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Jesus and Muhammad
Two Variants of Universal Spiritual
Final exam
• Date: Tuesday, December 15
• Time: 11:45-2:45
• Place: Knox 110
Exam preparation
• 1) Lecture Notes: all overheads for semester
• 2) My History Lab test exams: pre-tests, post-tests,
and chapter exams
• 3) Final Exam Essay Outline
– Go through all civilizations
– 3-4 pages for written exam
• 4) Bring enough paper for essay, #2 pencils, and good
• 5) One “cheat sheet” allowed: one side 8 ½ by 11
inch, 6 pt. font minimum
• Jesus and Roman Empire (conclusion):
Universal Spiritual Kinship
• Islam on Jesus and other Prophets
• Historical conditions: Arabic nomads and new
merchant wealth
• Problem of animism
• Oneness of God and Brother/Sisterhood of
Contradiction in Confucius?
• (1) Overflowing with love for all humanity
• (2) Should you treat injury with kindness?
• “What do you say concerning the principle that
injury should be recompensed with kindness?” The
Master said, “With what then will you recompense
kindness? Recompense injury with justice, and
recompense kindness with kindness.”
• Compare Jesus: “Turn the other cheek.”
Turn which cheek?
• "But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But
whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn
the other to him also.” Matthew 5:39
• Why the right cheek?
• Historical context: Roman power
• How respond to it?
– Revolution?
– Abject submission?
– Affirming your dignity as a human being
Political implications
• Pharisees want a Jewish Kingdom
• They ask Jesus: is it permissible to pay taxes to
the Romans?
• Dilemma:
– If he says pay . . .
– If he says don’t pay . . .
God and Caesar
• ‘Jesus says, “You hypocrites! Why are you
trying to catch me out? Show me the coin
used for the tax.” They handed him a silver
piece. Jesus asked, “Whose head is this, and
whose inscription?” “Caesar’s,” they replied.
He said to them, “Then pay to Caesar what
belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to
God.” Taken aback by this reply, they left him
alone.’ (Matthew, 22:18-22.)
Jesus rejects Stoic unworldliness
• Stoical resignation; two-worldly approach
– Outer world not in our power
– Inner world is in our power
– => Universal citizenship of the Mind
• Jesus: spiritual revolution comes first
– Begin with the inner revolution of universal spiritual
– This will gradually transform the outer world
– =Mustard Seed approach to the “Kingdom of God”
– -> Universal kinship in this world
• Recall Job’s Jewish this-worldliness
Was Jesus a good politician?
• Common conception of Messiah (Christ) as
liberator from Roman oppression
• Jesus rejects direct confrontation with Rome
– Recommends undermining Roman rule from
– The mustard seed approach
• Jewish military rebellion against Rome fails;
temple destroyed in 70 CE; final exile in 135
Why did Early Christianity flourish?
• Edward Gibbon: Christian otherworldliness
undermined Roman empire (Spodek 330)
• Michael Mann: “As imperial power became
increasingly centralized, remote, insensitive, and
later unstable, ‘In many ways Christianity
represented how Rome liked to idealize its
republican past.’” Spodek 329
• I.e., Christianity creates an attractive, democratic
community here and now—recalling the old Roman
Christianity and Roman History
• 1) Early Roman Republic: power of citizenship
– Power of human-made law
• 2) Fall of the Republic and rise of Empire
– Emptiness of citizenship, of legality
• 3) Seeds of change: early Christianity returns to the
spirit of the ancient republic
– 1) Parable of the Mustard Seed
– 2) Empowerment through community of loving individuals
(spiritual kinship of all Sons & Daughters of God)
– 3) against empty legalism of both Jewish and Roman
Into the Middle Ages
• 4) Christianity becomes the Religion of Empire
(Council of Nicea 325 CE)
– Spiritual freedom of Gnostics replaced by religious laws
(legalism) and obligatory beliefs
– Church hierarchy imitates that of Roman Empire
– Christianity now becomes otherworldly (Gibbon)
• 5) Empire falls (476 CE), but the Roman Church
continues Roman legalism into the new feudal
– giving cultural unity and order to the political diversity of
the new feudal society
– that emerged with the decay of the Roman empire
Spiritual Kinship of All Humanity
• Early Christians believe in universal spiritual
kinship based on love
– All people are sons/daughters of the One God
• Appeals to poor, disenfranchised, the excluded
• Fills void in heartless Roman world
• => Kingdom of God here and now in the allinclusive Christian community
– Parable of the mustard seed (last lecture)
Jesus criticizes external religion
• "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar,
and there remember that your brother has
something against you, leave your gift there
before the altar, and go your way. First be
reconciled to your brother, and then come and
offer your gift.” Matthew 5:24
Mohammed (Quran) criticizes external
• “There is no piety in turning your faces toward the east or the
west, but he is pious who believes in God, and the last day,
and the angels [Messengers who bring God’s word to
humans], and the scriptures, and the prophets; who for love
of God disperses his wealth to his kindred, and to the
orphans, and the needy, and the wayfarer, and those who ask,
and for ransoming; and who observe prayer, and pay the legal
alms, and who is of those who are faithful to their
engagements when they have engaged in them, and patient
under ills and hardships, and in time of trouble. These are
they who are just, and these are they who fear the Lord.”
(Sura 2 “The Cow”: 177)
Jesus: two fundamental principles
• Jesus: “You have heard that it has been said, ‘You
shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.’ But I
say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse
you, do good to those who hate you . . . That you
may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.
(Matthew 5: 43-48.)
• 1) the way we truly submit to God
• 2) is by sharing with those in need
Quran: Two fundamental principles
• Quran: “But as to him who gives alms and
fears God, And yields assent to the good, To
him will we make easy the path to happiness.”
• = Unity of
– 1) submission to God
– 2) sharing with those in need
Quran on the equality of the Prophets
• “We believe in God [Allah]. And in what hath
been sent down to Abraham, and Ismael, and
Issac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and in what
was given to Moses, and Jesus, and the
Prophets, from their Lord. We make no
difference between them. And to Him are we
resigned (Muslims).”
– (Koran, 3:34)
Different forms of “Islam”
• All monotheistic revelations have the same
message: submission (“islam”) to the one
• Who wants us to help one another
Two Different Historical Contexts
• Historical context of Jesus:
– Powerful Roman State, Roman Law
– Jewish law – letter and spirit
• Hence the teachings
– 1) Primacy of inner spirit over the external letter of the law
– 2) spiritual kingdom of mutually supportive individuals
comes first (which begins small, like a mustard seed)
• Historical context of Mohammad
– Nomadic kinship groups, with no laws, no State
• Hence the teachings:
– 1) One God for all (i.e., a “Kingdom of God”)
– 2) As the basis for a political state for the Arab people
Compare with Jesus
• “. . . pay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to
God what belongs to God.” (Matthew, 22:22.)
• Time of powerful Roman State
– Emphasizes spiritual kinship community
– Long-term strategy of the mustard seed
• Not only otherworldly happiness after death
– Teaches presence within each person of the Kingdom of
– growing up inside the old Roman world, from small
Time of Muhammad: no State
• Stateless, feuding nomadic tribes
• Different strategy: Kingdom of God on Earth
must be established now as fully developed
political reality
Historical conditions of Islam
• 1) Division of the Arabic (Bedouin) tribes
– Recall general problems of nomadic societies
• 2) Growing inequality of wealth
– Special historical conditions of Arabia
– Wealth destroys the ethic of tribal life: One for all;
all for one.
Nomadic Herders
1) they live in kinship groups;
2) they are warriors;
3) there is male dominance;
4) there is a strong sense of freedom, with
a strong sense of equality among the men.
• 5) Animistic religion of nature (many
War and Religion
Nomadic life leads to warfare
Each tribe has its own territory
Each tribe has its own “gods”
=> Animism supports tribal warfare
Hence: One God versus animistic polytheism
Putting an end to holy wars
• On the early Sumerian city-states: “The
warfare was especially destructive because
the kings and soldiers believed that they were
upholding the honor of their gods.” (Spodek
• Goal of Muhammad: putting an end to “holy
wars” among Arabian tribes
• Hence, opening words of Quran
The Opening: Thee only
• In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the
• Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds!
• The compassionate, the merciful!
• King on the day of reckoning!
• Thee only do we worship, and to Thee do we cry
for help.
• Guide Thou us on the straight path,
• The path of those to whom Thou has been
gracious; —with whom thou are not angry, and
who do not go astray.
Jews and Arabs
• Both Semitic-speaking nomadic peoples
• Both descend from Abraham
– Ishmael (the first son, born of Hagar, the handmaid) >
– and Isaac (second son, born of Sarah, the legitimate
wife) > Hebrews
• Belief in One God overcomes division
– Unites Hebrews against surrounding peoples
– Stops wars, feuds between different Arabic tribes
• Young Muhammad admires unity of Jews,
Christians: “People of the Book”
Factors for Unity in Arabia
• Single language of Arabic poetry
• Worship of sacred stone: Ka’aba
– Truce between warring tribes
• Worship of same sky-god overhead: Al-Lah
Problem of Poverty
• War to north between Christian Byzantine
Empire, and the Persian Sassanian Empire
• Trade routes shift to south, Arabia
• Merchants of Mecca become wealthy
• But tribal members who are not merchants
remain poor
Pluses and Minuses of Kinship
• Plus: spirit of unity, sharing among members
of kin
– Need to overcome growing inequality between
members of each tribe
• Minus: difficulty of uniting members of
different kin groups (tribes)
– Need to overcome constant warfare among Arabs
Solution: Universal Spiritual Kinship
under One God
• Only one God – Allah is beyond nature, not
– Sharp condemnation of animism, polytheism
– No idols, no images (as in Judaism)
• Not just unity of Arabs, but of all believers
– Follows Christian universalism
• Expressed in practical aid to needy
– “Zakat”: One of the Five Pillars