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Connecting with Computer
Science, 2e
Chapter 4
• In this chapter you will:
– Learn how computers are connected
– Become familiar with different types of transmission
– Learn the differences between guided and unguided
– Learn how protocols enable networking
– Learn about the ISO OSI reference model
– Understand the differences between network types
– Learn about local area networks (LANs)
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Learn about wide area networks (WANs)
Learn about wireless local area networks (WLANs)
Learn about network communication devices
Learn how WANs use switched networks to
– Learn how devices can share a communication
– Learn about DSL, cable modems, and satellite
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Why You Need to Know About...
• Networks
– Connect computers together
– Allows sharing of resources
– Used in government research centers, universities,
large corporations, and home computing
– Integral part of computing for homes and enterprises
– Include the Internet
• Integrated into personal computers
• Computing professional
– Incorporates network technology into everything
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Connecting Computers
• Linking computers via a system bus is impractical
– PCI bus has 98 wires
• Requires a very thick cable
– Connection problem solved with technology
– Connecting requires a medium (e.g., wire)
• Carries electric signal and a communications protocol
to manage processes
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Transmission Medium
• Transmission medium
– Material conducting electrical and / or
electromagnetic signals
– Most popular: copper
• Rating transmission media
– Bandwidth: medium speed measured in bits / second
– Signal-to-noise ratio: 10 log10 (signal/noise)
– Bit error rate: ratio of incorrect bits to total number of
bits in unit time
– Attenuation: signal weakening over distance
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Transmission Medium
• Two general transmission media types
– Guided
• Physical media
– Copper wire: form of twisted pair or coaxial cable
– Fiber-optic: uses glass and light to transmit data
– Unguided
• Air and space carry radio frequency ( RF ) or infrared
( IR ) light signals
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Transmission Medium
Figure 4-1, Coaxial, twisted pair, and
fiber-optic cable are guided media
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Copper Wire: Coaxial and Twisted Pair
• Two wires used to transmit data: signal and ground
• Coaxial cable ( coax )
– Copper surrounded by metal shield to reduce noise
– Support bandwidths up to 600 MHz
• 10BaseT
• Twisted pair
– Replacing copper
– Twists dampens effects of inductance
– All copper wiring is subject to impedance
• Attenuation: reduction in signal
– Two types: shielded and unshielded ( UTP )
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Copper Wire: Coaxial and Twisted Pair
Table 4-1, EIA/TIA twisted pair cable categories
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Copper Wire: Coaxial and Twisted Pair
• Twisted pair ( cont’d. )
– Unshielded twisted pair ( UTP )
• More popular than shielded twisted pair ( STP )
– Category 5 ( Cat 5 )
• Most common twisted pair cable
• Maximum frequency: 100 MHz
• Good for business and home use
• Computer industry has turned to optical media
– Provides faster data transmission
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Fiber-Optic Cable
• Glass fibers guide light pulses along a cable
– Thin strand of nearly pure glass
• Surrounded by reflective material and a tough outer coating
• Transmission speeds much higher than with copper
– Fiber-optic cables are much less susceptible to
attenuation and inductance
– Principle of inductance does not apply
– Bandwidths hundreds of times faster than copper
• Economies of scale bringing price down
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Unguided Media: Wireless
• Benefits of wireless technology
– Eliminates cables and cabling costs
– Provides device mobility
• Basis of wireless technology: radio transmission
– Examples: cell phones, microwave ovens, etc.
– Electronic signal is amplified
• Radiated from an antenna as electromagnetic waves
• Receiving antenna converts back to electronic signal
• Electromagnetic waves
– Transmitted at many different frequencies
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Unguided Media: Wireless
Table 4-2, Wireless technologies
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Unguided Media: Wireless
Figure 4-2, Wireless technologies
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Unguided Media: Wireless
• Difference between low-pitched sound and a highpitched sound
– Frequency of the sound waves, or vibrations
• Uses same technology as car radio and cell phone
• Industry standards ( based on 2.4 GHz range )
– IEEE 802.11 series: most common
– Bluetooth specification
• Short-range RF links between mobile computers, mobile
phones, digital cameras, other portable devices
• Maximum distance between devices: three inches to 328
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Light Transmission
• Infrared light used over short distances
• Uses transmission media of air
– Requires clear line of sight between devices
• Used in PDAs, cell phones, notebook computers,
wireless keyboards, and mice
• Pulses of infrared light represent 1s and 0s of
binary transmission
– Speeds up to 4 Mbps
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
• Set of rules facilitating communication
– Example: classroom questioning
• Often represented with a timing diagram
• Transmission protocol
– Provides for an orderly flow of information
• Transmission Control Protocol ( TCP )
– Allows two computers to establish a communication
connection, transfer data, and terminate the
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
• Must have provisions to check for errors and
• International Organization for Standardization ( ISO )
– Coordinates worldwide standards development
• Comité Consultatif International Téléphonique et
Télégraphique ( International Telegraph and
Telephone Consultative Committee, CCITT )
– Formulated the ISO Open Systems Interconnect
reference model ( ISO OSI reference model )
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Table 4-4, Timing diagram for a communication protocol
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ISO OSI Reference Model
• Composed of seven distinct layers
Data Link
• Real world applications many times do not divide it into
these separate layers
• But it is useful to think about it in this manner
ISO OSI Reference Model
• Conceptual model with seven discrete layers
– Physical
• Defines electrical, mechanical, procedural, and
functional specifications for activating and maintaining
the physical link between end systems
– Data Link
• Provides reliable data transit, physical addressing,
data error notification, ordered delivery of frames, and
flow control
– Network
• Provides connectivity and path selection, and assigns
addresses to messages
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
ISO OSI Reference Model
• Conceptual model with seven discrete layers
– Transport
• Guarantees delivery of datagrams
• Provides fault detection, error recovery, and flow
• Manages virtual circuits
– Session
• Establishes, maintains, and terminates communication
session between applications
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ISO OSI Reference Model
• Conceptual model with seven discrete layers
– Presentation
• Formats data for presentation to an application
• Performs character format translation: ASCII to
• Syntax selection
– Application
• Provides network access to applications
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ISO OSI Reference Model
• Layers are defined by two components
– Header
• Layer and message information
• Sending side of the communication creates the
• Corresponding layer on the receiving side uses the
– Protocol Data Unit ( PDU )
• Communicates information about the message to the
next layer on the same side
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ISO OSI Reference Model
Figure 4-3, How the OSI model processes data
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Network Types
• May be classified according to size and proximity
• Local area network ( LAN )
Small number of computers connected in close proximity
Usually confined to building or complex
Uses copper wire
When errors occur, only one group needs to be called
• Wide area network ( WAN )
– Many computers spread over large geographical area
– Typically spans cities, states, or continents
– When errors occur, usually involves several groups
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Network Types
• MAN ( metropolitan area network )
– Spans a city or metropolitan area
• Distinction between WAN and MAN
– No standardized definition
– LAN is confined to a single building / site
– Internet is classified as largest WAN
• WLAN ( wireless local area network )
– LAN using wireless transmission medium
– IEEE 802.11 protocol family often used
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Network Types
Figure 4-4, Example of a WAN configuration
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LAN Topologies
• Network configurations
• Node: computer attached to a network
– Addressable device
• Three basic LAN topologies
– Ring: connects computers in a loop with cable
– Star: computers connected to hub (central point)
– Bus: configured like a system bus on a
computer (most popular)
• Internet and home networking
– Increasing star topology popularity
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LAN Topologies
Figure 4-5, LAN topologies
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LAN Communication Technologies
• Ethernet
– Widely used technology
– Industry standard
– Based on a bus topology
– Can be wired in a star pattern (star/bus) topology
– Original Ethernet transferred data at 10 Mbps
– Fast Ethernet transfers data at 100 Mbps
– Gigabit Ethernet transfers data from 1 to 10 Gbps
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LAN Communication Technologies
• Token ring
Second most popular LAN technology
Uses a ring topology
Controls access to the network by passing token
Capable of data transfer of 4 or 16 Mbps
• FDDI and ATM
– Generally faster and more expensive
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
LAN Communication Technologies
Table 4-5, Bandwidths of LAN technologies
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Network Communication Devices
• LANs, WANs, and WLANs can be connected to
form larger, more complex WANs
• Devices used to created connectivity
Network interface cards
Repeaters, hubs, and switches
Routers and firewalls
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Network Communication Devices
– Required for physical device connected to network
– Usually in motherboard expansion slot or card slot in
– Includes external port
– Has unique 48-bit address (physical or MAC address)
• Repeater
– Alleviates attenuation problem
– Amplifies signal along cable between nodes
– Does not alter data content
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Network Communication Devices
• Hub
– Special repeater with multiple inputs and outputs
– Allows multiple nodes to share same repeater
• Switch
– Repeater with many input and output ports
– Inputs and outputs are not connected
– Examines header and makes point-to-point
connection to output addressed by packet
– Assumes Data Link duties (OSI Layer 2)
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Network Communication Devices
• Bridge
– Similar to a switch
– Divides network into segments to reduce traffic
• Gateway
– Similar to a bridge
– Can interpret and translate different network
– Can connect networks of different types
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Network Communication Devices
• Router
– Like bridges and gateways
– Function at higher OSI Layer 3
– Directs network traffic based on logical address
• Firewall
– Protects network
• Filters potentially harmful incoming and outgoing traffic
– May be router based
– Examines/restricts inbound and outbound traffic
– Implemented in hardware or software
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Switched Networks
• Telephone network adapted to carry digital data
• Modems convert binary signals into audio signals
• Telephone companies split a copper conductor
bandwidth into multiple ranges or bands
– Frequency modulation ( FM )
– Amplitude modulation ( AM )
– Phase modulation ( PM ) boost speed to 30Kbps
• Combined compression techniques and rearranged
transitions are used to reach 56Kbps limit
Connecting with Computer Science, 2e
Switched Networks
Figure 4-6, Frequency modulation, amplitude
modulation, and phase modulation
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Switched Networks
• High-speed WANs
– Demand for higher access speeds
• Extend system bus
– Copper capable of speeds up to 1.5 Mbps
• Leasing all wire bandwidth ( 24 channels ) results in
faster connection
• Very expensive
• Dedicated line called T1
• T3 line consists of 28 T1 lines
– Fiber-optic cables
• Optical carrier ( OC ) lines faster than T3
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Switched Networks
Table 4-6, High-speed WAN connections
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Switched Networks
• Multiple access
– FDM ( frequency-division multiplexing)
• Divides bandwidth among subscribers
• Channel is sustained for duration of session
• Wasteful use of resources
– TDM ( time-division multiplexing )
• Divides bandwidth based on time
• Achieves effect speeds greater than FDM
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Switched Networks
Figure 4-7, FDM and TDM
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Switched Networks
• Digital subscriber line ( DSL )
Combines FDM and TDM
Divides bandwidth into 247 channels
Allocates 4 KHz for voice, remainder for data
Modem used to place voice communication into the
correct frequency band
– Speeds range from 256 Kbps to 1.5 Mbps
– Download speeds differ from upload speeds
– Subscriber located less than 18,000 feet from station
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Cable Modems
CATV coax cable carries hundreds of channels
Channels allocated 6 MHz bandwidth
Transmit speeds up to 42 Mbps
Connects Ethernet cable to modem
Uses TDM technology to vary upload and
download speeds
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Wireless Technologies
• Offered by cell phone providers
• Technologies
– EDGE, EVDO, and 3G
– May become the standard method of wireless
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Satellite Technologies
• Long distance wireless technology
• Provides high-speed access to users in remote
• Dish is used to receive television signals adapted
for data transmission
• Becoming an affordable alternative
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One Last Thought
• Networks are integral to computers and computing
• Computer scientists extensively interact with
• Network concepts form a foundation for further
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The End
Connecting with Computing Science, 2e