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Cisco Systems Networking
S2 C 11
Routing Basics
Routing Tables
• An IP routing table consists of destination network
addresses and next hop pairs
• At each stop, the next destination is calculated
• The network layer provides best-effort end-to-end
packet delivery across interconnected networks
• After the path is selected, the router forwards the
How Routers Route
• As frames are received, the data link layer header
is removed and discarded and the network layer
frame is sent to the appropriate network layer
• Network protocol header is examined to determine
destination of packet
• Packet is then passed back to data link layer where
it is encapsulated in a new frame and queued for
delivery to appropriate interface
How Routers Route - 2
• Each line between the routers has a number that
routers use as a network address
• Consistency of Layer 3 addresses across
internetwork improves use of bandwidth by
preventing unnecessary broadcasts
• Consistent end-to-end addressing enables network
layer to find a path to destination without
burdening devices or links with broadcasts
Network and Host Addressing
• Network Address – path part used by router
• Host Address – specific port or device
• Destination router Ands subnet mask to
network part of address to determine subnet
that contains the host address
• Most network protocol addressing schemes
use some form of a host or node address.
Path Selection and Packet
• A router generally relays a packet from one data
link to another, using two basic functions:
– a path determination function
– a switching function
• The switching function allows a router to accept a
packet on one interface and forward it through a
second interface.
• The path determination functions selects best
interface to use to send out the packet
Routed and Routing Protocol
• Routed protocol used between routers to
direct user traffic – examples IP, IPX
• Routing protocol used between routers to
maintain routing tables – examples RIP,
Network Layer Protocol
• Layer 2 addresses may be changing constantly as
packets work their way through network but layer
3 addresses are constant
• Each router provides its services to support upperlayer functions (CCNA says 3 levels can be
• End system addresses frame using MAC address
of intermediate system
Multiple Routing Protocols
• Routers can support multiple independent
routing protocols
– This capability allows router to deliver packets
from several routed protocols over the same
data links
Static Dynamic Routes
• Static Route
– Uses programmed route the network
administrator physically enters into router
• Dynamic Route
– Uses route that routing protocol adjusts
automatically for topology or traffic changes
Static Routes
• Allow you to hide parts of network
– Dynamic routing reveals everything known
about a network
– Static routing allows you to specify information
to reveal
• Stub network (only one possible path) –
conserves resources
Default Route
• Default route used when next hop is not
specified in routing table
– Assumes and trusts next router will have a best
path to destination or contain another default
Why Dynamic Routing?
• An alternate route can substitute for a failed
• Dynamic routing protocols can also direct
traffic from the same session over different
paths in a network for better performance
– Known as load sharing
Dynamic Routing Operations
• Success depends on:
– Maintenance of routing tables
– Timely distribution of knowledge in form of routing
• Routing Protocol describes
How to send updates
What knowledge is contained in updates
When to send updates
How to locate recipients of the updates
Routing Metric Components
The smaller the metric the better
Hop Count
Three Classes of Routing
• Distance Vector
– Determines direction and distance (hop count)
• Link State a.k.a. Shortest Path First
– Recreates exact topology of entire network
• Hybrid – combination of distance vector
and link state
– Combines aspects of distance vector & link
Time to Convergence
• The time it takes all routers to share the
same information about the network
• When topology changes routers must
recompute routes (disrupts routing)
• Time to reconvergence varies with routing
Distance Vector
• Routers pass period copies of routing tables
communicating topology changes
• Each routeer receives routing tables from directly
connected routers
• Accumulates network distances
• Does not allow router to know exact topology of
entire network
• Each router sends entire routing table
– Contains total path cost and logical address of first
router on path
Routing Loops
• Occur when slow convergence causes inconsistent
routing entries
• New updates contain paths to failed routes
– Information is propagated to other routers
– Invalid updates will continue to loop until some process
stops the looping
• Condition called “COUNT TO INFINITY”
– Avoid by defining infinity (number of loops)
– Hold-down timers (route marked inaccessible and holddown timer started) – no conflicting poorer information
accepted from other routers until time expires
Split Horizon
• Incorrect information sent to a router
contradicts correct information it just sent
• Split Horizon solves problem
– if a routing update about Network 1 arrives
from Router A, Router B or Router D cannot
send information about Network 1 back to
Router A.
– Thus is reduces incorrect routing information
and routing overhead
Link State Basics
• Shortest Path First
– Complex database of topology information
– Table maintains full knowledge of distant
• Uses
link-state advertisements (LSAs)
a topological database
the SPF algorithm, and the resulting SPF tree
a routing table of paths and ports to each
Link State Routing 2
• Algorithms rely on using same link-state updates
– Whenever topology changes, routers share information
• Convergence achieved because each router
– keeps track of its neighbors: each neighbor's name,
whether the neighbor is up or down, and the cost of the
link to the neighbor.
– constructs an LSA packet that lists its neighbor router
names and link costs, including new neighbors,
changes in link costs, and links to neighbors that have
gone down.
Achieving Convergence
– sends out this LSA packet so that all other routers
receive it.
– when it receives an LSA packet, records the LSA
packet in its database so that it updates the most
recently generated LSA packet from each router.
– completes a map of the internetwork by using
accumulated LSA packet data and then computes routes
to all other networks by using the SPF algorithm.
• Each time LSA packet caused change in link-state
database, SPF (link-state algorithm) recalculates
best paths & updates routing table
Link State Concerns
• Processing Requirements
– Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to compute the SPF (requires
processing task proportional to number of links in
network multiplied by number of routers)
• Memory Requirements
• Bandwidth requirements
– During initial discovery process, all routers send LSA
packets to each other – floods network and temporarily
reduce bandwidth available for routed traffic
Link State Continued
• Most important aspect to to make certain all
routers get necessary LSA packets
• Need to synchronize large networks to keep
updates correct
• Order of router startup alters topologies learned
• If LSA distribution is not done correctly, result is
invalid routes
• Scaling up on large networks can expand the
• Distance Vector
– Views topology from
neighbor’s view
– Adds distance vectors
from router to router
– Frequent, periodic
updates; slow
– Copies of routing
tables passed to
• Link State
– Common view of
entire network
– Shortest path
calculated to routers
– Event-triggered
updates; faster
– Link-state routing
updates passed
• Balanced-hybrid routing
– Uses distance vectors with more accurate
– Use topology changes to trigger routing
database updates
– Converges rapidly
– Uses fewer resources (bandwidth & memory)
• Example is OSI’s IS-IS and Cisco EIGRP
LAN to WAN Routing
• Routers enable LAN-to-WAN packet flow
by keeping the end-to-end source and
destination addresses constant while
encapsulating the packet in data link frames,
as appropriate, for the next hop along the
• Devices that implement network services
• Provide interfaces for wide range of links and
subnetworks at wide range of speeds
• Active and intelligent network nodes that help
manage the network
– Provide dynamic control over resources
– Support tasks and goals for connectivity, reliable
performance, mgm control, & flexibility
– Route and switch but also sequence based on priority
and filtering