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Course 3 Learning Plan
Physical and link layer
Network layer
Transport layer
Application layer: DNS, RPC, NFS
Application layer: Routing
Wireless networks
More secure protocols: DNSSEC, IPSEC, IPv6
Learning objectives
Be able to identify the design objectives and
vulnerabilities in the designs of ARP, TCP/IP v.4
and important network services, for each level
For each of the vulnerabilities (where possible):
Be able to justify limitations on availability (e.g.,
forwarding between network segments) or disabling the
Be able to identify mitigating factors
Know of a tool that would detect relevant policy
Physical Layer Risks
Cut cable
Barrier to radio waves
Tap in cable
Interference and Jamming
e.g., provide 120 V AC in cable to cause damage
Selective jamming
Risks (cont).
Splice in cable, with attacker in-between
 a.k.a "man-in-the-middle"
 Can also work on wireless networks (see later)
Can selectively remove or modify messages
Physical integrity difficult to guarantee
Pressurized pipes, etc...
Integrity of radio waves (?!)
Effect of Network Topologies
 Actual connection
 Programmed behavior
All stations are connected to a single cable
winding its way between them
Any break in the bus splits the segment in two
Unterminated bus becomes noisy as signals bounce
All traffic is accessible by any station
Station needs to be located in-between victims of
man-in-the-middle attacks
Central point is single point of failure
A single cut cable affects only one station
Malicious stations can't intercept (man-in-the
Central point may perform filtering, routing
Eavesdropping, jamming more difficult
Messages are retransmitted by each station
May be using star physical implementation
Faulty workstations can be bypassed
Highly vulnerable to interception attacks
Resists one cut
Good for fiber optics
A mix of the above configurations (including
linking star sections)
Link Layer Vulnerabilities
Media Access Control
Logical Link Control
Media Access Control (MAC)
Control which station should access the data
Access control often performed by self (e.g., bus)
 Conflict of interest
 "Promiscuous mode" listens to everything
Control which station transmits
Access control performed by self
 e.g., token passing networks
 Stations are supposed to remain silent unless in
possession of a virtual token
"Access control" misnomer
"Media access contention resolution" more accurate
Media Contention
On a shared medium, how do you know if it's
"your turn" to talk?
What if two stations send messages at the same time?
Approaches to Manage Contention
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
Token Passing
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
Carrier Sensing: Do not transmit while another
station is transmitting
Obvious brute force attack: transmit
Attacker is also unable to receive replies
Not subtle
Collision Detection
Two stations trying to transmit at about the same time
create a collision
If a station detects a collision, it waits a random amount of
time before trying again
If there's another collision, it waits twice as long as the
previous time (loop)
Exponential back-off
Vulnerability: a specific station can be knocked off the
network by any other one
Attacker only has to create collisions
After the second collision, timing is known so the network can
be accessible to other stations except the attacked one
 Data is eventually discarded
Power of Collision Attacks
Other attacks such as TCP session hijacking need
to silence one of the correspondents in the
See later but remember this
Token Passing vs CSMA/CD
Token passing networks:
Never have collisions because no station can transmit
without a token, and there's only one token
 Token ring networks perform linearly with the amount
of data to be transmitted, almost up to the
theoretical maximum
 Ethernet transmission rates plateau well before the
theoretical maximum when several stations want to
transmit, due to collisions
Have latencies proportional to the number of stations
 Each station has to retransmit the token
Does carrier sensing as in CSMA/CD
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision
When collision detection is not possible (e.g., wireless)
 Sender waits for clear air, waits random time, then
sends data
 Receiver sends explicit ACK when data arrives intact
Also, RTS/CTS handshake messages
 RTS: Request to send
 Other stations keep quiet to avoid collisions
CTS: Clear to send
Attacking CSMA/CA
Sending RTS at intervals makes the other
stations keep quiet
As it was designed to do
Keep sending them, and nobody can transmit
 Essentially the 802.11 vulnerability that was
"discovered" at Queensland University of Technology
 AusCERT Reference #: AA-2004.02
 Intrinsic property of wireless model of a shared
communications channel
 AusCERT "recommend(s) that the application of
wireless technology should be precluded from use in
safety, critical infrastructure and/or other environments
where availability is a primary requirement."
Comparison CSMA/CA and
Doesn't know if there was a collision until the wait for
acknowledgment times outs
Is less efficient than CSMA/CD
 So 802.11 always slower than equivalent 802.3
MAC Addresses
MAC addresses are used to identify stations
Most network interface cards can be reprogrammed to
have any MAC address
 Driver dependent
Special MAC Addresses
00:00:00:00:00:00 is reserved
FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF is the broadcast address
Multicast addresses
More on this and amplification attacks later
 Last bit of first byte is the "multicast bit"
Several destinations at once
Unicast addresses (remainder) uniquely identify
Tools to Change MAC Addresses
ip link
Use "ifconfig" to change the MAC address of
your computer's NIC (see following slides)
Bring down the interface
Change the hardware address
Bring it back up
See that it worked
Shutting Down the Interface
So you can change the hardware address
has side effects, such as losing route information
Record the current route information by doing
See the current status of the interface (and
current hardware address with
route -n
ifconfig eth0
Bring the interface down (deactivate) with
ifconfig eth0 down
Changing the Hardware Address
ifconfig eth0 hw ether 22:22:22:22:22:22
Verify with
ifconfig eth0
Reactivating the Interface
Add the original default route with:
route add default gw <address>
Verify that it worked
ifconfig eth0 up
ifconfig eth0
route -n
Use a web browser or ping the gateway to test
Mini-Lab Question
What do you think of network security features
that restrict network access based on a list of
"good" MAC addresses?
802.11 access points
Cisco routers
ARP: The Address Resolution
Problem statement:
You have a message for a given IP address.
The hardware (link layer NIC) understands MAC
addresses only.
How do you find out the MAC address of a host with that
IP address?
ARP provides a solution
RFC 826 (== STD0037)
Send an ARP request, and you should get the answer in
an ARP reply
ARP Request Analogy
Pick up a megaphone in New York (i.e., send a
broadcast packet)
Yell “I am the Queen of England, and I have a
dollar for John Malkovich!”
Wait and see who says that they are John
That’s the ARP request
If you get an ARP Request
Whenever someone asks for John Malkovich:
You may say that you are him (see ARP reply)
In any case, write down who they say they are (e.g., the
Queen), and where you met them (the MAC address).
Overwrite any previous entry for that name.
ARP Reply
Whenever someone tells you who they are (e.g.,
John), write it down, no matter whether or not
you asked for it.
If you never asked for it, its known as a "Gratuitous
ARP", a.k.a. "GARP"
Overwrite any previous entry for that name.
That’s the ARP reply
ARP Poisoning Attack
If the Queen wasn’t listening, then by sending a
single ARP request pretending to be her, I am
going to get all of her packets, without her
If the Queen is listening, then instead of picking
up a megaphone (broadcast), I will tell people
one on one (unicast ARP replies) that I am her.
Basic Attack: Black Hole
Poison the ARP cache of every computer on the
network to point an IP to a non-existant MAC
All frames are lost at the link layer because no computer
is listening for packets sent to that MAC address
The computer whose IP address was "black holed" won't
receive its frames
Example: Man-in-the-middle Attack
Malory asks Alice “I’m Bob, are you Alice?”
Alice records Malory as Bob.
Malory asks Bob “I’m Alice, are you Bob?”
Bob records Malory as Alice.
Malory is now in the middle of traffic between
Bob and Alice. All he has to do is forward the
traffic between them to keep up the appearance
of normal functionality.
Implementation of MIM (exploit)
Forward IP packets between two machines that
have each been told that the MAC address of the
other is some random spoofed MAC address
You tell arprelay the IP and MAC addresses of
Alice and Bob (the two machines whose
communication you want to proxy) and the MAC
address you spoofed on both machines.
ARP Attack Tools
Attack Tools:
Arpspoof will send frames to poison the ARP tables of
other computers
Arp-sk can perform several kinds of attacks
 "swiss army knife"
 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Arpwatch can detect attacks (does not prevent)
May miss unicast attacks on other computers if medium
is not a bus
Static entries in a file prevent attacks on that
computer or using that computer
Other computers can still have their ARP cache
 e.g., they can still "black hole" the computer with
static entries
ARP Server
Computer responds to ARP requests even if the
request is not for itself
As above, but file entries marked "pub"
The server may foil some attacks on other
computers if the requests are broadcast
Not guaranteed
Require attacker to be more active
Conflicts could be detected by an intrusion detection
 arpwatch is the start of an IDS
 IDS should generate alerts when other computers are
generating conflicting ARP data
ARP-Related Vulnerabilities
Multiple Cisco networking products allow remote attackers to
cause a denial of service on the local network via a series of ARP
packets sent to the router's interface that contains a different MAC
address for the router, which eventually causes the router to
overwrite the MAC address in its ARP table.
CAN-2002-0438 (under review)
ZyXEL ZyWALL 10 before 3.50 allows remote attackers to cause a
denial of service via an ARP packet with the firewall's IP address
and an incorrect MAC address, which causes the firewall to disable
the LAN interface.
 Present in many home products (e.g., NetGear)
NetBSD on a multi-homed host allows ARP packets on one
network to modify ARP entries on another connected network.
ARP-Related Vulnerabilities
CAN-1999-0444 (under review)
Remote attackers can perform a denial of service in
Windows machines using malicious ARP packets, forcing a
message box display for each packet or filling up log files.
CAN-2000-0612 (under review)
Windows 95 and Windows 98 do not properly process
spoofed ARP packets, which allows remote attackers to
overwrite static entries in the cache table.
NetBSD allows ARP packets to overwrite static ARP entries.
and more
Network Junctions
Repeater, simplest possible device
Works at the physical layer with electrical signals
Connects cables as if they were the same segment
Works at the link layer
Connects segments
Sends data to other segments based on MAC addresses
Switches track which MAC addresses exist on each segment,
and forward traffic accordingly
Essentially a multi-port bridge
A bridge won't forward frames to the red
segment unless the destination is there
Mallory, on the red segment, is prevented from
sniffing traffic on the blue segment
Switches vs Hubs
Hubs broadcast frames to all stations on a star
Switches filter and send packets based on MAC
Do switches provide security against
Do switches prevent ARP poisoning attacks?
Problem: do the switches fail "functional" or safe?
Switches only keep track of on which connector
(and network segment) are which MAC addresses,
and forward traffic accordingly
Eavesdropping (a.k.a. sniffing)
Segregation of traffic by switches can be defeated.
 Some switches fail “open” (like hubs) under bad
conditions. The firmware is designed to protect
functionality instead of security.
 Attack tool: "macof" in /usr/bin/tcp-tools/
ARP Poisoning
Broadcast packets are sent everywhere anyway!
 Replies can be broadcast (gratuitous replies)
Switches afford no protection against ARP poisoning
Animated Slides
Show how attacks work
Slides courtesy of Craig Ozancin
Separate download
In this lab, you will launch "arpwatch" and use it
to monitor changes in your computer's ARP cache
Pair up with someone else
"A" should try to poison "B"'s ARP cache, using
"arpspoof" (on your Knoppix CD)
 Try a man-in-the-middle attack against the NAT
firewall for the class
See if you can detect it
Create an ARP file with static ARP entries
Contain lines of "hostname ether_addr"
Make ARP read it (arp -f filename)
Can you still be attacked?
ARP vulnerabilities are a design problem. There
is nothing you can do from the implementation
standpoint to avoid them
This applies to both wireless and wired networks.
You can defend stations by:
Generating an alert when the protocol is abused
 Welcome to the world of intrusion detection!
Using static IP-MAC pairs (in effect disabling ARP)
Configuring the network to put sensitive, important or
trusted hosts and servers on a different subnet than
other hosts
 ARP is not used or relayed between subnets
 This may include hosts used by privileged users
Link Layer Vulnerabilities
Media Access Control
Logical Link Control
Logical Link Control
Abstraction mechanism for multiple protocol
networks and MAC layers
Send data to several different protocol stacks
Easier to deal with multiple or complex types of MAC
 e.g., manage 802.11 networks transparently from
Not used in Ethernet II, present in 802.3
Defined in 802.2
Has option for reliable transmission properties
 Attacker can send frames to affect this mechanism
802.2 Reliable Transmissions
Attacker can send retransmission requests
Asymmetric attack with amplification
One small packet from attacker triggers retransmission
of possibly several large frames
Little power needed for mobile wireless attackers
Establishment of a connection
Perhaps the attacker can tear down connections at will
 Frames are unauthenticated
Initiate phony connections without finishing them to
consume resources (crash)
 Similar idea to SYN flood TCP attack (more on this
Logical Link Control Attacks
Attacks against 802.2 are rare, undocumented,
but possible
No script kiddie tools available
Wireless 802.11 Frames
Spoofed management frames in 802.11 wireless
networks are easy, common
Many automated tools available to disrupt wireless
networks at the link layer
De-authenticate stations, etc...
Wireless networks are a more attractive target due to
the lack of a well-defined physical boundary
 Harder to secure the link layer
More on this later in the section on wireless networks
About These Slides
You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the
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You must give the original author and other contributors credit
The work will be used for personal or non-commercial
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For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others
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Derivative works must retain and be subject to the same
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For other uses please contact the Purdue Office of Technology
Developed thanks to the support of
Symantec Corporation