Download Byzantine Empire - Mrs. Farr's History Class

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Byzantine Empire
After the Roman Empire was divided in AD 395, the
eastern half eventually became known as the
Byzantine Empire.
West into Italy, south to Egypt, and east to the
Arabian border
Greeks, Egyptians, Syrians, Arabs, Armenians,
Jews, Persians, Slavs, and Turks lived within the
The Beginning
 The Roman Empire
shifted its power
from Rome in the
East, to
Constantinople in
the West
 The Eastern
Roman Empire
became known as
the Byzantine
 At the center of the Byzantine Empire was the
city of Constantinople.
 Constantinople was surrounded by water on three
sides, was the busiest market place in Europe, and
there they sold goods like silk, gems, and wheat.
 AD 500s, it was one of the world’s most advanced
cities. Success was due to its prime location
Byzantine Empire
 Byzantine Empire was in existence up to 1,000
years after the fall of Rome.
 Blended Greek, Roman, and Christian influences in
this brilliant civilization.
 Byzantine Empire reached its greatest size under
the Emperor Justinian- skilled leader and strong
 Governed with supreme power- controlled the
military and made all legal decisions.
 Empress Theodora (Justinian’s wife) had her hand
in government. Justinian listened to her opinions,
and he changed the laws where a wife could own
land if she became widowed.
Justinian’s Legal Reforms
 Had a more simple code of laws written, this
became known as the Justinian Code. It was a
collection and revision of all laws from the past
and present.
 This code helped officials and businesspeople
better under the laws.
 Became the basis for many legal systems of
almost every legal system in the Western world.
Byzantine Arts and Education
 Justinian and other emperors ordered the
construction of many churches, forts, and
government buildings
 Hagia Sofia – (Holy Wisdom) a beautiful church
built to restore Roman glory; decorated with
numerous mosaics showing popular saints.
 Education was important: boys studied religion,
medicine, law, arithmetic, grammar, and other
Hagia Sophia
The Church
 Christianity was extremely important and
influential in the Byzantine Empire.
 A division emerged however in the church dealing
with leadership roles.
 Patriarch – highest church official
The Church
 More division emerged with the use of icons with
some Christian beliefs.
 AD 1054 a schism or permanent split occurred
between the Byzantine (Eastern Greek Orthodox)
and the Roman Catholic Church; they treated
each other as rivals (pages 386-389)
The Collapse
 The Collapse of the Byzantine Empire occurred
for several reasons;
the split of the church caused fighting and wars
struggles of succession
advance of the Turks
the Crusades
Constantinople falls in 1453 as the Ottoman Empire