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Explanatory Notes
Definitions for holdfaced words in the essays may he found at the end of
thehook in the Glossary. Terms appear in boldface where they are first used
in each essay. Some terms are parenthetically defined in the text, hut more
detailed information aonears in the Glossalv. Examnles
.. from Hawai'i are
also used to he1 cxpl& man" terms. Geniral sources for definitinns are
riven at the endbf ;he Glossah!, b ~ often
the definitions were modified or
with the editors. It was not possib!e to rint diacritics with the combination of word
proceswr and printer use to prepare the camera-ready copy. Hawaiian
words have only the 'okinn or glottals. We regret the inconvenience.
Hawaibn words are italicized where they first uccur in each esuy.
Subject matter of the ske:c!~es used to divide the essavs into section5 is u5
Hawai'i's Uniqueness
Pu'u '0'0eruption on Hawai'i Island, with the endemic 'ohelo
(Vacciniurn reticulaluin). the ma'ohi'old (Stenogync), and the
happy-face spider (Tiieridion graI1utor). Happyface spiders are usually
found on the undersides of leaves of the native hydrangea, k a n w a o
(Broursuisiu urgutn).
Plant L i e
Uluhe fern (Diuranopfmi linearis), an indigenous matted fern
characteristic of rain forest areas.
Animal Life
virens), a member of the endemic
Common 'amakilii (Hem??
suhfamily Drepanidinae Hawallan honeycreepers) on Vicia menriesii. the
first Federally Endangered plant to be recognized from Hawai'i.
Biological Diversity and Special Communities
The Endangered ue'o or Hawaiian stilt (Hintantopus mcrieanus
knudsoni) in wetlands area threatened by human impacts.
Problems, Planning, and Protection
Hereford cattle in pasture next to rain forest. (Note loulu
(Prilclzardia beccanana), an endemic palm tree, in background.)
Conservation Education
National Park Service interpreter discussing effects of alien plants such as
banana poka (Puwiflota mol/issima) on n a w e forests.
Values and Ethics
An 'oki'a (Metr~sidern.~~o[ymt~r~f~phu)-hupu'u
(Cihorium spp.)
rain forest scene.
Native Kamehameha butterflies (Vanma tnmneameu) on mmnaki
(Piptuncs albidus).