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A 21st Century Approach
to Fever in Infants and
Young Children
James M Callahan, MD
Division of Emergency Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine
A pediatric healthcare network
• James M Callahan, MD
I have no relevant financial relationships to
disclose or conflicts of interest to resolve.
This presentation will not involve discussion of
unapproved or off-label, experimental or
investigational use medications or devices.
• After this session, participants will be able to:
– Discuss the bacteriology of serious infections in
children less than three months of age.
– Discuss the bacteriology of bacteremia in children
3 – 36 months of age.
– Discuss an approach to management of febrile
infants less than 3 months of age.
– Discuss an approach to children 3 – 36 months of
age with fever without a source in an era of
widespread pneumococcal vaccination.
– Discuss the importance of urinary tract infections
as a source of fever in young children.
Fever in Infants and Young Children
• Introduction
• Fever in the First Three Months of Life
• Fever in Children 3 – 36 Months of Age
– Occult Bacteremia
– Urinary Tract Infections
– Febrile Seizures
• Summary
Scope of the Problem
• Common presenting complaint in children
• 20% of pediatric visits to ED’s are for a
chief complaint of fever; common “sick
visit” complaint in offices
• The majority of these children are less
than three years old
• Fever accompanies both minor and life –
threatening infections
Definition of Fever
• A rectal temperature of > 38°C in an
appropriately dressed child at rest for
30 minutes.
• Life – threatening, infectious disease
may be present in young infants without
• Hypothermia in young infants is an
ominous sign.
Fever Phobia
• The public, especially parents fear fever.
• Rarely does fever itself cause problems.
• Extreme fevers (T > 41.1°C or 106°F) are
more likely to result from environmental
heat excess.
• Fever has an evolutionary role.
• Fever’s significance and possible
beneficial role need to be explained.
• It alerts us to an underlying illness to
diagnose and treat, if necessary.
Fever and antipyretic use
• AAP Technical Report – 2011
Appropriate counseling for parents
Fever is not dangerous in healthy children
Fever may be a benefit
Fever is not the same as hyperthermia
– Sullivan JE, et al. Pediatrics 2011
Fever and antipyretic use
• AAP Technical Report – 2011
– Goal of antipyretics – comfort
• Not normalizing temperature
• Acetaminophen and ibuprofen both safe and
effective in appropriate doses
• Combination therapy not shown to be
beneficial – may increase dosing errors
– Health care provider role:
• Minimize “fever phobia”
• Emphasize monitoring for signs and
symptoms of serious disease
– Sullivan JE, et al. Pediatrics 2011
Management and Approach
• The management of fever depends on:
Severity of illness
Age of the patient
Focus of infection, if any
Height of the fever
Immune status of the patient
Practice setting
Fever in the First Three Months:
Usual Pathogens
• E. coli
• Other gram negative
• Group B
• Lysteria
• H. influenzae type B
Fever in the First Three Months:
• Infants have:
– Higher rates of bacteremia and SBI.
– Are less immunocompetent.
– Unreliable physical examinations.
• 3 – 15% of febrile infants < 3 mo will have a SBI.
• Academic standard of care has been a sepsis
work – up.
• A septic appearing infant should prompt a broad
differential diagnosis.
Fever in the First Three Months:
History of Fever
• An infant presents with a history of tactile
or rectal fever at home and without
antipyretics is now afebrile:
– 0/26 of infants with a history of tactile
fever were febrile during hospitalization.
– 8/40 infants with history of rectal fever
were febrile.
– 19/19 infants with SBI had an abnormal
exam or abnormal lab values.
• Bonadio, et al. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1990.
Infants 0 – 28 Days Old
• All children < 29 d old
should have a full sepsis
workup with LP, be
admitted to the hospital
and receive parenteral
antibiotics pending
• Labs and exam not good
predictors (negative
predictive value of only
88% at best)
• The LP is necessary.
Infants 29 – 89 Days Old
• Baskin, O’Rourke, Fleisher:
– J Pediatr 1992
– Age 29 – 89 d; T > 38°c
– Normal PE
– Normal labs:
CSF < 10 wbc
UA – negative L.E.
Normal CXR
WBC < 20k
– All given 50 mg/kg CTX IM and discharged.
– Repeat exam and CTX in 24 h if culture
Infants 29 – 89 Days Old
• Baskin, O’Rourke, Fleisher:
– J Pediatr 1992
• Results:
– 503 patients
• 27 (5%) with SBI
8 bacteremia
1 UTI/bacteremia
10 bacterial gastroenteritis
– All subsequently treated and did well
Infants 29 – 89 Days Old
• Baker, Bell, Avner:
– New Engl J Med 1993
– Age 29 – 56 days; T > 38.2°C.
– Normal PE (I.O.S.).
– Normal labs:
WBC 5 – 15K; BNR < 0.2
UA < 10 wbc/hpf; < few bacteria
CSF < 7 wbc; normal GS, glc, pro
Normal CXR
– Randomized management.
– Re – examined at 24 and 48 hours.
Infants 29 – 89 Days Old
• Baker, Bell, Avner:
– New Engl J Med 1993
• Results:
– 747 infants
• 1/65 with SBI had a negative screen
• NPV 99% (95% C.I. 98 – 100)
• $3300 – 5500 vs. $785
• Follow – up studies:
– 420 infants
– 0/43 with negative screen with SBI
– Baker, et al. Pediatrics 1999
• Reliable in a different population
– Garra, et al. Acad Emerg Med 2005
Infants 29 – 89 Days Old
• Baraff, et al.:
– Ann Emerg Med 1993
• Meta – analysis and consensus guidelines
• Low risk criteria:
Previously healthy
No focal infection
WBC 5 – 15K
Bands < 1500
Normal UA
In children with diarrhea: stool wbc < 5/hpf
Infants 29 – 89 Days Old
• Baraff, et al.:
– Ann Emerg Med 1993
• Option 1 – Low Risk Infants
Blood culture
Urine culture
CTX 50 mg/kg IM and recheck in 24 h
• Option 2 – Low Risk Infants
– Urine Culture
– Careful observation
Rochester: More than a city in
Upstate New York
• Criteria
No focal infection
5,000 < WBC < 15,000
Absolute bands < 1,500
U/A < 10 wbc/hpf; stool < 5 wbc/hpf if diarrhea
• Results
– NPV ~ 98% - original study and follow-up by same group
• Criticism – Pro and Con
– No LP
– 13 of 27 patients with SBI in another study missed
– Recent report – new population NPV 97.3%
Young Infants with RSV
• Titus, Wright. Pediatrics 2003
– Retrospective, cohort
– 174 infants < 8 w with RSV: 2 with SBI (UTI)
– 174 infants < 8 w without RSV: 22 with SBI
• Conclusions
– Risk of SBI in febrile infants with RSV seems
very low
– Full sepsis evaluations probably not needed
– Urine should be examined
Young Infants with RSV
• Levine, et al. Pediatrics 2004
– 3 year, multicenter, prospective cross –
sectional study
– T >38°C, age < 60d
– RSV from nasal swabs, urine, blood,
CSF, stool culture
– Yale Observation Score
– Looked for signs and symptoms of
Young Infants with RSV
• Results
– 1248 patients
• 269 (22%) with RSV
• SBI 11.4% overall
– Rate of SBI:
• RSV negative
• RSV positive 7.0%
– Bacteremia if RSV (+) 1.1%
– No patient with RSV had meningitis
• RSV negative
• RSV positive
UTI 10.1%
UTI 5.4%
– Prevalence of SBI is less in infants with RSV
but SBIs are present, especially UTI
– Levine, et al. 2004
Young Infants with Influenza
• Krief WI, et al. Pediatrics 2009
– 3 year, multicenter, prospective cross –
sectional study
– T >38°C, age < 60d
– Influenza by rapid antigen detection and
urine, blood, CSF, stool culture
– Yale Observation Score
• Results
– Lower prevalence of SBI (2.5% vs.
13.8%) and UTI (2.4% vs. 10.8%) in
children with influenza
Fever in Children
3 – 36 Months of Age
• Cause usually found with a thorough
history and physical.
• Most common diagnosis: viral URI.
• Other common causes: other viral illness,
otitis, UTI, streptococcal pharyngitis,
adenitis, cellulitis, pneumonia
• Clinical picture consistent with sepsis syndrome
(lethargy, poor perfusion, hypo- or hyperventilation,
marked irritability or cyanosis).
• Lethargy – poor or absent eye contact, failure to
recognize parents or interact with the environment.
• ALL febrile children who are toxic appearing
should be hospitalized for evaluation and treatment
of possible sepsis and/or meningitis with parenteral
Fever in Children
2 – 6 months old (57 – 180d)
• Hsiao, HL. Pediatrics 2006
– Prospective study of patients 57 – 180 d, T > 37.9°C;
faculty member performed YOS
– CBC, CRP, Blood culture, U/A, urine culture,
respiratory pathogens; CXR and LP at MD discretion
• Results
– 429/448 (96%) eligible patients enrolled
– 44/429 (10.3%) with SBI:
• 41 bacteruria
• 4 bacteremia (1 with E. coli and bacteruria)
• 3/4 normal YOS
0/58 LP positive for bacterial meningitis (7 pleocytosis)
SBI in 4.9% of patients with confirmed viral infection
WBC, ANC and CRP increased in patients with SBI
SBI common in this age group but mostly UTI
Occult Bacteremia
• 4% of children brought to an urban, “walk – in”
clinic with a T of > 38.3°C and no source of
infection had unsuspected bacteremia.
– McGowan, et al. New Engl J Med 1973
• Similar rates found in other settings.
• These children were well appearing.
• Definition: a positive blood culture in a well
appearing febrile child.
• This informed the approach to febrile infants
and toddlers for the last 30+ years
Occult Bacteremia:
Bacteriology - Traditional
% of Bacteremia
% that develop
invasive infection
S. Pneumoniae
50 – 60
H. Influenzae type B
20 – 30
20 – 50
N. meningitidis
10 – 20
Occult Bacteremia – Epidemiology:
Height of Fever
Height of Fever
% with bacteremia
> 39.4
> 40.0
> 40.5
> 41.1
*Avner, Contemp Pediatr 1997
Occult Bacteremia:
Effect of otitis media
• There is no difference in the prevalence
of bacteremia based on the presence or
absence of otitis media.
• Schutzman, et al. Pediatrics 1991
• There may be a decreased risk of
invasive disease.
Occult Bacteremia Bacteriology:
That was then, this is now…
• > 90% S. pneumoniae
– 149 pathogens:100 contaminants
• Rate of bacteremia 1.5%
• No H. influenzae type B
– Lee, et al. Arch Pediatr Adol Med 1998
Occult Bacteremia Bacteriology:
That was then, this is now…
• 1.9% bacteremia
• Approximately equal numbers of
contaminants and pathogens
• No H. influenzae type B
• Time to positive culture
– Pathogens
– Contaminants 31.1h
– Culture that is positive in < 18h is thirteen
times more likely to be a true pathogen
» Alpern, et al. Pediatrics 2000.
Occult Bacteremia Bacteriology:
That was then, this is now…
• Widespread conjugate pneumococcal
vaccine – rate of occult pneumococcal
bacteremia < 1%
• Stoll, et al. 2004
• Herz, et al. 2006
• Carstairs, et al. 2007
• Marked decrease in invasive disease
• Kaplan, et al. 2004
• Kyaw, et al. 2006
• Peters, et al. 2007
Patients at increased risk:
• Sickle cell disease
• Splenectomy (ITP, Hodgkin’s, hereditary
red cell defects, trauma)
• Congenital immunodeficiencies
• In – dwelling devices
• Chemotherapy
Occult Bacteremia:
• WBC of < 10K has a NPV of 99.2%
• WBC of > 15K increases the prevalence of
bacteremia to 10%
• ANC of > 10K is the best single predictor
• Kupperman, et al. Ann Emerg Med 1997
• ESR and CRP are roughly equivalent and less
• However, with such low prevalence, PPV of
WBC > 15K is only 1.5 – 3.2%
• Stoll, 2004 and Herz, 2006
Occult Bacteremia:
• Before 1990:
– Untreated, 7% of patients could be
expected to acquire meningitis in older
– Up to 20% of patients would acquire
some invasive disease.
• Pathogen dependent!
• H. influenzae type B was the real
Occult Bacteremia:
Presumptive Therapy
• Oral amoxicillin no better than placebo at
preventing complications of occult
– Jaffe, et al. N Engl J Med 1987
• Similar results with several other agents
• Meta – analysis suggests slight benefit
for invasive complications except
– Rothrock, et al. Pediatrics 2000
Occult Bacteremia:
Presumptive Therapy
• Fleisher, et al. J Pediatr 1994
– 6,733 patients
• 192 with positive blood culture
Age 3 – 36 months
T > 39°C
Otitis media or no focal findings
All had blood cultures
Randomized to receive oral amoxicillin or IM
• 101 with positive blood culture received CTX
• 91 with positive blood culture received amoxicillin
Occult Bacteremia:
Presumptive Therapy
Invasive Infections in Children Following
Bacteremia – Interpretation 1
Occult Bacteremia:
Presumptive Therapy
Invasive Infections in Children Following
Bacteremia – Interpretation 2
Preseptal cellulitis*
Occult Bacteremia:
Proposed Approach
• Meta – analysis and expert panel
• Included Fleisher’s results
• T > 39°C, nontoxic appearance
Urine culture: males < 6 mo; females < 2 y
CXR and stool culture if indicated
Option 1: Blood culture and CTX all children
Option 2: Blood culture and CTX if WBC > 15K
– Baraff LJ, et al. Ann Emerg Med, 1993
Occult Bacteremia:
Problems with Presumptive Therapy
• Less thoughtful approach to febrile
• Potential adverse reactions
• Treating large numbers of nonbacteremic
• Problems with contaminated cultures
• Decreases reliability of subsequent
• Loss of clinical tools at reassessment
• Antibiotic resistance!
Occult Bacteremia:
Positive Blood Cultures
• Recheck all patients
• Management depends on:
Treatment at original visit
Age of patient
Persistence of fever
Clinical appearance
Occult Bacteremia:
Pneumococcal Vaccine
• Impact of heptavalent conjugate
pneumococcal vaccine:
– 97% of OB isolates covered; decreased OB at
least 90%
– Children presenting with fever and no source:
• 0.3% will develop significant sequelae
• Only 0.03% will develop meningitis
– Cost – effectiveness of approach depends on
rate of bacteremia:
• 1.5 – 2.0% - CBC and selectively sending a blood
culture/treating is the most cost – effective strategy
• 0.5% (about where we are), observation alone clearly
becomes the most cost – effective
– New vaccine covering 13 serotypes now
licensed and in use – what effect will this have?
Warning Signs Recently Seen
• Rates of pneumococcal meningitis
decreasing but increasing number of
cases caused by serotypes not in the
heptavalent vaccine.
• Hsu HE, et al. N Engl J Med 2009
• Recent outbreaks of invasive H.
influenzae Type B disease.
• Rainbow J, et al. MMWR 2009
Fever Without a Source:
Urinary Tract Infections
• High rate of urinary tract abnormalities in
young children with UTI.
• Fever and UTI in young children
indicates the presence of upper tract
• Case fatality rate of febrile UTI in young
children in 1930: 33%.
• Renal scarring increases by 33% for
every day of fever before antibiotics are
started in children with UTI.
Fever Without a Source:
Urinary Tract Infections
• Shaw, et al. Pediatrics 1998:
– 1560 patients with T > 38°C
• 82% of all children < 1 y
• 82% of all females < 2 y
– Bladder catherization for urine culture
– Blood culture in all patients < 3 mo and all
patients 6 – 24 mo with T > 39°C
– Positive urine culture defined > 104 CFU/ml
Urinary Tract Infections
Results – Shaw, 1998
UTI – all patients
UTI – Caucasian females
% (with 95% CI)
(2.3, 4.1)
17.9 (10.6, 25.2)
(0.7, 2.8)
Age 6 – 24 mo, T > 39°C
(1.6, 3,8)
(0, 1.0)
Fever Without a Source:
Urinary Tract Infections
• Hoberman had similar results in an
office – based study.
• Hoberman A, et al. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1997
• Prevalence of UTI not affected by
diagnosis of OM
• Possible biologic explanation for high
rates in Caucasian females.
• Best diagnostic tool a combination of the
UA and urine Gram’s stain.
Febrile Seizures
• Children with simple febrile convulsions have rates
of bacteremia similar to those with only fever.
• A simple, self – limited, febrile seizure alone is not
indicative of meningitis, even in young children (6 –
18 mo.)
– Green SM, et al. Pediatrics 1993
– Kimia AA, et al. Pediatrics 2009
• Lethargy is a better predictor of meningitis than
• Even isolated complex seizures rarely associated
with acute bacterial meningitis
– Kimia A, et al. Pediatrics 2010
• AAP Guideline for Evaluation of SFS
– Subcomm. of Febrile Seizures, Pediatrics 2011
The Febrile Child 3 – 36 Months of
Age: A 21st Century Approach
• T > 39°C, no source or otitis media:
– UA, GS and urine culture all females and all
males < 6 months (1 y ?)
– CBC and CXR based on clinical judgment
– Blood culture if T > 40° (in the ED)?
– Treat only known, focal infections
• Role of practice setting
• Good follow – up is the most important part of
Fever in Infants and Young
Children: Summary
• “Unfortunately, many practitioners have
become reluctant to rely on clinical
judgment, preferring diagnostic tests and
frequent use of antibiotics…. We should
resist the urge to use antibiotics
empirically, especially in a patient who
looks well, for whom antibiotics have not
been shown clearly to be beneficial.”
– Stamos JK, Shulman ST. Lancet 1997
Fever in Infants and Young
Children: Summary
 “Antibiotics are
 Krug SE. SAEM
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