices
lower in these nutrients?
12. Are unsweetened beverages available?
2005 Dietary Guidelines
• Provides science-based advice to
promote health and reduce risk for
chronic diseases thru diet and physical
• Recommendations are targeted to the
general public over 2 years of age in the
• By law the Dietary Guidelines is updated
every 5 years
1. Adequate Nutrients Within Kcal
• Meet recommended intakes within
energy needs by adopting a balanced
eating pattern such as that in
MyPyramid. This food guide is
designed to integrate dietary
recommendations into a healthy way
to eat.
1. Adequate Nutrients Within Kcal
• MyPyramid differs in important ways from
common food consumption patterns in the
United States. In general, MyPyramid
– More dark green vegetables, orange
vegetables, legumes, fruits, whole grains, and
low-fat milk and milk products
– Less refined grains, total fats (especially
cholesterol, and saturated and trans fats), added
sugar, and kcalories.
2. Weight Management
• To maintain body weight in a healthy
range, balance kcalories from foods
and beverages with kcalories
• To prevent gradual weight gain over
time, make small decreases in food
and beverage kcalories and increase
physical activity.
3. Physical Activity
• Engage in regular physical activity and
reduce sedentary activities to promote
health, psychological well-being, and
a healthy body weight.
3. Physical Activity
• To reduce the risk of chronic disease in adulthood,
engage in at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity
physical activity, above usual activity, on most days
of the week.
• For most people, greater health benefits can be
obtained by engaging in physical activity of more
vigorous intensity or longer duration.
• To help manage body weight and prevent gradual,
unhealthy body weight gain in adulthood, engage
in approximately 60 minutes of moderate- to
vigorous-intensity activity on most days of the week
while not exceeding caloric intake requirements.
3. Physical Activity
• Achieve physical
fitness by including:
– cardiovascular
– stretching exercises for
– and resistance
exercises or calisthenics
for muscle strength and
4. Food Groups to Encourage
• _________________________
• _________________________
• _________________________
p. 34; 36-37
5. Fats
• Consume less than
10% of kcalories
from saturated fatty
acids and less than
300 mg/day of
cholesterol, and
keep trans fatty
acid consumption
as low as possible.
• Keep total fat intake
between 20 to 35% of
kcalories, with most
fats coming from
sources of
polyunsaturated and
fatty acid, such as
fish, nuts, and
vegetable oils.
5. Fats
• When selecting and
preparing meat, poultry,
dry beans, and milk or
milk products, make
choices that are lean,
low-fat, or fat-free.
• Limit intake of fats and
oils high in saturated
and/or trans fatty acids,
and choose products
low in such fats and oils.
6. Carbohydrates
• Choose fiber-rich
fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains often.
• Choose and prepare
foods and beverages
with little added
sugars or caloric
sweeteners; use
amounts suggested
by MyPyramid.
Whole Grains
Whole wheat
Whole oats/oatmeal
Whole corn
Brown rice
Whole rye
p. 122-126
7. Sodium and Potassium
• Consume less than
2,300 mg (about 1
teaspoon of salt) of
sodium per day.
• Choose and
prepare foods with
little salt.
• Eat potassium-rich
foods such as fruits
and vegetables.
8. Alcoholic Beverages
• Moderation
– ___ drinks/day for men
– ___ drink/day for women
– 1 drink = ____ beer
____ wine
____ distilled spirits
p. 35; 38
9. Food Safety
• To avoid microbial food borne illness:
– Clean hands, food contact surfaces, and fruit
and vegetables. Meat and poultry should not be
washed or rinsed.
– Separate raw, cooked, and ready-to-eat foods
while shopping, preparing, or storing foods.
– Cook foods to a safe temperature to kill
– Chill (refrigerate) perishable food promptly and
defrost foods properly.
• Avoid raw (unpasteurized) milk or any
products made from raw milk, raw or
partially cooked eggs or foods containing
raw eggs.
Food Labels
83% consumers check Nutrition Facts
panel when buying foods
48% use it to make healthful choices
23% use it when trying to lose weight
From 2004 Shopping
for Health Survey
Food Labels &
College Students
537 randomly selected college students
Mean age =23 + 6
177 men; 360 women
80% normal wt; 80% non-smokers
67% met activity recommendations
44% used nutritional supplements
• J.Am.Diet Assoc 2007
Results: Food Labels &
College Students
• 55% never taught how to use labels
• 66% used label when buying food
• Most often used info:
– Total fat; calories; serving size
• Least often used info:
– Fiber; iron; Vitamin A
• Women significantly higher label reading
behavior and nutrition knowledge
Results: Food Labels &
College Students
• 92% correctly identified Daily Value for
grams of fat
• 67% correctly identified foods with
highest grams of fat and fiber
• 11% correctly defined “serving size”
• 33% believed labels not accurate
• 67% believed nutrition claims untrue
• 50% believed health claims untrue
Food Labels
Required on
Food Name
Ingredient List
Net weight
Name and address
of manufacturer
Nutrition Facts
Nutrition Facts Panel
Daily Value: A set of
values developed by
the Food and Drug
Administration used
as a reference for
expressing nutrient
content on nutrition
labels. Based on a
2000 kcal/day intake
Food Label Claims
• Nutrient claims: statements that
characterize the quantity of a nutrient
in a food (p.64; 65)
• Health claims: statements that
characterize the relationship between
a nutrient in a food and a disease or
health related condition (p.64; 66)
• Structure-function claims: statements
characterizing relationship of nutrient
with role in the body
p. 64 - 67
Food Label Claims
• Nutrient claims:
– Example: “rich in calcium”
• Health claims:
– Example: “Sodium and reduced
risk of hypertension”
– FDA approved statement
• Structure-function claims:
– Example: “build strong bones”
– Legal but not FDA approved
Nutrient Content Claims
• Claims on food labels about the nutrient
composition of a food. (Know General Claims)
• Regulated by the FDA.
• Examples:
Low calorie – 40 kcal or less
Low fat – 3 grams or less of fat
High in….. – 20% or more of Daily Value
Healthy – Low in fat and saturated fat,
contains no more than20% of DV for sodium
and cholesterol, contains at least 10% of DV
for 1 of the following: vitamin A or C, calcium,
iron, protein, fiber
p. 65-66
Health Claims
• Claims on food labels that state certain
foods or food substances – as part of an
overall healthy diet – may reduce the risk of
certain diseases. Must be approved by FDA.
• Example: “Diets low in sodium may reduce
the risk of high blood pressure, a disease
associated with many factors.” (An “A”
This claim may be put on foods that meet
the criteria for low sodium (140 mg sodium
or less).
Health Claims Ranking System
p. 67
Key food group messages from the
Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid:
Focus on fruits.
Vary your veggies.
Get your calcium-rich foods.
Make half your grains whole.
Go lean with protein.
Know the limits on fats, salt, and sugars.
• After reading Chapter 2, class
discussion, and learning
activities, you will be able to:
– Discuss the Dietary Guidelines for
• Discuss implementation of each
• Give examples of portion sizes
• Explain discretionary kcalories
– Utilize the new Food Guide
Pyramid with selected individuals
• After reading Chapter 2, class
discussion, and learning
activities, you will be able to:
– Evaluate menus using MyPyramid
and Dietary Guidelines
– Identify components of the food
– Interpret information from the food
– Distinguish nutrient claims vs
health claims on the food label
Planning a Healthy Diet