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Bell Work
Topic #3
Title – Studying the Past
1) Write in agenda for the week
2) Skim through p. 1-18 & draw 2 pictures on your Unit 1
Preview Page that shows what you will be learning
about in Chapter 1, Section 1 and Chapter 1, Section 2.
*Take out wkbk. p.3 for grading if you did not have it
completed last week!*
Section 1: What is History?
 The study of the past
 Historians: people who study history (well, duh!)
 Want to know how people lived and why they did
the things they did
 Want to learn about their problems and solutions
 Study the past to learn about people’s culture,
which is the knowledge, customs, and values of a
What is Archaeology?
 Study of the past based on what people left behind
 Archaeologists explore places where people once
lived and examine objects to learn about the past
Topic #4
Title – Studying History Pt. 2
Date – 9/5/13
WAR: come in and get right to work! Copy question and
answer in your ISN on the WAR side of your ISN
1st, 6th, 7th period:
What are some benefits of studying history?
3rd, 4th, 5th period:
What may tomorrow’s history books say about today’s
Knowing Yourself
 Without your own personal history, you would not
have an identity
 Your past makes you who you are.
 History teaches us about the experiences we have
been through as a people.
 It shapes our identity and teaches us the values that
we share.
Knowing Others
 History teaches us about cultures unlike our own.
 It also helps us understand why other people think the way
they do.
 Consequently, we will learn to respect and understand our
 Promotes tolerance!
 Knowing about the past can help build social harmony
throughout the world
Topic#5 Understanding Through History
Date – 9/5/13
Answer ONE of the following questions:
1. Name 2 groups of Americans who might interpret our
history differently and why?
2. How does history help citizens around the world
know their own countries better?
3. How do fossils and artifacts teach us about the past?
(Please write out the question you are answering)
Knowing Your World
 History provides us with a better understanding of
where you live.
 It also helps us understand how the past shapes
today’s events.
 Worldwide events can affect anyone, anywhere.
 History will help you gain a better understanding of
science, math, religion, government, and other
 You will develop mental skills and good decisionmaking skills, making us more productive adults.
“Those who forget their past are doomed to repeat it”
Using Clues
 We rely on a variety of sources to learn history
 We use fossils (animal or plant remains) for
information on the first humans
Ex: bones and footprints
 We also use artifacts (made by humans)
Ex: coins, arrowheads, tools, toys, pottery
Sources of Information
 5,000 years ago writing was invented (yes, INVENTED!)
 Writing gives us many clues about the past.
 2 types of historical sources: primary and secondary sources
 Primary source is an account of an event created by SOMEONE
Ex: treaties, letters, laws, diaries, court documents, or audio and
visual recording
 Secondary source is information gathered by SOMEONE WHO
Ex: textbooks, journal articles, encyclopedias, biographies
Sources of Change
 Writers of history don’t always agree.
 People may interpret the past differently.
 New evidence could lead to new conclusions.
 Interpretations can and do change
Bell Work
Homework: Make a map of fictional country and label at least 5
geographical items. How do the resources of your country support
the people who live there?
TODAY’S TITLE: #6 Geography 9/9/13
TODAY’S GOALS: SWBAT use geography tools and know the
difference between continents, countries, and cities.
WAR: Draw a map and write directions between 2 places in the
classroom. Label important landmarks and use footsteps to estimate
how long it will take to get from one place to another.
Homework: Wkbk. Pages 4-6
TODAY’S TITLE: #6 Geography 9/6/12
TODAY’S GOALS: SWBAT use geography tools and know the
difference between continents, countries, and cities.
WAR: Draw a map and write directions between 2 places in the
classroom. Label important landmarks and use footsteps to estimate
how long it will take to get from one place to another.
 Geography is the study of the earth’s physical and cultural
 Physical Geography is the study of the earth’s land and features
- landforms: natural features of the land’s surface
(ex- mountains, valleys, plains, etc.)
- climate: pattern of weather conditions over a
long period of time. Affects many features of a region such as plant
life and landforms
 Climate and landforms are part of the environment, which
includes all living and nonliving things that affect life in an area.
 Human Geography: study of people and the places where
they live.
 Deals with how the environment affects people and how they
For example:
“Why do people live near rivers?”
“How do people living in the desert survive?”
 May determine how people eat, dress, and what kinds of jobs
people have.
Studying Location
 Location tells where something is.
 Every place on Earth has an absolute location AND
relative locations.
 No two places in the world are exactly alike.
 Geographers try to understand the effects that different
locations have on humans.
Studying Location
 Absolute location – the exact latitude and longitude of a
 Relative location – the location of a place in relation to
somewhere else
Learning From Maps
 A map is a drawing of an area.
 Maps can show many different kinds of things: physical
features of geography, boundaries, symbols, rivers.
 Most maps have a compass rose to show direction.
Bell Work
TODAY’S TITLE: #7 Geography Part 2
No new goal for today!
WAR: Answer the map questions 1-2 on page 14. (They are
located at the bottom of the page under the maps of Florida!)
1st, 6th, 7th - **Have wkbk. Pages 4-6 out for grading**
3rd, 4th, 5th - **Have map out for grading**
Learning About Regions
 A region is an area with one or more features that make it
different from surrounding areas.
 Differences in features can be physical, dealing with climate,
human populations, language, or religion.
Geography Affects Resources
 Early on, people could only survive in areas where there was
food and water.
 Places had to be rich in resources, materials that people
need and value.
 Resources can include food, water, fertile land, stones, and
Geography Shapes Cultures
 Early people developed different cultures because of their
Ex: Ancient Egyptians believed that the god Hapi controlled the
Nile River.
 Geography also affects the growth of civilizations.
 Most civilizations formed along rivers.
 Geography can also provide protection from invaders.
Geography Influences History
 Civilizations with many resources grew richer and more
powerful than other civilizations that did not have as many
 Geography can also cause problems such as floods, drought,
and storms
 People can also affect the environment in positive and
negative ways, which is a factor in history as well.
 Complete #4 on p. 17 in your textbook
WIO: Where in the World?
You will be divided into groups and given a specific region to
“research”. List all the geographical features of your region
with your group.
Then we will play “Where in the World?”. You will give clues to
the other groups about your region, but DON’T SAY THE
NAME OF YOUR REGION! The group that guesses the
region correctly gets a point. You will be able to flip through
the atlases of your book in the back. The group with the most
points at the end wins!