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COMPUTING THE STANDARD DEVIATION FROM A GEOMETRlC MEAN Daniel R. Bretlteim, KPMG Peat Marwick INTRODUCTION mean. The seven-step process outlined below was used for tllese purposes: TIle requirement to compute the standard deviation from geometric (rather than arithmetic) mean has been prompted by the desire to medel " portion of the Federal government's methodology for reimbursing hospitals for servK"" provided to Medicare recipients. The Health Care Financing Administralion (HCF A) h .. used this approach at; the mecllanism to identify unusually higil-L"()st cases, known as outliers. The geomett'ic mean cluu'ge for each diagllosis-l"elated group (DRG) serves as .. benchmark to which multiples of the DRG's alandard devialion are added. The resulting threshold mual be exceeded for an individual case to achieve llouUieI.'lI status. These obseITations are deleted from the data base prior to computing the average charge for each DRG. 1. Compute the natur91logar<llIID of the charge variable for each observation. 2. Compute the mean of the log values for each diagnostic group. fI. 3. Merge each observation with the appropriate group mean. 4. Compote the antilog of the group mean. 5. Compute the squared deviation of each observation from the antilog of its gt'"oup meaH. Procedures available within the SAS* System for computing averages are based pdmariJs on the arithmetic mean. The arithmetic mean is distinguished from other seldom-used statistics sucb as the geometric mean, which averages the iOg'al'ithms of numbers and the harmonic mean, wWch averages reciproe~ls. F orttmately. ti,e SAS* System provides tile flexibility Bnd data manipolaUon power to satisfy tltis computing requirement. 6. Sum the squared deviations for each grQUp. 7. Divide the sum of squared deviations by the numher of observations (less one) in each group. The square root of tltis value yields the sample standard deviation.. TIle statements used to accomplish these calculations and (l<int tile results are displayed in Exhibit 2 on the following page. APPROACH RESULTS The data set displayed in Exhibit 1 (l<ovides a simplified example of the raw data which were Exhibit 3 displays several of the statistics associated WiUl each D RG. The outlier tJU'esholds in Ulis eXRtnple are computed by adding tltree multiples of the standard deviatiou to the geomelric mean. Therefore, any case exceeding its threshold would qualify as 1m outlier and be deleted from tile data baBe. eU('''mmtered. Exhibit 1 Sample Raw Data Q!lS !llill CHARGE 1 2 3 4 105 105 105 105 201 201 201 $18,200.00 16,750.00 17,345.00 22,750.00 5,950.00 5,538.00 7,103.00 1,238.00 1,310.00 1,540.00 " 6 7 8 9 10 379 379 319 * These daia simulate a sample of ten cases and as.·"",[ated charges Cor three DRGs. Tbe objective was to develop the code necessary to compute for each . DRG: 1) tbe geometric mean charge and 2) the standard deviation of eh1l1'ges from the geometric 1430 SAS is a registered trademark of SAS luaIitute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina, U~S.A. EldUbit 2 SAS* System statements options nodate: libname in 'd;\sas': * compute logarithm for each value *: data one: set in. raw: logchg",logt charge.l ; proc sort data~one: by drg; '* compute mean of log values for each group *: proc means data=one mean noprint: var logchg~ by drg: output out~stats m€an~mchg; * merge each observation with its group mean *: data twa: merge one stats: by drg; if first.drg then do: sum_sd""O : end: * compute geometric mean *: geo_mean ~ exp(mchg): * accumulate squared deviations ~: squardev ~ (charge - geo_mean)**2: sum_sd + squardev; * ,compute the standard deviation and threshold *. if last.drg an~ _freq_ > 1 then do: std_dev '" sqrt(sum_sd/Lfreq_ - 1)): thres = geo_mean output: end: ~ !strl_dev * 3}: proc print data~two label: var drg _freq_ geo_mean std_dev thres: fQrmat geo_mean std_dev thres dollarl0.2: label _freq_ '~' geo mean ~ 'GEO. MEAN' std~dev thres titlel title2 'STD. DEV.' ' THRESHOLD' ; 'OUTLIER iHRESHOLDS BASED ON'~ 'THREE STANDARD DEVIATIONS FROM THE GEOMETRIC run~ 1431 MEA~;: Exhibit 3 Sample Outpnt OUTLIER THRESHOLDS BASED ON THREE STANDARD DEVIATIONS FROM THE GEOMETRIC MEAN Q!lS llil.G. N GFA).MEAN STD.DEV. 1 2 3 105 4 201 379 3 3 $18,623.46 6,162.69 1,356.76 $2,729.59 812.30 157.90 • 1432 THRESHOLD $26,812.23 8,599.59 1,830.48