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Flora of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
History of Botanical Studies in Saudi Arabia.
Dinawari (895 A.D.) in his book "Kitab al
Nabat", had given a comprehensive knowledge of
the agriculture and medicinal practices of the
Idrisi (11153 A.D.), A.Al-Fida (1331 A.D.) have
also written about Arabian plants.
Muslim travelers and plant collectors visited the
country over a period of 500 years or so and
studied the vegetation of Arabian Peninsula, with
special emphasis on the study of medicinal
History of flora
 Serious interest in the flora of Arabia by Forsskal
(1736-1763). During his stay in the southern parts of
the Arabian Peninsula, he had collected a significant
number of plants both from Yemen and Jizan Region.
 Some of these plants were described as new in the
posthumous publication ‫" التاليه‬Flora AegyptiacaArabica" by Niebuhr (1775).
 1825, Ehrenberg visited some of the Red Sea Islands,
mainly to study microorganisms.
 In 1833, J.R. Wellsted traveled along the southern
coast of Arabia and collected some plants. E.
Combes and M.O. Tamisier, towards the middle of
the 19th century, accompanied an Egyptian
expedition team to the mountains of Asir.
 Musil-1909 and Philby-1917. E. Blatter (19191936) compiled most of the major and minor
collections of the previous visitors and published
a detailed checklist of the wild plants of Arabia
(Flora Arabica).
DeMarco & Dinelli, 1974), as part of the work of Italy •
consult Company for the survey of Agriculture
Mandaville (Saudi Aramco during 1960's) were also •
remarkable. These collections were deposited in the
British Herbaria
Migahid, A.El-Sheikh, U. Bairele, P. Kong, H.M. •
Hassan, H.A. Abulfatih, etc. Most of these collections
are deposited in the Herbarium (KSU) of Botany &
Microbiology, King Saud University, Riyadh. As a result
of these collections, the first edition of the Flora of
Saudi Arabia by Migahid and Hammouda appeared in
1974 and the subsequent second and third editions by
Migahid in 1978 and 1988-1990
 S. Collenette (1972-1999) as she had contributed quite a lot to
the present knowledge of our flora. Most of her collections
are deposited in the Royal Botanic Gardens (E), Edinburgh and
RBG, Kew (K), a set of which is also deposited at the National
Herbarium (RIY) of the Ministry of Agriculture.
 S. Chaudhary and Jacob Thomas (Herbarium-RIY, Ministry of
Agriculture), Ahmed Alfarhan and Jacob Thomas (HerbariumKSU, King Saud University), T.Al-Turki (Herbarium -MUZ, King
Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology)
 Flora is a taxonomic literature used in identifying plants.
Flora is defined as the plant life occurring in a particular
region or time or habitat.
Fauna is the corresponding term for animal life •
Flora and fauna and other forms of life such as fungi and
other microorganisms are collectively referred to biota
Depending on the scope and the area covered , floras are
categorized into:
Local flora: covers a limited geographic area ex. flora of Al •
Regional flora: it includes a larger geographical area ex. •
Flora of Saudi Arabia
Continental flora: it covers the entire continent ex. Flora of •
Importance of studying wild life
Man depend completely on wild plants before
know cultivated species
Wild plants are the main source of organic
matter on the earth
Wild plants are necessary for biological
balance for all ecosystems
They are the main source of gene bank for all
Good mark and indicator for ecological
changes and climate
Used to compare between different regions
have same conditions
Good survey for different species of fodder,
medicinal and industrial plants
Plant nomenclature
• The usage of the "Scientific Names
• Previously there were no scientific names for the
plants. All languages have common or vernacular
names for almost all the important plants of the
countries concerned, but the vernacular names
of a given plant naturally differ in various
languages. This had been a problem for the
botanists and for the laymen in general in the
absence of a common basis for communication.
• An attempt to reduce this perplexity ‫ االرتباك‬started
during the Theophrastus period and later on by many
scientists, their systems of naming plants could not
handle the difficulties associated with naming a large
number of plants by the use of names with only the
generic terms.
• Scientific name starts as polynomial and descriptive.
For example: the name of a species belong to the
genus Caryophyllum that grows in rocks with grass-like
leaves and umbellate corymbs was Caryophyllum,
sextalis, folies, gramineus, umbellatus, corymbis.
Their system also did not work because the names
became very long and could not be used with ease.
• Scientific names are Latin names used all over
the world for scientific use .
• The name used by the local area known as
vernacular name and different from place to
• Use scientific name is important due to
variability of the common names of the same
plants from area to another
Binomial nomenclature
• In 1753, Linnaeus devised a new system, the "Binomial
Nomenclature", which became universally accepted by botanists
up to the present day.
• However, at the beginning, due to inadequate flow of information
among botanists of the world, the same species was, in many
cases, described under different names by different authors from
different parts of the world.
• The result was the creation of about 830,000 names recorded by
Index Kewensis for the period 1753-1965, where as the actual
number of species referred to by these names was only about one
third of this figure.
• This revealed the need for the formulation of an internationally
accepted rules and regulations in order to stabilize the plant
names. Thus an International Botanical Congress establish a 'Code'
for botanical nomenclature(International code of botanical
nomenclature ICBN )..
According to the Code of nomenclature, every plant is •
given a scientific name which has two Latin parts, i.e.,
1. The generic name or genus name starting with a
capital letter and, 2. The specific name or species'
name starting with a small letter. Thus the scientific
name of the common date palm tree is Phoenix
dactylifera. The specific name dactylifera cannot be
given to any other species belonging to the
genus Phoenix but can be given to any other species
belonging to another genus of the same family or
another family. When a species is divided into two or
more subspecies these will receive a third, subspecies,
name as for example Ipomoea
sinensis ssp. blepharosepala
• Author citation (Name of the author that named
and identified the plant) should be added at the
end of scientific name .
• Authority is represented by the first letter or
abbreviated letter of the person who named and
identified the plant ,for example:
Vicia faba L. The letter L. refer to the famous
Carlous Linnaeus
• The name of the author is not part from plant
name. and always written in normal letters and
not underline letters
Taxonomic units
The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature gives broad outline for the use
of the Code including typification, author citation, effective and valid publication
etc. The first part or the Code deals with the ranks of taxa in plant classification.
Every individual plant is treated as belonging to a number of categories with
species as the basic unit. The Code also has certain directives to arrange these
categories in their descending order and stipulates that the name of every
taxonomic group should end in a specific manner as follow
Plant collections and preservation
1-Botanic gardens
• It is defined as a garden dedicated to the
collection, cultivation and display of a wide
range of plants labelled with their botanical
• It may contain specialist plant collections such
as cacti ‫صبار‬and succulent plants, herb gardens,
plants from particular parts of the world, and so
on; there may be greenhouses, shade houses,
again with special collections such as tropical
plants, alpine plants, or other exotic ‫دخيل‬plants.
• Botanical garden activities:
Availability of plants for scientific research
Good source for gene pool for different species
Display of plant diversity in form and use
Display of plants of particular regions (including local)
Plants sometimes grown within their particular families
Plants grown for their seed
Plants of economic significance
Glasshouse plants of different climates
Research facilities utilizing the living collections
Studies in plant taxonomy
Examples of different vegetation types
Students education
• Until sixteenth century no systematic attempt
was made by the botanists to preserve the plant
• In about 1550 Caesalpino and others began to
preserve plants and soon after that the
importance of making herbarium was realised
by many others.
• Today in every country we find that plants of
immense value are preserved in various
herbaria; probably the greatest herbarium is at
the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew.
• Herbarium can be defined as a collection of
plants gathered by botanists, from far and
wide area and preserved on sheets.
• The collections arranged and preserved in
scientific names and families in systematic
• Herbarium specimen should be identified and
compared with well known and identified
Functions of herbaria
Functions of herbaria are:
1-Serve as a source of information on the flora of
any region
2-Serve as a permanent record allowing anyone to
go back and check the identification, re-sample
or repeat research
3-Serve as a source of research and teaching
materials in systematic and ecological botany
Laws and ethics of collecting plants
1-Collecting from public park without an official
permit is illegal
2-Rare and endangered plants never be collected
3-Always respect and care for the environment
from which you are taking flora
4-Always take only the minimum amount of
material required ,never collect more than 25% of
a single population
Precautions for using herbarium
1-Do not write any thing on herbarium sheets •
2-Never keep heavy objects on specimens •
3-Do not reshelf specimens in the herbarium cases •
4-If you have loaned specimens from other •
institute, return them before the loan time is over
5-If you notice that specimens are being damaged •
inform the care office immediately
List for the most famous herbaria
in the world
‫عدد العينات‬
)‫المجففة (بالمليون‬
, Russa
‫الحدائق الملكية النباتية‬
Roayl Botanic Gardens
‫معهد كوماروف النباتى‬
Komarov Botanical Institute
‫المتحف القومى للتاريخ الطبيعى‬
Museum National d’Historie Naturelle
‫المتحفظ البريطانى للتاريخ الطبيعى‬
(Natural History)
‫معهد وحدائق النباتات‬
Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques
‫جامعة ليون‬
Universite de Lyon
‫جامعة هارفر‬
‫المعهد النباتى الجامعى‬
Instituto Botanico della Universita
‫جامعة مونبيليه‬
Universite de Montpellier
Field notes
• Without detailed accurate information a herbarium
specimen is almost useless
• Field notes as:
• 1-Plant smell
• Aromatic , medicinal or spicy, non aromatic ,…….
• 2-Pollination system
• By air, insect, man, ect.
• 3-Exact definition of site of collection, geographical
site, altitude ,…….ect.
4-Species abundance:
More frequent-Common-Few-Rare -Very rare
5-Type of soil ( clay , sandy, rocky )
6-Type of site (habitat) ( desert, salt marches,
forest, sand dunes, valley and lack)
• 7-Plant habits: whether plants are
• Erect plants : woody and hard stem grow upward as trees
• Week plants : few wood unable plants to grow upright and mostly found in
form of
• Creeping and running plants : week plants can’t grow upward against gravity
• Climbing
• Shrubs : plants grow in small patches and small trees
• Weeds :week plants as gramineae
• Trees: high plants and woody grow upright as acacia and phoenix (date Palme)
8-Species stability
2- Introduced (sp. Transferred by man from another
continent or country)
3- Alien species( new to the area with unknown method,
grow but have difficult to normal reproduction)
9-Information about the individual species collected at
the site, particularly height, form, presence of
rhizomes, presence and colour of sap in cut stems,
flower colour. Flower colour often changes on drying
Steps for making herbarium
1-Plant collecting •
2-Plant pressing and preserving •
3-Plant mounting •
4-Plant labeling •
Methods for preparing herbarium
• 1- Cut or dug plant from soil
• 2-Press it as soon as possible before wilt
• 3-Put specimen on pressing sheet as newsprint
• 4-Take care do not fold or overlap any part of
• 5-Remove extra leaves or parts
• 6-Long specimen could be bent into V or N or M
• 7-Exposed some leaves to upper surface and
some others to lower surfaces
• 8-Flowers and inflorescences should be spread
out for complete view.
• 9-Some flowers could be pressed in L.S position
• In the press the specimens in the paper should
placed in between two driers, ventlator for every
• 10-Sheet should have the collector name and its
notice during collection
• 11-All sp., are placed in the press in order way
• 12-Plants are arranged in the press and tightly
bound with ropes or straps to prevent wrinkling
of specimens
• 13The press is now ready for drying
• 1-Specimens should dried as rapidly as possible
to get best results
• 2-Press is placed in sun for 24 hrs
• 3- press is opened and specimens are placed
in new dry newspapers.
• Press again bound and tightly
• The wet blotters and newspapers are redried
for reuse with another time and specimen
• Follow same trend for three – four days untill
specimens completely dried
• The press become loose when the plants are
completely dried .
• Artificial heating may also be used
• Specimens are never dried in oven
• In humid regions and rainy seasons plants are dried in big woody box contain
100 sp at least and have about five light bulbs of 60W to produce heat for 8-12
• Specimens poisoning :
• Drying specimens are poisoning before mounting by
• 1- Dipping in saturated solution of mercuric chloride and ethyl alcohol
• 2- Laurel pentata chlorophenate solution is recommended as the former is
virulent poison.
Mean that attach dried specimens to mounting paper or
herbarium sheet.
The standard size of herbarium sheet is 28.75 x 41.25 cm
Heavy and hard card heats are used as herb., sheet.
Good quality glue or paste used for affixing specimen to
herbarium sheet
Animal glue sometimes used in south Asia
In Europe glue withhold 128 or gummed paper are used
for addition glue to fix material
Loose parts as fruits seeds are placed in paper packets
with the specimen
Avoid use cellulose tapes.
Attaching Label
Label is affixed in the lower right corner of the sheet
The data that accompanies a herbarium specimen is just as important as the
specimen itself. Even a very good quality specimen is of no use to a
Herbarium unless it has a written label with the information detailed
Collector’s name: the name(s) of the person/people who collected the •
Date of collection •
Botanical name: If you are unsure of the identity it is still helpful to •
suggest a name, or at least a genus.
Locality: A written description of the precise collection locality is •
necessary, AS WELL AS a latitude and longitude reading. A GPS location
alone is not sufficient. The locality description should be detailed enough
to enable any person to revisit the approximate place of collection.
Annotation slips
They are a small pieces of papers used to •
indicate confirmation of the specimens
They usually indicate the species new name ,date •
of identification and signature of the person who
did the identification
Spirit Collections
Spirit collections may also be called wet, pickled or alcohol collections.. Spirit •
collections are predominantly used for preserving succulent or delicate structures
(eg. petalous flowers or fleshy fruits) that shrivel upon drying, or when the
structure or shape of the specimens is required (e.g. botanical illustration, •
microscopy, etc).
Until recently, specimens were pickled in F.A.A. (Formaldehyde + Acetic Acid + •
Alcohol). FAA is no longer used however, as formalin has been found to be
extremely toxic.
Today solutions such 70% ethanol (70% ethanol + 30% water) are preferred for wet
Climate of Saudi Arabia
There are three climatic zones in the kingdom •
• (1) Desert almost everywhere
• (2) Steppe along the western highlands, forming a strip
less than 100 miles (160 km) wide in the north but
becoming almost 300 miles (480 km) wide at the latitude
of Mecca
• (3) A small area of humid and mild temperature
conditions, with long summers, in the highlands just
north of Yemen.
 . In March and April, some precipitation, normally
torrential‫غزير‬, falls in Mecca and Asir
 Winters, from December to February, are cool, and frost
and snow may occur in the southern highlands.
 Average temperatures for the coolest months, December
through February, are 74 °F (23 °C) at Jiddah, 58 °F (14 °C)
at Riyadh, and 63 °F (17 °C) at Al-Dammām. Summers, from
June to August, are hot, with daytime temperatures in the
shade exceeding 100 °F (38 °C) in almost all of the country.
Temperatures in the desert frequently rise as high as 130 °F
(55 °C) in the summer. Humidity is low, except along the
coasts, where it can be high and very oppressive ‫خانقه او‬
• The level of precipitation is also low throughout the
country, amounting to about 2.5 inches (65 mm) at
Jiddah, a little more than 3 inches (75 mm) at Riyadh, and
3 inches at Al-Dammām.
• In the highlands of Asir, more than 19 inches (480 mm) a
year may be received, falling mostly between May and
October when the summer monsoon winds prevail ‫تهب‬
‫الرياح الموسميه‬. In the Rubʿ al-Khali, a decade may pass with
no precipitation at all.
• Altitude of the plains in the Central Region is
about 500-800 m and the relative height of the
mountains and escarpments (Jabal Shammar,
Jabal Tuwayq) varies from 300-600 m.
• The Eastern Region is broadly divided into 1). an
open plain adjacent to the Dahna sands, 2). the
Northern plains which is bordering with Kuwait,
3). the coastal lowlands and 4).the Rub' al-Khali,
the largest, continuous sand body in the world.
Overview on Topography of Saudi
• Saudi Arabia is a quadrilateral land mass,
occupying a major part of the Arabian Peninsula.
It covers an area of about 2,250,000 sq. km.
• Landscape is composed of a variety of habitats
such as mountains, Valleys (Wadis), sandy and
rocky deserts, meadows (Raudhahs), salt pans
• Geographical sense, Saudi Arabia can be divided
into two distinct zones:
• 1- The rain fed highlands of the western and
southwestern regions (Sarawat Mountains)
• 2- The vast arid ‫ الجافة الواسعه‬and extra arid lands
of the interior (Najd).
The Najd area, which occupies the lion share of
Saudi Arabia, is located on the eastern side of
the entire Sarawat Mountains and adjoining
• Rub al-Khali in the south, both of which are
connected by an arch shaped Dahna sands.
• The Central Region in general, is characterized
by patchy, gravel ‫ مفروشه بالحصى‬deserts
• The mountains of southwestern region form a
continuous chain of escarpments‫خندق‬, extending
from Taif to Yemen border. The peaks reach
elevations of over 2000 m in the vicinity‫ قرب‬of
Taif and extreme south and over 3000 m in the
Abha area.
• mountains on the western side, especially the
Asir Mountains are characterized by cool climate,
high precipitation and high humidity
• The mountains of Jizan Region, especially the
Fayfa Mountains reach a height of about 2000 m.
• Tihama lies between the Red Sea and the
Escarpments‫المنخفض او اخندق‬. It is narrow in the
northwestern side and wider in the southwestern side.
• Approximately 30% of the land of Saudi Arabia is
covered by three major sand bodies
• The Great Nafud, situated in the northern part of the
country is a 60,000 sq km wide
• The Rub al-Khali or the Empty Quarter, with its extreme
climate, occupies in 500,000 sq km area and is located
in the southern and southeastern part of the country
Characteristic of Saudi wild flora
• Much of Saudi Arabia’s vegetation belongs to the North African–
Indian desert region. Plants are xerophytes (require little water)
and are mostly small herbs and shrubs that are useful as forage.
• Few small areas of grass and trees in southern Asir.
• The flora of Saudi Arabia has about 2281 species in 853 genera; of
which 9 species are Gymnosperms and 27 species are
• of 131 families have been reported from all over Saudi Arabia;
among these 33 families are represented by a single species each
• The regions along the northwestern and southwestern regions,
however, are densely vegetated and contain the highest number of
species. Approximately 70% of the country's floristic elements are
reported from these areas.
• Saudi Arabia contains 97 (4.25%) trees, 564 (24.73%) shrubs and
about 1620 (71.02%) herbs.
• Saudi Arabia, 418 species belonging to 27 families
are monocots. It constitutes around 20 % of the
vascular plants of Saudi Arabia. Of which, 67 species
are endangered and 16 are endemic to the region
• . Gramineae with 261 species is the largest monocot
family in Saudi Arabia, followed by Cyperaceae with
40 species. Among the genera, Cyperus is the largest
with 21 species.
Major Families of Saudi flora
Major Families of Saudi flora
-269 spp.
-246 spp.
-217 spp.
- 87 spp.
Scrophulariaceae - 64 spp.
Caryophyllaceae - 74 spp.
- 72 spp.
- 62 spp.
Chenopodiaceae - 71 spp.
- 67 spp.
Types of habitats and their
vegetation in Saudi arabia
1-Marine habitat
Marine life is concerned with the plants, animals and other organisms that live in
the ocean and seas . Given that in biology many phyla, families and genera have
some species that live in the sea and others that live on land.
A- herbs: plant species able to grow in sea water recording 7 genus in red sea and
gulf water .These species used as fish food and maintain the sea shore
B- Avicenia marina‫ نبات الشوري‬and Rhizophora mucronata which found in gulf
water only
These habitat used for growing young fishes on red sea shore
This area called Mangrove , it face lot of changes due to camel razing and human
C- halophytes : this type of habitat lies on red sea and Arab gulf area
Lot of species are grow in this area that only can tolerate high salinity in the soil as
Arthrocnemon glacum ‫نبات الخريص‬and Halopeplis perfoliata ‫نبات المليح‬
• Based on salinity concentration a gradual distribution of species on
sucessive system on the shore as far from the water , where some
species can grow in less saline conc. As Suaeda sp ‫نبات السويد‬and
Salsola baryosom ‫نبات الخريط‬, and Hammada elegans ‫نبات الرمث‬.
• 2- Terrestrial habitats
• A- islands
• 1- Teran and snafer islands in akaba gulf
• 2- Farasan islands in red sea
• These islands are very important as it is a natural labs for study sp.
• B- wet land area
as lakes , bonds , wetthead and water tanks as well as sewage water
which give a model of wet area and growth of semi water growth
species as Phragmites sp.‫ الغاب‬And Typha sp‫البردي‬
C- Valies (Wadies)
An elongate depression of the earth's surface usually between ranges of hills •
or mountains.
b : an area drained by a river and its tributaries. •
D- Mountains
a large natural elevation of the earth's surface rising abruptly from the
surrounding level.
E- Forest mountain regions
Found in west mountains at Sarawat mountains chain where lot of Juniperus
procera ‫العرعر‬and Dodonaea viscosa ‫نبات الشث‬, Olea chrysophylla ‫الزيتون‬
‫البري‬and Pistacia falcata ‫اللوز البري‬
This type of habitat is useful as soil holder where it improve characters of the soil
to be more stable by roots.
High trees also give better humid atmosphere to the forest all the year
F- Al harat Widespread area of volcanoes rocks
represent about 9 million hektar in Saudi Arabia as
khibar and alraha harah
As these area are isolated and mostly away from
civilization many of wild plants and animals are
represent in it
• G- Sandy plains
• represent only few of Acacia sp ‫ الطلح‬and Ziziphus
spins ‫ السدر‬and som herbs
• H- Deserts : cover about 780,000 km of Arab
peninsula .
Plant geographical regions in
saudi arabia
• 1- Western costal plain ‫السهل الساحلى الغربى‬
• Extend from Sarawat mountains to Yamin south
to Akaba gulf in the north
• Climate is high humid and warm humid at
summer with few rain fall
• Soil somehow fertile allow growth of lot of
• Types of sp. Found in this area:
Leguminosae \ Fabaceae (
‫االسم المحلي االسم العلمي‬
Acacia spp
A. ehernbrgiana
Rhazya stricta Decne
Maerua crassifolia
Ziziphus spina-christi
‫السم العلمي‬
‫ الباذنجانية‬Lycium shawii Roem et
‫ العشارية‬Lepadenia pyrotechnica
‫ الرطراطية‬Zygophyllum album L .
‫ القرنية ( البقمية‬Casia senna L. or
) C.italica
(Mill) Lam. ex Steud
‫السنة مكي‬
‫ الرمرامية‬Salsola vermiculata L
\ ‫الضمران‬
‫ الرمرامية‬Anabasis setifera Moq
‫ الرمرامية‬Halopeplis perfoliata (
Forssk )
‫مليح \ ثليث‬
‫ الربيعية‬Limonium axillare (
Forssk ) Ktze
‫سلسلة جبال الحجاز والسروات‬
2-Higaz and Sarawat mountains
• This area lies parallel to red sea and extend to yamen
to akaba at the north
• Altitude of this mountains range from 3000 -2000m
• North and south regions have lot of rains especially at
summer season
• Temperature range from 10 to 22 degree
• This area have lot of valies as wadi Fatma near Mekka ,
wadi kulais north jedda and wadi Rabegh and wadi al
Remah near Madinah as well as Besha and wadi Al
• Some types of species common in this area:
‫كساء خضرى فى الوادى‬
‫السهل الساحلى ويلية سلسلة جبال الحجاز والسروات من الجنوب الى الشمال‬
Asir mountains
( ‫القرنية‬
) ‫الطلحية‬
( ‫القرنية‬
) ‫الطلحية‬
( ‫القرنية‬
) ‫الطلحية‬
( ‫القرنية‬
) ‫الطلحية‬
Acacia ehernbergiana
A.tortilis ssp. raddiana
A.tortilis ssp.spirocarpa
A.etbica Schweinf
Blepharis ciliaris L.B.L.
‫ السروية‬Juniperus procera
‫ الزيتونية‬Olea chrysophlla Lam
‫ التوتية‬Ficus palmata
‫ القرنية‬Acacia etbica Schweinf.
‫السم العلمي‬
‫شوك الضب‬
‫الزيتون البري‬
Acacia ehernbergiana
‫الهضاب الغربية‬3- Western highland
• This area lies parallel to higaz mountain with
some dunes and valies from nagran in the
south to tabuik in the north
• Altitude range from 1000-1400m
• Few rains and few species mostly desert ones
Some species common in this area are:
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫االسم المحلي‬
Acacia tortilis
Maerua crassifolia
‫ الباذنجانية‬Lycium shawii Roem
‫ العشارية‬Lepadenia pyrotechnica
Rhazya stricta Decne
‫الكساء الخضرى فى الكسبان الرملية‬
‫الكساء الخضرى فى الوادى‬
Lycium shawii Roem
4-Middle highland ‫الهضبة الوسطى‬
• Extend from Al Dahnna in east to Al Nofood
north to the rob al khali in the south
• Altitude range from 500 – 900m
• Rainy in winter season
• Have lot of highlands, vallies as wadi al
remmah and wide plains.
• Some species recorded in this region are:
‫الهضبة الوسطى‬
-: ‫في شرق الهضبة توجد أنواع نباتية مختلفة منها‬
Poaceae \
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫ اللصفية‬Dipterygium
‫ النجيلية‬Panicm
‫ الحملية‬Plantago
‫ الحماضية‬Rumex
vesicarius L.
Poaceae \
Asteraceae \
‫االسم المحلي‬
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫ النجيلية‬Stipagrostis hirtigluma
‫ المركبة‬Artemisia spp. A. judaica L.
‫ اللبنية‬Euphobia kahirensis
‫ الجارونية‬Monsonia nivea
‫أمثلة على‬
‫األنواع النباتية‬
‫التي تعيش في‬
‫المنطقة بشكل‬
-: ‫عام‬
‫االسم المحلي‬
5- Eastern region‫المنطقة الشرقية‬
• Start from Al Dahnna in the west to Arab gulf
in the east , also from Saudi kauwait and Iraq
borders to Rub Al khali at south
• Area shows lot of sand dunes, plains and some
salt marches near the gulf
• Species common in this area are:
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫ الرمرامية‬Salsola vermiculata
‫ النجيلية‬Panicm turgidum
‫ الباذنجانية‬Lycium shawii
‫ العشارية‬Lepadenia
‫ الرطراطية‬Zygophyllum album
‫ الحمضية‬Calligonum
Poaceae \
Asteraceae \
‫االسم المحلي‬
‫أمثلة على األنواع النباتية الضمران‬
‫التي تعيش في المنطقة‬
-: ‫بشكل عام‬
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫ المركبة‬Pulicaria undulata L.Kostel
‫ اللصفية‬Dipterygium glaucum
‫االسم المحلي‬
‫نمو`ج للنباتات الملحية ‪halophytes‬‬
6- Northern region ‫المناطق الشمالية‬
• Lies south Jordon and Iraq border to wadi al
sarhan north Tabuk and Ababa in the west
• Include lot of perennial species
• Also show cold weather and rainy winter season
and hot summer
• herbs are few and varied species, and seasonal
depends on rains
• Shrubs and trees are rare
• Species most dominant is Stipagrostis scoparia (
family Poaceae – Gramineae)
‫الربع الخالى‬7- Al rob al khali
• Desert land widely distributed from Yamin and
Oman south of 700km in the kingdom to 1300km
east in the kingdom
• No rain or very few every two years in form of
storms sometimes pass 10 years without any rain
or winter season
• No shrubs or trees represented
• Species found in this area very few mostly
Panicum turgidum Foressk. ( poaceae) and
calligomum comosum (polygonaceae)
vegetation categoties in Saudi
Wild plants are a vital component in all terrestrial •
ecosystems. All living things on earth are totally or
partially dependent on plants and plant products in
one way or the other.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a varied heritage of •
plant diversity, encompassing a wide spectrum of
habitats ranging from mountains, sand seas, rocky
deserts, meadows, salt pans, etc. and a variety of
climatic regimes, ranging from Mediterranean,
semiarid and arid climates.
Vegetation of Saudi Arabia is divided into five •
broad categories.
1. Vegetation of the coastal plains and Sabkhas •
2. Deserts and scarcely vegetated areas •
3. Dwarf shrub-lands •
4. Woodlands and xeromorphic shrub-lands of •
high altitude areas
5. Wadi Communities. •
1. Coastal zones and sabkhas •
a. Coastal zones and sabkha vegetation •
Mangroves, halophytes, open xeromorphic and drought-deciduous thorn •
woodlands dominate the coastal zones of Arabian Gulf and Red Sea.
Among these, mangrove stands, represented by Avicennia marina and Rhizophora •
Depending on the soil texture whether it is saline, silt, sand or alkaline, several •
populations and plant associations have been found in the southwestern and
northwestern coastal lands (Tihama).
Major populations recorded from Tihama are Limonium axillare, Suaeda monoica •
and Zygophyllum coccineum. Among the communities present in these zones are:
Mangrove community (Avicennia marina and Rhizophora mucronata), •
Panicum-Pennisetum community (Panicum turgidum, Pennisetum divisum, Lasiurus
scindicus, Acacia tortilis),
and Suaeda monoica-Tamarix community (Suaeda monoica, S. vermiculata, Tamarix
b. Open xeromorphic grasslands. •
Dominant species: Acacia tortilis, Panicum •
turgidum, Lycium shawii,Calligonum
comosum,, Indigofera spinosa, Tephrosia
apollinea, Blepharis ciliaris.
2. Deserts and sparsely vegetated areas •
a. Open xeromorphic dwarf-shrublands of rock and gravel deserts. •
Dominant species: Acacia tortilis, Haloxylon salicornicum, Astragalus spinosus, •
b. Scarcely vegetated sand dunes and sand covered gavel plains. •
Dominant species: Acacia spp. and Calligonum comosum. •
3. Dwarf shrub lands •
a. Open xeromorphic dwarf shrublands •
Dominant species: Haloxylon salicornicum, Rhanterium epapposum, Acacia •
gerrardii, Acacia ehrenbergiana, Ziziphus nummularia, Lycium shawii.
4. Montane woodlands •
Dominant species of northern parts of southern Hijaz Mountains (Jeddah-Taif): Acacia •
asak, Delonix elata,Euphorbia cuneata, Maytenus senegalensis
Dominant species of the middle parts of southern Hijaz Mountains (Asir): Acacia •
ehrenbergiana, Euphorbia fractiflexa, Indigofera spinosa, Panicum turgidum, Blepharis
Dominant species of the southern parts of southern Hijaz Mountains :Acacia tortilis, •
Adenium obesum, Aloe officinalis, Combretum molle, Delonix elata,
Dominant species of northern mountains: Juniperus phoenicea, Artemisia seiberi,
Asperagus aphyllus,
Dominant species of Taif Mountains: Juniperus procera, Euryops arabicus,
Rhus retinorrhea
Dominant species of Jabal Soodah: Acacia gerrardii, A. seyal, Erica arborea,
Juniperus procera, Lavandula dentata, Rumex nervosus, Rosa abyssinica,
Otostegia fruticosa, Psiadia punctulata,
Dominant species of the mountains of Jizan mountains: Juniperus procera, Acacia
gerrardii, Hypericum revolutum, Cordia abyssinica, Rosa abyssinica
5. Wadi communities •
Several plant communities have been identified along the •
banks and wadi bottom, especially along the wadis of Najd
and Tihama areas.
a. Dominant species of the Central region: Acacia gerrardii, A. •
raddiana, A. ehrenbergiana, A. tortilis, Rhazya stricta, Lycium
shawii, etc.
b. Dominant species of Tihama region: Acacia ehrenbergiana, •
Ziziphus spina-christi, Salvadora persica, Tamarix nilotica,
Hyphaene thebaica, Abutilon pannosum, Panicum turgidum,
Vegetation and habitat of some different regions in Saudi
Central region of Saudi Arabia
The central region is characterized by hillocks, wadis (valleys), meadows, •
sabkhas(salt pans), gravel,rocky and sandy deserts Vegetation of rocky deserts are
generally sparse due to the impermeability of water and its impenetrable surface
- are largely confined to the periphery
to plant roots.Plant growth and seed deposits
of the gravel areas, where fine soil accumulate over a considerable period and
generate a habitat conducive for certain shallow rooted plants.
Huge areas of sand dunes are present in the northern, eastern and southern •
borders. Plateau and other deserts are also less favourable for plant growth due to
exposure to wind and other evaporating factors. Vegetation in such areas are
restricted to notches and crevices.
An array of hillocks is the main landmark of this region •
. •
Vegetation is virtually nil on these hillocks except for •
a few grass species and some perennial plants. Wadis
on the other hand, which receive additional supply
of runoff water along with fine soil from the elevated
places, are the real seat of the main vegetation
Tree species are rare in the central region. •
Common plants of some of the major habitats of •
the central region are as follows:
Acacia gerrardii -Amaranthus graecizans- •
Asphodelus tenuifolius -Arnebia hispidissima-Acacia
tottilis-Heliotropium bacciferum-Bassia muricata
Vegetation of Eastern of Saudi Arabia
Floristically, the entire region is divided into 8 sub regions. They are •
Northern plains, the central coastal lowlands,
the south coastal lowlands, northern summan, southern summan, •
northern Dahna, southern Dahna and the
Rub al-Khali •
Climate of the Eastern Saudi Arabia is generally arid . •
Vegetation in these areas contains such plants as Anabasis lachnanth, •
Haloxylon salicornicum
Along with this species, annuals such as Plantago boissieri, Lotus •
halophilus, etc.
In the Rub Al-Khali desert, the dominant vegetation is represented by •
Calligonum crinitum, Tribulus pentandrus ssp. arabicus, Limeum arabicum
and Cyperus conglomerates.
Vegetation of Northern region
Vegetation of Tabuk Region •
In general terms, the vegetation of Tabuk Region is composed mainly of Chenopods,
especially the Salsola tetrandra-Salsola cyclophylla associations. However, a few •
other xerophytic vegetations can also be seen in some localized centers. These
localized vegetation units are dominated by
Haloxylon salicornicum, Retama reaetam, Pulicaria undulata, Acacia tortilis, and •
Lycium shawii.
Apart from the xeromorphic vegetation, halophytic vegetation is also dominant in •
certain salt marsh ecosystems. These include: Pharagmites australis, Tamarix
nilotica, and Zygophyllum coccineum.
A significant number of annual species are also found in the Tabuk region, most of •
which are belonging to the families, Brassicaceae, Asteraceae and Paplionaceae.
Common annual species include: Silene villosa, Plantago ciliata, •
Astragalus schimperi, A. annularis, Trigonella stellata, Plantago amplexicaulis, etc. •
Vegetation of Taif region
The rugged topographical features of the surveyed area contain a
variety of land forms, ranging from high plateau, escarpments, rocky ridges,
valleys, etc. Each of these habitats has its particular soil textures, water resources,
microclimate as well as elevation above sea level.
Following list shows the important trees shrubs and perennial herbs of the study •
Trees. Juniperus procera, Acacia gerrardii, Acacia origena,, •
Ziziphus spina-christi,. •
Shrub Dodonaea angustifolia, rumex nervosus, Withania somnifera, Opuntia ficus- •
indica, Ochradenus baccatus
Perennial herbs Euryops arabicus, Lavandula dentata, Pulicaria undulata,
Teucrium polium, Ruta chalepensis, Echinops erinaceus, etc.
Vegetation of Asir mountains
The vegetation of Asir is very interesting and consists of a variety of species. •
The mountains which have an altitude of about 3100 m have three or more layers •
of vegetation.
The top layer consists of Juniperus procera, Nuxia congesta, Tarchonanthus •
camphoratus, Maesa lanceolata, Teclea nobilis, etc. The second layer consists of
small trees or tall shrubs such as Olea europaea, Buddleja polystachya, Grewia spp.
Dodonaea angustifolia, Debregeasia saenab, Carissa edulis, Ehretia obtusifolia
Canthium spp., etc. The third and fourth layer is formed of a number of dwarf
shrubs and herbs.
Vegetation of Farassan islands
These islands play an important role for migratory •
birds and for a number of endemic races of snakes.
the first and foremost important factor that makes
Farasan group of islands unique is the presence of
two important Mangrove populations, Avicennia
marina and Rhizophora mucronata in addition to the
following plants as: Ipomoea hochstetteri, Euphorbia
collenetteae,Limonium cylindrifolium
Types OF Deserts And Their Ecosystem
A desert is a type of region or terrain on, Earth's •
surface which receives very less rainfall compared to
other regions.
Deserts are extremely dry regions with very little •
water around.
Deserts are one of the major ecosystems in the world
and constitute one fifth of the earth’s land .
Deserts have been defined and classified in a number
of ways, generally combining total precipitation,
number of days on which this falls, temperature, and
humidity, and sometimes additional factors.
Classification of deserts based on
Hot deserts •
The mean temperature ranges from 40 °C) to 7 °C or even •
lower.The rainfall is very low, especially in winter, and may
come in the form of an occasional downpour. The soil consists
of coarse gravel or sand, and is shallow and well drained.
Plants here tend to have deep taproots and may only open
their stomata at night.
Cold deserts •
It can be covered with snow or ice for part of the year; frozen •
water unavailable to plant life.The temperature seldom rises
above 20 °C in summer and often falls below −30 °C in winter.
The soil in cold deserts is often fine silt, saline and heavy.
Plants growing there tend to be widely separated, deciduous,
low and spiny
Classification of deserts based on amount of
In 1961, Peveril Meigs divided according to the •
amount of precipitation they received into three
categories: Extremely arid lands, arid and Semiarid
The soil in these deserts varies from sandy, to coarse, •
to shallow and gravely. Around the mountain slopes
the soil is shallow and rocky; around lower slopes it
is coarse while around the bottom land it’s fine and
sandy. The soil has a very low salt concentration.
Like the hot and dry deserts, the plants here are •
highly specialized in conserving water. They have
reduced leaved known as spines and thick cuticles.
Deserts in Saudi Arabia
Deserts are classified by their geographical location and dominant weather
pattern as trade wind, midlatitude, rain shadow, coastal, monsoon, or
polar deserts.
The Saudi desert with its golden sands that constitutes four-fifths of the
Kingdom’s geographical area that prompted the Saudis to explore the
worlds of this natural environment surrounding them from all directions.
-Although the desert of Saudi Arabia is more or less continuous, extending •
from North to South, the Nafud in the north and the Rub-al-Khali in the
south are the largest among all
-Other sand bodies, such as the crescent-shaped Dahna situated in the •
Najd Area and the Al-Jafurah on the eastern region are relatively smaller in
Rub-al-Khali The region is almost empty of human beings due to the
extreme heat, and scarce rain, vegetation, and water. Moreover,
its natural features of high sand dunes made it difficult for human
life to survive and move around. It is also known as the Great
Sandy Desert.
Rub-al-Khali or the 'Empty Quarter' is believed to be the largest continuous sand
body in the world . Rainfall is almost nil in this desert. Vegetation composed of
diffuse shrubs. Annual plants are virtually nil in this desert . A few endemic
plants such as Calligonum crinitum spp. arabicum, Tribulus arabicus, Cornulaca
arabica, is recorded
-The Great Nafud is composed of transverse sand dunes.
-The sand of Nafud is reddish in colour due to iron oxide coating
while the sands of other deserts are somewhat yellowish in
The great Nafud is composed of transverse sand •
dunes.The sands of great Nafud is reddish in
colour due toiron oxide coating while the sandsof
other deserts are yellowish.
As the rains in the deserts are intermittent and •
erratic, every drop of water that fall on the sand is
precious for the existence of plants and animals.
Plants have several adaptations that help them to
survive in the desert, such as ability to collect and
store water, features that help reduce water loss.
Desert plants usually have small leaves or leaf-like
appendages, thick, waxy cuticle on the surface of
Halophytes of Saudi Arabia
Present estimates show that Saudi Arabia contains over 100 halophytic species distributed
in 33 families or so.
Among the halophytes recorded from Saudi Arabia, the highest number is from
As water evaporates from the shallow depressions, it leaves a crest of salt and thereby
forming a substratum for the growth of several salt loving plants (Halophytes).
The salinity of the salty lands varies from region to region and from season to season,
depending upon the climate in which these sites are located.
The salinity and water level decide the vegetation type of the area
. Two types of salt marshes (Sabkhas) are present in Saudi Arabia, namely
1- Inland
2 -Littoral (Coastal).
Inland salty areas, which are usually far away from the seashore, are
small to large depressions and are characterized by shallow
underground water table. In certain areas, such as Al-Hassa Oasis,
Littoral or coastal sabkhas can be seen throughout the Arabian Gulf
and the Red Sea coast. Coastal salty areas are characterized by fine
clay soil mixed with humus.
Coastal lands are sparsely vegetated, mostly dominated by mangroves
and some succulent plants of the families such as Chenopodiaceae,
Zygophyllaceae, followed by Poaceae, Zygophyllaceae and
, etc.
Succulent species or halophytes in general are
dominating in and around salt pans .Species such
as Zygophyllum coccineum, Aeluropus lagopoides,
Cressa cretica, Limonium axillare, Zygophyllum
simplex are common in such areas while Avicennia
marina and large colonies of sea grasses are
dominating in the shallow waters of Red Sea and
Arabian Gulf.
• Saudi Arabia does not have any rivers or any perennial
streams. However, seasonal streams or ponds, mostly
seen in the southwestern region contain a few species.
Mangrove vegetation
Common mangrove are Rhizophora mucronata •
(Rhizophoraceae)and Avicennia officinalis (Verbenaceae)
The ecological conditions which are essentials for the •
development of mangrove vegetation are:
Shallow water with thick mud •
-Waterlogged saline soil or sandy or loose soil or heavy •
clay containing large amount of organic matter
-High rainfall and high humidity and cloudy weather •
Succulent plants
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫االسم الدارج‬
Aloe sp.
Aizoon canariense
‫الصبار الكناري‬
Caralluma subulata
‫ كريب‬- ‫الغلثي‬
Zygophyllum coccineum
‫صبار ‪ -‬عصيري‬
‫صبار الكناري‬
Aquatic flora of Saudi Arabia
Aquatic plants are important part of fresh water, brackish or marine aquatic ecosystems.
They help removing the nutrients and other pollutants from streams and provide a
habitat for fish, shrimp and other aquatic species and provide forage for waterfowl.
Hydrophytes — are plants that have adapted to living in or on aquatic environments.
Saudi Arabian aquatic plants are growing in shallow water bodies.
They are characterized by thin cuticle, permanently opened stomatas with inactive guard
cells, specialized flat leaves with well defined aerenchyma and feathery roots for oxygen
In Saudi Arabia, the aquatic flora is not strikingly rich. The aquatic flora in Saudi
Arabia contains more than 40 aquatic or semi aquatic species, of which
Potamogetonaceae has the maximum number of species.
Some of the species belonging to the flora of Saudi Arabia are cosmopolitan, such
as Lemna spp., Examples for fresh water aquatic plants are Ceratophyllum
demersum- Ceratophyllum submersum
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫االسم الدارج‬
Potamogeton nodosus
‫لسان البحر‬
Avicennia marina
)‫الشورى ( نصف مغمورة‬
Parasitic plants
-The flora of Saudi Arabia contains about 32 species •
of total or partial parasites that are native or
introduced to the kingdom
-They vary from obligate ,faculative, holoparasites •
and hemiparasites
-Families that having parasite species are: •
Cuscutaceae-Orobanchaceae-Loranthaceae, the
majority of parasitic species are found in southern
‫‪Parasitic species‬‬
‫االسم الدارج‬
‫الهالوك (يتطفل على جذور نبات‬
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫‪Orbanche sp.‬‬
‫‪Cuscuta sp.‬‬
Endemic plants
Endemic species are defined as species only •
found in one specific geographical are
Isolated geographical areas, such as islan •
Lakes or mountain ranges, often have many •
endemic species
Endemic plants of Saudi Arabia
Species present in Saudi Arabia only
•Allium asirense B. Mathew
•Aloe armatissima Lavr. & Colle.
•Aloe porphyrostachys Lar. & Colle.
•Aloe shadensis Lavr. & Colle.
•Aloe sheilae Lavr.
•Anthemis dicksoniae A. Ghafoor
•Anthemis scrobicularis Hedge & Kit Tan
•Anthemis sheilae A. Ghafoor
•Astragalus collenettae I.C. Hedge & D. Podl.
•Convolvulus asirensis Kotschy
•Convolvulus cephalopodus ssp. abhansis Alfarhan
•Delphinium sheilae Kit Tan
•Echinops abuzinadianus S. Chaudhary
Status categories of species
• Vulnerable :Likely to become endangered in the future if
factor that is posing threat persist
• The endangered plant is defined as species or taxa facing
• Rare plant is defined as taxa with small population ,that are
not at present endangered but at risk.
• the percentage of rare and endangered species is very high in
Saudi Arabia. About 600 species are considered as rare or
endangered. The loss of flora in Saudi Arabia is probably
higher than any other country in the Middle East.
• the dramatic fluctuations in climate which resulted in periodic
drought have made it much more difficult for plants to survive
in their habitats.
The dramatic fluctuations in climate which resulted
in periodic drought have made it much more
difficult for plants to survive in their habitats
RARE SPECIES has any one or more of the following
• Grows naturally in a narrow geographical area,
• Occupies only one or few specialize habitats,
• Forms only small population(s)
list of Endangered species in Saudi
Allium asirense
Aloe x abhaica
Aloe armatissima
Aloe brunneodentata
Aloe cephalophora
Aloe edentata
Aloe fleurentiniorum
Aloe parvicapsula
Aloe parvicoma
Aloe porpyrostachys
Aloe pseudorubroviolacea
Aloe x qaharensis
Aloe shadensis
Aloe sheilae
Aloe vulcanica
Aloe yemenica
Astripomoea malvacea
Convolvulus excelsus
Convolvulus infantispinosus
Xenostegia tridentata
Dracaena ombet
Euphorbia agowensis
Euphorbia ammak
Euphorbia sp. aff. ammak
•Hypericum collenettae N. Robson
•Indigogera brachyphylla Al-Turki
•Salsola Arabica Botsch.
•Teucrium hijazicum I.C. Hedge & R. A. King
•Nepeta sheilae I.C. Hedge & King
•Phagnalon stenolepis var. abdulazizianum S. Chaudhary
•Pycnocycla sheilae S. Chaudhary
•Reseda pentagyna Abdallah & A.G. Mill.
•Rhytidocaulon sheilae D.V. Field
•Rubus asirensis D.F. Chamb.
•Silene asirensis D.F. Chamb. & Colle.
•Silene corylina D.F. Chamb. & Colle.
•Teucrium popoviii R.A. King
•Trisetaria chaudharyana H. Scholz
Preserving Endangered Species
1-Preservation approaches: •
2-Habitat restoration –
3-Removal of introduced species –
4-Cleanup and rehabilitation –
plants ‫منقرض‬Extinct
Extinct i.e plant no longer existing or living
When a habitat of a rare and/or endemic
species are damaged and/or fragmented by
human activities, the distribution ranges of
population sizes of them will be reduced and
the species would be vulnerable to extinction
with a rate more than any other species. •
Factors responsible for extinction:
Habitat loss
Habitat fragmentation –
Overexploitation (hunting, fishing ..) –
Introduced species –
Disruption of ecological interactions –
Pollution –
Loss of genetic variability –
Plant diseases –
Over grazing –
Current status of plant conservation in
Saudi Arabia
• One of the important steps towards the
conservation of our wild plants is to expand
the floristic knowledge. Among the species so
far recorded from Saudi Arabia, approximately
30% of species are rare or seen in restricted
localities and about 18 species are believed
locally extinct.
Disturbances in the environment can be natural or
man made. Natural disturbances, may be events
which cause abrupt structural change in plant
communities, is an integral part of the pattern in
most parts of the Kingdom's landscapes. Desert
encroachment ‫ االمتداد الصحراوي او التعدى‬and drought
are the two major natural disturbances operating in
the rangelands.
Saudi Arabia is one of the most vulnerable countries in this
region. There are many reasons about these vulnerabilities,
and these are explained in the climate change 2001, at the
Third Assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC). The report established how human
activity (burning fossil fuels and changes in land use) is
modifying the global climate with temperatures rises projected
for the next 100 years that could affect human welfare and the
environment. The climatic record of this region for the past five
years showed that there were fluctuations in the temperature
and a decrease in rainfall over large portions of Saudi Arabia. In
the 21st century, this warning trend, and changes in
precipitation patterns are expected to continue along with a
rise in sea level and increased frequency of extreme weather
• Saudi Arabia's biodiversity is under threat from
multiple stresses. Climate change is one of the
several pressures. Although climate changes will
have consequences all over Saudi Arabia, not all
regions will be affected equally, nor all regions
equally vulnerable to those impacts.
• Saudi Arabia, being located in the arid part of the
world is expected to experience faster warming
due to climate change than countries located in
the tropical or temperate regions.
Strategic goals for conservation
and sustainable use of biodiversity
Steps taken for conservation the remaining species
1-Establishment of national parks –protected area
2-Establishment of gene banks
3-Collection and preservation of germplasm
4-Legisation for conservation
5-Control an over exploitation
Protected area in Saudi Arabia
• At present, Saudi Arabia has 15 protected
areas which cover approximately 5% of the
land area and conserve about 43% of the
country's flora.
• Protected area in Saudi Arabia
Some of the protected areas of Saudi Arabia •
are listed below :
Abu Duda
Al Hair Wetland •
Al Wahbah Natural Monument •
Asir National Park •
Farasan Islands Protected Area •
Harrat al-Harrah Protected Area •
Harrat ar-Raha Nature Reserve •
Economically important plants in
the flora of Saudi Arabia
Crops and vegetables check list
Fabaceae (leguminoseae)
Pisum sativum
Phaseolus vulgaris
‫ بسلة‬Cucurbita pepo (Cucurbitaceae)
‫ فاصوليا‬Cucumis melo (Cucurbitaceae)
Lens esculentus
‫ عدس‬Spices of Labiatae
Cicer arietinum
‫ حمص‬Mentha sativa
Lupinus termis
‫ ترمس‬Ocimum basilicum
‫ حلبة‬Origanum majorana
Lathyrus sativus
‫ جلبان‬Rosmarinus officinalis
Forages of Gramineae
‫ أعالف‬Spices of Umbelliferae
Trigonella foenum-graecum
Pennisetum spicatum
‫ دخن‬Anethum graveolens
Latin name
‫ األسم العربي‬Latin name
Cereals (Gramineae)
‫ حبوب‬Oil crops
Hordeum vulgare
‫ شعير‬Arachis hypogaea (Leguminosae)
‫األسم العربي‬
‫فول سودانى‬
Triticum vulgare
‫ قمح‬Sesamum indicum (Pedaliacae)
Oryza sativa
‫ أرز‬Olea europaea (Oleaceae)
Zea mays
‫ ذرة شامى‬Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae)
Sorghum bicolor
‫ ذرة رفيعة‬Helianthus annuus (Compositae)
Legumes (Leguminosae)
Faba sativa
(Vicia faba)
‫ بقوليات‬Cucumbers and melons
‫ فول بلدى‬Cucumis sativus (Cucurbitaceae)
‫دوار الشمس‬
‫ ذرة رفيعة‬Apium graveolens (family)
Sorghum variegatum
‫ أعالف‬Coriandrum sativum (family)
Forages of Leguminosae
Medicago sativa
Onions (Liliaceae)
Allium cepa
‫ ابصال‬Pimpinella anisum (family)
‫ بصل‬Sugar crops
‫ كرات‬Fruits as vegetables
‫ جذور‬Lycopersicum esculentus (Solanaceae)
Allium. kurrat
Root vegetables
Brassica rapa (Cruciferae)
‫ لفت‬Solanum melongena (Solanaceae)
Raphanus sativus (Cruciferae)
‫ فجل‬Capisicum frutescens (Solanaceae)
Ipomeae batatas convolvulaceae
‫ برسيم حجازى‬Cumnium cumnium (family)
‫ ثوم‬Saccharum officinarum (Gramineae)
Allium. sativum
‫قصب السكر‬
‫ جزر بلدى‬Capisicum. annuum (Solanaceae)
‫ بطاطا‬Hibiscus esculentus (Malvaceae)
‫ذرة رفيعة‬
‫برسيم حجازى‬
‫دوار الشمس‬
‫فول سودانى‬
‫فلفل اسود‬
‫قصب السكر‬
Latin name
‫ األسم العربي‬Latin name
Underground vegetables
Colocasia antiquorum
Solanum tuberosum
Textile crops
Inflorescense as vegetables
Cynara scolymus (Compositae)
‫األسم العربي‬
Brassica oleraceus var. botrytis
Dye plants
Gossypium barbadense
Lawsonia enermis (Lythraceae)
Linum usitatissimum
Carthamus tinctorius (Compositae)
Weeds as vegetables
Leaves as vegetables
Cichorium endivia
Spinacia oleracea chenopodiaceae
Malva parviflora malvaceae
Corchorus olitorius
Portulaca oleracea portulaceae
Brassica nigra crucifereae
‫كبر – خردل‬
Beta vulgaris var. cicla chenopodiaceae
Brassica oleracea var. capitata crucifereae
Eruca sativa crucifereae
Lactuca sativa (Compositae)
Latin name
Ziziphus spina-christii
Punica granatum
Ficus carica
F. sycomorus
Morus alba
M. nigra
Olea europaea
‫ األسم العربي‬Latin name
‫ سدر‬- ‫ نبق‬Opuntia ficus-indica
‫األسم العربي‬
‫تين شوكى‬
‫ رمان‬Carica papaya
‫ تين برشومى‬Diospyros kaki
‫ جميز‬Persea Americans
‫توت أبيض‬
‫ توت أسود‬Corylus avellana
‫ زيتون‬Pisidium guava
Phoniex dactylifera
‫ نخيل البلح‬Cocos nucifera
Hyphaene thebaica
‫ نخيل الدوم‬Carya illinoensis
‫جوز الهند‬
‫جوز الهند‬
‫بلح الحره‬
Balanites aegyptiaca
Ceratonia siliqua
Tamarindus indica
‫ بلح الح اررة‬Amygdalis communis
‫ خروب‬Eriobotrya japonica
‫ تمر هندى‬Prunus persica
‫عين جمل‬
P. armeniaca
‫ عنب‬P. domestica
Citrus sinensis
‫ برتقال بلدى‬Pyrus communis
C. aurantifolia
‫ ليمون‬Malus communis
C. reticulates
‫ يوسف أفندى‬Fragaria grandiflora
Vitis vinifera
Musa nana
‫ موز هندى‬Mangifera indica
Perennial Shrubs and trees
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫االسم الدارج‬
Phoneix dactylifera
‫نخيل البلح‬
Hyphaene thebaica
Acacia spp.
‫الطلح أنواعها المختلفة‬
Ziziphu spina-christi
Tamrix aphylla
Olea chrysophylla
‫الزيتون البري‬
Juniperus procera
Calotropis procera
‫زيتون برى‬
Underground species
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫االسم الدارج‬
Panicum turgidum
‫الثمام – أبو ركبة‬
Cynodon dactylon
Allium asirense
‫بصل عسيري‬
Pancratium maximum
‫بصل عسيري‬
Annual and seasonal species
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫االسم الدارج‬
Rumex nervosus
Emex spinosus
‫ضرس العجوز‬
Malva parviflora
Portulaca oleracea
Cynodon dactylon
Polypogon monospielensis
‫ديل القط‬
Avena fatua
Dichanthium annulatum
Heliotropium curassavicum
‫ضرس العجوز‬
‫زيل القط‬
Melilotus indicus
Cichorium endivea
‫ سريس‬- ‫شيكوريا‬
Chenopodium album
‫ الزربيح‬- ‫عترة‬
Chenopodium murale
‫ الزربيح‬-‫المنتنة‬
Orobanche aegyptiaca
Plantago major
‫لسان الحمل‬
Cyperus rotundus
Euphorbia helioscopia
‫ الحريق‬- ‫الصابون‬
‫عترة ‪ -‬الزربيح‬
‫الصابون ‪ -‬الحريق‬
‫لسان الحمل‬
Medicinal plants
‫االسم العلمي‬
‫االسم الدارج‬
Rhazya stricta
Anastatica hierochuntica
‫كف مريم‬
Dipterygium glaucum
Ziziphu spina-christi
Zygophyllum coccineum
Juniperus procera
Cassia italica
Aloe sp.
Anethum graveolens
Citrullus colocynthis
Artemisia judaica
‫البعيثران – الشيح‬
Ruta graveolens
‫كف مريم‬
Poisonous Plants list in Saudi arabia
Abrus precatorius
Achillea arabica
Acokanthera schimperi
Adenium obsum
Argemon mexicana
Beta vulgaris
Calotropis procera
Caralluma penicillata
Caralluma sinaica
Catha edulis
Chenopodium ambrosioides
Chenopodlum album
Chrozophora plicata
Citrullus colocynthis
Clematis wightiana
Colchicum ritchii
Conium maculatum
Crotalaria microphylla
Crotalarla retusa
Cucumis prophetarum
Datura fastuosa
Datura ferox
Datura innoxia
Datura metel
Datura stramonium
Euphorbia cyparissiodes
Euphorbia dracunculoides
Euphorbia fractiflexa
Euphorbia granulata
Euphorbia helioscopia
Euphorbia larica
Euphorbia peplis
Euphorbia retusa
Heliotropium strigosum
Hordeum murinum
Hyoscyamus albus
Hyoscyamus aureus
Hyoscyamus desertonium
Hyoscyamus pusillus
Hypericum hiricinum
Hypericum perforatum
Lantana camara
Lollum perenne
Melilotus Officinalis
Nicotiana glauca
Nicotiana rustica
Papaver rhoeas
Papaver somniferum
Peganum harmala
Pergularia tomentosa
Rhazya stricta
Ricinus communis
Rumex crispus
Ruta chalpensls
Senecio hadiensis
Solanum dubium
Solanum dulcamara
Solanum incanum
Solanum muticus
Solanum nigrum
Solanum pseudocapicum
Solanum sepiculum
Urtica dioica
Some poisonous plants
Oranomental plants
Abutilon pannosum (G.Forst.) Schltdl.
Adenium arabicum Balf. f.
Albuca abyssinica Dryand
Allium spp.
Aloe spp.
Amaranthus hybridus L.
Anisotes trisulcus (Forssk.) Vahl.
Anthemis spp.
Arundo donax L.
Asperagus spp.
Astripomoea malvacea (Koltz.) Meeuse
Barbeya oleoides Schweinf.
Buddleja polystachya Fresen.
Caralluma spp.
Cichorium spp.
Clitoria ternatea L.
Convolvulus arvensis L.
Convolvulus oxyphyllus Boiss.
Crinum album (Forssk.) Herbert
Delonix elata (L.) Gamble
Delosperma harazianum (Defl.) Popp. & Ihl.
Desmidorchis penicillatus (Defl.) N.E. Br.
Dianthus spp.
Dobera glabra (Forssk.) Poir.
Dodonaea angustifolia L.f.
Dracaena ombet Kotschy
Duvalia spp.
Ecbolium virde (Forssk.) Alston
Eulophia petersii (Rchb.f.)Rchb.f.
Euphorbia ammak Schweinf.
Euphorbia cactus Ehrenb.
Euphorbia fractiflexa S. Carter & Wood
Euroyps arabicus Steud.
Ficus spp.
Gladiolus spp.
Gypsophila capillaris (Forssk.) C.Chr.
Hibiscus deflersii Schweinf.
Hibiscus vitifolius L.
Horwoodia dicksoniae Turill
Hypericum spp.
Hyphaene thebaica (L.) Mart.
Huernia spp.
Iris postii Mouterde
Ixiolirion tataricum (Pall.) Herb.
Jasminum grandiflorum L.
Juniperus spp.
Klenia pendula (Forssk.) Sch.-Bip.
Leptadenia pyrotechnica (Forssk.) Decne
Lonicera etrusca Santi
Mesembryanthemum forsskalii Boiss.
Moringa peregrina (Forssk.) Fiori
Nicotiana glauca R. Graham
Nuxia oppositifolia Hochst.
Oncoba spinosa L.
Pancratium spp.
Pandanus odoratissimus L.
Rosa abyssinica Lindley
Rumex nervosus Vahl
Rumex vesicarius L.
Salix mucronata Tunb.
Sansevieria ehrenbergii schwinf. ex Bak.
Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn) Raf.
Senecio hadiensis Forssk.
Senna alexandrina Mill.
Senra incana Cav.
Sulcolluma shadhabana (Lavr.) Plowes
Tulipia biflora Pall.
Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook
Studies for some flowering plant families mentioned in