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Concluding Chapter 4
800 BCE – 476 CE; actual “empire” from 550
BCE – 476 CE; was a monarchy from 800 – 550
Rome (Roman Empire) is located west of
Greece in the Mediterranean Sea.
Romans are NOT identical to Greece, but they
DO preserve most Greek achievements
Rome created a massive “empire”
Their influence during this time was in
engineering, language, and law.
Subjugating The Mediterranean
The final phase of Mediterranean
Civilizations was when the Roman Empire
subjugated (take control of) both Greece
and the Hellenistic Kingdoms.
 Hellenistic Kingdoms = Alexander the
Great’s kingdom: Macedonia (northern
Greece) + spread East all the way to
Indian border + Egypt
 Leaders during this time: Julius Caesar,
Augustus Caesar, & Marcus Aurelius
Roman Political Structure
Similar to Greece with aristocracy
 The Constitution of Roman Republic:
◦ All Roman citizens could gather in assemblies
◦ Most important legislative body was the
Senate composed mainly of aristocrats
Some political writings resembled
Confucianism (China).
 Roman army officers often held great
political power (sometimes even over the
Roman Political Structure
Romans had a high tolerance for local
customs and religions as well as a strong
military organization
 First Roman code of law is the “Twelve
Tablets” (450 BCE)
◦ Used to restrain upper classes and to subject
them (and common people) to common legal
◦ Believed that laws should evolve to meet
changing conditions
Roman law promoted “common-sense
Roman Political Structure
Rome placed greater importance on
military conquest than all of Greece did.
 Roman government/empire built public
baths, stadiums (gladiator fights), offered
cheap food…all for the people!
◦ This helped the government keep the masses
in order and to prevent popular disorder.
Roman Religion
Did NOT create a single “world-class”
religion (example: Confucianism)
 Christianity did arise later during the
Roman Empire, however it was NOT a
product of Roman culture…just
influenced by it.
 Had gods & goddesses (polytheistic) who
“regulated” human life.
◦ Ceremonies to the gods had political
importance because they (political leaders)
believed the gods could foresee the future.
Roman Technology & the Arts
Built aqueducts which carried running water to
cities (large and small).
Construction of elaborate arches so buildings
could carry more weight
Engineering (built roads)
Plays and stories were elaborate and devoted to
the gods
Art emphasized beauty of realistic portrayal of
human form (Human-centered art)
◦ Roman Empire known more for athletic
performances than Greece (Gladiators and chariot
Not as technologically advanced as China or India
Roman Economy
Commercial agriculture, trade, slavery
◦ Commercial agriculture leads to trade
Most Romans are farmers
Roman Republic declined because, later, too
many farmers became dependent on
protection of landlords.
Traded mainly in the Mediterranean, but also
some trade in India & China
Slavery spread towards end of Roman
◦ Slaves used in military expansion, working the
mines, agriculture work, and household tasks –
including tutoring!
Roman Family/Social Structure
Still a predominately patriarchal society
 Tight family structure
 Women often commanded great influence
in upper class households, but were
inferior to men in law and culture.