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COMP3122 Network
Richard Henson
Worcester Business School
February 2011
Week 3 – Installing a
Network Server
 Objectives
– Describe each of the three main
network operating systems
– Install a network operating system on
a server machine
– Install two network operating systems
on a network client
Two realistic choices…
A breed of Windows?
A breed of Unix…
Both covered briefly
through COMP2122
Historic Look at Microsoft
Network Operating Systems
– Windows NT 4 Server (1996)
– Windows 2000 Server series (1999)
– Windows 2003 Server, Enterprise Server,
Data Centre Server, etc…. (2003-7)
– Windows 2008 Server, Enterprise Server,
Data Centre Server, etc…. (2008-continues)
Available UNIX Network
Operating Systems
Various breeds of Unix (e.g.)
– SCO Unix
– Sun Solaris
Various implementations of Linux
Ubuntu (“humanity towards others”)
Red Hat (
Mandrake (now Mandriva)
SuSe/Novell (now Attachmate)
Which is best?
Nice quote from a blogger:
“Windows people will do windows and
Unix people will do Unix, and neither the
twain shall ever meet (publicly) and no
amount of discourse will eradicate one
or the other.”
Which to choose?
Network should serve the needs of the
– management of resources could be best suited by a
breed of Windows Server or Unix…
Merits of breed of Unix/Linux :
» excellent for security, stability and fault tolerance provided that it
is set up properly
» also good implementation of most network management
Merits of Windows 2003/2008 Server:
» very easy to administer
» excellent online & telephone support
» also good implementation of most network management
Not just about the
Also about understanding of the required
functionality of a NOS
– and how to configure & control the delivery of that
functionality to users
This course only has time to study one type
Choosing Windows is quicker…
– functionality and management easier to pick up
– less fuss from a teaching/learning perspective..
– BUT principles should apply equally to Unix
Why Windows 2003?
Networks haven’t just appeared…
– they have evolved!
For now, still a good idea to focus on
Windows 2003, and how it achieves
network management goals
– many organisational networks still using
2003, with R2 and the service packs
Comparison later with new/improved
features of Windows 2008
Which choice within a
Windows 2003 set up?
Several options presented, to cater for a
range of network environments:
– Windows 2003 Server
– Windows 2003 Advanced Server
– Windows 2003 Datacenter Server
Important to establish which is most
appropriate beforehand…
Preparation for Installation:
client matters
Planning a network is not just about setting up
the server end!!
– smooth connectivity between client and server also
Which software to use on client machines…
– which operating system?
– which applications?
May be that older client OS may not readily
interface properly with more recent versions of
the NOS
– e.g. old Windows clients & active directory
Preparation for Installation:
server hardware
NOS delivers functionality
– Choice of server os should always be made first…
– make sure that CPU, RAM, etc. will be adequate
to run the NOS efficiently:
» now
» in two years time…
As much information as possible needs to be
gathered about hardware used in the server:
– software tools MAY assist with this process
Preparation for Installation:
hardware compatibility
 Don’t assume anything (!)
– you may be surprised
– you could well be disappointed!
 Microsoft
(or any other NOS
supplier) should provide a
hardware compatibility list (HCL)
– all hardware/peripherals checked against
the list
Importance of the HCL
If hardware is NOT on the HCL, the
manufacturer of the hardware may have
written software you can download…
– check their website
If the hardware is not on either list, it
cannot be used
– this DOES happen!
– a few years ago, I came across this very problem:
» bought a games-enhanced video accelerator card
» found it was only suitable for legacy Windows 9x series
Preparation for Installation:
RAM & motherboard
Depends on the server configuration
As regards RAM:
– domain controllers will require more…
– ECC (72-bit) memory [Error Correcting Code] recd
» detects & corrects memory errors
Motherboard should have a BIOS with an
option to…
– support network booting
(PXE – Preboot Execution Environment)
Preparation for Installation:
Secondary Storage
As much as possible!
– allow extra for fault tolerance
Mirroring/duplexing/RAID 5?
 Whole network server set-up should also
have a backup in another location
– will mean that disasters that may damage
local servers do not impede overall network
performance for long
Importance of
If possible, only get plug-and-play
 Detection and software installation for
hardware components automatic
– not a good idea to install the wrong
BIOS settings can be used for plug-andplay and interrupt reservations
Preparation for Installation:
media for software
Setup files for NOS usually held on CD
– server BIOS should boot direct from CD-ROM
– otherwise, or if CD corrupted, can still use floppy
disks to load essential components
Drivers for hardware not on HCL likely to be
found separately:
– on CD-ROM
– on manufacturers website
All non-HCL drivers should be close at hand!
Preparation for Installation:
Hard Disk Partitioning
The hard disks must be partitioned
before any formatting is possible
 Normal to plan for several partitions:
– one for booting
– one for system files (could be the same as
the boot partition)
– one for user data
– one for applications
Partition data should be backed up…
Preparation for Installation:
Choice of File System
Some NOSs gave you quite a choice
Example (Windows 2000):
– FAT (i.e. DOS, no file/folder security,<2Gb)
– FAT32 (Windows 98/Me, as above, >2Gb)
– NTFS (designed for NT – file/folder level security)
Nowadays, NTFS is increasingly the norm
– on a network, always a good idea to settle on a file
system with security control at individual file level
– otherwise, users can “run amok”
Characteristics of
Microsoft “domains”
Not the same as DNS domains
 Really just another way of saying LAN
or client-server network
 Server controlled
– but server needs to be elevated to domain
controller status
– needs to install “DNS server”
Domains and Active Directory
Active Directory…
– logically connects servers together
– servers create domains…
– can use connections between servers to
model the DNS system on a Microsoft
But things can go wrong…
– knowledge of DNS servers required
Internet Domain Naming
An attempt to give logical names to
computers directly hooked up to the Internet
First defined back in 1983, through three
early RFCs…
– 881: The Domain Names Plan and Schedule
(revised, 897, 921)
– 882: CONCEPTS and FACILITIES (revised, 1034)
(revised, 1035)
The DNS System
First defined in RFC 1101:
First recognisable as x.y.z format through
RFC 1183:
“DNS Encoding of Network Names and Other Types”
“New DNS RR Definitions”
Explained including IANA (administration of
first level domains) through RFC 1591 (1994)
“Domain Name System Structure and Delegation”
DNS and DNS Zones
The DNS system is hierarchical
 A DNS Zone is defined as:
“… a portion of the global Domain
Name System (DNS)
namespace for which
administrative responsibility has
been delegated”
– it refers to the lower level domains
logically connected to any one
particular root domain (e.g. .us or
DNS entry x.y.z
DNS Zone: z
Computers within
z zone: a, x and y
Naming a Server within
a DNS Zone
Windows 2003 Servers promoted to
domain controllers are assumed to be
part of the DNS
– named accordingly within a hierarchy of
domain names
– DNS Server needs to be installed at this
» assists Active Directory with domain name record
» provides options for storing DNS/IP address pairs
WINS, DNS, and
IP addressing
Older versions of Windows used
“Windows Internet Naming Service”
– look up service including NetBIOS names
and corresponding IP addresses
Now, DNS is increasingly replacing
– DNS server manages access to network
name/IP address look up
Managing Domain Users
Active Directory installed when server
promoted to domain controller
Users gain access via client machines
– to even enable user log on, a client machine must
have an account in that domain
– client details stored in active directory
User must have a domain account
– details stored in “Active Directory”…
– entry in database of usernames/passwords
essential for successful login match
Potential Installation
Traps & Errors
Quite a lot of hardware has to be
correctly configured
 Not plug-and-play?
– need to install software manually
Not on the HCL?
– Need to get drivers from the manufacturer &
install from separate media
All these potential problems can prevent
installation from proceeding to
Potential Installation Traps
& Errors
 The
most common problem postinstallation is that files become
 This will mean that the system boot
up process will be suspended
indefinitely as the system looks in
vain for the missing file
Installation Errors
Each NOS should have a system to allow
recovery from a failed installation
– With Windows 2000/3, it is “recovery console”
Such a “recovery” system should allow the
system to reboot to at least a command
– allowing the necessary file(s) to be re-installed…
The computer should then again boot up
Installing Clients
Will be necessary if:
– Existing client software not compatible with
server-side or is upgraded for other
– Existing client software becomes faulty or
will not connect to the domain
– New computer to be added to the domain
Automatic Installations
The first server on the network should always
be installed manually
However, NOSs allow capabilities for the
“automatic” installation of clients
This means that all the questions that are
asked by the installation process must be
answered on a text file or “script” that can be
accessed during the automatic install
– with Windows 2000/3 this is known as
More about Windows
“Automatic” Installation
Several possibilities:
– RIS (Remote Installation Service)
Windows 2000/3 installation files
“Unattend” Scripts
All provided on a server (RIS server)
Supports PXE (network boot option in BIOS)
» “cloning” or “imaging” tool
» Just copy all folders and files directly from a prototype (!)
Configuration of the
Network environment
NOS should allow options to add or remove
network services and components
If the NOS is really good, such
reconfigurations will not even require a reboot!
– e.g. breeds of Unix (no registry)
Because the registry needs to be reconfigured
and reread, Windows 2000/3 does often
require a reboot when new hardware is
Upgrading the Server
Rather than starting again, with a completely
new setup, it may be necessary to upgrade
an existing facility.
If the network is being upgraded from a
previous version, it will be necessary to
migrate settings and data into the new
– essential that such data is safely backed up to
tape drive or other safe location before the
upgrade begins
Dual Boot Systems
Two different operating systems held on two
system partitions
– one of the system partitions could (for simplicity)
be a floppy disk or USB drive
Most usual with network clients, interfacing
with two separate NOSs
– always boot into one operating system (boot
– then offered (via menu) a choice of system
partition to be loaded into memory
Updating Drivers
NOT a good idea to remove a driver from the
system until there is evidence that the
replacement actually works!
Advised procedure:
– disable the existing driver
– either: use the Add/Remove Hardware wizard to
find and install the new driver
– or: restart the computer and allow “plug and play”
to find and install the new driver
Ensuring that a driver is
Authorised drivers are “signed” by the
The “digital signature” can be read by any
computer running a recent version of Windows
If a driver doesn’t have an appropriate signature
– error message “pop up” appears on the screen
The driver could still be installed, but with no
signature there is no guarantee that it will work!
Adding Manufacturers
Improvements to the NOS
Networking software continually being
updated, optimised, and improved by
Improvements released as:
– New version of NOS
» complete reinstall of system
– “Service Pack”
» reinstallation of certain components and new features
» plugs to recently discovered security holes
– hotfixes
Installation of a Service Pack
An “update” command is available
 The distribution folder (including URL for
Internet downloads) should be included
 An option to uninstall the service pack
at a later date is included and
 A wizard manages the whole process
The End