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Christian Decline Terms &
& Fall
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Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from
Rome is located in Italy,
which is this type of land form
$100 Answer from
What is Peninsula
$200 Question from
In ancient Rome, THEY had little
influence until they gained the right
to elect their own officials to
tribunes. They were mostly farmers,
merchants, artisans, and traders.
$200 Answer from
Who were plebeians?
$300 Question from
The Third Punic war was Caused By
$300 Answer from
Hannibal’s Invasion of Italy
$400 Question from
Because the Twelve Tables of Laws
where Displayed Patrician Judges
could not do this anymore
$400 Answer from
Make decisions based on secret laws
$500 Question from
He was the Dictator
who returned Power to the Senate,
after he stopped an invasion,
George Washington used him as a model
$500 Answer from
Who was Cincinnatus
$100 Question from
Why did a group of senators
murder Julius Caesar?
$100 Answer from
What is:
Senators wanted to prevent him from destroying
the Roman Republic
$200 Question from
Roman Empire
The phrase “bread and circuses” referred to
$200 Answer from
Roman Empire
the free food and entertainment provided
by the government to
stave off rebellions by poor people.
$300 Question from
Roman Empire
Why did Octavian adopt the title
“first citizen”?
$300 Answer from
Roman Empire
to avoid the title
of king or emperor
$400 Question from
Roman Empire
Electing tribunes and displaying the
Law of the Twelve Tables
$400 Answer from
Roman Empire
protected plebeians against
unjust treatment by patricians.
$500 Question from
Roman Empire
Wealthy Romans dominated
politics during the
Pax Romana because
$500 Answer from
Roman Empire
public officials were not paid
so only the wealthy could participate.
$100 Question from
The People
Throughout the Pax Romana the primary
occupation of people was _______.
$100 Answer from The People
What is Agriculture or Farming
$200 Question from
The People
Romans were especially entertained
by this type of competition
in the amphitheater.
$200 Answer from The People
What is
bloody spectacles
$300 Question from
The People
The people of Rome spoke Latin
what other language is based off of Latin
$300 Answer from The People
$400 Question from
The People
Which of the following was
one of Diocletian’s reforms?
$400 Answer from The People
He divided the empire in two.
$500 Question from
The People
When the last king of Rome was thrown out,
his place was taken by two magistrates called
(comparable to our Executive Branch or President.
$500 Answer from The People
$100 Question from
Christian Era
Most Romans believed that the early
Christians were simply a sect of this
first monotheistic religion.
$100 Answer from Christian Era
$200 Question from
Christian Era
Paul of Tarsus helped to attract non-Jews to Christianity by
$200 Answer from Christian Era
dispensing with some Jewish customs.
$300 Question from
Christian Era
As a conquered people in the Roman Empire
$300 Answer from Christian Era
the Jews did not abandon monotheism.
$400 Question from
Christian Era
This emperor was considered the
protector of Christianity; he issued the
Edict of Milan.
$400 Answer from Christian Era
$500 Question from
Christian Era
The ____________________ were
twelve men that Jesus
had chosen to spread his message.
$500 Answer from Christian Era
$100 Question from
Decline & Fall
What was
one of Diocletian’s reforms?
$100 Answer from
Decline & Fall
He divided the empire in two.
$200 Question from
Decline & Fall
Many historians believe that this
religion helped Rome fall.
$200 Answer from
Decline & Fall
$300 Question from
Decline & Fall
What caused inflation after the
last of the Good Emperors died?
$300 Answer from
Decline & Fall
the minting of new coins containing
copper and lead in order to
maintain the money supply
$400 Question from
Decline & Fall
After Rome fell, the Eastern part of the
empire was renamed this.
$400 Answer from
Decline & Fall
Byzantine Empire
$500 Question from
Decline & Fall
This is the year that Rome officially
$500 Answer from
Decline & Fall
476 AD
$100 Question from
Terms & People
These were the artificial waterways
built to give Romans running water.
$100 Answer from
Terms & People
$200 Question from
Terms & People
During the empire this was the area
in Rome where government business
took place.
$200 Answer from
Terms & People
The Forum
$300 Question from
Terms & People
This was built by the emperor Hadrian
to honor the Roman gods
$300 Answer from
Terms & People
$400 Question from
Terms & People
What was the name of the chariot
race track that was built during the
Pax Romana. It could seat about
150,000 people.
$400 Answer from
Terms & People
Circus Maximus
$500 Question from Terms &
This was the land area was called that
was taken from the farmers that went
to fight in the Roman Legions.
$500 Answer from Terms &
Final Jeopardy Catagory
Pax Romana
Final Jeopardy
What is the name of the Roman
Road that led from the city of Rome
to the southern Italian peninsula?
Final Jeopardy Answer
Appian Way