Download Digestive System Functions

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Digestive System Functions
(The Alimentary Canal)
Joke of the Day:
Alimentary Canal:
The passage (including the esophagus,
stomach, and intestines) that food passes
through the body from mouth to anus
Types of Digestion
Mechanical (M): Chewing, churning of
food in stomache
 Chemical (C): Enzymes – From the
Mouth to the Small Intestine
Mouth (M,C) First Site of Digestion!
◦ (M) chewing
◦ (C) Salivary Amylase breaks down starch
◦ Initiates swallowing
Esophagus (M)
◦ Transports food from mouth to stomach
through “Peristalsis”
 Peristaltic Waves: Waves of muscular contractions
that propel contents from one point to another
Stomach(M,C) (process food then transport)
◦ (M) churning to create a “Bolus”
 Bolus: Creamy paste that forms as the food in th
stomach is repeatedly mixed with gastric juices
◦ (C) HCl, pepsin kill bacteria and break down
◦ 1ST 10 inches of small intestine. Bile secreted
◦ Next 8 feet of small intestine.
◦ Food absorption, enzyme action.
Ileum (M,C)
◦ “Terminal” portion of the small intestine
◦ Absorption of food, enzyme action
Ascending colon(M) Part 1 of the Large Intestine.
◦ Water, Nutrient and Electrolyte absorption
Transverse colon(M) Part 2 of the Large
◦ Water, Nutrient and Electrolyte absorption
Descending colon(M) Part 3 of the Large Intestine
◦ Water, Nutrient and Electrolyte absorption
Sigmoid colon(M)
◦ Water and Electrolyte absorption
◦ Storage of feces
Anal canal(M)
◦ Sphincter for “waste management”
Warning – Prolapsed rectum
Prolapsed rectum
Laproscopic Nissen Fundoplication