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Place includes Physical and Human features.
Human features can be:
-population (size and make up)
Physical Features can include:
-capital and major cities
-plant and animal life
Location - Absolute location
makes use of Latitude/Longitude and
Cardinal Directions of North, South,
East and West. For example, New
Jersey is between 38 degrees north
Latitude and 42 degrees north
Relative Location – gives an idea
where something is located. For
example, we can say Franklin is west
of NYC and north of Philadelphia.
Regions can include the state,
country, or continent of your topic.
It can also include the region of the
country (we live in the Middle Atlantic
region. Boston is in the North East.)
Human/Environment Interaction
A. How does your topic deal with the region’s
environment? Is it known for:
-clean air or air pollution?
Movement includes:
-clean drinkable water or sludge?
-forms of transportation, like railways, harbors, airports
-clean soil or contaminated?
-imports (what goods are taken into your country/city?)
B. How has your topic changed its terrain?
-exports (what goods are shipped out to other areas of
the world?)
-the Jersey shore built boardwalks on the beach
-methods of communication, how are ideas exchanged
within the country/city or with the rest of the world
-building power dams for water and power
-building canals, super highways, etc.
Human/Environment Interaction
Relative location______________
Absolute location_____________
***Write Country
in circle***
Movement of Goods, people and Ideas