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COMP 1121: Computers and
Computer Networks
Session 5: Network Topologies
and Routing
Session Objectives
• By the time you have finished this
teaching/learning session you should be able to:
– List and identify the main network topologies
– Explain the basic principles of packet routing by IP
– Explain how ALOHA works as a means of resolving
contention between packet streams
– Relate IEEE802 standards to topologies and
contention resolution types
Network Topologies
• Star - central computer with cables
radiating out
• Ring - ring of cable with computers linked to
the ring
• Bus - end-to-end cable (backbone) with
computers linked to the backbone
• Mesh - computers each linked (with cable?)
to several other computers
Star Topology
Remote client
or hub
Remote client
Star Topology
Star Topology
• Used since the very early days of computer
• Similar to system of connecting a mainframe or
midrange computer to dumb terminals
– note: the mainframe/dumb terminal scenario is
actually a multi-user system, and not a network,
because there is only one intelligent device - the
central computer
Star Topology (Hubs)
Star Topology (Hubs)
• All nodes connected to a common
central location, known as a hub
• Hubs can link to other secondary hubs,
creating subnets
• All packets of data transferred through
the network go through the main hub
– Therefore it must have a high
Star Topology (Hubs)
• Quite fault tolerant because:
– If one network link fails…
– only a single node loses connection
• However, if the hub itself fails then the
whole subnet/network fails!
Ring Topology
• no central hub
• data from one node:
– passes into a “ring” of cabling
– travels round the ring
• Mechanism:
– every node receives all network data
– takes the data that is addressed to it
– passes the rest back to the ring
Ring Topology
Ring Topology
• Evaluation
– If a node fails or a cable breaks, the whole
ring could fail
– “monitor stations” are therefore used to
quickly detect failures
– If data does not find its destination node, it
will pass right round the ring until it returns
to its originator
Ring wiring
image from
• Not always a
physical ring…
– a logical ring may be
actually wired as a
physical star (opp)
– or can even use a
physical bus
arrangement (next
Bus Topology
Remote client
Remote client
Linear bus topology
Bus Topology
• Once Popular technology for small (<20
computers) networks
• T-pieces electrically connect computers to the
• Bus carries all network data
• All nodes are connected to a single common
cable known as the backbone
• The backbone is end-to-end, and a terminator
is needed at each end to prevent signal
bounce and to complete the circuit
Bus Topology
• If one node fails, other nodes are not affected
• If the backbone cable breaks, the whole
network may halt
• Removing either of the terminator(s) prevents
to flow of data and stops the network
• Unfastening a T-piece will disconnect a
computer from the network, but the rest of the
network will still function
Mesh topology
• Each computer on the network is attached
to several other computers
• Only suitable for peer-peer networks
• Uses a lot of cable
• Very good for fault tolerance
• The Internet is a mesh network
The Internet is a large
Over 750 million
Server computers!
Source: ISC Domain name Survey, online at
Full mesh topology
Partial mesh topology
Mesh Topology (3)
• How many links are needed to connect
together 3 nodes in a full mesh?
• 4 nodes?
• 5 nodes?
• 10 nodes?
• 1000 nodes?
• Problem: how to get a message from one
computer to another
• Needs a means of identifying the
– IP address, or similar
• And a means of finding that destination
– calculating/choosing a pathway to the
destination through the network
Types of routing 1:
Broadcast Routing (e.g. Ethernet)
• Message is sent to all computers in the
• Only the computer to which it is addressed
bothers to read its contents
• Uses MAC addresses (unique identifier of
the NIC, function at OSI layer 2)
• Useful on small local networks
• Uses too much bandwidth for large
Types of routing 2:
Addressed routing
• Uses IP addresses or something similar
• Each packet has destination address
information in its header
• Packet is passed from router to router
towards its destination
– and eventually arrives…
• Used on the Internet and other large
Media Access (OSI layers 1 & 2)
• All network topologies require that network
devices use a common carrier medium to
access network resources
– e.g. copper cabling, optical fibre, radio waves
• If packets from different sources arrive at the
carrier simultaneously, there will be big
• This basic media access issue is known as
– particular problem with broadcast networks
• Transmission of a data packet takes a finite
• Travel of the whole packet to the furthest
point on the network takes a further finite time
• If, at any time during this period, another host
on the network starts to transmit, there will be
other hosts that receive parts of both packets
• Result: neither packet can be received
Collision animation
Transmitter B
Transmitter A
Resolving contention
Protocols for human communication
How do we decide who speaks?
What rules do we use?
In groups – 5 minutes
Resolving Contention
• A number of possible solutions have
been devised to ensure packets do not
– Polling
– Token Passing
• Central controller interrogates each node
in turn and asks if it has a message to
• If a message is waiting to be sent, it is
• If no message, controller passes on to the
next node
Token passing
• Software ‘token’ is passed from node to
node in a predetermined order
• Nodes can only send messages when
they are in possession of the token
• Token is passed to the next node in
sequence when it is no longer needed
– if no message is to be sent, or when the
message has been sent
Aloha (1)
• Named after Hawaiian greeting
• First used to connect several computers
by radio in Hawaii
– hard (cabled) links not practicable between
• Rule:
– each station transmits as and when needed
Aloha (2)
• If a collision occurs, messages are
retransmitted after a random wait
– If both stations retransmitted immediately, or
after a fixed interval, a further collision would
• OK for light traffic (and few collisions)
• Maximum efficiency possible about 18%
due to collisions
Commercial Aloha – “Ethernet”
• Name derived from “the ether”
– a hypothetical invisible substance that was
once thought to exist in space and allowed
radio waves to be conducted through it (!)
• Ethernet name invented by Dr Graham
Metcalfe, of Xerox
– wanted to connect 100 computers together
over a 1km cable
– used a system based on pure Aloha to
resolve contention
Ethernet & Network
• Pure ALOHA allows nodes to attempt to
broadcast at any time
– Then manages the attempted broadcasts to ensure
that collisions are detected and dealt with by
• OK for lightly used network
• But means that many workstations all working
concurrently on the same network segment
can create a lot of collisions
• Result can be a severely reduced response
Ethernet – reduction in
collisions using CSMA (1)
• Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA)
• Strategy used in broadcast systems to
reduce the likelihood of collisions
• Each node listens before transmitting
– if the medium is busy then the node waits
– otherwise it transmits
Ethernet – reduction in
collisions using CSMA (2)
• Problem: signals travel at a finite speed
– So two nodes could begin to transmit almost
– and not detect each other’s transmission
before starting their own message
• Solution: each node listens while
transmitting to be sure that no other node
starts transmitting
Ethernet and CSMA (3)
• If a collision is detected:
– both nodes stop transmitting immediately
• It would be a waste of time to finish message that
is corrupted…
– then wait a random time and retry (binary
exponential backoff)
Ethernet and CSMA (4)
• Called unslotted or non-persistent CSMA
• based on and replaces pure Aloha
• Unslotted because any node can transmit at
any time
– Some protocols only allow transmissions to start
at certain time – starts of ‘time ‘slots’
• Non-persistent because nodes wait before
– if they both tried to transmit again immediately,
they would cause another collision!
Full Ethernet model (CSMA/CD) (1)
• Pre-dated the OSI model!
• Provided an algorithm for the protocol
for sending data that could be
represented in the following way:
• Carrier Sense
– The node “listens” to the carrier medium to
see if anyone is transmitting
– If another node is transmitting, wait until it
has finished
Full Ethernet model (CSMA/CD) (2)
• Multiple Access
– Many nodes are connected to the same carrier
• Collision Detection
– Each node listens during transmission
– If a collision is detected during transmission, both
transmitting nodes will stop transmitting
immediately and then retry after a random wait
– If collisions continue to occur, nodes extend their
wait time
Collision detection?
Full Ethernet model (CSMA/CD) (3)
• With good design, this method can deliver
90% efficiency of bandwidth
• Main advantage is that time is not wasted in
transmitting whole packets when a collision
• Most bus networks now use CSMA/CD
• Collisions can still cause problems if too
many workstations are connected to a single
network segment
– no means of prioritising
Collision animation (again)
Transmitter B
Transmitter A
• Why isn’t this an accurate representation of a
collision in an Ethernet LAN?
• Xerox formed an alliance with Digital and
Intel (DIX – Digital, Intel, Xerox))
• Together, these organisations formulated
the original DIX “Blue Book” Ethernet
standard in February 1980
• Subsequently rewritten to the agreed
IEEE standards 802.x that
complemented the OSI model
Ethernet and OSI (1)
• It was agreed that the Ethernet solution:
– must be addressed through the networking
– should fit into the lower layers of the OSI model
• Standards set by the IEEE 802 committee
(802.3 – 1983 onwards) and D.I.X.
• Encompasses OSI layers 1 & 2:
– an access method to the network
– a set of specifications with regard to cable and
packet format
Ethernet and OSI (2)
• In 1982 original Blue Book standard
evolved into Ethernet II
• IEEE 802 model provides specifications
– physical network components, e.g. cable
– layout of data within a packet, as “frames”
– restrictions caused by network segments
IEEE 802 standards and
Access Methods (1)
• IEEE 802.2 standard subdivided the
Data Link Layer into two sub-layers, to
enable network interface cards to talk to
the upper layers of the OSI stack
– Logical Link Control (LLC) sublayer
presents a uniform interface to the Network
– Media Access Control (MAC) sublayer
interfaces with the physical transmission
IEEE 802 standards and
Access Methods (2)
• IEEE 802.3 standard refers to CSMA/CD
– similar to Ethernet II
– adopted as the Ethernet standard by most
• IEEE 802.4 standard refers to Token Bus
• IEEE 802.5 refers to Token Ring
Internet Routing
• Uses IP address (OSI level 3)
– Compare: MAC addresses used at level 2 for
• Each router reads the IP destination
address of each packet
– And then decides what to do with the packet
– i.e. which other router to forward the packet
on to
‘Store and Forward’ (1)
• Packets arriving at a router may come
from several different connections
• May not arrive regularly
– Arrivals may be ‘bursty’
• Router may not be able to process all
packets immediately on arrival
– e.g. 2 packets arriving almost simultaneously
on different connections
‘Store and Forward’ (2)
• As packets arrive, they are added to a
– area of memory where packets are stored
temporarily until they can be processed
• Packets are processed in order of arrival
– ‘first in, first out’ (FIFO) stack
• Note: if the buffer gets full, further packets
are discarded and lost
Routing decisions
• Router uses the destination IP address in
the packet IP header to decide what to do
with the packet
– Maybe send to a local network to which the
router is connected
• router must know the IP addresses relevant to its
own local network(s)
– Maybe forward on to another router
• But which one?
Routing tables
• Each router has a database of IP
addresses (or starts of IP addresses)
• For each IP address, there is a link that a
packet for that IP address should be
forwarded on
• Router reads the destination IP address,
consults the routing table, and forwards
the packet on the appropriate link
Routing table
Construction of routing tables
• Routing tables can be set up when the
router is first booted
• But network conditions may change
– a route that was once optimal may become
– a link or router may malfunction or be
– a new link may be added to the network
• Dynamic updates needed
Updating routing tables
• Routers send each other information about
network conditions
– Broken links
– New links
– Routers going off-line
– Congestion problems
• Each router updates its routing tables
Normal route of message
Router B
Router C
Router A
Disaster strikes: link is broken
Router B
Router C
Router A
Message cannot be delivered
What happens
• Router A finds out about the broken link
– No traffic received from router B
– Regular updates from router B don’t arrive
• Router A knows enough about the local
network topology to use an alternative
• Routing table adjusted accordingly
Solution: a new route is found
Router B
Router C
Router A
Decisions between multiple
possible routes
• Factors to be considered by the router:
– Total number of ‘hops’ in the path
– Traffic loading on each hop
– Financial costs of using certain hops
• Algorithms for finding best routes:
– Bellman-Ford (distance-vector algorithm)
– Dijkstra (link-state algorithm)
Border Gateway Protocol
• Protocol used by Internet routers
• Application layer protocol
– TCP port 179
• First defined in RFC 1105 (June 1989)
• Updated to version 4 in RFC 1774 (March
– Latest update to version 4: RFC 4271
(January 2008)