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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Project Highlights
“Promoción de la gestión del riesgo climático y reducción de la vulnerabilidad para fortalecer la
producción agrícola sostenible en regiones seleccionadas de Bolivia”
Project code: OSRO/BOL/902/ITA
Donor: Italy
Contribution: EUR 1 000 000
Implementation: 24/12/09 – 23/05/11
Target areas: Departments of Beni, Potosí, Santa
Cruz and Chuquisaca
Contact: Cristina Amaral
Chief, Emergency Operations Service
(Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean)
Email: [email protected]
To contribute to the sustainable development of Bolivia through strengthening
climate-related disaster risk management and climate change adaptation, in line with
national priorities for disaster risk management.
Key partners:
Government entities, institutions and technical support organizations.
Beneficiaries reached:
7 068 vulnerable families.
Installed new equipment and monitoring systems in collaboration with the
National Meteorology and Hydrology Service to improve early warning systems
in nine meteorological stations.
Trained supervisors from the municipal Risk Management Units on early
warning systems.
Established 16 Risk Management Units at community level.
Supported agricultural practices, taking into account local customs, traditions and
ancestral knowledge to succeed in improving local capacities.
Distributed agricultural seeds (potato, quinoa, broad bean, rice, maize, kidney
bean), cassava cuttings, good quality forage seed for the short growing season,
veterinary supplies as well as communication and dissemination equipment for
the early warning systems.
Built pens to protect ewes and female llamas, as well as their young, from
adverse weather conditions and predators.
Constructed small water catchments as water harvesting systems.
Supported the sustainable management of agriculture and livestock, promoting
practices that increased production and food security.
Reduced climate change vulnerability through the establishment of basic
infrastructure, including farms and homes.
Reduced household risk to food insecurity.
Emergency Operations and Rehabilitation Division