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1.0 ~ wW ~ IlO w 1.1 ~Ill 11111 25 . 1.0 .2 U .. ...... w ~ 1.1 ~ ~III~ ~W ~ IlOIj£ ~ ~ ... ... " .. M 11111 25 . I 2.0 II 111111.25 111111.4 11111.1.6 111111. 25 111111.4 111111.6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART or NATIONAL BliREAU OF S1ANDARDS·1963·A NATIONAL BUREAU STANDARDS·1963·A ======:=~~=111~~======~ BULLETI~ 10s~llWJJ~ 1929 k" , :~O::GRICULTURE r c. No. TECHNICAL. JANUARY, UNITED STATE: WASHINGTON,D. - .,' A SHORT METHOD OF CALCULATING ENERGY, PROTEIN, CALCIUM, PHOSPHORUS~ AND IRON IN THE D1ET By EDITH HAWI.EY Senior Food Eronomist, Eoonomics DW£ston, BurOOlU of Home Economic8 CONTENTS l ( l.r Earl;!' food Investigations ________ _ FOud surveys of A=Ican famIlIes__ Usual method of calculatIng energy and nutrients of the dleL_______ Shc.l't methods used by other Investigators in calculating energy, protein, and fat in dietarJes_______ _ Short method of calculating energy. protein. calclum, phosphorus, and_ _____________ iron In the dle~ Page 1 2 4 Page How to use the short-cut method___ Foods not illciuded in the short-cut method________________________ EvaluatIon of the short-cut method_ Summary and conclusions________ Literature clted________________ 9 10 11 19 19 - , /) G EARLY FOOD INVESTIGA,TIONS I;: Since the beginning 01 history much interest has centered around the food habits of mankind. The earliest records are contained in the laws of primitIve people prescribing more or less rigid rules of diet. Many books of travel, ancient and modern, reflect this same interest in the descriptions of the food habits of foreign peopJes. Though these may give a good picture of the type of food eateil in various countries and methods of preparation, they are in the main based on opinions and impressions gathered hastily and oftentimes colored by prejudice. At best this is purely qualitative information. To-dAy the demand is for data on food habits that can be expressed quantitatively. Interest in quantitative food data began to davelop somewhat over a hundred years ago in connection with standard-of-living studies in Europe. Since then a great deal of material has been collected in the United States as well as in other countries, but analysis of the data in terms of welfare is almost negligible. en Eden (3)1 in 1797 published a description of the life of about 100 It~oor families in England. The amount which each family expended ~or six (,r seven food groups is shown. .A.bout the middle of the ~ Itr~~~I------------------------------------------------------OJ.1Jleference Is made by italic numbers in parentheses to .. Literature cited," page 19. e::: \ 21810·-29-1 1 c::r: ;E ~ I 2 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 105, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULT~E l nineteenth century LePlay (6) described in great detail the way 54 workingmen's 1amilies in various countries lived, and gave informa tion on the amount and value of the food consumed. Ducpetiaux (93) about the same time reported on th~ standards of living, including amount expended for various foods, for 199 Belgian families taken from three income levels--dependent, self-supporting but saving noth ing, and self-supporting with surplus. In all of these reports each family was treated as a unit. Eden and LePlay made no attempt to classify or to summarize their data. Ducpetiaux, on the other hand, made 1m elaborate classification of the expenditures of the families studied by him but did not summarize the material. In 1857 Engel (4-) l as head of the Saxon Statistical Bureau, pub lished the results of a study on production Ilnd consumption in Saxony, in which he used 235 cost-of-living records recently published by Ducpetiaux and LePlay. This is the first careful statistIcal study of such material. These early studies have been followed by others of the san:,- kind and more oJ' leSt:) extensive in scope in practically every European country. FOOD SURVEYS OF AIUERICAN FAMILIES _IIJII Cost-of-living studies for families were begun in the United States about 15 years after the Saxon report. In 1875 the Massachusetts Bureau ol Statistics of Labor (7) reported an investigation of the cost of living of 397 workingmen's families in Massachusetts and a little later began a study of the dietary habits of workingmen's fam ilies (8). During the 50 years that have elapsed since that work ~ was started, a mass of information concerning food habits has become , available. Dietary studies differ in certain respects from cost-of-living and standard-of-living studies. As the name indicates only the food consumed by an individual or a group is investigat.ed in dietary studies, whereas in cost-of-living and standard-of-living ~tudies not only food but all of the items that go to make up the living are included. The methods commonly used in collecting information pertaining to food habits for the two types of studies differ. In mo.st dietal'y studies the actual quantity ni food consumed. during a stateti time, usually one or two weeks, is weighed and recorded. It is assumed that food habits are about the same from week to week, and the results presumably give a good picture of the food consumed at least during that season. In studies of standllrd or of cost of living, on the other hand, the quantity and cost of the food coru;umed j uuring the preceding year is generally e!'timated. Figures collected ~ by thIS method contam more inaccura )i~S than those obtained by careful dietary studies, but they have the possible advantage of including sea.sonal differences in food consumption. This method also lends itself more readily to -the collection of a larger number of food recordr::. About 80 studies of food consumption and cost, covering from 1 to 25.440 families, have been made in the United States since 1875. l From them information on food habits is available in more or less detail for 75,283 families. For approximately 5 per cent of these , families dietary studies Tere made, and for 95 per cent the food SHORT METHOD OF CALCUL..\ .TING NUTRIENTS IN THE DIET 3 information was gathered as part of cost-of-living or standard-of living investigations. In most cases some analysis and summary have been made of the food data; but, considering the wealth of material available, the information that has been gleaned from it is scanty. . The extent of analysis of these food r"ecords is ~hown in Table 1. The average cost of food per family has been calculated in 32 of the studies, or 94.7 per cent of the total !lumber of records collected. In 41.3 per cent 'of the tot..l the records were analyzed to determine the average quantity of various foodstuffs .consumed. Such calcu lations were made for only $) or 10 foodstuffs in some of the investi gations, wher"eas in others they were carried through the entire diet. The amount of energy and protein, or energy, protein, and minerals yielded by the average diet of the group was calculated in four studie.s, which include only 3.9 per cent of the total number of records collected: Some aspect of the average diet has therefore been studied in many of the investigations, but for purposes of popular education in nutrition it is necessary to know whether the average is typical of one group or whether the deviations point to a nutritional cvndition different from that L'ldicated by the average. This necessitates careful stndy 'nf individual family diets and has been given to only 1.2 per cent of the 75,283 records collected. 1.-E:ctent of analysi8 of food, records from, 75,288 American families made by'-nvcstigators wha collected< then~ during the period 18"15 to 1928 TABLE Factors studied Number Analysis of specified fac· or studies with Records analyzed tor according to average diet of grOUD or to diet of =:Z~d for specified factor lndividuallamily for speci· fied factor Cost.... ....................................... Ave..aga........____..__•__ Quantity of various roodstuJIs consumed ............do..........____....... :Energy and protein .................................do.................... Energy, protein. minerals ...........................do...____..__.......__ Energy, protein, cost........................... Individual................ Energy, protein, minerals, cost......................do................... 32 11 2 2 29 6 Number Per unl 71, SOl 31, 119 2,600 330 565 871 9·1. 7 41.3 3.5 0.4 0.8 1.2 Probably the analyses have in most cases been adequate for the problems the investiga.tors were considering, but to-day questions are being asked for which there are no ready answers obtainable from these studies. In 1920 Pearl (.9) published figures showing the aver age American diet for the years 1911 to 1918. Nutritionists aHd wel fare workers ask whether there are significant deviations from this average diet; and if so, among what people they occur and what are ~heir causes. Certain students of the agricultural situation ask ' whether production and consumption of the main foodstuffs can not be made to balance in the United States. Economists interested in the welfare of the consumer want to know whether such a production program is conducive to the health and well-be.ing of the consumer. There are local differences in food ha.bits. Distributers want to know what these differences are in order to eliminate waste in marketing. The questions asked by the economists and business men could in many cases be answered by consumption figures derived from produc _ . 4 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 105, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRIOULTURE non, export, and import statistics. But when changes are groposed; the nutritionist and welfare worker ~mmediately ask, 'Are the changes that you propose in the interest of the consumer'S: w"lfare ~ " "Will the quality of his diet be improved or at least maintained at its present level ~" In order to answer these questions it is necessary to consider not only the hundred or more foodstuffs as they are re ported but 5 to 10 of the nutrients of which they ar~ composed. This leads the investigator into long and tedious calculations. If, in addi tion to information on the average diet~ a knowledge of the nutri tional value of the food consumed by the individual families is de sired, a formidable amount of statistical work becomes necessary. USUAL METHOD OF CALCULATING ENERGY AND NUTRmNTS OF THE DIET .According to the present knowledge of nutritive requirements, food is recognized as containing at least 20 elements or combinations of elements essential for normal growth and development. These in elude 10 minerals, 6 unidentified substances called vitamins, water, and 3 energy-yielding food constituents-fat, carbohydrate, and pro tein. A complete analysis of a dietary would include a study of all the food constituents, but f(''';" various reasons this is not done in actual practice. Of the 10 minerals that are required, according to present knowl edge only 4--calcium, phosphorus, iron, and iodine-are likely to be furnished in insufficient amounts in the diet. For the first three,. average composition figures are availaLle for most foods, and con siderable study has been made of the amount of each required for grQwth and maintenance. They are therefore commonly included in an analysis of a dietary. lodme, on the other hand, has not been studied sufficiently to justify its inclusion in a dietary analysis. Nor is it yet possible to measure vitamins quantitatively, since they have not been isolated as chemical individuals. .The relative values of many foods as sources of vitamins, however, have been ascertained through animal experimentation, and the amount needed in the nutri tion of these animals is fairly well established. In setting up vitamin standards for man the best that can be done ~\!.t present IS to suggest that the foods which are especially good sources of the various vita mins be used to furnish a liberal proportion of the energy of the diet. Since the danger of water deficiency is so slight its inclusion in a dietary analysis is deemed unnecessary. Energy, measured in calo ries, is most commonly used as an indication of the nutritive value of the diet. This is sound, for without enough food to meet activity demands the bodv will use up its own substance to keep itself going. When this occurs the body's requirement of the other constituents IS increased. 'rhe actual amount of fat and carbohydrate in the diet is sometimes ascertained in addition to total energy. But since experi ments have shown that within wide limits the human body is able to use either of these nutrients advantageously for energy, their detailed study in a dietary analysis seems unnecessary. Protein, on the other hanel, is important, not only for the enersr it yields, but even more for growth and repair and IS usually studIed separately. The analysis of a dietary therefore commonly involves the deter mination of energy and four to six food constituents. Such an analy i j ~ SHORT METH(lD OF OALOULATING NUTRmNTS !N 'rHE nmT 5 sis is usually made by finding the amount of energy· and nutrients furnished by each food consumed and then totaling them to 9,scertain the amount furnished by the total diet. These fi~ures are compared with the estimated need of the individual or the family to determine whether the di<';!t, according to present standards, is adequate for growth, maintenance, and activity. When the food consumed by a family is studied by this method for energy, protein, calcium, phosphorus) and iron content, it necessitates the multiplication of the number of grams or pounds of each food stuff used, by five factors. If fat and carbohydrate are also in cluded in the analysis the number of multiplications for each food stuff is increased to seven. Since a family dietary contains on the average from 45 to 55 foodstuffs analysis by the item-by-item method means approximately 250 to 350 multiplications. In this bureau with equipment suitable for such work, the calculation of the nutri tive value of a dietary by this method requires about two and a half hours. If the num.bel' of records to be. analyzed. is large, the time needed for such a study makes it almost prohibitive. SHORT METHODS USED BY OTHER INVESTIGATORS IN CALCU. LATING ENERGY, PROTEIN, AND FAT IN DIETARIES . , I Because the item-by-item method of calculating tlie nutritive value of a diet is time consuming and the need of a quick method of evalu,. ating a dietary was recognized, two shorter methods have been proposed. Hunt (5) was the first to suggest such a possibility. In 1918 she ,published a plan by which the amourtt of energy and protein in a ~iet could be quickly estimated. According to her method the foods are divided into five. groups, namely, vegetables and fruits; protein;. rich foods; cereals, bread, an~ otl~e~ bak~ry goods; swe~ts; I1:nd fatty foods. Each of these groups IS dIVIded mto two subgroups, .caUed ~ and 13, to provide primarily for energy .difi'erences.·· Energy values are assigned to each group arid protein vall!-es to all ex?e,Pt the swee~s, In Subgroup A are classed the foods havmg compositlon~figul'es ill close agreement with these values, and in Subgroup B are li~ted those that differ widely from' those values. The total weight of the foods in Subgroup B is mUltiplied by a weight factor that brings it to a basis equivalent with the foods of Subgroup A. The result is ndded to the weight of the foods in Subgroup A. This total is then mUltiplied by the values for energy ar protem or both. The results of these calculations for the 5 main groups of foods can then be quickly added to find the energy and protein value of the entire diet. For example, under vegetables and fruit;::; are the Subgroup A, which includes fresh and canned vegetables and fruits, and the Subgroup B, those that are dried. In order to find the nutritive value of all the fruits and vegetables used, the total weight of the foods in Subgroup B is multiplied by 6 and this value is added to the weight of foods in Subgroup A. To determine the energy yalue of the foods in this group, the total number of pounds given by the above calculation is multiplied by 250 calories, and to find the protein value expressed in pounds the total weight is divided by 70. Values for the other four groups are obtained in a similar manner, and the total for the entire diet is thus quickly found. 6 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 105, U. S. DEPT. OF AG;&:rCULTURE RlUlt cited three dietaries by which she tested the accuracy of her method. In all cases the energy values agreed within 2.5 per cent with the figures obtained by the item-by-item calculations. The pro tein values showed greater fluctuations, but the errors did not exceed 6 per cent. Hunt pointed out that the chance of accuracy was greatly increased by a. varied diet, a fact that enhances the value.of the method, because it is for the diets containing a wide variety of food stuff's that a short-cut method is most needed. T".,e second method for simplifying such calculations was proposed by Rose (10) in 1920. His method provides for ascertaining the total energy value as well as the protein and fat. in the diet directly 'and the percentage of carbohydrate by difference. It is more elaborate than Hunt's and requires somewhat more time for computation. On a wide variety of diets it would doubtless give greater accuracy be cause a greater range of factors is used in rendering the weights of the foods equivalent. Rose diVIdes the foodstuffs into seven main groups-namely, cereals and cere!).! products, dry legumes and shelled nuts, ve~etables and fruits, ce:;::bohydrates, iats, foods rich in fat and protem, and animal p!'oducts exclusive of whole milk and fats. The cereals and cereal products are arranged in six subgroups, but eight correctional factors are assigned to each of the constituents1 energy, protein, and fat, for the equalization of the various SUbgroups. This is the method carried out in all of the main groups. Dry legumes and shelled nuts consist of 2 subgroups and 3 correctional factors for each constituent; vegetables and :fruits. 6 subgroups and 9 correc tional factors each i carbohydrates, 2 subgroups and 2 factors to cor rect for total calorles; fats, 2 subgroups and 3 factors to correct for total calories; foods rich in fat and protein, 4 subgroups Rnd 7 fac tors each to correct for total, protein, and fat calories; and animal products exclusive of whole inilk and fats, 11 subgroups and 12 correctional factors each. Energy values for total calories, protein, and fat are assigned to each of the seven main groups. After multiplying the various food stuffs in a given group by the correctional factor to render the weights of the group e9,uivalent to one another, the total weight for the group is multiplIed by the energy values assigned for the three con'" stituents to find the value of the group. Each of the seven groups is treated in this way, and the sum of the values obtained gives the . total, the protein, and the fat calories of the diet. . In evaluating his method RoSe compared the results obtained by it with those obtained by the item-by-item method and with those by Hunt's method, but he does not estimate the degree of accuracy that may be expected by the use of his short method. ~ I SHORT :METHOD OF CALCULATING ENERGY, PROTEIN, CALCIUM. PHOSPHORUS, AND lRON IN THE DIET When the task of studying some 3,000 records of food consumption of farm families recently arose in the Bureau of Home Economics, the need of n. quick method of computing nutritive value was again em phasized. The methods of Runt (5) and Rose (10), described above, provide only for the calculation of the energy, protein, fat, and carbo l SHORT :METHOD OF CALCULATING NUTRIENTS·IN THE DIET 7 hydrate of the diet. Since the three minerals-calcium, phosphorus, and iron-are so often deficient, it seemed desirable to include these minerals.in the analysis of the farm diet. A third short-cut method of computing a dietary was therefore develo:ped. . This method provides for the calculation of the energy, protein, calcium, phosphorus, and iron in the diet, and is designed for foods as purchased. It should give satisfactory results when used in the analysis of any varied diet, either for family or institution, if it is based on raw foodstuffs as they are usually purchased. In most dietaries that have been analyzed by the item-by-item method the weight of the foodstuffs consumed has been given in grams. Like the methods of Hunt and ...10se, this short-cut method provides for the use of the pound instead of the gram as tIle unit of weight. It is also based on a principle similar to theirs, and the classification of foods follows the same general lines; that is, the common groupings are used, fruits and vegetables, fats and sugar, meat, milk, and cereals•. Fruits and vegetables are divided into four groups, and cereals into two: The classification of 133 foods is shown in Table 2; and the factors for use in adjusting the nutritive value of the foods, to corre spond with the nutritive value of the group in which they occur, are shown in Table 3. The foods are arranged in each group in the order of decreasing calorie value. 2."'-cllJ88ification Of 133 foods used in· shorl-cut methotl develop~ in, Bureau of Home Economics for analyzing a diet, 1xI.wd on. foods as purcha.~etJ (.:1. P.) e07Jcept token, specified a8 edible portion, (E. P.) TABLE Group 1: Figs, dried. Citron, dried. OUves, g r e e n, pickled. Raspberries. Figs, fresh. Parsnl~. Carrots. Strawberries. Turnips. Okra. Rutllbagas. Clams, In shell. Chard. Caullfiower. Kobl-rabl (E. P.). Grallefrnlt. Oranges. Lemons. Rhubarb. Lettuce. Celery. Group 2: Pecans, In shell. Apricots, drlelJ. Potatoes, sweet. Plums. Grapes. Cherries. Apricots, fresh. Penrs. B1ackbl'rries. Currants, fresh. Onions. Pl'aches. Apples. Beets. . Eggpiant(E.P.). Peppers. green. Tomatoes. RadiShes. Group 2-Contd. Muskmelon. Squash. Cucumbers. Pumpkin. Watermelon. Group 3: Coconut, dried. Currants. dried. Prunes, dried.· Raisins. Dates, dried. Tapioca. Apples, dried. Honey. Potatoes. Bananas. Dandellon greens. Mushrooms. Clams (E. P.). Oysters (E. P.). Beans, string. Spinach. Cabbage. Asparagus. PineapplE' (E.P.). Cranberries. Group 4: Peas, dried. Beans, drIed. Beans, kidney, drIed. U!ntlls, dried. Beans, lim a, dried. Chestnuts. Eggs. Peas, green, In pods. Beans, lim a • green, In pods. Corn, fresh. Grou£a~ Oils, table. Butter. Margarlns. Jelly. Sugar. Group 6: Pork, salt. Bacon. Sausage. Ham, smoked. Goose. Mutton. Pork. Beef. corned. Lamb. Turkey. ]kef (A. P.). Beef (E. P.). Beef. dried. Fowl. Liver. Veal. Group 7: Cheese, Ameri can. Cream, 40 per cent milk fat. ~lI1k. condensed. Cream, 18.5 per cent milk fat. Milk, whole, fresh. Milk, skimmed, fresh. Buttermilk, Whey. Group 8: Peanuts, in shell. Flo u r , buck wheat. .Group _8-Colltd. Walnuts, Enlt Ush, in she~ Fish containing more than I) per cent fat. Cheese, cottage. Almonds. In shell. Fish containing less than I) per cent fat, Group 9: Cocoa. Chocolate. Bran, wheat. Cowpeall, dried-. Oatmeal. Flour, graham. Wbeat, shredded. Flour~ wholewheat. Corn mllaL Flour, rye. Hominy. Bread, graham. Bread, wholewhl'at. Bread, rye. Group 10: MacaronI. Flour. white•. Crackers. Furlna. Rice. Coconut, fresh, In shell. Bread, white. Breall. Boston brown. .... 8 TEOHNICAL BULLETIN 105, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRIOULTUR:E Reference to Tab~e 3 shows that one factor is used for adjusting the protein, calcium, phosphorus, and iron values of each food to meet the four values assigned to the group. Such a limitation natu rally makes the classification of 133 foods difficult. In meeting this problem the first step was to find the amount of nutrients yielded by 1 pound of each of the foodstuffs. This calculation showed a range in the 133 foods of about 90 grams £oi.' protein, 1.4 grams for cal cium, 2.3 grams for phosphorus, and 0.04 gram for iron. A few foods that were outside these limits were disregarded at this point. In order to classify the foods according to their importance they were arranged in 10 groups for each of th~ four nutrIents, and the groups were numbered from low to high. A food, for instance, might be in Groups 1 and 2 for the four nutrients, being low in all of the constituents. Or it might be in Group 7 for protein, 2 for calcium, '{ for P~\'.\sphorus, and 8 for iron, being therefore a food rather high in protein, phosphorus, and iron, and low in calcium. On the basis of this classification 10 groups were defined as fol lows: (1) Foods that are relatively better sources of calcium than of protem, phosphorus, and iron; (2) foods in which all of the nutrients are of about the same relative importance; (3) foods in which iron is of relatively more importance than- the other three nutrients; (4) foods inwhich calcium is relatively low and the other three nutrients high; (5) foods that are lacking or practically lack ing in the four nutrients; (6) animal foods in which calcium is rela tively low, protein high, and phosphorus and iron intermediate; (7) foods in which calcium is relatively high, iron low, and protein and phosphorus intermediate; (8) foods In which protein and phos phorus are relatively high and calcium and iron low; (9) vegetable foods in which calcium is relatively low, protein high, and phos phorus and iron intermediate; and (10) foods in which protein is relatively higher than the other three nutrients. The foods were classified. on this basis. During the period of test ing the method, however, changes were made when it was discovered that some of the foods as they stood tended to invalidate the results. It was found that some foods could not be satisfactorily grouped; sO they will need to be calculated separately when they occur in the diet. Others, in the prOCess of testing the method, were shifted from one group to another in order to overcome the difficulties that arose. After the foods had been classified, nuh'itive values were assigned to each group. Thel'le are shown in Table 3 under Nutritive value of groups per calorie-pounds and protein-mineral-pounds. In Group 1 the protein and mineral values are based on the vegetables that play an important part in the diet; namely, carrots, turnips, lettuce, celery, and parsnips. The energy value of many of the vegetables in the group approximates 150 calories per pound. Dried figs and citron, on the other hand, yield about ten times that amount of energy. Because of this wide difference and because 300, or twice the energy value of the vegetables, is an easier figure to use, this energy value is assigned to Group 1. A similar adjustment is made in Group 2. The protein and mineral values assigned to the group are based on the composition figures of sweet potatoes, but the energy value is one-half of that yielded by sweet potatoes. ", TABLE ~. .., ;, 3.-F'or·m for calculating the nutritive value of the diet, showing calorie and protein-mineral factors for 1{18 foods and energy. protein, calcium, phosphorus, and iron values for each group Equivalent F-"'-I Equivalent N n... '""Uve valne or groups per ,........ _T.". Equivalent ,",,"'lO' weight ,.,-ponnds an d proteIn-m Inoral-pounds weight Factors! weight Quan- , __---,.___ 11 ~~·I--.---II ---.----~~.I---._--_1I--------_.I----.-----~--.----.·--~~--.--t1ty , \ con Food groups con Food groups Proteln Proteln sumed CalorieFood groups Calorie OalorieFood groups Cal""'" mmOcobsned.-) Calorieo:""p Energy Protein Cal· Phos Proteln- Bumed min· Obs.) ~~ Calorie mln Calorie mIn- (Ibs.) Calorie~ ~~ --~ ~~ ~~~ pounds ~. ~ pounds pounds pounds eral pounds _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I----------lil~--------I---------·II------------------11-------1-----------1--1------.-Equivalent weight Factors 1 flo Fartors I , _ _~_ _I Qaan· , _ _-:-_ _ 11 ,tity ,- ~::~_~ Figs, drled__ _____________ l OItron, drled---------------------l 5.0 5.0 Strawberrles_____________________ TO~_lps ___--_-_-_-__--_:_-:-__--_-_-_-_-_-_-__--_-_-_-_-_-_ .... u Rutabagas_______________________ Clams, in shelL__________________ Ohard_________________._________ Oauiffiow&_____________ .________ Kohl.rabl (E. P.)________________ .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 P~~- drd;~-:------------- 5.0 ________________________ \ 0C'oconur' 1.0 ________________ ________ urran s, rl _________________ ~~iliTh~==:~1~~~~3 i:j tl ~~~~f==I~~ffi~: m==~~ ~~~~m~~~~~i 8~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::: :g5 Lemons f~~~:~~==::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:::=: :~ Celery.__________________________ .2 ________ ________ ________ Honey__________________________ ________________ -------- 1 Bananas._______________________ Potatoes___________ ••__ ••_._.___ ________________________ ___________. ___ • ________ Dandelion green\l ..______________ ________ ________ ________ Mushrooms_____________________ ________ ________ ________ Clams (E. P.)___________________ 1.7 ._______ ________ ________ Oysters (E. P.) _________________ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 3.0 1.7 ________ ________ ________ Beans, strIng____________________ :g :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ~~~~~~e:::::::::::::::::::::::: A.spnragus 6 t 1: gI:::::::: ::::::::=::::::: t~:~~1J~::~:~=====:::::=::=: 1. U ,____________________ • ___ ~~i~. sum(~bnSe.·)d ~:~:~_~ Pr~~~- 3.0 1.0 2.0 ________ ________ ________ 2. 0 ________ ________ ________ Pork, RnIt __ ..___________ Bacon__________________________ 3.5 2. 6 0.1 _________________.______ .6 ------------------------ 1.0 .3 .3 .3 .2 .2 .2 .1 .2 ________ 1________ ________ Beef,comed_____________________ .5 Lamb.._________________________ .2 Turkey---------.--------------1.0 ________ [________ ________ Beef (A. P.)--------.-----------1. 0 ________.________ ________ Beef (E. P.)___._________________ 1.2 1.0 1.0 .9 .9 .7 1.0 _______ . ________ ________ Liver-----------------.--------1: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: Veal____________________________ .6 -5 .9 .8 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.7 .9 1.3 1.0 Pmtemln~- Group 9 1.5 ~~~~.;i:::::::::::::::::::: 1.5 Flo:, ~hole-WbMC:::::::::::l Com Flour,meal______________________ rye_______________________ Hominy________________________ Bread, j:rahBm_______._______ -------- .------- -------- Bread, whole-wheat..__________ ---------------- -------- Bread, rye_____________________ 1.0 1.0 1.0 LO .7 •7 ~=- - II~:~~~ --~~~.!~- -~~~- -~~~:~- -~~- :::::=== ::=::: 1_ 7 ________ ________ ________ L.______________ 1_0 -------- -------- -------- 2_____ 200 ,,'5.075 16 0019 Hit! ~ = :~ ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~:~, fi:~=:~~~::~1jj~m~~ n :I ~~==~==:~~~~~~~ ~~::~~~~ ~..:i=:::=::=:-:-= Ui:! ~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~ ~~~:==~::::~::: ::~;:::~~::::::~: ::~~:m~~:== ~::m -------1 :~1 :~ :'_::::::1:::::::: :::::::: 1.5 --------1-------- -------1.5 -------. -------- -------- FBo~L~~~~::·_:::::::::::::_--__-_-_--_ .71 ~ :~ :::=:::: ::::::=: :::::::: .5 I -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------------- -------- -------_______ .j'_------- _______. .------- -------- ------- -------- -------- -------- .7 :: .5 .5 .3 .7 .6 .4 --3;500- ------i'5' ---~ii7ii- ----~Ci7- --~ooiii- :::::::: :::::: . . --1;000- --- - -7ii~ii- --~ii4i-----:75---~iiiiii:::::::: :::::: -------- -------- -------- i 7.______ - ----- ·---300- ----·i~ii- --500- ------'2- ---ooio- -------- ------_--.-_:-_-_::_:_:_ :_-_._:-_.:__=_:.: _::_-_-_:-_-_::_:_1 8________-_· __- _____ ---·50--0-- -----90.---0-..- --.•~200---- ---1-.~02--- ---.-MM- -.--_-_:._._=-_._::. -_._:_:_::_-_- :_:_:_:_:_:_:__: :_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_ -_-:_:_:_:_:_:_':_1 5________•_______ ________________________ , 6________________ """" 9________________ 10_______________ ----- --i;Giiii' -----iiO."ii- ---~3OO- ---i~7ii' --~iii7ii' :::::::: :::::: --i;6OO- -----5LO --:ioo- ----~42- --~OO4ii' :::::::: :::::: Total__________________________________ -------- -------- -------Nutritive nIue of diet GroupS Group t Pecans, in shelL ___ . ____________ .! Apricots, drled.------------------i Potatoes, sweet.-----------------1 g~~:.::::==:::==:::::::=:=====lf· ~:rs~~:_f~~~.:::::::::::::::::::, 1 BlackberrIes_____________________ Currants, fresh___________________ Onions________________________ .__ Peaches________________________ __ .Apples___________________________ Boots____________________________ Eggplant (E. P.)_________________ ~: ~ 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .5 iii~~~=:=:::==::=:=:=:::: :.5~ Muskmelon______________________ Squash___________________________ Cucumbers______________________ .5 .3 ~~~on_=~:::::::::::::::=::: :~ Peas, drled______________________ Beans, dried__________ ._________ Beans, kidney, dried__ •________ • Lentils, dried___________________ Beans, lima, dried.. ____________• Chestnuts________ .._____ •_____ ._ :~ .8 _______________________ _ ~~;groon~-iiip.;dS::::::::::::: 1.0 -------- -------- ________ 1 1.2 ____• ___________ --------, Com, fresh______________________ I:::::::: :::::::: :::::::: 1.2 ________________ --------: .6 •_______________ -_______ . .4 ________________ --------, 1.0 _______________________ • 1.0 Group 7 ~ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 .9 :~ Cheese, .AmericaD______________ _ Cream, 40% milk fat •__________ _ Milk, condimsecL ______________ _ Cream, 18.5% milk fat_________ __ Milk, fresh ____• __________ 1.5 -------- -------- -------- Milk, whole, skimmed, fresh _____________ .6 ________ -------- -------- Buttermilk________ •___________ Whey_________________________ __ 2.0 2.0 2. 0 2.0 :~ :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: . -,......... ,.,,,"----,------,.1 -,.1 1------------------------ ________ -------- ------------TotaL ____________________ -------- -------- -------- -------- -------. i Lard____________________________ Oils, table_______________________ Butter__________________________ Margarius______________________ Jelly___________________________ • Sugar___________________________ .6 .6 :g:::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ---f-----+-----I------~' Total. _____________________________________ -------- -------- --------1 6.0 6.0 5.0 3.0 1.0 .5 .5 .5 1.2 1. 2 1.0 1.0 .5 .5 0.0 ________ -------- -------0.0 1________ ------.- -------- f: g-_._-_ ..._._ . : :'.-.:'_=:: -_::::::: 1.0 ________ -------- ----.--0.0 ________ -------- -------- =::=:::=1===::::: :::::::: TotaL __ m_m ____ m ___ . __ m __ I·____ Group 8 Group ij 1:.4 Group 10 MBC81'oni. _•___________________ _ 7.0 Flour, whlte____________________ .8 Crackers________________________ 3.0 Farina__________________________ .8 Rlce_________. __________________ 1.0 1.0 --------'.------- -------- Coconut, fresh, in shelL_______ _ Bread, white___________________ _ 1.0 Bread, Boston brown___________ .4 Peanuts, In shelL ______________ _ Flour, buckwheat_____________ _ Walnuts, English, in shell______ _ Fish containIng more than 5% fat _______ •.. __________________ Cheese, cottage__________________ Almonds, in Shell______________ _ Fish containing less than 5% fat 4.0 3.0 1.7 1.0 1.0 .7 .4 .7 .6 1.2 -------- -------- --------\ 1. 5 L__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II ____E_X_trB _ _ _ _.I.P_OUD __ds __ C_al_orI_es __ Pro_teln __ 1.0 ________ ________ ________ .4 ______________________ __ .4 2.0 2.0 .4 _______________________ _ Total_____________________________________ -------- -------- -------- 1 I The figures used in this method are derived from the composition figures published by Atwater and Bryant (1) and Sherman (1f) for foods as purchased (A. P.) unless otherwise indicated 88 E. P., meanIng edihIiI portion. Equlva- Equi!R' lent lent 1.0 -------- -------- -------Cal Phos· 1.0 -------- -------- -------weight Energy weIght Pro Group tein cium phorus Iren 1.0 -------- -------- -------calorieI~ .9 -------________ -------________ -------________ pounds pounds .4 .9 __ ______________ --_----..11--------1-- - - - - - - - - - - - ---- --- ~ 2.0 Calorl.. Gra17l3 Gram, Gram 1______ ...._____________________________ . Graf1l3 ______________________• ____ __ --1==== - m l - -T-o-tB-L- - - - - - - - . .,- ;- - - .- - -. .;-I- - - -_- _- ~- - - - =- =- -4- - - - - - -=- :- - - - - - - -:- ~- - -_.- - ---------I---.J---II ToteL ____ • _______________ -------. -------- -------- -------- ------- 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 cf_C_::n_-_I~ Gra1M Gra1M Grams ~::=:::===i=~::=~~~~~:~~~~~~l~~ l~~: -'=::::::: ::=:::::: -:=--=:: :::::::: :::::::: =::::: _Ir_on_ 5_______________ Gram ... _____________ ; _____________ ...........__________________.....___ ............. 1."...-- ____ ....__ :~:::::: :~:=~::=::::J~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~===~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ..1:::::::: :::::::= =::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::::: :::::: 8..____________ 1-------- ----- ------- ------- -------- -------- ----- ~~~~~=:==I~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ m~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~t:::::: ::==~=. ~:~::~ da;.:I_______ ----- ------- :::::::::::::::: -------- -------- ::::~::: -------- ------ - -- - ---·1---+----1----11 TOt.aL __ TotaL____________________________________________________________ . Per man per 21810"-211. (Face p. 8.) SHOR~ METHOD OF CALCULATING NUTRIENTS IN THE DIET ,9 In the same way the dried beans and peas are used' as the basis of the energy value for Group 4, but the protein and ~neral values assigned to the group are about one-half those YJ.eldedby the dried legumes. The dried fruits are used as the basis of the nutritive value figures for Group 3; butter is used in Group 5; beef in Group 6; T/hole milk in Group 7; oatmeal in Group 9; and white flour in Group 10. The nutritive values of Group 8 were determined largely by the trial-and-error method. • After suitable nutritive values were assigned to the 10 groups, two factors were calculated for each foodstuff (Table 3). The factors headed Calorie are designed for use in finding the number of calorie pounds yielded by the various foods, and those headed Protein mineral for use in calculating the number of protein-mineral pounds. They were ascertained by dividing the actual cheinical composition figures for the food by the nutritive values assigned to the group in which that food occurs. The composition figUres published by Atwater and Bryant (1), Rose (11), and Sherman (liB) were used in this calculation. For' instance, with carrots the method may be applied a.s follows: One pound of carrots yields 159 calories. This figure is then divided by 300, the energy value assigned to Group 1 in which carrots occur, and gives 0.5, the calorie factor by which the number of pounds of carrots consumed is to be multiplied. One pound of carr'ots also yields 4.1 grams of protein, 0.197 gram of calcium, 0.161 gram of p~hosphorus, and 0.0021 gram of 'iron. Since the protein and mineral values of Group 1 are similar, being 4 for protein, 0.20 for calcium, 0.16 for phosphorus, and 0.002 for ir'on, the protein-mineral factolr for carrots is 1. Not all of the protein-Jrrlineral factors given in Table 3, however, gives values which agree with the composition figur'es as closely as does that for carrots. Take spinach, for example. The composition figures for spinach are 9.5 grams of prot~in per pound, 0.303 gram of calcium, 0.308 gram of phosphorus, and 0.0163 gram of iron. The values a.ssigned to GI'oup 8, in which spinach occurs, are 15 grams of protein, 0.10 gram of calcium, 0.40 gram of phosphorus, and 0.009 gram of iron. By following the method jut'- described, the values obtained are 0.7 for protElin, 3 for calcium, 0.8 for phosphorus, »ond 1.8 for iron. After expedmentation with a number of diets, however, the factor 1.5 was choseu a.s giving the best results. If spinach played an unusually important part in any dietary, however, the results would be considElrably invalidated by these discrepancies. Adjustments rsimilar to those made for spinach were made for many of the foods. HOW TO USE THE SHORT-CUT METHOD A sample dietary is wOlrked out in Table 4 to show how the method is used. The quantities ill pounds of the various foodstuffs consumed are inserted under the heading Quantity consumed. These figures are multiplied by the cruorie and protein-mineral factors j.n order to find the equivalent weights in calorie-pounds and protein-mineral pounds. The column of calori.e-pounds for each ~oup is totaled and entered in the column hleaded Equivalent weIght calorie-pounds in the section Nutritive value of diet. Each of these group totals is 21810'-29--2 10 TEOHNICAL BULLETIN 105, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTUBE then multiplied by the energy value for its respective group,as given in the section Nutritj.ve value of groups per calorie-pounds and pro tein-mineraI-pounds. The results so obtained represent the number of calories in. ea~h group ?f foods ~ the diet and. are entered in the Ener~ column ill the sectIOn NutrItive value of dIet. ThIs same procedur'e is followed for th~ remaining nutrients by multiplying the group totals by the protein, calcium, phosphorus, and iron group values. After all the entries are made in the section on Nutritive value of diet, totals are struck, and the total calories and grams of protein, calcium, phosphorus, and iron furnished by the diet are obtained. This will be more readily understood if a computation is carried through. In the dietary shown in Table 4 there are two foods, rasp berries and carrots, which belong in Group 1. The figures, 0.8 pound and 4.5 pounds are, respectively, inserted after raspberries and car rots in the column Quantity consumed. Since the calorie factor for raspberries is 1 the value 0.8 is carried over to the calorie-pounds column under Equivalent weight. The protein-mineral factor for raspberries is 1.5; therefore, the value 1.2 (0.8 multiplied by 1.5) is inserted in the protein-mineral pounds column under Equivalent weight. For carrots the calorie factor is 0.5 and the protein-mineral factor is 1. The value 4.5 is therefore multiplied by these factors, and the results, 2.3 calorie pounds and 4.5 protein-mineral pounds, are inserted in the proper columns under Equivalent weight. These values are totaled and carried to the columns for calorie pounds and protein-mineral pounds of Group 1 unde-r Nutritive value of diet, at the lower right-hand side of the page. For this group they are 3.1 calorie-pounds and 5.7 protein-mineral pounds. The 3.1 calorie pounds is multiplied by 300, the energy value of Group 1 shown under Nutritive value of group, and the result (930) is inserted undel' Energy for Group 1 in Nutritive vaJue of diet. The 5.7 protein mineral-pounds is multiplied by each of the four values shown above for Group 1, 4 protein grams, 0.200 calcium gram, 0.16 phosphorus gram, and 0.0020 iron gram, to get the values 23 grams of protein, 1.14 grams of calcium, 0.91 gram of phosphorus, and 0.011 gram of iron, which appear after Group 1 under Nutritive value of diet. The same J?rocedure is followed in calculating the nutritive value of the foods ill the other groups. Foods not listed in the 10 groups are placed in the extra space at the bottom and calculated by the item-by-item method. The nutritive value of the whole diet is then found by totaling the various columns in the lower right-hand corner of the page. FOODS NOT INCLUDED IN THE SHORT·CUT METHOD Foods that have not been completely analyzed for all of the food constituents are not provided for in the short-cut method. Nor are foods like molasses, gelatin, maple sirup, brown sugar, and cornstarch included because they art) either very dissimilar in composition to the other foods or they are entirely lacking in some nutrient. If they were always used in small amounts they could be fitted in with the other foods without causinB' a large error. But since they play an important p'ut in many dIets their inclusion in the method is not feasible. It is best to calculate the nutritive value of these foods ( I, TABLE FaCto~ , Quan, 1---,..---1 tity Equivalent we;ght ", 4.-SampZe dietary with nutritive value calculated by f.he new short-cut 1Mthod developed i'n the Factors' Quan· 1--'--;---1 ti~ ~;d Protein· JProteIn. Calorie min', (1'.>& ) Calorie. min· aral " poundzl era!· Food groups Equivalent weight Factors l ------·11 I~---.---I Food groups Protein· Protein. s~.;d, (lbs) Calorie. min." Calorie min. eral . pounds oral· pounds ~pounds Quan· tlty Buteau or Home 1ffcQM11r.~ Equivalent weight Factors I 1----.,---II j--~--j Food gron9tl Protein· Protein. s~.;d, Calorie min. (lbs.) Calorie. mIil· eral pounds . oral· pounds Quan· «~ Equivalent weight Nutritive value ot groupS, per calorlc·pounds and prote!D·minerJl1·pounds r---.---~j.------~-_.---~--_.----~-- conProf.\lln Protein· sumed Calorie. min • Calorie min· (100.) pounds eral: DOunds eral Oroup Cal· clwn Energy Protein PhOlY phorus __-~~-- Iron . ---. -------·---·j---------------II-----------I------------II-----------·-----------ll-----------j·-----------ll-----+----------~- Gr(}up 1 Figs, dded.___ •____________....._ Oi~ron, dried..pickled. _~ ...---..-.•· ____• __••._._ OlIves, green, -.-1 ~1':i~b~:~~:: :=:==::::=::::=:= Parsnlps__ .--________________ •. __ Carrots_•• _•._. _., __. ___________ _ S trawbi'tries _________ • __ . _______ _ Turnlps_______________ • _________ _ Okm________________________•___ _ ~=~~~~=~::==::=:=:::=:=:: Caullllowcr_______. ___. __ ., _._ ••• Kohl·rabi (E. P.} ..... __ .....___ • ·GmpeCruit._. __..______ .......__ _ Or,Ulges._________ • __•___ •••• ____ _ Lemons. ________________________ _ Rhubarb__• _____________________ _ Lettuce_____ •___________________ _ Celery__________________________ _ 5.0 5·11 a.J 1.0 1.0 .8 .5 .. 5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .2 5.0 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 6.0 3.0 1.7 1.7 O.s O.s 1.2 .6 .6 .6 .6 1.0 .2 .2 1.0 TotaL ___________________ . ________________________ _ ~ Pumpkn_ ~_. 2.0 1.7 I.7 1.7 1.3 1.3 1.3 1,3 1,0 3.1 5.7 1.0 1.0 1,0 .5 .5 •5 ,5 .5 .5 .3 .3 .3 4.0 _____________ . _________. 4. 0 _. ____ .. ________ ________ 1.0 . _____________•..____• __ 1.0 _______• ________________ .6 ____ . ___ ...__. _________. , :~ LO 2. 0 _______________________• Pork, salt_______________________ 2. 0 _______• _______________ _ Bacon___________________________ LO LO LO LO .2 :~ .1 U -----~5- -----~i----"'~81.0 ________ . ______________ _ l:g•3 .3 : ~ ~. Cabbage. __ • _____________ . ___••_ Asparagus _____. __________ • _____ Plrieapple (E. P.} ______• __ • _____ Cranbenies••___________________ .1 .1 .6 iI.5 .7 3.9_ .4. _______________________ .1 .2 .1 ::::.--- ::::---- ::------' .6 ________________________ r------- -------- -.------ TotaL _________ . __________. __._____ ________ ________ 9.0 :: ---"7:4- ---"7:4' ---Tii- 8.5 2.6 2.0 1.6 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.0 .11 .9 :~ : .5 . .5 i ::::~=~: ::::~=~:I===:~=~:I Cocoa••••••••••••••_________._._ 1.5 Chocolate_______________••_____ . 1.5 Bran, wheaL ______________ •___ • Cowpeas, drIed ________________ _ 1.0 J OatmeaL_______________________ 1.0 Flour, gT!lham__•______________. 1.0 .8 ________________________ Wheat, shredded____________ •. 1.0 •D _______ • ________________ 1.0 .8 ________________________ Flour, whole.wheat___________.. __________ •__________ 1.0 LO ________________________ 1.0 1.0 LO as al ~s _ 1.3 _______________________ .7 Bread, whole-wheat_____....____ • 1.1 .2 .1 .3 Bread, .1 rye ______________________ .7 La~ ________________________ 0: J:::::::: ::::::::1:::::::: Commeal~ i:~~~~:::::::::::::::::: . -------- -------- ------- LO ________________________ Total ____ -_______________. ____• ______________ Group 1 1. 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 . __________________• ___ _ 2.0 1.2 1.2 2. 4 2.0 _. ________• ________. ___ _ 2.0 _________•_____________ _ 1.5 ________ .•_____________ _ Cheese, American_____________._ Cream, 4Q per cent milk tat.___ _ Milk, condensed__ . __________ • __ Cream, 18.5 per cent milk tat___ _ Milk, whole, fresh_••___ . ____ ._._ 6.0 6.0 5.0 3.0 :: :g -----::7- -----::3- ....-~6" W~~~~:~~::::::::::: Whey___________________________ .5 .5 . -------3.0 -------.6 -------.9 --5-3'.-3-- --2--.0-- p~. green m' pods 2 3 .S 2. ~, , green, In ------------1.0 ___• _______________. __ .• Beans, lima, pods ___.__ .2 .3 ~: ~ -'--7~3- -'--7:3- ---Tii- Com, fresh..____________________ - . : : . _ _ 1.0 ~7 ~7 ~7_ 1.0 ___________________. ___ 1.0 ._.•____ •______________ _ 17.4 -s ~=~~~~=::=::::=:::::::::=:::: ~:~,<:ri~~:=::::::::::::::::::: FowL_.___. ____________________ _ Liver__________ •_____• _________ _ 1.5 _______________________ _ VeaL _____________• _________ •__ _ .1 Peas. drled ____________ • ______• Beans, drled __ ..________________ Beans, kidney, drled.____ .______ Lentils, drled___________________ Beans, lima, dried______________ Sausage_______________________ _ Ham, smoked_______"___________ 1.0 .4 .4 .4_ Ooose__________________________ _ L 0 _______________________ .6 _______ . __________ . ____ _ Mutton_________• _____________ __ .6 _______________________ _ Porlr______________<___________ _ Beet, corned___________________ Lamb_________ • ___ . ___________ ~ ---22."5" ----6~ii"-ii~3" •2 _______________________ _ Turkey__________ ______. ____ _ 1.0 _______________________ _ BeeC (A. P.}________ . ______ •_____ 1.0 ___________________ ..__ . 1.0 1.0 1.0 1. 0 Splnach___ ..._________ ... _______ • Group 9.0 6.5 3.0 1.0 _ _ _ _ _ _ f_ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ Group! Pecans, in shelL_______________.._ .Apricots, drled ________________•• Potatoes, sweet___•._____________ _ Plums__________________________. Grapes___ . _____ . ___. ___ . _____.. __ Cherries_______ •________ •._. ____ _ Apricots, Cresh. ________..__._. ___ Pears_______ •__________ ..___• ____ _ Blackberrles___________ •_______ ._ Currants, fresh __• _____ • _____ •__._ OuIons______ • _. _.___________...__ Peaches________________________•• .\pples______________ •_____ . ______ Beets ___ •______________________ _ Eggplant (E. P.}_____....._______ Peppers, green__________________ _ Tomatoes______________• ________ • Radishes______________ . _________ _ Muskmelon_________ •___________ _ .8quasb..________ __ • ____________ _ cucumbers______________• ______ _ ___________________ _ Watermelon_____________________ Coconut, driad__. __ • ___________ _ Currants, dried. _______________ _ Prunes, drled _______ • ___.•______ Raisins_ •• _________• ___________ _ Dates, drled__________________ __ Tapiooo__________ • _____________ • Apples, Honey_.dried_.--------------___________ . _________. __ __ l'otatoes____ ••._______ _______._ Bananas_______• __ • ____.•_____ _ Dandelion greens__ . __________ __ Mushrooms ____________________ • Clams (E. P.}______________ __ OY,StersstrlDg________ (E.. P.) - ---.-------.-.-Beans, • ____._.__•• ~ ________________ t .. _____ _ GrDup9 Groop8 GroupS . .1_::::=::: === Total ______________________ -------- -------- -------- 2.1 === 3.9 LO .5 7.0 .8 3.0 .8 1.0 1.0 1.0 .4 i 9.1; 0.2 ----1----37.3 0.2 .9 .9 .6 .5 .5 .3 :~ I----=~:- ----.~~- ----=~~. Lard________________________. __ _ Oils, table_________________. ____ _ .6 __________________. ____ _ Butter________________• ___••___ _ .4 •__• _______________• __ __ 1.2 .6 _•. ____________ ••__• ____ 1.0 1.0 .s ___.__________.. ________ i':u~~:-~:~::::=:::::::::::: .2 ________________________ Sugar___________...______________ 1.2 .0 .5 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 .2 • _____ ._ Peanuts, In shell_______________ _ 4.1 _______ _ Flour, buckwheat..____________ _ 3.4 Walnuts, English, In shell__._.__ '--"3:5' '--"3:5- ---T,5" Fish, more than 5 per centcontaining taL ______________________ 1.0 .5 1.0 3. 6 1. S _______ _ Cheese, cottage_________________ Almonds, In shell______________ _ Fish, less than 5 per centcontaining tat. ______________________ .2 ~ 1.0 1.0 .7 4______• _______ --i;OOO- -----iiii."ii- -'-::300- ----~8ii- --~iii4ii- :::::::: :::::::: I 26. 3 22. 5 TotaL______________•__.__ _______ ________ ________ 10..1 4.5 TotaL _________________ •__ ----roo- -----jjjj~ii- ---:200- --Too- ==:=:::: :::=:::= --~iiii.50- --i;600- -----iiii~ii- ---~3OO- --Tiii- --~iii7ii- :::::::: :::::::: 1(1.__...________ --i;OOO- -----iii:ii- ---:ioo- ----:42- --:&i45- :::::::: :::::::: 4.D 4.0 Nutritive value oC diet LO L2 LtJ 1.0 1.0 1.0 LO _1 .9 .4 .9 1.0 LO L(I _6 = Ey:r Equlvalent 'gh E welght Pro::l~ nergy proteln- teIn Group ----1:~- --~G:3- ----6:'8" pounds Calc\um Phos- Iron phorus :;to ---------- - - - - - - 1 1 · ' - - - - - - \ · - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - 'l'tmd ~ PmteIn• o. . C!1am ~. . Iron ~-------- ---0:0- -~iiOO- --ii:i- ---iil--Tii- -O:9ii" --:i57 4..._ _ _ _ _ ---:if-3,3ei)- ---"i'D- ----2:ji- --~iiM --ri7 332- tJ ::::::::::::::::::=::::: e:~ ~ ~------ _~!_ ~~=~4.. _==~~-- :~~=~:~~=:~ ---.---- -------- -------- -------..----.-----.--' -------. ~:~-.---6'.._______ ~! ::=::::::::::::::::::::: ~~~f~~f~f~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =~~~~=====- :g,__ -~,--~~ }Ir~= ~~:~_~~~~~~=~~~r ------------------------ -----------------------------.--------- ---u aBO .068 Molasses______________• 0..2> 26(). : ====:==1::== == The fi~es lJlled In this method arc derived from the composition figures published by Atwater and Bryant (1) and Sherman (It) Cor Coods as pureni1S6d (A. P.) unless otherwise Indlented as E. P., meaning edible portion. 9_1 ~ 0.'lOO 1.% liO! _30 T~. 4..&' 2«t I.2ft ~4Q .079 :i5_\Ii - 25;.W> --liT --837 -1:14- "7.31 --:078 .. ];xtra..._____• ______ :......-------- 200' ----___ ----Z ----.1D .04.007 ; 10,-_ Total___________• _______ • __ . ___________________.___ ..-~iii5- ----~iii- --~ooiii- :::::::: ::=::::: --i;ooo- -----i6.-i)- -'-~ioo- ---'~4ii- --~OO9cj" :::?:::: :=:=:::: Cdorlu Or4_ Ortl.fIfJI OrCIlM Gram . 3.1 930 6.7 ZI L14 0.111 0.011 I---I---t----l---~--_\Il------------TotaL_._ _ _ _ _ _ _-I~____ - - - - - - . l5..9 .17.~ 2._________ --26:'3" --5;260- ---22:6- ---i2i- --['00- ---3:'00- -~043 Extra 4.0 3.0 1.7 ------~5- Gram il.OO2O _____________•__ 3______________ 8..____________ 11---------;;----1----------" Group 8 Gr!>Up 6 2______________ ----200- Gram Graf/18 0.200 0.16 7________ .----- ----300- -----i5~ii- ---::500- ----::~ --::ooiii- :::::::: ::::::: .7 .6 .4 Total____________________________________________ _ 1.2 C~ 37.2 1.0 2.0 1.6 1.0 Graf1l8 4.0 9_____________ G""'1I 10 .1 .6 _7 :rvIIICIIr1IIIL _____________________ ________ ________ _____ PJIIUr. wbiht__________________ 2. 0 10.0 11'.1); ()'mdw'Sc_______________________ _________------ _____=-::- . .F8ri:nII____________________ 22. 6 22. 6 22.5, Rb________________________ ________ ________ _______ . fresh.lD _______ 8. 0 4. 0 S.O'· BreacJ,. wiIfte____________ ________ ________ ________ Brad;. Bo8t8Ia brow"A______ Total _____________________ .____ ________ ________ 0.1 1.7 ,... _--_ ... - .... _.. _--- Caloria 300 . -- ~ ---.. --.. - .. ---- --- .. --- ------ - ... Total_____________ ____ 211Q'! 2:0. ..19' • 04! •.091.: ~~~~== ~.~ _ ----_. .... - .. _----- ------ __ __ __ ==~~:I-=·~~- ~: ~~~ 218IO":"'29'. (Jr1lCe'P~ lll~) :~ SHORT METHOD OF CALCULATING NUTRmNTS IN THE DIET 11 separately and to add it to the total diet. Provision is made for extra foods in the form suggested in Table 3. Canned foods are another' class not included in the short-cut method. Few analyses of canned fruits a:q.d vegetables have been made, and the only li!omposition figures that can be suggested are but rough approximations. Their inclusion in the short method of cal culating the nutritive value of the diet was therefore not attempted. For studies of food consumption containing canned foods, however, some provision must be made for calculating the nutritive value yielded by such foods, and the method used in the Bureau of Home Economics is probably as good liS any that can be suggested at the present t.ime. From standards which have been worked out by can-I ners' associations and by the Food, Drug, and Insecticide Aclininis tration of the United States Department of Agriculture, the evidence is that the edible material used in commercial canning is, on the whole, 60 per cent of the net weight of the canned food. This holds fairly well for all of the fruits and the vegetables except tomatoes which are 100 per cent edible material. In order to fit a fi~ure for edible material into the short-cut method presented here it IS necessary to include the refuse, since the method is based on foods as purchased. An illustration to show how to calculate the nutritive value of commercially canned foods follows. If a food-consumption record shows the use of 100 pounds of canned string beans, the assumption that 60 pounds of fresh string beans (E. P.) were used in canning that amount is probably not far off. In order to fit this figure into the short-cut method, i.:; is necessary to reduce it to an " as purchased" figure by the use of data on refuse. Atwater and Bryant estimate 7 per cent of refuse in string beans (1, p. 65). It would therefore re quire about 65 pounds of string beans, as purchased, to make 100 pounds of canned. Figures for canned fruit are somewhat less simple because of the sugar that is added. The commercial grade most commonly used is choice, which contains sirup with 20 to 25 per cent sugar. On drain ing, commercially canned fruits yield about 60 per cent solids and 40 per cent sirup. In estimating the nutritive value of canned fruit, the procedure for arriving at the amount of raw fruit used is the same as that for the raw vegetables, and the sugar that goes into canned fruit may be estimated from the: sirup. For instance, if 100 pounds of commercially canned peaches are reported as consumed, it probably consists of approximately 60 pounds of solids and 40 pounds of sirup. If a 20 to 25 per cent sirup is assumed 8 to 10 pounds 'of sugar were used in the 100 pounds of canned peaches. Ac cording to Atwater and Bryant (1, p. 713), peaches have 18 per cent of refuse. Approximately 73 pounds of peaches (A. P.) are there fore required in cannin~ 100 pounds. Such a method of arrIving at composition figures is unsatisfactory, and for many foods it may ~ve incorrect results, but until more accurate figures are available It probably gives as good an estimate as can be made. EVALUATION OF THE SHORT· CUT METHOD The short-cut method presented here has been carefully checked for accuracy. During the process of perfecting it, 25 representative 12 TECHNIOAL BULLETIN 105, U. S. DEPT. OF AGRIOULTURE l'ecords of food consumption. were used . .A. short method that would on the whole, give. results for the 5 constitu~i1R; within 5 per cent of tho~ obtained by the it.em-by-item method was the goal. When the differences obtained on the 25 records indicated that the goal had been reached, 96 additional records were studied. Altogether there fore 121 records of food consumption, maue up of three different types, were used in checking the accuracy of the method. Forty f'/even collected by the survey method WE,re r.ecords of the food con sumed by farm families during one year; 50 were weekly dietaries of family groups; and 24 were weekly dietaries of institutions. The weekly records were collected by the aC<'.ount method. \. In practically all cases the results ohtained by the two methods of calculating the nutritive value of the di1,~t were remarkably close. In every case the short-cut method gave figures for energy within 5 per cent of the long method and in 85 per cent of the cases for the 4 nutrients. Only 3 records, or about 2 per cent, caused differences greater than 10 per cent. in the 4 nutrients-protein, calcium; phos phorus, and iron. To express the results in more precise terms, the standard error of $timate for the energy figures obtained by the use of the short-cut method in 121 dietary studies is 2.3; for protein it is 3.6; for calcium, 2.8; for phosphorus~ 3.5; and for iron, 3.2. This means that in two thirds of the cases studied the results for energy derived by the short cut method did not deviate more than 2.3 r-!Jr cent from those given by the long method; for protein they wer~ within 3.6 per cent; and for the minerals they were within from 2.8 to 3.5 per cent of those obtained by the long method. These figures, together with the standard error of the means and the mean value of the ~~hort-cut. method expressed in percentage of values obtained. by the long method, are shown in Table 5. ~ ~ TABLl!l 5.-Standara errors of estimate for the ellergy, protein, calcium, pMS pllOrUS, ana iron values obtainea by tM s1wrt-out metlwil O'I~ 121. dietary studies ana the mean t'alues given by the Bhort-cut method expressed in terms Of percenlage of 1M values obta-inedi by tM long metlwa St~ndlU'd Energy and nutrient error of estlmnte 1 Energy___________________________________ _ Per cent Proteln__________________•_________ ••____ _ Calclum____________________ . _____________ _ Phosphorus______________________ . ________ _ lron________________________________ •______ 1 2.3 3.6 2.8 3.5 3.2 Mean value o( short-cut 3 X stand- method In Standard 3 X stand ard error o(~~:~f error of ard error of mean' mean estimate talned by long method' Per cent Per cent 7.0 10.8 8.4 10.5 9.5 The standard error o( estimate was calculated by the (ormula ,;};:" 99.2 99.4 100.2 98. i 100.6 Per cent 0.20 .32 .25 .27 .28 Per cent 0.60 .96 .75 .81 .84 It Is the square root o( the sum o( tho square of the deviations from tho long method divided by the number o( items . • Tbls was obtained by adding the deviations (rom the l<lng method and dividing by the total number of Items. T"~ deviation thus given was added to 100. __ • The standard error of the mean was csIculated from the standard error of estlmata, thus ls'-c' c being the deviation or the mean value of the various nutrients cs1cu1ated by the short-eut method from Ule loni method, or 100 per oont. 1I-n-' I I r," v. ~ ,) SHORT MET;HOD OF OALOULATING lTU~~NT8 IN THE DIET I !. 13 Table 5 shows that in no case do the meaIivalues obtained for energy and the four nutrients by the short-cut method coincide with th<>re'given by the long method. For energy it is 0.8 per cent below the long method, which was used as the standard, for protein 0.6 per cent below, and for phusphorus 1.9 per cent below. For calcium it is 0.2 per cent above, and for iron 0.6 per cent above the value given by the long method. The question naturally arises whether these discrepancies are sig nificant~ That is, does the shurt-cut method tend to give values for energy, protein, and phosphorus below those derived from, the long method~and for calcium ana. iron, values above the long-method fig ures ~ To test the reliability of the mean values for these essentials, their standard errors were calculated. In Table 5 formulas are given to show how these values were derive(t. On referriny to the last column of Table 5 it is seen that the means of an additional sample of the same size chosen in the same way as the first would in all probability not ya1'y from the means of the first sample by more than ~ ~/~+-+--f--I-I--f--t-+- ~/o~~-r~;-+-+-r-r ~ ~ "I--I-+-l-t-+-+--'-+ ~ FIG. l.-DlRtrlbutlon of the percentage of deviations from the item·by-stem method .: obtained by calculating the energy of the diet by the short-eut method, 0.60 t.() 0.96 per cent, or three times their standard errors. The energy values would range, accordingly, from 98.6 to 99.8; protein, from 98.4 t.() 100.4; calcium, from 99.4 to 101; phosphorus, from 97.3 to 98.9; and iron, from 99.8 to 101.4 per cent of the values obtained by the long method. The protein and calcium values calculated by the short-cut method would, therefore" ill the long run probably approxi mate those given by the item-by-item method, but this method would give values for energy and phosphorus on the whole somewhat below those obtained by the long method, and for iron slightly above. In other words, the short-cut method tends to give figures for protein and calcium which agree with the long method, but there is a slight bias in the energy, phosphorus, and iron figures. The same thing is shown in Figures 1 to 5. The histograms for protein and calcium show that approximately one-half of the food records fall on either side of the standard (100) as well as of their respective means (99.4 and 100.2). For the other three constituents the case is quite different. For energy 54 per cent of the records Ere below the mean (99.2), whereas 63 per cent are below the standard 14 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 105, U. S. DEPT. or: AGRICULTURE (100); for phosphorus 59 per cent are below the mean (98.1), and 75 per cent below the standard (100); and for iron one-half of the records are below the mean (100.6), but 43 per cent are below the standard (100). FIG. 2.-Dlstrlbutlon of the percentage of deviatIons from the ltem-by-item method obtaIned by calculating the protein of the diet by the short-cut method A summary of these findings may be helpful. Of the 121 dietari~s studied by the short-cut method, 103, or 85 per cent, gave results for the 5 constituents within 5 per cent of the long method; the standard errors of estimate ranged from 2.3 per cent for energy to 3.6 per cent for protein. The protein and calcium values calculated by this method tend to agree more closely with those derived by the itemby-item method than do the energy and phosphorus, which on the ~ .~/O ~ ~ SI--t--t--t--1I--1--+--II--I--l- FIG. 3,-DIstrlbutlon of tbe percentage of deviations from the item-by-Item method obtained by calculatIng the calcium of the diet by the short-cut method average fall below those obtained by the long method, and the iron value, which falls slightly above. In order to estimate how large an error may be expected from the use of the short-cut method in analyzing other food records chosen in a similar manner, figures for three times the standard error of J , SHORT METHOD OF OALOULATING NUTRIENTS IN THE DIET 15 estimate are given in Table 5. 'fhese indicate that the chance is very good that the short-cut method, when used to analyze any single food record chosen as were the 121 used in this study, will give an energy value within 7 per cent of the long method. For protein the value will be within 10.8 per cent; and for the minerals, within 8.4 FIG. 4.--Dlstrlbutlon of the percentage of deviations from the Item-by-item method obtained by calculating the phosphorus of the diet by the short-l:ut method ~ ~ to 10.5 per cent of the long method. The method probably gives the most reliable results for energy and least reliable for protein and phosphorus. A study of the effect of the different foodstuffs occurring in the 121 records on the accuracy of the short-cut method shows that only jO~r-~~~~-r-r-r~~~~-n~r-r-r-r-~~~~~-r-. ~ "~2$1~~~~.~~~~~~44~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 20~+-+-+-~~~~-+-+-+-4~~~~~~+-+-+-~~~~~ ~ ~~~~+-~~4-~~4-~ ~ ~/O ~~ ~~~+-+-~~-+~ FIG. 5.-Dlstrlbutlon of the percentage of deviations from the ltem-by-Item method obtained by calculating the Iron of the diet by the short-cut method a few foods when eaten in large quantities are usually responsible for the wider discrepancies in the results obtained by the two meth ods. The results for energy were so close in all cases that no study was made of the effect of the various foodstuffs on these figures. Table 6 gives a list of the foods occurring in such large quantities in 16 TEOHNIOAL BULLETIN 105, U. S. DEPT. OF AGIUOULTURE the 121 dietaries used in this study as to cause. discrepancies 'in the protein and mineral figures when calculated by the short-cut method. T.ABLE 6.-Food-B occurring in the le1 dlet~rif:8 8tudlelZ that cau8ed) discrepancie8 it. the re8ult8 obtGinelZ 1Jy the 81wrt·out metholZ due to a1~ unusua"llll large quantity OOl111Ume~ Nutrient alIected Proteln.-•••••••••••••••••• -•• Food Results compared with those obtelned by the long method l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bell~: Flour. whole-wheaL_ ••••••••• __._.............. Do. FlOUIS. barley and ~e••-.-•• ---................. Above. Do. Com, fresh••••••••••••••••• _.................... Com ineal_••••••_•••••••••••_.................. Do. C.'clum W - - . _ . - . - - - - - - • • - -• •- - Cream 40 per '-'8nt milk CaL__•••__••••_........ Do. . Dandelion greens.•••••••••.•_••••••_........... Below. Raspberries•••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••• Above. 11~lours. barley and rye ••••.••••••••••••••••••••• Below. ~~eans. drled._ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _.... Do. PhosPhorus._ •••• ____________ ,,~~com. fresh..____•••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••••• Do. Flsh._ ••••• ___•••••••••••_•••••••••••_.......... Do. I ~= ~n:_~~==::::::=::::::::::::::::::: Abo~:' .......-........-......... { Iron- Flsh._••••..•••••••••••••••_•••_ •••••.•• _••••_.. Below• ~~s~~::.:::::::::=:::==::::::::::::::::: Abo~:" A. glance at Table 6 shows that fish and the cereals-especially th~ whole-grain kinds-cause discrepancies for most of the fournutrIents. Crea:m tends to invalidate the results for calcium and the ~gumes !or pho~ph~rus. Of co~e, if an~ ~I?-e foodstuffs plays;a lar~ part In the dIet, lt may cause InaCCUraCIes III the ~ults. ~aspberr1es, for instance, consumed in quantities as large as 1% cups per man per daYr or .about two- good-sized servings.-every.. day:, .may throw t~e calcium figures out· c.onsiderably. Such seaso~al indulgence,. how ever, does not ordinarily influepce the t;esults t~ this. extent wheJ;l. the l'ecords of food consumption are kept for a longer period than a week or two. When there is a combination in the diet of several foods which cause the same type of error in the values obtained by this method, the possibility of a large discrepancy in the final results is increased. For example, the short-cut method gives protein results for fish, hominy, and corn meal below those obtained by the long method. If these foods playa prominent part in the diet, the protein as indi cated by the short-cut method will in all probability be much too low. In the same way, if corn, corn meal, and heavy cream are used in abundance the amount of calcium indicated by the short-cut method will be to\) hi ah. In choosing a method for analyzing a particular collection of dietaries the investigator would naturally ask how much time would be saved by using this short-cut method instead of the item-by-item method. Five statistical clerks in the Bureau of Home Economics tested this point by calculating 36 dietaries. The results given in Table 7 shows an average saving of 42 per cent of time by the short-cut method. Although these figures do not reflect the influence of the number of foodstuffs in the dietary on the amount of time saved because of the individual differences which enter in, such a SHORT METHOD OF CALCULATING NUTRIENTS IN THE DIET 17 relationship is indicated by the individual reports. Other things remaining equal, the proportion of time saved in making a calculation tends,to mcreaseas the number of foods increase. The s~!De tendency was pointed out by Hunt (5, p. 212). . TABLl!l 1.-Compari8on of the time required for calculating dietarie8 ~U the 81wrt-out metlwd with tll~f by the long method, as shown b1l the calculatiun of 96 dietarie8 by 5 workers Ayerage time Initials of worker Diets· spendie.:~ -. Average time Average number rfes ana'/_ _,--_ _/5aved by sbort- of loods lyzed cut method per dietLong Bhort ery method method ---------------------~---r___----!----I----~---~---- M. M ......._ ........_ ......._................... Number Hours Hours Hours Per «nt Number A. B ......................................_........ K. B................................_.............. II 3 9 6 Average....................................... H. N_.............................................. H. C................................................ 1.6 9 3.1 2. 9 3.3 2.1 1.7 2.0 1.3 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.3 .8 .5 48 56 48 50 39 49 3865 211 58 7.2 2.6 1.5 1.1 42 1.5 56 The reasons for analyzing a dietary and the degree of accuracy desired and attainable should be kept in mind in deciding on the riJ.ethod to use in an analysis. .A. dietitian, for instance, who has a. very sick person's welfare in mind should doubtless calculate the nu tritIve value of the diet as accurately as possible by the item-by-item method. A statistician, on the other hand, seeking to show from a. large number of records the deviations from the average diet or to correlate diet with other factors aifecting the welfare of the indi-. vidual would be justified in using a shorter method of making the necessary calculations. If the data under consideration are estimates of food consumption rather than careful records, a method even shorter than the one presented here might be desirable. An analyst, on the contrary, making a metabolism study of these nutrients woul<'.i not only use the long method for analyzing the diet, but his calcu.:. lations would be based on figures from chemical analyses of the par ticular foods used in that diet rather than on average food-composi tion data. In stUdying the accuracy of the short-cut method presented here, the results were compared with those obtained by the item-by-item method, but it should be remembered that the latter ma.y contain many inaccuracies. In both cases the composition figures used in the analyses are average values taken largely nom the tables com1?iled by Atwater and Bryant (1), M. S. Rose (11), and Sherman V93). The former show the number of analyses used, the percentage of refuse~ as well as the ,average, maximum, and minimum percentage of water, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and ash, and the fuel value per pound. Rose has calculated from Atwater and Bryant's tables the actual energy and protein values for the various foods, and these were used in constructing the short-cut method. Sherman's tables show only the average composition figures for minerals without any indication of the variations existing in the data on which they were based or the number of samples that were included in the mean. 18 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 105, U. S. DEPT•. OF AGRICULTURE It has been possible however, to get somewhat more information about the reliability of such figures than is given in the composition tables. Tocher (13), for example, analyzed 709 samples of milk from individual cows in different parts of Scotland and found a protein average of 3.2 per cent, with a standard deviation of 0.4. Thismeans that the coefficient of variation for protein in milk is as high as 12.5 per cent (0.4 multiplied by 100 divided by 3.2). These samples also showed high COEffiCIents of variation for the other factors. For ash it was 7.2 pel' c~nt, for fat 19.8 per cent, and for lactose 8 per cent. A great number of food analyses have been brought together in the Bureau of Home Economics. Some of these were studied by the writer for coefficients of variation for protein and total ash. On the basis of 81..7 analyses, potatoes had a coefficient of variation of 22 per cent ·for protein and 17.5 per cent for ash. Eggs, on the basis of 97 analyses, showed a coefficient of variation of 8.9 per cent for protein and of 25.8 per cent for ash. Flour is a very indefinite term, because of the many factors which affect its composition. Wheat flour, described by Atwater and Bryant (1, p. 58) as patent-roller process, family and straight grade, represents a grade in common use in the American household. Figures for straight flour from winter and spring wheat are given separately here, but unless the investi gator is able to determme the origin of the flour in a given dietary he would probably use the average of all analyses. The accuracy that might be expected from such figures was investigated by the writer. Seventy-six samples of straight flour analyzed largely in the California and North Dakota experiment stations showed a coeffi cient of variation of 35.4 per cent for protein and 51.3 per cent for ash. 'With such variations as these occurring in the foodstuffs that play a prominent part in the diet of the American people, one can hardly expect a dietary calculation based on average composition fig ures to be 100 per cent accurate. The probability is ffiight, however, that such variations in food composltiQn are entirely cumulative in their effect on the nutritive value of the total diet. To test this point, a few comparisons were made by the writer. Dietary analyses made by the use of actual food-composition figures were compared with those in which average composition figures were used. The item by-item method of analysis was used in both cases. The results indi cate considerable variation. Five studies showed a discrepancy of 2 to 8 per cent for energy and 2 to 25 per cent for calcium. In six studies the error in total protein due to the use of average composition figures was from 0.5 to 25 per cent, and in three studies the phos phorus error was from 8 to 14 per cent. These diets were used in metabolism studies and were therefore limited in the number of foodstuffs included. More varied diets would probably show closer agreement betwe~n the results obtained from average composition figures and those based on actual analyses. The possibility of errors r'esulting from the use of average compo sition figures alone should be kept in mind, however, and since such data were used as the base for measuring the accuracy of the short cut method presented here, the true error in the various constituents calculated by this method may be somewhat greater than indicated 4 1 SHORT l'<lETHOD OF OALCULATING NUTRIENTS IN THE DIET 19 in Table 5. If better average composition figures become available at any time, the short-cut method will need revision. The principle on which it is based, however, should hold. SUl\IMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Although data on food consumption of over 15,000 families in the United States have been collected during the past 50 years by various investigators, this material has not been analyzed sUfficiently to give the informaLion now demanded on the nutritive value of these diets. The time and labor invol¥ed in dietary calculations by the long method has been one of the greatest drawb,~cks. To overcome this difiiculty, short-cut methods were suggested by Caro line L. Hunt and Anton R. Rose. Neither of these, however, pro yides for calculation of calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Since these minerals are now lmown to be of great importance in nutrition, and since many American diets are believed to be deficient in one or more of them, a new short-cut method of dietary calculations was developed in this bureau so as to obtain figures on these three minerals as well as on (,!lergy and protein. From a study made with 121 food records to check the accuracy of the method, it was found that on the whole it gave results within 5 per cent of those obtained by the lon~ method. Furthermore, the results forecast that an investlgator usmg this method for calculat ing the nutritive value of a varied diet should expect agreement with the long method within '{ per cent for energy and 10 per cent for protein, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Investigation of the time element shows that this method saves on the average about 42 per cent of the time necessary for the long calculation. If at any time the average food-composition figures used in making dietary calcu lations are revised, the short-cut methods based on those figures' will also need revision. LITERATURE CITED (1) ATWATER, t w.o., and BRY_-\NT, A. P. THE CHEMIOAL COMPOSITIO::s" OF AMFlIIOA...-; FOOD MATERIALS. U. S. Dept. Agr., 011:. Expt. Stas. Bul. 28, 87 p., illus. (Revised ed.) (2) DucpEn'IAux, E. I 1855. BUDGETS l~CONOMIQUES DEB CLASSES OUVRIERES EN BELGiqUE. Belg. Min. Int., Bul. COllin. Cent. StaUs. 6: [261]-440. (3) EDE:"l, F. M. 1797. THE STATE OF THE POOR. 3 v. London. (4) ENGEL, E. 1857. DIE VORHF.RRSCIIENDEN GEWEIIDSZWEIGE IN DEN GERIOHTSAMTERN MIT BEZIEHUN(} AUF DIEl PRODUCTIONB- UND CONSUMPTIONSVERHALTNISSEl DES KOz...GREICHS SACHSElN. Ztschr. StaUs. Bur. K. Siichs. Min. Inn., 3: 1899. 153-184. (5) HUNT, C. L. 1918. A QUICK METHOD Oli' CALCULATING FOOD VALUES. Jour. Home Eeon. 10 : 212-218. (6) LEPLAY, F. 185rt-79. LEa Om'RIERS EUBOPf:ENS. 5 v. Paris. ej) [~IAssAcnusE:rrs] BUREAU OF STATISTICS OF LARaR. ISi5. CONDITION OF WORKINGMEN'S FAMILIES. Mass. Bur. StaUs. Labor Ann. Rpt. 6: [191]-450. (8) 1886. FOOD CO;:';SUMPTIO;:';. QUANTITIES, COSTS, AND NUTRIENTS OF FOOD MATEIUALS. Mass. Bur. Statls. Labor Ann. Rpt. 17: [239]-326. (9) ~.R. • : 1920. THm NATION'~ I'OOD. 274 P" ill1,1s. Pbiladelpbta';i1nilLondon," (10) ROSE; A.R '. 1920. .ABlUDGED DlETAR'f' CALCULATIONS! FOR RATIONS IN QUANTI'i."Y, Mod. . llosp. 14: 481-492. , (U) BOSE;' M~. S. 1921., A LABORATOl!.~ ~iANDBOOK FOR DIm'J!7litOS. Rev. ed., 156 p. lllus. ) J "New York. o (12) SBEiWAN, H. C. 1926. OHm.nSTRY'OF FCioD. AND NUXlUTION. p., illU!!i New YorJ!i Ed. 3, rewrltten and eIil., 63~ (13) TOOHER, J " . , r F . · . " 1925. VARIATIONS IN TI~E OOMPOSITION OF lIILX. 195"p., lllus. 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