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Ti 7 Genetics • Physiology • Ecology
Edíted by Walter Klingmüller
into young live root cells, but most were free in the intercellular spaces or bound
to cortical and epidemial cell walls by an electrón dense material. The bacteria
induced an increase in the rate of protón extrusión of the roots as well as an
mercase in cell división of the root tip.
Inoculation of plants with bacteria of the genus Azospirillum has been tested
world-wide in view of their potential contribution to plant productivity (1,2).
This practice suffers from severa! disadvantages, of which the most notable ones
are the inconsistent and unpredictable yield results, i.e., significant increases in
yield besides neglígible or even reduction in yield (3), and a hígh percentage of
roots which fail to be colonized by the applied bacteria (4). Several factors,
including the limited migration of the bacteria in the soil, adsorption of bacteria
to soil partícles and competition with the natural rhizosphere bacteria for nutrients
that leak from the roots decrease the size of Azospirílluní population and in turn
their potential contribution to plant growth (4,5). The obtained erratic responses
to inoculation led Schank and Smith (3) to assume that the success of
Azospirillum inoculation was short-lived and this technology should not yet be
transferred to farmers. However, more positive data was accumulated since (4),
and a considerable interest in Azospirillum still persists world-wide, despite its
controversíal nature.
At least three types of factors, dífferent in nature, particípate in the plantbacteria association, (i) soil factors, including physical, chemical and biological
variables, (ii) bacterial factors, including metabolism and survíval of the applied
bacteria as well as bacterial factors that affect plant growth, and (iii) plant
factors including the capability to respond to the metabolic activities of the
bacteria. All these factors opérate simultaneously from time of inoculation usually performed at sowing or at the seedling stage (6). Therefore, inoculating
Azospirillum IV: Genetics, Physiology, Ecology
Edited by W. Klingmüller
© Springer-Verlag Berlín Heidelberg 1_988
ute of Science,
A. brasílense Cd, the
Id migrate in the soil
cteria formed relatively
popuíation within the
:ral bacteria penetrated
sllular spaces or bound
Tiaterial. The bacteria
ie roots as well as an
•illum has been tested
ant productivity (1,2).
the most notable ones
significan! increases in
1 a high percentage of
. (4). Several factors,
adsorption of bacteria
e bacteria for nutrients
popuíation and in turn
tained erratic responses
that the success of
igy should not yet be
accumulated since (4),
world-wide, despite its
irticipate in the planthemical and biological
5urvival of the applied
.rowth, and (ni) plant
.bolic activities of the
time of inoculation Therefore, 'moculating
Since we assumed that the initial stages in the a
organisms are crucial for the success of inoculation,
and attempted to identify factors that hinder this asso
study consisted of the wheat plant as a host and
inoculum. This bacterial strain was selected becau
successful in Israel, U.S.A. as well as in other countries
of the most common reference strains in the world.
Adsorption to soil partióles
Adsorption of A. brasilense Cd to soil was est
columns ñlled with various types of soil, after washi
Enumeration of bacteria in the soil and in the elua
described (9,10). Live and dead cells of A. brasilen
light and heavy soil and only slightly to quartz sand
adsorption was obtained by increasing soil content wit
by a decrease in soil pH or by floodíng the soil with
bacterial attractants, an increase in soil pH and drying
adsorption. Intensive washings of the soil with water
from soil partióles but only from sand particles, whích
Overwashing the soil recovered relatively few bacte
bacterial popuíation ín sand was removed. Bacteria w
layer of the soil profile but infiltrated deeper if the soi
We propose that most of the popuíation of A. b
soil particles immediately after inoculation and does
layers even after intensive water application. Bacte
bacterial motility. Factors affecting motility are descri
Self motUity and transport in the soil
A. brasilense Cd is known to be motile towards
(11,12). We measured bacterial self motility Ín the s
the fíeld by methods described elsewhere (13,14).
motility towards germinating seedlings was soil moist
rate was obtained in brown-red degrading sandy soil
v/w water) and above. At 20% moisture, this soil
facilitating motility of bacteria in the free water fil
seedlings (Fig. la). Of secondary importance were the
of plant growth prior to bacterial application: migrati
soil density and increased when plants were grown in
Hours after ¡noculafion
Fig. 1: Migration of A. brasilense
field capacity; and flooded soil. B - jg3 ,
, ES towards glycine and aspartic acid.
minimal migration at the indicated hour
Cd in the soil. A - in dry soil; soíl in
Migration towards 11 wheat cultivars and
Each column represents the maximal and
after inoculation.
Eleven common and hard wheat cultivars were found to stimulate significantly
bacterial migration. A similar effect was obtained by several bacterial attractants
such as giycine and aspartic acid, known to comprise part of the grasses exudates,
when encapsulated into solid alginate beads (15). These attractants, however, did
not díffer in the íntensity of theír effect (Fig. Ib). Therefore, we propose that A.
brasilense Cd is stímulated to migrate non-specifically towards growlng wheat
Horizontal transport of A. brasijense Cd in the soil and its vertical transport
along plant rhizosphere were measured. No transport was detected in the absence
of living plants. Under controlled conditions the bacteria migrated horizontally at
least 30 cm from the inoculation site towards the growing plant. Once the first
root system was colonized, all the neighboring plants became colonized. Horizontal
transport under field conditions was at least 160 cm, and depended on the
presence of live plant roots. Weeds such as wild oat, wíld barley, Phalarís
paradoxa L-, P. brachvstachvs Lk, Malva aegyptia L., Notobasis svriaca L. Cass.
detected as deep as 50 cm, within the ro
winter season A. brasilense Cd was found
20-50 cm and near soil surface. Profiles of
carried out at four different locations
colonization pattern within the same root sy
We propose that A. brasilense Cd is t
vertically and that these transports depend
Adsorption on the root surface and, on root
joll. A - ín dry soil; soil in
•vards 11 wheat cultivars and
represents the maximal and
ind to stimulate significantly
severa! bacterial attractants
part of the grasses exudates,
ese attractants, however, did
herefore, we propose that A.
ally towards growing wheat
)il and ¡ts vertical transport
was detected ín the absence
;ria migrated horizontally at
>wing plant. Once the first
ecame colonized. Horizontal
cm, and depended on the
oat, wild barley, P halar i s
Notobasis svriaca L. Cass.
Adsorption of Azospirillum cells to the
plant species were reported (16,17,18,19).
onto wheat roots or reached them by its ow
formed an aggregate form of colonization.
each other and to the root surface by a
rinsing of the roots (20) released most of
colonized roots eliminated most of the bac
roots with 7-irradiated killed bacteria resul
killing roots before inoculation had no effe
7-irradiation following an intensive root
most of the dead bacterial cells from the ro
Microscopio inspection of external whea
the roots - mostly in the elongatíon zon
heavily colonized. Small aggregates as wel
hairs. Few bacteria penetrated the roo
electrón microscopy. Usually, there were í
root surface in the same región.
We proposed that active metabolism o
colonization. Since this species is able to
active metabolism of the root probably do
association. Thus, the adsorption of A. b
roots can be defined as a weak, metabolism
Interna! root colonization
There were indications that Azospirillum
be established in the intercellular spaces
there is no solid evidence that the observed
Fíg. 2: Scanning electrón mícroscopy of fibrillar material connections (A
between A. brasüense Cd cells, and (B) to the root surfaces. (Bars represent 1 /.¡
Fig. 3: (A) Transmission electrón micrographs of specific identiílcation c
brasilense Cd cells within the íntercellular spaces by coloidal-gold labeling.
(B) Binding of A. brasilense Cd cells to cortex Íntercellular spaces by an elect
dense material (arrows). (Bars represent 1 p). Abbreviations: B - bacteria; (
cortex cells; CW - plant cell wall; INS - Ínter cellular spaces.
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), especiali
and enumeration of this strain (10), revealed that the
comprised the majority of the bacteria tbat colonize
present on the roots, the internal bacteria comp
naterial connections (A)
a. (Bars represent 1 //)
The population of A. brasilense Cd within wheat
and transmission electrón microscopy, using the colo
technique, which is based on specifíc recognition by
the cells with gold particles as described by Roth
internal root population of A. brasilense Cd was as
üquid culture, with a very low background. Othe
surfaces or in intercellular spaces were not labeíed a
Cd were distributed along root surfaces, while t
restricted to the elongation and to the root-hair z
located in the cortex intercellular spaces, as deep as
penétrate either the endodermis or the vascular syste
in corn plants were reported to be colonized by th
were bound to cell walls in the cortex intercellular sp
cells by an electrón dense material (Fig. 3b). Seve
were found within young, live root cells without a
plant cells.
We suggest that A. brasilense Cd forms an
cellular association with wheat roots, in addition to it
Other effects of A. brasilense Cd inoculation on wheat
Several mechanisms and phenomena have bee
inoculation by Azospirillum i.e., hormonal activity, n
and improvement in mineral and water uptake
development and root branch'mg, alterations of cell
increase in dry matter and in mineral accumulation i
yields of cercáis and forage grasses (1,2,5,17).
We present here other effects of A. brasilense Cd
¡n root membrane excttation causing an increase in p
to the rhizosphere (U) enhancement of cell división in
;cific identification of A.
al-gold labeling.
ar spaces by an electrón
-ions: B - bacteria; C -
We identified a physiological mechanísm of prot
The effect was measured as a decrease in pH at the r
during the past decade, are not sufficient to account for the inconsistency in yield
response obtained by many research groups. Further studies on these aspects are
essential before inoculation technoiogy can be released for commercial use.
Ac know 1 edge m e nts
This paper was written in memory of the late Mr. Avner Bashan. We thank
Dr. Eugenia Klein and Mrs. Batia Romano from the Department of Biologica
Services, The Weizmann Institute of Science for helping in electrón microscopy
Míss Dori Filón, Miss Einat Carmi, Mrs. Adi Ben-Yehuda and Mr. G. Richter
Levin for excellent technical assistance and Mr. Y. Avivi for editing the
-epresents pH 3.7-4.5.
agar-indicator techníque
asílense Cd caused a
sakage from wheat roots
tit inoculation affects cell
attachment of bacteria
might be related to the
ce in the plant after
ndex (no. of cells at
loculated root tips (25).
Analyses were
cells in different roots.
índex was observed in
ming unit/ml, which is
culation (6).
atures of A. brasílense
Dgress made world-wide
he ¡nconsistency in yield
lies on these aspects are
commercial use.
roer Bashan. We thank
)epartment of Biological
in electrón microscopy,
i and Mr. G. RichterAvivi for editing the
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