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Research on flow Model of Nature Resource Scheduling and Green
Industry Base Development
TAO Jiange
School of Economics and Management,
Zhongyuan University of technology, Zhengzhou, P.R.China, 450006
[email protected]
Abstract Nature resources flow is an emerging concept in resources science. Many researches have
been made in the field of resources science, but most of them focus on the qualitative of resources.
Based on green industry base development a flow mode1 of nature resources was studied which was
suitable for nature resource scheduling. Input-Output Analysis IOA) of nature resources was studied in
order to show complex cooperation process of nature resources among industry system. In addition,
some proper strategies are provided for economic policy of green industry base. Resources flow can
change the resources endowment of a region, promote the development of regional economy and the
improvement of industrial structure, the formation and development of regional sustained
competitiveness is very important to resources flow and improvement of industrial structure.
Key works nature resource; flow mode1; Green industry; Input-Output Analysis IOA)
1 Introduction
The development of industry economy cans not get away from nature resources to prop up. It is big,
researching on flow of nature resource scheduling. In the new millennium, we are facing a whole series
of global problems that are harming the biosphere and human life in alarming ways that may soon
become irreversible. Today, many non-renewable and renewable resources are exhausted by the
irrational use of resources. The great challenge of our time is to build and nurture sustainable
development society in which we can satisfy our needs and aspirations, rational use of nature resources
without diminishing the chances of future generations.
With the rapid economic growth during the last two decades, China has become one of the largest
economies in the world. However, China is experiencing severe natural resource constraints,
environmental degradation and pollution. Particularly, blindly pursuing rapid economic growth will lead
to resource depletion, and will impede the nation’s social and economic growth, regional development,
and the progress of modernization. The extensive mode of economic growth and predatory use of
resources make Chinese energy, fresh water, land, mineral etc resources shortage of antinomy further
highlight. At the same time, the problem of produces and consumes absurdity is very outstanding,
escape from actual, be greedy for to pursue extravagant, spend lavishly the wasted phenomenon to
return a great deal of existence. The actuality tells us, if don't change the traditional high devotion, high
depletion, low efficiency to put a growth method, if not in the consciousness that whole societies further
enhance to economize the resources, the development of the economy, by all means, would more and
more under the influence of the check and supervision of the resources, producing the living
environment and willing worsen more and more, this will directly social grand target of overall
construction middle-class family of smooth realization.
In response to these challenges, the Chinese government has adopted a mission of a harmonious
society with a view of using practical administrative tools for achieving harmonious, sustainable and
scientific-based development. It is right the time for China to research flow of nature resources to
provide basic guidance for harmonious and sustainable development strategies and management.
With the development of resources science, resources system has been evolved into its important
and key research objective. The whole process of resources exploiting and using has been being studied
by various scholars. Such a resources flow is an emerging concept in resources science. Nowadays,
researches on resources flow are more loosely scattered and have not been developed into a systematic
and scientific theory system. Nature resources flow is an emerging concept in resources science.
Resources shortage resulting from resources flow process, which is unsuitable resources exploitation
and using, have promoted the development of resources science. Many researches have been made in
the field of resources science, but most of them focus on the qualitative of resources. [1]
The characteristics of Nature resources flow
Natural resources have three functions to the economy: 1) resource functions: providing basic
materials to the economic development; 2) sink functions: absorbing emitted wastes from the economic
production, and; 3) ecological service functions: providing landscapes and the habitat for all living
beings including mankind. Simply, the characteristics of nature resources contain that: 1) scattered, 2)
regional, 3) impacted by technology, 4) impacted by economic, 5) unsymmetrical of information.
The nature resources product, which is related to the economy, not only includes energy, fresh
water, mineral, etc, but also includes landing, forest, etc. it usually shows many varieties, many
standards, difficult placing and displaying and relying on regions. Shen Lei (Ph.d, Professor, Institute of
Geographic Sciences and Nature Resources Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences) argue that the
connotation of resources flow includes at least three aspects: its complex, dynamic and space-time,
which consist of system, substance, energy, value, labor and others. The research purpose of resources
flow is to understand how and what resources are used in socioeconomic system and to identify their
interior mechanism during the resources flow process so that it can provide more scientific and efficient
guidance for resources utilization and sustainable management. The main areas of different kinds of
researches on resources flow can be categorized as follows: trans-sectional and industrial researches;
element, molecule, substance and material flow researches; theory and application researches. Methods
applicable in resources flow mainly include: input-output analysis, material flow analysis, industrial
metabolism, life cycle assessment and so on. These methods are derived from different disciplines with
different points of view, while each of them has its own advantages and shortcomings. In the future, the
following aspects should be paid more attention: first, studies on resources flow of individual sector,
especially the resources-intensive consumed sectors and their potentially affecting ones; second,
regional resources flow studies which will help the decision-makers find some resources flow problems
in time; third, studies on strategic resources flow, such as coal, petroleum, iron ores, water and others,
which will be more important for sustainable resource development; fourth, some related social issues
from resources flow, such as the relationship between household consuming structure and resources
flow the influence of employment structure from resources flow. Moreover, the following researches
areas should be thought more over on the advantages of cross-disciplines and their combination of
theory and practice. Apparently, for building the friendly environmental and saving resources society in
China, the resources flow research will be a significant direction either in theoretical or practical context
3 Flow model of nature resource scheduling and green industry
3.1 Resource—economy system
In a certain technological and Economic conditions, resources can create benefits for mankind which
include the material, energy and information etc. Resources consist of natural and artificial resources.
Natural resources are the basic means of production and life. It is important material foundation to
support survival and development of human. If the resources meet the needs of contemporary people
and future generations, it will have the sustainable development conditions; otherwise it should need to
find alternative resources. The relation of resources and economy as follows
3.2 Input-Output analysis of nature resources
Input-output model (input-output methods) reflects the interdependent relations between the input
and output volume of the economic system (such as departments, industries, products), which is the
mathematical analysis methods used for economic analysis and policy simulation, economic forecasts,
plans development and economic control. The principles of the relationship between resources and
economy may be expressed as follows formula:
Q = F ( R) = Q1 + Q2 + L + Qm
Q = f1 (r1 , r2 ,L , rn ) + f 2 (r1 , r2 ,L , rn ) + L + f m (r1 , r2 ,L , rn )
Constraints: f m > f m min
rn ≤ rn max
In which: Q --the general production
rn --variables of resources
f m --variables of industry
f m min --The production boundary conditions for m industry
rn max --The production boundary conditions for n resources
aij = (i = 1, 2,L , n; j = 1, 2,L , m)
was known as coefficient of the direct consumption resources.
 a11 K a1n 
A= M O M 
 m1 L amn 
In model A (direct consumption coefficient matrix) reflects the technical structure of the production
In resources-economics system, Resource depletion (or natural capital depreciation) value is the input
of natural resources used and consumed in the economic process, namely the economic value of
deductions of natural resources stocks, emphasizing particularly quantitative uses of natural resources.
Resources depletion valuation requires estimates of the economic rent: namely the difference between
output (the market price of natural assets produced for consumption (revenues), the costs of production)
and input (a fair return on resources invested (i.e. the opportunity costs of inputs)).
3.3 Flow Model of Nature resource scheduling
In resources-economic system, the resource input-output of regional (industries) is analysis resources
flow in different regional (industries) to achieve the ultimate output value. Natural resource accounts
(NRA) can provide an effective tool for linking information about resources and economy. This paper
provides an analysis of how NRA can be used for policy analysis based on flow of nature resources.
Flow of nature Resources in different region (industry):
Qx Qy
The production of nature resources i is smaller in region (industry) x than in region (industry)
The flow of nature resources i flow from region (industry) x to region (industry) y .
3.3 Analysis green industry base development
Flow model of nature Resources scheduling is a powerful tool that can be used for a wide range of
industry economic analysis, which including:
identifying and measuring the composition and level of industry economic activity
understanding the inter-relationships between industries
studying the effects of change in supply and demand throughout the industry economy
analysis of the nature resource flow between industries and regions
understanding the volume and significance of material and waste flows by industry, when the
model is adapted for this type of use, and providing the basis for the calculation and
improvement of GDP.
Flow model of Nature resource scheduling, with adaptation, also provide the basis for wider reaching
analysis, including measuring the economic contribution of composite industry groups.
A case
SU Yun (Beijing Normal University) analysis the flowing characteristics of forest resource and its
products in China. It is valuable for understanding the relationships between resources flowing and
environment and realizing the sustainable and supporting capacity of certain regional resources to their
industry economic development to focus on the resources flowing and its dynamic characteristics in the
social and economic system Assuming that material input equals output material flow analysis(MFA).
Which abides by the material balance principle can be used to analyze resource flow through
deforestation-production-consumption chain pertaining to forest resource In order to have a quantitative
comparison of fluxes of divergent forest products the uniform physical units--timber volume equivalent
(cubic meter)-is adopted to convert and calculate the amount of forest resource flows Based on the
statistics data of forest resource and its products including the data of their importation and exportation
this paper analyzed the flowing characteristics of the forest resource and forest products in China’s
economic system during the Ninth Five Year Plan period (1996 2000) The results showed that the
amount of extraction or consumption of forest resources in China in the period is as large as 16962*104
m3 per year of which about 48.3 is imported from abroad And also 90.7 of native forest
resources was flowed to the industry of manufactured log, saw-wood, veneer and so on leaving only 9.3
of its total for papermaking industry. So the paper pulp and the forest consumption by manufacturing
paper had been chiefly depended upon importation of forest resources. Some 75 of forest resource in
terminal consumption is primarily used in three categories that are architectural decoration, furniture
producing and packing. Therefore, the authors suggest that China has to increase the utilization
efficiency of forest resource and to increase the input of forest into the paper production for higher
economic benefit for the purpose of controlling the exhaustion of forest resource and making it
sustainable The Strategies of making most of the forest resource and improving the ability to guarantee
the supply security of native forest resource should be taken in China[3]
~ .
5 Conclusions
Flow of nature resources can change the resources endowment of a region promote the development
of regional economy and the improvement of industrial structure-and it can be advantageous to the
formation. All of these factors can promote the formation and improvement of the regional sustained
At the same time, the formation and development of regional sustained
competitiveness is very important to resources flow and improvement of industrial structure For
example, by relaxing domestic natural resource constraints it has been argued that international trade
allows any particular country to deplete natural assets abroad by importing its natural resource
requirements, While, the onus is on resource extracting countries to make provision for the loss of
domestic natural assets whether for export or not, some importing countries have expressed interest in
measuring their derived demand for the depletion of resources .
In order to change the regional situation of nature resources constraints, promote the efficient of flow
of nature resources, we should accelerate efforts to upgrade the industrial structure and make
independent innovations. We will continue to follow a new path of industrialization, concentrating on
upgrading the industrial structure. In the last years, the pattern of economic growth is inefficient. This
can be seen most clearly in excessive energy consumption and serious environmental pollution. with
exaltation using of nature resources flow efficiency for core, the development of regional should
economize on nature resources, speed structure adjustment, push forward technique progress, strengthen
the legal system construction, perfect policy measure, enhance the economy to realize, build up as soon
as possible sound promote economize a system of social construction and mechanisms, become the
growth method and the consumption modes of economize the types gradually, provide for the source to
make use of efficiently and make use of circularly.
Circulation economy, which is a new model of nature flow, was adopted in the world. Compares with
the traditional economy, circulation economy different occupying to: The circulation economy initiative
is one kind of establishment unceasingly circulates in the matter in the use foundation economical
development pattern, it requests the economic activity according to the natural ecosystem pattern,
organizes "the resources - product - regeneration resources" the material repeatedly process, causes the
entire economical system as well as the production and the expense process basically does not produce
or only produces the very few rejects, its characteristic is the natural resource low investment, the high
use and the reject lowly discharges, thus on basic dispels since long ago between the environment and
the development incisive conflict. Using from to has been generally special, apply theory to reality the
philosophy principle, analyzes the old industrial base development circulation economy from the
different angle the inevitability.
[1]XIE Gao-di,CHENG Sheng-kui, YU Gui-rui, GAO Wang-shen. Trend of China’s Natural Resources
Consumption and National Resources safety Change[J]. China Population·Resources and
Environment, 2002,13(3):22 26. (in Chinese)
[2]SHEN Lei, LIU Xiao-jie. Discussion on Theories and Methods of Resources Flow[J].RESOURCES
SCIENCE, 2006(5): 9 15(in Chinese)
[3]SU Yun, CHENG Sheng-kui. Analysis to flowing characteristics of forest resource and its products in
China[J]. JOURNAL OF NATURAL RESOURCES, 2003(11): 734 740(in Chinese)
[4]LI Qun. Study on Regional Sustained Competitiveness Based on Resources Fluxion[J]. JOURNAL
OF SHANDONG UNIVERSITY(Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2005 5 76 83 (in Chinese)
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