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Study guide for lab quiz 3 Fall 2013 Biol 260 Review terms in bold in the lab introductions for labs 12, 14, 15, 17, 22. You should have a good handle on lab 12 already (UV effects) Lab12. UV. Understand the effects of UV on cells, and the possible defenses bacteria have against it. Repair, pigments, spores Why was there a section of growth and less growth when the plates partially covered with petri dish lid? See terms pg. 88. Lab. 14. Antibiotics. Review pages 103-­‐104 on antibiotics. Know the terms pg. 104. Note the difference in our bacterial culture plate spreading method for this lab. How was it different compared to when we want single colonies, and why? Understand why it is important to keep the test conditions consistent for the Kirby-­‐Bauer test. (growth conditions and age of culture used, numbers of cells, length of incubation) What does penicillin act upon? Which bacteria are susceptible to penicillin and variations of this antibiotic? Gram + or Gram -­‐? Gram +. Understand why it is important to refer to the zone of inhibition size chart (14.1) for determining resistance, or susceptibility of an organism to an antibiotic. Lab 15. Antiseptics, disinfectants. Pg. 109-­‐110, definitions on pg 110. Which was your favorite cleaning agent after this exercise and why? Why did you flame the forceps before picking up the filter paper to place onto the plates? What types of bisphenols are found in common household products including toothpaste? See top of pg. 110. Were gram negative or gram positive more or less susceptible over all to chemical treatments? Lab. 17. Bacterial Transformation. Understand the terms in bold on pg. 123. Go over the prelab questions. Why Acinetobacter? Why were there antibiotics in the medium? For our experiments, if the results were perfect, what would be expected for each section of the plate for the first experiment (5 sections). And the second plate? What is the DNAase control for? Which plate was the one to show if the susceptible strain of Acinetobacter picked up the DNA from the resistant strain of Acinetobacter? Lab. 22. Commensals…what are they? What does a gaspak do in an anaerobic jar? See flow chart also attached. What are the different media for? Mannitol Salt Agar – indicator for fermenting glucose. TSY, agar deep (shake tube), bromcresal purple slant tube. What are a few of our normal skin bacteria?