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Welkom bij de eerste bijeenkomst van het vak Integratie van Sofware Systemen voor Informatiekundestudenten. Vereiste voorkennis: Gedistribueerde Software Systemen. Communicatie via: Blackboard, email, http://www.niii.ru.nl/R.deVries/iss.html May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 1 Integratie van Software Systemen Informatiekunde Jan Tretmans, René de Vries Middleware, Gedistribueerd Programmeren, Java Boeken: Distributed Computing, Liu Web Services, Alonso etal. Verder aanbevolen: IT Architectures and Middleware, Strategies for Building Large, Integrated Systems, Peter Bye, Chris Britton en papers Wekelijks kleine zelfstudieopgaven Tentamen + 2 grotere practicumopgaven en hoorcollege in groepjes van 2 (voorwaarde vooraf) May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 2 Onderwerpen Synchronization, Paradigmas for Distributed Computing, Sockets Client-Server, Multicasting, Distributed Objects RMI, XML, CGI, HTTP, CORBA, .NET, SOAP, Webservices, Applets, Servlets, Mobile Agents, … Architectuur van geïntegreerde software systemen May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 3 Distributed computing Mei-Ling Liu Professor Department of Computer Science California Polytechnic University United States of America May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 4 Systems en Distribution A system is a black box that is capable of providing a service to its user by means of interaction. A distributed system is a regularly interacting or independent group of items forming a unified system. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 5 Distributed system, distributed computing Early computing was performed on a single processor. Uni-processor computing can be called centralized computing. A distributed system is a collection of independent computers or processes, interconnected via a network, capable of collaborating on a task. Distributed computing is computing performed in a distributed system. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 6 Distributed Systems work stations a local network The Internet a network host May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 7 Examples of Distributed systems Network of workstations (NOW): a group of networked personal workstations connected to one or more server machines. The Internet An intranet: a network of computers and workstations within an organization, segregated from the Internet via a protective device (a firewall). May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 8 Example of a large-scale distributed system – eBay (Source: Los Angeles Times.) May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 9 Computers in a Distributed System Workstations: computers used by end-users to perform computing Server machines: computers which provide resources and services Personal Assistance Devices: handheld computers connected to the system via a wireless communication link. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 10 Centralized vs. Distributed Computing terminal mainframe computer workstation network link network host centralized computing distributed computing May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 11 Monolithic mainframe applications vs. distributed applications The monolithic mainframe application architecture: Separate, single-function applications, such as order-entry or billing Applications cannot share data or other resources Developers must create multiple instances of the same functionality (service). Proprietary (user) interfaces The distributed application architecture: Integrated applications Applications can share resources A single instance of functionality (service) can be reused. Common user interfaces May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 12 Why distributed computing? Economics: distributed systems allow the pooling of resources, including CPU cycles, data storage, input/output devices, and services. Reliability: distributed systems allow replication of resources and/or services, thus reducing service outage due to failures. The Internet has become a universal platform for distributed computing. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 13 Distributed Computing Strengths The affordability of computers and availability of network access Resource sharing Scalability Fault Tolerance Weaknesses Multiple Points of Failure: the failure of one or more participating computers, or one or more network links, can spell trouble. Security Concerns: In a distributed system, there are more opportunities for unauthorized attack. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 14 Introductory Basics: three areas Some of the notations and concepts from these areas will be employed from time to time in the presentations for this course: Software engineering Operating systems Networks. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 15 Software Engineering Basics May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 16 Procedural versus Object-oriented Programming In building network applications, there are two main classes of programming languages: procedural languages and object-oriented languages. Procedural languages, with the C language being the primary example, use procedures (functions) to break down the complexity of the tasks that an application entails. Object-oriented languages, exemplified by Java, use objects to encapsulate the details. Each object simulates an object in real life, carrying state data as well as behaviors. • State data are represented as instance data. • Behaviors are represented as methods. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 17 UML Class Diagram Notations Basic UML Class Diagram Notations A class/interface is represented as follows: interface/class name attributes (name: type) operations (method names) attributes are static/ instance variables/constants operations are static or instance methods. NOTE: The shape, the style of the line (dashed or solid), the direction of the arrow, and the shape of the arrowheads (pointed, hollow, or solid) are significant. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 18 The Architecture of Distributed Applications Presentation Application (Business) logic Services May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 19 Operating Systems Basics May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 20 Operating systems basics A process consists of an executing program, its current values, state information, and the resources used by the operating system to manage its execution. A program is an artifact constructed by a software developer; a process is a dynamic entity which exists only when a program is run. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 21 Process State Transition Diagram terminated start queued exit dispatch ready event completion running waiting for event blocked Simplifed finite state diagram for a process's lifetime May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 22 Java processes There are three types of Java program: applications, applets, and servlets, all are written as a class. A Java application program has a main method, and is run as an independent(standalone) process. An applet does not have a main method, and is run using a browser or the appletviewer. A servlet does not have a main method, and is run in the context of a web server. A Java program is compiled into bytecode, a universal object code. When run, the bytecode is interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 23 Concurrent Processing On modern day operating systems, multiple processes appear to be executing concurrently on a machine by timesharing resources. Processes P1 P2 P3 P4 time Timesharing of a resource May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 24 Concurrent processing within a process It is often useful for a process to have parallel threads of execution, each of which timeshare the system resources in much the same way as concurrent processes. A parent process may spawn child processes. A process may spawn child threads a process parent process main thread child thread 1 child thread 2 child processes Concurrent processing within a process May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 25 Java threads The Java Virtual Machine allows an application to have multiple threads of execution running concurrently. Java provides a Thread class: public class Thread extends Object implements Runnable When a Java Virtual Machine starts up, there is usually a single thread (which typically calls the method named main of some designated class). The Java Virtual Machine continues to execute threads until either of the following occurs: The exit method of class Runtime has been called and the security manager has permitted the exit operation to take place. All threads have terminated, either by returning from the call to the run method or by throwing an exception that propagates beyond the run method. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 26 Two ways to create a new thread of execution Using a subclass of the Thread class Using a class that implements the Runnable interface May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 27 Thread-safe Programming When two threads independently access and update the same data object, such as a counter, as part of their code, the updating needs to be synchronized. (See next slide.) Because the threads are executed concurrently, it is possible for one of the updates to be overwritten by the other due to the sequencing of the two sets of machine instructions executed in behalf of the two threads. To protect against the possibility, a synchronized method can be used to provide mutual exclusion. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 28 Race Condition time fetch value in counter and load into a register fetch value in counter and load into a register increment value in register fetch value in counter and load into a register store value in register to counter increment value in register fetch value in counter and load into a register increment value in register increment value in register store value in register to counter store value in register to counter store value in register to counter This execution results in the value 2 in the counter This execution results in the value 1 in the counter instruction executed in concurrent process or thread 1 instruction executed in concurrent process or thread 2 May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 29 Synchronized method in a thread class SomeThread3 implements Runnable { static int count=0; SomeThread3() { super(); } public void run() { update( ); } static public synchronized void update( ){ int myCount = count; myCount++; count = myCount; System.out.println("count="+count+ "; thread count=" + Thread.activeCount( )); } } May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 30 Network Basics May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 31 Network standards and protocols On public networks such as the Internet, it is necessary for a common set of rules to be specified for the exchange of data. Such rules, called protocols, specify such matters as the formatting and semantics of data, flow control, error correction. Software can share data over the network using network software which supports a common set of protocols. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 32 The network architecture Network hardware transfers electronic signals,which represent a bit stream, between two devices. Modern day network applications require an application programming interface (API) which masks the underlying complexities of data transmission. A layered network architecture allows the functionalities needed to mask the complexities to be provided incrementally, layer by layer. Actual implementation of the functionalities may not be clearly divided by layer. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 33 The OSI seven-layer network architecture application layer application layer presentation layer presentation layer session layer session layer transport layer transport layer network layer network layer data link layer data link layer physical layer physical layer May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 34 Network Architecture The division of the layers is conceptual: the implementation of the functionalities need not be clearly divided as such in the hardware and software that implements the architecture. The conceptual division serves at least two useful purposes : Systematic specification of protocols it allows protocols to be specified systematically 2. Conceptual Data Flow: it allows programs to be written in terms of logical data flow. 1. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 35 The TCP/IP Protocol Suite The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol suite is a set of network protocols which supports a four-layer network architecture. It is currently the protocol suite employed on the Internet. Application layer Application layer Transport layer Transport layer Internet layer Internet layer Physical layer Physical layer The Internet network architecture May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 36 The TCP/IP Protocol Suite -2 The Internet layer implements the Internet Protocol, which provides the functionalities for allowing data to be transmitted between any two hosts on the Internet. The Transport layer delivers the transmitted data to a specific process running on an Internet host. The Application layer supports the programming interface used for building a program. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 37 Network Resources Network resources are resources available to the participants of a distributed computing community. Network resources include hardware such as computers and equipment, and software such as processes, email mailboxes, files, web documents. An important class of network resources is network services such as the World Wide Web and file transfer (FTP), which are provided by specific processes running on computers. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 38 Identification of Network Resources One of the key challenges in distributed computing is the unique identification of resources available on the network, such as email mailboxes, and web documents. Addressing an Internet Host Addressing a process running on a host Email Addresses Addressing web contents: URL May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 39 Addressing an Internet Host May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 40 The Internet Topology an Internet host subnets The Internet backbone The Internet Topology Model May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 41 The Internet Topology The internet consists of an hierarchy of networks, interconnected via a network backbone. Each network has a unique network address. Computers, or hosts, are connected to a network. Each host has a unique ID within its network. Each process running on a host is associated with zero or more ports. A port is a logical entity for data transmission. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 42 The Internet addressing scheme In IP version 4, each address is 32 bit long. The address space accommodates 232 (4.3 billion) addresses in total. Addresses are divided into 5 classes (A through E) byte 0 byte 1 byte 2 byte 3 class A address 0 class B address 1 0 network address class C address 1 1 0 multcast address 1 1 1 0 reserved address 1 1 1 1 0 May 25, 2017 multicast group host portion reserved reserved Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 43 The Internet Address Scheme - 3 For human readability, Internet addresses are written in a dotted decimal notation: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, where each nnn group is a decimal value in the range of 0 through 255 # Internet host table (found in /etc/hosts file) localhost falcon.csc.calpoly.edu falcon loghost falcon-srv.csc.calpoly.edu falcon-srv hornet.csc.calpoly.edu hornet hornet-srv.csc.calpoly.edu hornet-srv onion.csc.calpoly.edu onion hercules.csc.calpoly.edu hercules May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 44 IP version 6 Addressing Scheme Each address is 128-bit long. There are three types of addresses: Unicast: An identifier for a single interface. Anycast: An identifier for a set of interfaces (typically belonging to different nodes). Multicast: An identifier for a set of interfaces (typically belonging to different nodes). A packet sent to a multicast address is delivered to all interfaces identified by that address. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 45 The Domain Name System (DNS) For user friendliness, each Internet address is mapped to a symbolic name, using the DNS, in the format of: <computer-name>.<subdomain hierarchy>.<organization>.<sector name>{.<country code>} e.g., www.csc.calpoly.edu.us root top-level domain com edu gov net org mil country code in the U.S. Top-level domain name has to be applied for. Subdomain hierachy and names are assigned by the organization. organization ... ... subdomain host name May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 46 The Domain Name System For network applications, a domain name must be mapped to its corresponding Internet address. Processes known as domain name system servers provide the mapping service, based on a distributed database of the mapping scheme. The mapping service is offered by thousands of DNS servers on the Internet, each responsible for a portion of the name space, called a zone. The servers that have access to the DNS information (zone file) for a zone is said to have authority for that zone. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 47 Top-level Domain Names .com: For commercial entities, which anyone, anywhere in the world, can register. .net : Originally designated for organizations directly involved in Internet operations. It is increasingly being used by businesses when the desired name under "com" is already registered by another organization. Today anyone can register a name in the Net domain. .org: For miscellaneous organizations, including non-profits. .edu: For four-year accredited institutions of higher learning. .gov: For US Federal Government entities .mil: For US military Country Codes: For individual countries based on the International Standards Organization. For example, nl for The Netherlands, ca for Canada, and jp for Japan. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 48 Domain Name Hierarchy . (root domain) .au ... .ca ... .us ... .zw .com .gov .edu .mil .net .org country code ucsb.edu ... cs ... May 25, 2017 ece ... calpoly.edu csc ... ... ee english ... wireless Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 49 Name lookup and resolution If a domain name is used to address a host, its corresponding IP address must be obtained for the lower-layer network software. The mapping, or name resolution, must be maintained in some registry. For runtime name resolution, a network service is needed; a protocol must be defined for the naming scheme and for the service. Examples: The DNS service supports the DNS; the Java RMI registry supports RMI object lookup; JNDI is a network service lookup protocol. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 50 Addressing a process running on a host May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 51 Logical Ports host A ... host B ... process port Each host has 65536 ports. The Internet May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 52 Well Known Ports Each Internet host has 216 (65,535) logical ports. Each port is identified by a number between 1 and 65535, and can be allocated to a particular process. Port numbers beween 1 and 1023 are reserved for processes which provide well-known services such as finger, FTP, HTTP, and email. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 53 Well-known ports Assignment of some well-known ports Protocol Port Service echo 7 IPC testing daytime 13 provides the current date and time ftp 21 file transfer protocol telnet 23 remote, command-line terminal session smtp 25 simple mail transfer protocol time 37 provides a standard time finger 79 provides information about a user http 80 web server RMI Registry 1099 registry for Remote Method Invocation special web server 8080 web server which supports servlets, JSP, or ASP May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 54 Choosing a port to run your program For a programming exercise: when a port is needed, choose a random number above the well known ports: 1,024- 65,535. If you are providing a network service for the community, then arrange to have a port assigned to and reserved for your service. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 55 Addressing a Web Document May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 56 The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Resources to be shared on a network need to be uniquely identifiable. On the Internet, a URI is a character string which allows a resource to be located. There are two types of URIs: URL (Uniform Resource Locator) points to a specific resource at a specific location URN (Uniform Resource Name) points to a specific resource at a nonspecific location. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 57 URL A URL has the format of: protocol://host address[:port]/directory path/file name#section A sample URL: http://www.csc.calpoly.edu:8080/~mliu/CSC369/hw.html # hw1 section name file name host name protocol of server directory path port number of server process Other protocols that can appear in a URL are: file ftp gopher news telnet WAIS May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 58 More on URL The path in a URL is relative to the document root of the server. Often, a user’s document root is ~/www. A URL may appear in a document in a relative form: < a href=“another.html”> and the actual URL referred to will be another.html preceded by the protocol, hostname, directory path of the document . May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 59 Break May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 60 Interprocess Communications A. Process Communication Methods B. Marshalling C. Protocols May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 61 A. Process Communication Methods - - - Operating systems provide facilities for interprocess communications (IPC), such as message queues, semaphores, and shared memory. Distributed computing systems make use of these facilities to provide application programming interface which allows IPC to be programmed at a higher level of abstraction. Distributed computing requires information to be exchanged among independent processes. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 62 IPC – unicast and multicast In distributed computing, two or more processes engage in IPC in a protocol agreed upon by the processes. A process may be a sender at some points during a protocol, a receiver at other points. When communication is from one process to a single other process, the IPC is said to be a unicast. When communication is from one process to a group of processes, the IPC is said to be a multicast, a topic that we will explore in a later chapter. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 63 Unicast vs. Multicast P2 P2 m P1 unicast May 25, 2017 ... P3 m m P4 m P1 multicast Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 64 Interprocess Communications in Distributed Computing Process 1 Process 2 data sender May 25, 2017 receiver Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 65 Operations provided in an archetypal Interprocess Communications API • • • • Receive ( [sender], message storage object) Connect (sender address, receiver address), for connection-oriented communication. Send ( [receiver], message) Disconnect (connection identifier), for connection-oriented communication. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 66 Interprocess Communication in basic HTTP Web server S2 S1 S3 HTTP request a process an operation data flow S4 HTTP response C1 C2 C3 C4 operations: S1: accept connection S2: receive (request) S3: send (response) S3: disconnect C1: make connection C2: send (request) C3: receive (response) C4: disconnect Web browser May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 67 Event Synchronization Interprocess communication requires that the two processes synchronize their operations: one side sends, then the other receives until all data has been sent and received. Ideally, the send operation starts before the receive operation commences. In practice, the synchronization requires system support. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 68 Synchronous vs asynchronous communication The IPC operations may provide synchronous communication using blocking. A blocking operation issued by a process will block further processing of the process until the operation is fulfilled. Alternatively, IPC operations may be asynchronous or nonblocking. An asynchronous operation issued by a process will not block further processing of the process. Instead, the process is free to proceed with its processing, and may optionally be notified by the system when the operation is fulfilled. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 69 Synchronous send and receive process 1 running on host 1 process 2 running on host 2 blocking receive starts blocking send starts an operation execution flow blocking send returns acknowledgement of data received provided by the IPC facility blocking receive ends suspended period Synchronous Send and Receive Ok, if you want to be sure the message is delivered but you may have to wait.... May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 70 Asynchronous send and synchronous receive Process 2 Process 1 blocking receive starts nonblocking send operation execution flow suspended period blocking receive returns Asynchronous Send and Synchronous Receive The message is received only if the receiver is not too late unless the system is buffering Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 May 25, 2017 71 Synchronous send and Async. Receive – 1 Process 2 Process 1 blocking send issued transparent acknowledgement provided by the IPC facility nonblocking receive issued execution flow suspended period Synchronous Send and Asynchronous Receive Scenario A The message is received only if the receiver is not too early unless process is polling.... Integratie the van Software Systemen, college 1 May 25, 2017 72 Synchronous send and Async. Receive – 2 no show unless you are polling all the time Process 2 Process 1 nonblocking receive issued and returned immediately blocking send issued indefinite blocking execution flow suspended period Process 2 Process 1 Synchronous Send and Asynchronous Receive Scenario B May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 73 Synchronous send and Async. Receive - 3 Process 2 Process 1 nonblocking receive issued and returned immediately blocking send issued transparent acknowledgement provided by the IPC facility process is notified of the arrival of data execution flow suspended period Synchronous Send and Asynchronous Receive Scenario C ...May or 25, somehow theIntegratie process is notified when the message is there van Software Systemen, college 1 2017 74 Asynchronous send and Asynchronous receive Process 2 Process 1 nonblocking receive issued and returned immediately blocking send issued non process is notified of the arrival of data execution flow suspended period Asynchronous Send and Asynchronous Receive Scenario C Again polling or notification is required Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 May 25, 2017 75 The perils of blocking Blocking operations issued in the wrong sequence can cause deadlocks. Deadlocks should be avoided. Alternatively, timeout can be used to detect deadlocks. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 76 Indefinite blocking due to a deadlock Process 1 Process 2 "receive from process 2" issued; process 1 blocked pending data from process 2. an operation "receive from process 1" issued; process 2 blocked pending data from process 1. process executing process blocked May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 77 B. Marshalling Data transmitted on the network is a binary stream. An interprocess communication system may provide the capability to allow data representation to be imposed on the raw data. Because different computers may have different internal storage format for the same data type, an external representation of data may be necessary. Data marshalling is the process of (i) flattening a data structure, and (ii) converting the data to an external representation. Some well known external data representation schemes are: Sun XDR ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation) XML (Extensible Markup Language) May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 78 Data Encoding decreasing level of abstraction data encoding schemes application specific data encoding language general data encoding language network data encoding standard May 25, 2017 Sample Standards XML:(Extensible Markup Language) ASN.1(Abstract Syntax Notation) Sun XDR(External Data Representation) Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 79 XML XML is a text-based markup language that is the standard for data interchange on the Web. XML has syntax analogus to HTML. Unlike HTML, XML tags tell you what the data means, rather than how to display it. Example: <message> <to>[email protected]</to> <from>[email protected]</from> <subject>XML Is Really Cool</subject> <text> How many ways is XML cool? Let me count the ways... </text> </message> May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 80 An example of Data Marshalling "This is a test." 1.2 7.3 -1.5 marshalling host A 1. flattening of structured data items 2. converting data to external (network) representation 110011 ... 10000100 ... unmarshalling "This is a test." -1.5 7.3 1.2 1. convert data to internal representation 2. rebuild data structures. External to internal representation and vice versa is not required - if the two sides are of the same host type; - if the two sides negotiates at connection. host B May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 81 C. Protocols Data marshalling is at its simplest when the data exchanged is a stream of characters, or text. Exchanging data in text has the additional advantage that the data can be easily parsed in a program and displayed for human perusal. Hence it is a popular practice for protocols to exchange requests and responses in the form of characterstrings. Such protocols are said to be text-based. Many popular network protocols, including FTP (File Transfer Protocol), HTTP, and SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), are text-based. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 82 Event Diagram Process 2 Process 1 time request 1 response 1 request 2 interprocess communication execution flow process blocked response2 Event diagram for a protocol May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 83 Sequence Diagram Process A Process B request 1 response 1 request 2 interprocess communication response 2 May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 84 Protocol In a distributed application, two processes perform interprocess communication in a mutually agreed upon protocol. The specification of a protocol should include i. the sequence of data exchange, which can be described using an event diagram. ii. the specification of the format of the data exchanged at each step. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 85 HTTP: A sample protocol The HyperText Transfer Protocol is a protocol for a process (the browser) to obtain a document from a web server process. It is a request/response protocol: a browser sends a request to a web server process, which replies with a response. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 86 The Basic HTTP protocol web server web browser request response request is a message in 3 parts: - <command> <document adddress> <HTTP version> - an optional header - optional data for CGI data using post method response is a message consisting of 3 parts: - a status line of the format <protocol><status code><description> - header information, which may span several lines; - the document itself. We will explore HTTP in details later this quarter. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 87 A sample HTTP session Script started on Tue Oct 10 21:49:28 2000 9:49pm telnet www.csc.calpoly.edu 80 Trying Connected to tiedye2-srv.csc.calpoly.edu. Escape character is '^]'. GET /~mliu/ HTTP/1.0 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 04:51:18 GMT Server: Apache/1.3.9 (Unix) ApacheJServ/1.0 Last-Modified: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 16:51:54 GMT ETag: "1dd1e-e27-39e3492a" Accept-Ranges: bytes Content-Length: 3623 Connection: close Content-Type: text/html <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Mei-Ling L. Liu's Home Page </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor=#ffffff> … May 25, 2017 HTTP Request HTTP response status line HTTP response header document content Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 88 IPC paradigms and implementations Paradigms of IPC of different levels of abstraction have evolved, with corresponding implementations. decreasing level of abstraction IPC paradigms remote procedure/method socket API data transmission May 25, 2017 Example IPC Implementations Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Java RMI Unix socket API, Winsock serial/parallel communication Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 89 Evolution of IPC paradigms Client-server: Socket API, remote method invocation Distributed objects Object broker: CORBA Network service: Jini Object space: JavaSpaces Mobile agents Message oriented middleware (MOM): Java Message Service Collaborative applications May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 90 Summary Liu, Chapter 1: Distributed computing Basics: operating system (concurrency) network (OSI 7-layer architecture, connection-oriented, naming) software engineering (uml, three layered architecture) Liu, Chapter 2: Process Communication Methods Marshalling Protocols Hoofdstukken 1 en 2 bestuderen en opgaven: H1:1a,1b,3,4; H2: 1,2,3,5,7 en 8 maken. May 25, 2017 Integratie van Software Systemen, college 1 91