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5/22/2017 1 5/22/2017 2 5/22/2017 3 5/22/2017 4 Data provider Seacoos netcdf convention (format, data dictionary of variable and attribute standard names) applied to provider in-situ and model data, screen-scraped data from outside sources. (30 Gigabytes since September 2004) Raster images(.png’s) copied to fileserver with timestamp and projection info colleceted. (70 Gigabytes since September 2004) Data aggregator Perl scripts convert latest measurements from netCDF to database SQL INSERT statements to populate the PostgreSQL+PostGIS database. One table per variable type/data layer indexed temporally, spatially. 5/22/2017 5 Products MapServer GIS visualization with additional features such as animation, point/raster query, time series graphs Data query/export by OGC WMS(images), WFS(records) DODS/OPeNDAP netCDF or relational database server Documentation http://twiki.sura.org/bin/view/Main/DataStandards QA/QC Basic flagging for range,continuity,calibration OGC Catalog, Sensor Web, SensorML, Obs&Measurments 5/22/2017 6