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Unit One (Chapters 1,2,11,12,14)
Notes 1-1
-Before Christ
-Anno Domini
-In the year of our Lord; since Christ was born
4-6 Billion years old
Homo Sapiens (Wise human or thinking man) Homo: human Sapien: wise
350,000 B.C. to present
225 to 65 million years ago (Mesozoic Era)
Prehistory - The period of time before people kept written records
-Most of man's time on earth was spent in an era when there was not history, that is a
written chronicle of events, people, etc. To accurately depict this one might imagine a 24 hour
clock representing the age of the universe
-24 hours represents the age of the Universe
-11:00:00 PM represents the total age of the earth
-11:47:00 PM = the emergence of the earliest lifeforms on earth
-11:59:00 = the earliest appearance of amn on earth
-11:59::59 PM = total recorded history
Group Act 1-1 relate
Why first civilizations lived by river valleys
1. Source of food and fresh water
2. Wild animals
3. Water
water crops
4. Rivers flooded depositing fertile soil for crops
5. Travel and trade
-Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age)1,500,000 -8000 B.C. Books: First men, Early man life,
Stonehenge 936.2
- cultural era of prehistoric man which was characterized by the use of stone tools and
weapons. It began about 1,500,000 BC and ran unitl approximately 8,000 BC in Europe, Asia and
-Stone age Hunters and Gatherers
-people with no permanent homes who wander from place to place
- 20-30 in a group.
-killed meat and gathered fruit, nuts, seeds roots etc.
-Temporary homes in caves or crud tents
-moved on when food supply was gone
-Achievements by stone age people
-most made of stone (for digging, spear heads, chopping)
-later in this period, they used splinters of bones for needles and
-use and control of fire
-used for warmth, food preparatoin (cooking and preservation)
ussed for hunting (drove animals off cliffs)
-Developed languages (critical for passing knowledge)
NEANDERTHAL PEOPLE (Compare pictures in books)
-first evidence: Neander Valley in Germany (Thal means valley in Germany)
-group of Paleolithic people
-Rituals for hunting success, buried their dead with gifts in the grave (must have had belief
in life after death)
-100,000 years ago
-lived in Africa, Asia and Europe
-brains as large as those of modern humans, but were shorter in height and their skulls
were shaped different
-5'6" men, 5'0" women
-bones 10-20% heavier than Cro-magnons
-lived about 40 years
- died out about 35,000 years ago
CRO-MAGNONS (show picture)
-place in France where cave drawings were first found
- first human beings to have all the physical characteristics of modern people
-remains found in Africa, Asia and Europe
-recent discoveries suggest that they lived about the same time as the Neanderthals
-famous for their art
-e.g. beads, necklaces, bracelets (from ivory and stone), sculptures, flutes from
bone (they had music),and paintings in caves
-Environmental changes alter people
-As the last ice age ended (10,000 yrs ago) these people began to make
advances that brought them out of the old stone age
-Neolithic Age8000-4000 B.C.
-New Stone Age
-developed farming, tamed wild animals, and established villages (Domestication)
-made pottery, wove cloth, and worked with metals (copper first metal used)
-planted crops
-built permanent settlements
-Between 9,000 nd 6,000 BC a short transition period between Paleolithic and the
Neolithic occurred which is known as the mesolithic (middle stone age). It was characterized by
the following descriptors
1. Domestication of the dog (9,000 BC)
2. Domestication of grains, specifically barley (9,000 BC)
3. Great sophistication in tool making such as fish hooks, sickles, etc
4. Clustering into small villages no more than 100 people in size
-Neolithic era began sometime around 6,000 BC and is still inexistence today as
evidenced by neolithic tribes such as Bushman of Kalahari and Aborigines of Australia. The term
"Neolithic Revolution" is used to describe this period. It is the full transition from a food gathering
to a food producing society. It is one of the three great revolutions in history as cited by Alvin
toffler in his gook The Third Wave
1. The Neolithic Revolution - cultivate food instead of following food
2. The Industrial Revolution in 17 through 19th century - humans harnessed the
forces of nature
3. The Technological Revolution - began in mid 20th cent
-The Neolithic Revolution brought about changes in human society as marked by:
1. Attempts to control environment in order to produce more food
2. the domestication of new types of animals, specifically the sheep, pig and cow
3. Creation of larger and more complex settlements
4. 1st agricultural site was probably in present day Palestine and was known as
5. the earliest continually occupied village was Jericho in present day Plaestine
(8,000 BC to present)
-Several developments around 4,000 BC led to next step in societial development which
was civilization
1. Invention of pottery and sun-dried bricks
2. Division of Labor
3. Invention of Writing
4. Invention of the Wheel
-Bronze Age-
4000-3000 B.C.
-when bronze replaced copper
-copper and tin make up bronze
-harder and more durable
-first civilizations (Mesopotamia)
Notes 1-2
Review: (Section one: How will you survive?)
Section two: 300 years later
((3000 people) What problems will occur?)
Key traits for a civilization (GA 20 min. (same groups))
1. Growth of cities
-Cities Latin term from civilization (city: center of trade vs. village)
-barter (one good is exchanged for another)
2. Specialized workers
-merchants (one who buys and sells)
3. System of writing and record keeping
4. Advanced technology
5. Complex institutions
-Organization in a community (e.g. Gov., laws, taxes, armies, religion, palaces, walls,
Show picture in book p 24
Stonehenge: One of the most impressive and mysterious monuments left from prehistoric times
located in southern England about 2800 B.C. Largest stones weigh more than 50 tons.
-Knowledge of prehistory comes from two basic sources
1. Anthropology - Studies human beigns from a biological, social, and humanistic approach. This
science in turn is borken up into subcategories includieng:
-Physical anthropology which includes the study of paleontoly (the study of fossil
remains), biology evolution, and physiological adaption.
-Sociocultural Anthropology which concerns the way people live in society including
ethnology (the study of social organization, religion, clothing, language and food produciton)
2. Archaeology - The reconstuction of daily life by the systematic study of the material remains of
past human life. This science relies heavely on Dating Methods includeing:
-Dendrochronology (study of growth rings in trees)
-Obsidian Hydration Dating (Calculation of age by study of thickness of rims produced by
water vapor slowly diffusing into freshly chipped surgaces on
made of obsidian or glass)
-Carbon -14 Dating (developed by Willard Libby in 1947 this method determines the
disintergration rate of carbon 14 which occures in all living organisms)
-Potassium Argon Dating (a method used to date rocks)
-tools, drawings, pottery, weapons, jewelry, and other objects that were made by
prehistoric people
-One who studies places where prehistoric people lived, looking for remains of
homes, graves, and towns and examining the artifacts found there.
-One who studies artifacts, bones, and other clues trying to determine what
people looked like, what they ate, how long they lived, and other characteristics.
Notes 1-3
Around 4,00BC civilizations developed. Civilization is defined as a complex, urban society
whose recoreds are kept in writing. Developement occured simultaneously in four river valleys in
Africa, Middle east, and Asia
Yellow river
Indus River
Four early civilizations
1. Mesopotamia
2. Egyptian
3. Indus Valley
4. Chinese
Mesopotamia Civilization 3000 B.C. (Meso: Greek between Potamia: rivers)
-first group of people to be civilized
-earliest of the river valley civilizations
-located between the Tigris and Euphrates river
-modern day Iraq
-Mesopotamia is divided into an upper and lower region
-Upper =Akkad and has a very fertile plain
-Lower = Sumer and swamps along the delta near the Persain gulf
-Mesopotamia did not have protection from natural boundaries
-Lead to constant migrations of Indo-European people from black and Caspian
-Constant migration led to Cultural diffusion
-strong central government faild to develop in Mesopotamia
-The dominant political unit was the City-State
-The climate is exceedingly hot, but also very humid
-The floods of the Tigris and Euphrates were very violent and unpredictable
-first group of people to settle in the Mesopotamia region (35,000 - 1600 BC)
-oldest city founded was Eridu which has been suggested as the site of the "garden of
-became farmers
-farming villages grew into 12 city-states
-each city-state included a city and the farmlands around it. Each had its own
government and was independent of the other city-states
-Early city-states were rurled by a priest-king who was originally elected by the
-Later, the ruler assumed his throne through birthright
-the early dynastic period ended C. 2600BC when a destructive flood destroyed
the sumerian city-states - has been suggested as the source of "Nohas flood"
-Polytheism - a belief in many gods.
-believed in many gods, and had a god or spirit for virtually everything - sun god,
river god, wind god, etc. They feared these gods, thought to cause disease and natural disasters.
To appease these gods, they developed a system of priests and rituals to try to bring the favor of
the gods.
-developed clay from the rivers to construct homes, palaces, and temples, first known use
of wheel (potters wheel)
-devised a system of record-keeping
-Cuneiform: earliest form of written communication. It consisted of a system of
symbols and pictures which were scratched into clay and then baked for permanence.
-established schools (read p 30 WH Green)
-only for sons of the upper class
-were trained to write in cuneiform
Sumerian King 2700-2500 BC ?
Oldest epic
describes the great flood
first great king after flood
****Epic of Gilgamesh
City-States are conquered by Sargon the Great (2350 B.C.)
-ruler of Akkad
-worlds first empire and first great ruler of the world
-Sargon ruled for 56 years
-Led the conquest of most of the Mesopotamian river valley
- Sargon's empire was overran by the Amorites (Babylonians)
Empire - State or government which controls other kingdoms or territories which are
included in the empires boundaries.
Babylon - city-state which conquered and united all other city-states and all of Mesopotamia in
1792 B.C.
Hammurabi- King of Babylon who built the Babylonian empire (greatest city of the early
ancient world)
-Hammurabi, also known as Amraphel in the OT (C. 1792-1750BC) was the
greates of the Amorite KIngs
-Very smart (brilliant warrior and governor)
-Conquered empire by negotiating peace and stability among city-states, then
conquered them
-used cuneiform writing with own language
-Developed first system of laws
Hammurabi’s Code
-First system of formal written laws
-Regulated all aspects of life and relationships
- On stone 8' tall, 3500 lines of cuneiform characters 282 laws
(Read p. 38)
-based on retribution , not justice
-not fair between social classes
-If a son hit his father, his hand was cut off
-Theft from a private citizen required tenfold repayment
- if you couldn’t repay, you were put to death
-If a husband was unfaithful to his wife, she could divorce him
- If she had been unfaithful, she was put to death
4. Social classes were similar to those in other early civilizations
a. upper classcontained nobles, priests, government officials and
b. Merchants, traders and artisans made up middle class or Freeman
c. Serfs and slaves made up majority of population and were responsible
for all manual labor
d. It was Matriarchial and women were highly respected in society
-continued to believe in many gods
-believed in ghosts, gods were cruel
-Ziggurat: Temple show picture
-Scientific achievements were important to the modern world
-wheel C3700BC
-advances in mathematics
-math: multiplication and division tables
-calculations using geometry
-numbering system was based on 60
-1 hour 60 minutes
-Earliest concepts in algebra and geometry was formed
-System of weights and measures were developed and used until the
-Advances in astronomy
-recorded stars and changing positions on planets, and moon
-Many of the constellations were mapped yb the Sumerians
-Mesopotamians had fertile ground to grow crops, but no timber or metal.
This led to trade and contact with other civilizations, primarily India and Asia, and an influx of new
ideas and culture.
-Civilization ended when Tigris /Euphrates valley was overrun by the Hittites C. 1600BC
Notes 1-4
Egyptian Civilization 2800 B.C. (started later than sumer)
Egypt is the best known of all the ancient civilizations
Ruins and monuments of egypt still in very good shape
Nile River - Heart of Egyptian civilization (w/o all desert)
Used for water, crops, and transportation and trade
Flooded every July on schedule
-flows North 4100 miles long, one of the largest rivers in the world. Main source is
Lake Victoria (3rd largest lake in world)
Only major river in the world which flows North
Two Niles (white and blue) sources in Ethiopia and Lake Victoria.
Average flood depth of 45 feet. Fertile strip is only 12 miles wide
**Because of the Nile and the Nile Delta, Egypt frequently grew more crops than it
needed, enabling it to become a relatively wealthy country, and to engage in trade with other
Egyptains learned sophisticated irrigation systems and dikes to maximize the use
of the Nile
Tribute - payment by a conquered land to the conqueror.
Egypt conquered land, and then demanded tribute, in many different forms such as gold,
jewels and spices, timber, or other valuables
- believed in many gods
-worshipped animals
- believed in life after death
Dynasty - family of rulers 31 dynasties 2800 years in Egypt
Historical periods are ruled by a group of hereditary kings
knownas Pharoahs = "great house". considered divine so their rule was both autrocratic
religious (theocracy)
Usually married their sisters.
dynastic rule continued for 3000 years with only small interruptions
Pharaoh - ruler of Egypt, seen as one of the Egyptian gods (believed pharaoh cause sun to rise,
Nile to flood, crops to grow etc.
-30 dynasties in Egypt’s history
Old Kingdom (2686 - 2181 B.C.)
-rulers of Egypt establish a strong central government (ruler had supreme power)
-responsibilities: irrigation, army, peace, laws, trade, taxes, feeding people during
-delegated a lot of responsibility to officials
-pyramids were built during this time
-The Great Pyramid
-450 feet high (40 story building)
-two million stone blocks, each weighing two and 1/2 tons (1 ton
= 2000 pounds)
-blocks fitted in place with such precision that a knife blade could
not be slipped between them
-some 15 tons some 70 tons ??????
-entire structure covers 13 acres (14 football fields
-80 pyramids still stand about 300 built
GA 2-1 rest of period
Notes 1-5 Start w/ movie 10 Comm. 10 min.
Middle Kingdom (2040 - 1786 B.C.)
-again came under control of a strong dynasty
-again weakened by nobles
-Hyksos (foreign dynasty) rules Egypt
-had superior weapons
-horses and chariots, bronze swords, and daggers
-Egyptians regain their independence after they learned how to use the Hyksos weapons
-New Kingdom (1570 - 1090 B.C.)
-Pharaohs built an empire conquering land to the Euphrates river, and Africa
-Thutmose II(Pharaoh 1512 B.C.)
-expand empire
-His wife Hatshepsut (declared herself pharaoh 1478, wore a beard, ruled 22 yr.,
may have been murdered by son (picture p61)
Hatshepsut (1504-1482)
-first great woman ruler in history
-wife of Thutmose II.
-When he died, she seized power over her infant son, the rightful
heir to the throne
-Ruled for minor son for 20 years.
-tried to have her daughter succeed her, but failed
-was disposed of (killed) by her son Thutmose III
-her son Thutmose III succeeded her, ordered all memory of her
King Tut (Tutankhamen)(1365-1358BC) read p 53 Howard Carter 6 yr.
moving tons of rock looking for tombs (robbers opened most tombs and took
-King Tut’s Tomb (king age 8 died age 17)
-greatest single archaeological find from ancient Egypt
-provided evidence of their wealth
A. Much of our knowledge comes from this tomb
1. Only tomb found intact, all others were plundered
2. discovered by Howard Carter in Nov, 1922, benefactor was Lord Carnarvon of
3. Incalcuable worth, impacted the "Jazz age"
B. The rise of the "curse".
1. Tomb was called tomb of hte "yellow canary" - carter bought a canary, symbol
of good luck in
Egypt - it was dead within 48 hours. Eaten by a Cobra
2. Only written curse - "It is I who hinder the sand from choking the secret
chamber. I am the
protector of the desceased." Sir Arthur Conan Doyle created the
curse to sell newspapes in England
3. When Lord Carnarvon first enterd the tomb, a worker said he would be dead in
six weeks. He
died within six weeks of the date. Historians believe he died from an
infected mosquito bite, but
legend tells he died after pricking his finger on a spear in
the tomb. At the exact moment that he
died, all the lights went out in Cairo and his
favorite hunting dog died at his english estate
4. At least 10 others associated with the excavation of the tomb died within a
year, all of rather
mysterious causes
5. The Titanic reportedly was carrying a mummy in its cargo hold when it sank
6. Carter was unaffected by the curse and lived for many years without problems
Rameses II (1290-1223BC)reigned 67 yr. lived to the age of 99, 150
children (average life 36) show movie 10 Commandments 5 min. worth
-built many temples, cities, and grain storehouses
-fought off invaders
-most famous for being the pharaoh at the time of Moses and the
Hebrew exodus
-of the "Hebrew Oppression" and let them go
e. 332BC conquered by Alexander the Great
-writing system (picture writing) called Hieroglyphics
-Development of Writing was among the first in history
-Rosetta stone show picture in book
-Translation did not take place unit mid 19th Cent. Rosetta Stone
3 languages 1. Greek 2. hieroglyphics 3. simple form of hieroglyphics
-Egyptians wrote on papyrus, one of the first forms of modern paper (split reeds
soaked in water pressed into sheets)
Upper class
-had pools, gold ornaments, harpist played music in homes, food served, huge
-keep records
-12 years to train
received land plus pleasant to work it after served army
-skilled artisans
-jewelry, baskets, glassware, cloth, furniture
-most people are peasants
-worked from dawn to dark
-did not own land
-pay taxes
-many did not have enough to eat
-slaves (lowest class)
-prisoners captured in the war
-gold mine slave (very hard work)
-house slave
-meals, comb hair, watched children
-Developed Medical Textbooks
-set broken bones
-treated wounds
-classified diseases
-a lot of medicines cured sickness
-Studied Astronomy
-developed a calendar to predict the time of flood
-star Sirius appeared Eastern horizon just before it floods. Measured time from
this: 365 days year, 30 days, 12 months
Number system based on 10
-Tombs Read p. 58
-poor people
-were buried with food and tools
-wealthy people
-were buried with clothing, food, furniture, games, perfumes, cosmetics,
jewels, pictures of geese assured person of endless meals, images of
loved ones, devoted servants would help keep person company
-embalmers were very skilled
-believed would be judged by deeds when died weigh each dead
persons heart. To win eternal life, heart could be not heavier than a feather
Notes 1-6
Indus Valley Civilization 2500 B.C.
-very advanced
-indoor bathrooms with the earliest known sewer system for drainage
-bath houses, swimming pools, disposed garbage through narrow slits cut in walls
fell into containers on streets below, dice, Metals: gold, silver, copper, bronze, and lead
-system of weights and measures
-Conquered by the Aryans' (1500 B.C.)
Chinese Civilization 2000 B.C.
-Civilization one of the oldest in the world
-Culture model for all of Asia
-Saw the outside world as inferior
-Family foundation of Chinese society
-more important than self or state
-extended family
-parents, children, and grandparents all living under one roof
-few sins higher than showing disrespect towards parents
- Shang dynasty (1766 to 1122 B.C.)
-China's first dynasty
-invented horse-drawn war chariots and writing system (character stands for an
idea not a sound)
- Yellow River location of first civilizations
- Zhou (Chou) dynasty (1122 to 256 B.C.)
-tired of paying tribute
-mandate of heaven
-approval of the gods to rule
-overthrew the Shang's because they did not rule efficiently
-reigned for 900 years
-longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history
-iron, irrigation systems, plow, coin money
p. 90 Great Wall of China
p. 86 silk discovered
Other early civilizations throughout the world
Aryans 2000 B.C.
-one group of Aryans settled in Asia Minor
-known as Hittites
-Raided Babylon, Syria, Palestine 1600 B.C.
-1450 B.C. Empire included Asia Minor and Northern Syria
-Used Iron
-stronger and sharper
-kept the secret of iron working until the fall of the empire
-created a new and imporved three wheeled chariot
-new siege tactics used throughout the Roman world
Lydians 560 B.C.
-used coins for trade
-made trade easier
-could sell to anyone he/she wanted
Phoenician 900 B.C.
-Developed around coast of Med (Isrreal and Lebbonon) @ 1000 - 700 BC
-became sailors, shipbuilders, and merchants
-trade reached to Britain and possibly North America
-famous for its tall cedar trees
-made objects out of clear glass
-cloth dye (deep purple) p 40 came from snails (one pound of dye squeeze drops 60,000
snail glands
-writing system based on an early alphabet
-faster and easier than hieroglyphics
-same system our alphabet is based on
Notes 1-7
Hebrews- In the long run, the most influential of all early peoples (our society)
Immense importance to western civilization
-Laws set down by Moses is foundation for all western law
-OT and NT usually cited as themost important work of the Ancient world
-Introduced Monotheism to the world and became basis for three major religios
a. Judiasm
b. Christianity
C. Islam
-religion of the Jews
-oldest religion in Western world
-foundation for Christianity and Islam
-Old Testament
-Moses writings and writings of Hebrew kings and prophets give us the
Old Testament, which, outside of its religious significance, is a very detailed account of the history
of the ancient near east
-first five books called the Torah p. 41 read
-Yahweh known as their God
-Monotheistic in their beliefs unlike all other kingdoms
History of Jews
-Abraham (wife Sarai)
-Father of country, literally
- called by God, moved to Palestine
-son Isaac 2066 B.C.
-twins Jacob and Esau
-Abraham and Hagar (slave)
-son Ishmael
-Muslim nation (Islam)
Jews live in Palestine until the Romans drove them out in the first century
-1947 Jews move back to Palestine forming the country Israel
-Assyrians (war was their occupation)
-the Assyrians conquered and overran most of Mesopotamia
-upper Tigris valley
-ruthless warriors (considered most warlike and cruel of the ancient
-cut off heads and piled them up at the walls of their cities like
heaps of grain
-torture and killed most (would send captives to other lands to
work as slaves
-defeated the Hebrews (took babies by ankles and crushed heads on
rocks while fathers and mothers watched)
-reached it’s height about 660 B.C.
-lands from Egypt to Persian Gulf
-The Assyrian government served as a model for furture empires, especially the
Persians and Romans
-Established many permanent roads to facilitate troops
-Established the first postal system to facilitate communications
-hired many of its soldiers from foreign lands and paid them based on
success (mercenaries)
-finally destroyed when several tribes united and formed an allienace to destroy it
1. Ninevah desstroyed in 612 BC - recorded in OT book of Nahum
-Chaldeans (Babylonians)
-Greatest king Nebuchadnezzar 605 B.C. (writing on the wall: Josephus p283
Bible p. 771
-conquered Jerusalem, Phoenician city of Tyre
-rebuilt Babylon into a great city
-Walls 23 ft high
-Hanging Gardens of Babylon
-wife missed mountains of home land. King had sweet-smelling
trees and shrubs from the mountains planted on the terraces that rose 75
feet above the flat plain of Babylon. Slaves watered plants daily w/ pumps
hidden inside the walls. Walls so thick that four horse chariots could
wheel around the top
Notes 1-8
-at its height around 16,000 B.C.
-dry land between northern Asia and Alaska and New Guinea and Australia
-moved in small groups over centuries
-eventually migrated down into South America
-followed ice-free river valleys
-people were hunters that eventually became farmers
-Mesoamerica first farming region
Olmecs 1300 B.C.
-first to tap rubber trees for sap
-hieroglyphic form of writing
-used as a basis for later Mesoamerican writing systems
-advances in mathematics
-discovered the idea of zero
-1,000 years before the Europeans
-developed two calendars
-month divided into 4 weeks. Calculations were a few
minutes off
-first to play basketball (Pok-a-tok)
-combination of basketball and soccer
-losers were sacrificed to the gods at the end of the game
-carved stone heads weighing as much as 18 tons and stood as high as 14 feet
-moved these blocks 60 miles
Australia ?????????