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Okay, good morning everyone!
Okay, so for today, we’re going to learn two skills, the first one is reading, so it will
be the same as our last meeting, uh, identify main ideas, generic structure and
language features. Do you still have the handout I gave you last week? Can you show
it to me? Handout? Who doesn’t bring it? Raise your hand. Okay, so aside from
reading, you’re also going to learn writing, so you’re going to write a report text and
because we don’t have much time, I already provide you an outline, so basically you
only like compose the sentence. Idenya udah Miss kasih, kamu cuman tinggal
ngembangin kalimat, biar cepet ya. First of all is play game as usual. This is called a
“Yes, No, Maybe” game, have you ever heard of this game before? No? Do you know
Eat Bulaga? The bisa jadi one? This is the bisa jadi game. Okay? So, let’s try. For
example, the answer is flood and then one of you, um, so as usual we’re going to have
three groups, then one person from one group will come in front and I will tell him the
answer. So that person job is to stand here as an informant and he can only say “Yes,
No, or Maybe”, so the other members job is to ask questions, but the questions, of
course, need to be a yes no question. So for example, maybe from this group, they ask
“does it involve water?” and then this person will say “yes” because it’s flood right?
And then for example, group B asks “Does it come from the sea?” and then he says
“No”. And then for example, group C then ask “Does it kill people?”, “Maybe”, okay,
you get the meaning? Okay, so let’s give it a try. Who wants to volunteer from group,
okay, A, B, and C. From group C, Nixon, because you’re the only guy beside from
Mr. Remus. He’s practically my friend, so, ya. To make it fast, each group can only
ask two questions, so two questions from you, two questions from you, and two
questions from this group. Okay, so this is the answer. Do you know the Indonesian?
Do you know it? Okay, so group A, can start asking him question. You can only say
“Yes, No, and Maybe”. You cannot spoil anything. And the topic is about natural
disasters. Natural disaster. Okay? Rosintya, you want to ask him something? Cannot
guess, ask questions first. Okay, group B? Group C? Come on, ask him questions
before he got bored. Ya? Ga boleh langsung nebak. Hary. Next time ask questions
first and then you guess. Apa? Okay. What is it? Ask him, why do you ask me? Find
the English word. The second one, ask Hary. Does it kill people? Ask him again. Yes.
Yes. Not really that word. There are two words. Marco? Ya beti lah, can lah. Volcanic
eruptions. Vito. Okay. Ask him questions. Full sentence, not just the name. Cung.
Marco? Marco. Okay, the one who can guess this will get two point. This is the
hardest one. Ask him questions. Ask him questions, Vito. Hah? Come on, can
somebody guess? B. Come on, if you cannot guess, he cannot sit. Ask him word by
word. Can you find it? Give up? Give up? Give up or not? Give up? Give up or not?
Okay, just give up ya, come on sit down. One, two, three, four, five. Okay, sit down,
Marco. Okay, so kebakaran hutan is called bushfire or wildfire. Okay? New vocab.
Hah? What? Why are you sitting like that?
Okay, so now let’s read the text. Okay, so let’s read the text together. Starting from
paragraph one. Wait, let me grab mine. Where’s mine? Okay, let’s read together, from
paragraph one ya, one two three. An earthquake.
Okay, do you have any words that you don’t understand? Any hard words or
unfamiliar words? Because you are going to have another game after this so make
sure you know what the text is about. Hot seat. Atomic is like, is like a very huge
bomb, the one in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, that’s an atomic bomb. Kawasaki? Okay,
any other words? Hary. No?
Okay, so have you ever heard of a game called read and run? Read and run? You read
and then you run. Okay, from the last game with Ma’am Emil, I see that a lot of you
have a very long leg so you can run very fast. So, I just thought to try this game.
Okay, the thing is, usually if I give you comprehension questions you will fall asleep
while doing it, right? So, this time I put you in groups, still the same, A, B, and C.
And then, only one of you will be the runner. So the runner job is to run to me, get the
question, go back to your group, answer it with your group, when you are done run
back to me to check the answer, get it? No? Okay, jadi kan ada 3 grup, nanti
comprehension questionsnya ga Miss kasih. Miss kasinya cuman teks doang kan, tadi
kan udah baca, trus udah pada ngerti kan? Jadi nanti dalam satu grup, pilih 1 yang
larinya paling kenceng, nah si orang itu, nanti bakal ke Miss, bakal catet
pertanyaannya, Miss ada 10 pertanyaan. Ada 10, 5 essai, 5 lagi true and false. Okay?
Tugas yang lari itu, nanti nyatet pertanyaan, catetnya d itu aja kertasnya kan
belakangnya kosong, nanti catet disana, udah selese nyatet balik ke grup jawab sama
grup, tanya temennya suruh bantu cari. Okay? Kalo udah dapet jawabannya lari lagi
ke Miss. Kalau jawaban kamu benar, bisa lanjut ke nomor selanjutnya, yang paling
cepet beresin 10 nomor menang. Satu satu. Miss ada 10 pertanyaan. Tapi satu satu.
Do you have any questions? No.
Can we start? I sit lah. Not yet. You know what to do right? Are you ready? 1 2 3.
Find it with your group. Okay, you can make a circle. Write it down. Geological fault.
Help your friend. It’s easy you know. No. Yoi. Ya. Yep. Come on. Eng. Meh. It’s on
paragraph two. it’s short, it’s, short, it’s only a sentence. Vito, look at paragraph 2,
sum it. One more. Apoteker. Hary, done? Yep. Hah? Yep. Kenapa harus samping kiri
kanan. No. Only two, two. On the Richter scale only 2. Cuman 2 skala Richter doang
gempanya. Your answer is more than 7. No. If it’s true you don’t have to. Mana? This
is true or false ya. Nixon already number 2 loh. True or false. If it is false provide the
reason. If it is false yes. False or true? Yes. If it is false, yes. Yep. No. Vito is already
the last number loh. Yep. Ya. Richter scale. You should see Hary’s paper. You’re
supposed to be the first, you know.
Okay, so look at the handout. Okay. Let’s read the number 1 together, report text is a
text, okay. 1 2 3. Report text. Together, 1 2 3. Okay, anyway. So, report text again is
just a review from last meeting, if we talk about report text, it means that we want to
describe a certain stuff, only a certain stuff or a certain thing, and it could be natural
phenomenon, for example like earthquake, or last week we have animals, still
remember wolves and pandas? Something like that. And of course it is supposed to
contain factual information. What is factual information? Do you know what is
factual information? Factual which is fakta ya. And then as last week’s, report text
usually only talk about nature phenomenon, such as earthquake, volcanic eruption and
tsunami, animals such as what we have in the last meeting and scientific findings as I
have given the example last week, penicillin or may be cure for AIDS. And then for
generic structure, um, there are two generic structures, first one is general
classification, so in general classification, only the characteristics, and what does it
mean by characteristics, it could be about the definition, like you see from your
earthquake text, the first sentence, an earthquake is the sudden shaking of the earth’s
surface, that’s the definition, right. So, you can start the report text by talking about
the definition and you can also say how it was like. From the text, you can see, it
often happens around us and it is hard to be predicted. Earthquake, among other
natural disasters, could be deadly as it may lead to loss of life and damage of property.
So it is what earthquake looks like, it is very destructive, it could kill people. Okay,
about this one, do you understand? Yes? Let’s move on first. So, the second one, for
the generic structure is the description. So, after the generic structure is description.
And in description, of course we want to elaborate more or to explain more from the
paragraph one. Jadi general classification itu cuman kulitnya, masuk ke bagian
bawah, tuh mulai ke dalam dalamnya. Jadi ibarat kacang, yang dua biji didalamnya
itu, itu yang paragraf dibawahnya. Jadi kulit kacang itu general classification, yang
kacangnya sendiri itu yang namanya description. Okay? And, apa sih yang bisa
dipakai di description? Kalian bisa jelasin parts, kalau di earthquake, dijelasin
kenapa kan earthquake itu terjadi, bisa dari gunung berapi, bisa karena orang lagi
bikin nuclear bombs, bisa juga karena emang plate-nya itu geser kan. And also we
can say causes and effects. Causes itu berarti sebab-sebabnya, effects itu apa yang
terjadi setelah sebab itu. Cuman disini ga ada, tapi akan ada report text yang
menjelaskan effect dari earthquake, misalnya ada yang meninggal terus keluarganya
atau rumahnya ilang, something like that. So, it explains more about the earthquake,
ya. And then for exercise 2, look at your earthquake paper again. Identify the generic
structure of the text above. So, look at paragraph one, is it general classification or
description, and then for paragraph two and three also general classification or
description. The answers for that exercise are either general classification or
Okay, are you done? So, for paragraph one, uh, Malvin, what’s your answer? Not,
general, you should pronounce it general. General classification, for paragraph one,
How about paragraph two, Nixon. Description. Paragraph three, Elisa? Description.
Okay, for report text, just remember the first paragraph is always gonna be general
classification and the rest is gonna be description. That would be easy. Next, we are
going to move on to language features. So, the first, um, language feature of a report
text is general nouns, what is general nouns? In report text, as I said earlier, we only
gonna discuss one particular topic or one particular stuff. And that one particular stuff
is called general nouns. Jadi, apa sih yang dibahas, topiknya tuh apa sih, subjeknya
yang diceritain di report text tuh apa sih. That is what we called as general nouns.
Namanya tuh apa. So from the last meeting, the general noun for the exercise is wolf,
but for your evaluation or your quiz is panda. And for this one, what for this one, what
is the general noun for this paper, that we just read? Earthquake, ya. So, yeah, that’s
about it, there’s only gonna be one. The next one, simple present tense. Do you still
remember simple present tense? Still remember? So, for example this one.Susan goes
to school by car. If it is a he, she, it, or a singular subjects,what do we do with the
verbs? Do we put an -s, -es, or we just leave it bare? Still remember? Singular, we put
-s and -es. How about if it is plural? Leave it, ya. In negative sentence, Susan doesn’t
go to school. So, how’s the negative one? Do we have another addition to the verb?
Do or does, exactly. When do we use do? How about the subject? Singular or plural?
If does? Singular. How’s the verb? Do we use this verb or this verb? V1. Remember if
we have do or does, we use V1. How’s the question form? Do or does from the start
ya. How about the verb? V1. Okay. So this is the example. I f we have two subjects or
more, remember use V1 directly. So, from the text can you find any simple present
tense? A sentence that describes simple present tense. Do you see any? Yes. Just look
at paragraph 1, is there any simple present tense example in paragraph 1? Celine, do
you find one? Only look at paragraph 1, first. Happens. So, look at the second
sentence, it often happens around us. Happens there is an example of simple present
tense. So, usually if you write a report text, we only gonna be using simple present
tense, we don’t use any other tense. The last language feature, so the first one we have
general nouns, the second one we have simple present tense, the last one we have
relating verbs, so relating verbs consisted of two kinds, to be and to have. To be is am,
is, are. When do we use am? I. How about is? He, she, it. How about are? They, we, I,
you, ya. and to have, when do we use have? Can lah. How about has? he, she, it.
Remember that. So, from paragraph one, can you find any of these? Paragraph one.
Yes. An earthquake is a sudden shaking of the earth’s surface, that sentence uses is.
Okay, so now let’s try the second exercise, identify the language features of the text.
Try to do it first. Exercise di bawah yang tadi coba dikerjain. General noun is the
subject, apa sih yang dibahas di textnya.
Okay, so let's discuss it. Use of general nouns, apa sih yang dibahas di text ini? Jadi
jawabannya? Earthquake. Use of simple present tense. How many verbs can you find
that use -s or -es or without -s but it is simple present tense? Apa aja verbnya? Nemu
ga? For paragraph one tadi kan dibahas yang happens, ya kan, abis itu ada apalagi?
Disaster itu noun. No. In paragraph one look at line 4, ada come ga? Come itu present
tense ga? Earthquake comes in many forms. Then look at paragraph 2, apa lagi
simple present tense di paragraph 2? Do you find that word slip? Line 4, plates of the
earth suddenly slip over another, so this is another example. And then after that, break
apart, do you find break? Break is also another example. And then in paragraph 3, do
you find cause, line 3. Paragraph 3 line three. And most causes damage. Cause. And
then one more is releases. 8,6 earthquake releases energy, find it? Okay, so those are
the words. And then how about relating verbs? How many is can you find from the
passage? Is.
Okay, since most of you have already done the relating verbs, let's look at the small
paper I gave you. So Rio please read the paper. Yes. Okay. So do you know what to
do now? Make a report text based in the data that I have provided you, itu kan ada
nomor 1, 2, sama 3, atasnya ada first paragraph, second paragraph, third paragraph
kan. Try reading the first paragraph first. Write your full name on the paper. Make the
first paragraph first and then when you are done, call me. Use this data. From this
data, make a good sentence, this is not a good sentence right, this is point, right? So,
make a good sentence. If you have questions, ask me. Hary, be quiet. Hary. If you're
done with the first paragraph call me. Alright, move on to paragraph 2. If you have
pencil use pencil first. Pokoknya kalau singular itu pake -s, simple present tense.
Thank you all for today, I'll see you again in the next meeting.