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1. What instrument would you use in order to study far away stars and planets from your backyard?
2. Does a space probe carry humans? What is it used for?
No, it does not carry humans; used for taking pictures and sending data back to earth
3. What element is the Sun mostly made of?
4. What is the Law of Universal Gravitation? Does distance affect gravitational attraction?
Every object in the universe attracts every other object.
5. What happens as you travel farther out into space?
The distances between planets get larger; it also gets colder.
6. Where is the asteroid belt located? What are asteroids made of?
Between the inner and outer planets, or Mars and Jupiter.
7. How would you describe the outer planets compared to the inner planets?
Inner (terrestrial) planets: rock/metal; Outer (gas giant) planets: gas
also much bigger!
*Outer planets are
8. What does an astronaut’s suit protect him/her from?
Harmful radiation, pressure, high temperature
9. Why do the outer planets take so long to orbit around the Sun compared to the inner planets?
They are farther away and have a longer orbital path.
10. What do all of the planets in our solar system have in common?
They are spheres and orbit the Sun.
11. What property of our Sun keeps all of the planets revolving around it?
12. Draw a Venn diagram to compare asteroids, meteoroids, and comets.
You may draw this on your own. Here is the information you should have put:
Asteroid: big chunks of solid rock; many km/mi in diameter; orbit Sun
Meteoroid: small specks of dust/rock that burn up in atmosphere; travel randomly
Comet: made of ice and dust; many km/mi wide; get a tail when orbiting close to Sun
13. What is the best source of energy for the functions of the International Space Station?
Solar power
14. How does the Moon’s gravitational force affect earth?
It controls the high and low tides.
15. You have a block that weighs 15 lbs and another that weighs 40 lbs. Will they hit the ground at
the same time? Explain your answer.
Yes, they will hit the ground at the same time because gravity makes every object
(regardless of mass) free fall towards the ground at 9.8 m/s.
16. Explain what happens to a comet as it approaches closer to the Sun. What does the comet appear
to have at this point?
The ice begins to melt/vaporize, and the comet appears to grow a “tail”.
17. Explain why mass and weight are two different things.
Mass is the amount of space that an object takes up; weight depends on the pull of
18. Name all of the objects that you might find in our solar system.
Asteroids, comets, meteoroids, planets, dwarf planets, Galilean moons, our star the Sun
19. What is the name of Jupiter’s four largest moons?
Galilean moons (Io, Callisto, Ganymede, Europa)
20. Draw the planets IN ORDER orbiting around the Sun below.
In order from Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
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