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Nadia Habal, MD
Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
What is going on?
 Goals of Lecture:
 How do I make my X-cover list?
 How do I identify emergency from non-emergency?
 How do I know when I need to go and see the patient?
 How do I handle common calls/questions?
 When do I need to call my resident???
How to make your CareGate list:
 Log on to CareGate
 Go to Cross Cover
 Under “problems”, put one liner about the patient
 Then list all important problems and what has been done
about them
 Under “to do” section put MR number, pt allergies,
important meds, anything for X-cover to follow up on
 69 y/o with PCKD and transplant kidney p/w painless hematuria
 1. Renal: pt continues to have hematuria: likely ruptured renal cysts
2/2 PCKD, considering CT abd and MRI results. Also worrying about
infx, CA, etc. Continue immunosuppression with Cellcept,
prednisone. CMV/EBV by PCR neg. Urology following - possible
cystoscopy to r/o bladder source.
2.Htn: BP well controlled.
3.Paroxysmal AF: atenolol and Cardizem. Short episode of afib with
RVR overnight, with rates of 120s. Continue ASA for prophylaxis.
4.Hypothyroidism - continue replacement.
5.Anxiety - continue Ativan.
6.RA-pain relief.
7.Insomnia: Ambien.
8.Wt loss: cancer w/u.
9.Choledocholithiasis and pancreatic duct stones: ERCP today.
Example, continued:
 Cross Cover To Do
 F/u ERCP results
 RX: allopurinol, aspirin, atenolol, Lipitor
 … You get the idea!
Not Acceptable:
 “Patient intubated, sedated, in 1 ICU”… when the pt has
been extubated and on the floor for 4 days
 Must update room numbers on x-cover list
 Must update DNR status
 Must put pertinent changes in status (e.g., if a patient
went into afib or had GI bleed or is having a procedure)
 Must put all pending tests on the list
 If someone is really sick, include family contact info in the
event of a code or critical change in medical status
What do I do when I’m called?
 We will go through some basics by organ systems today
 Future subjects to be covered during Internship 101
lecture series:
 ID:
June 30: Pneumonia
July 3: Arrhythmias
July 7: GI bleeding
Pulm: July 10: Sepsis/SIRS
Endo: July 17: Hyperglycemic states (DKA and HONC)
Neuro: July 31: Altered mental status and “Brain Code”
 Altered Mental Status
 Seizures
 Cord Compression
 Falls
 Delirium Tremens
Altered Mental Status
 Always go to the bedside!!!
 Try to redirect patient: drowsy, stuporous, making
inappropriate comments?
 Is this a new change? How long?
 Check for any recent/new medications administered
 Check VITALS, alertness/orientation, pupils, nuchal
rigidity, heart/lungs/abdomen, strength
 Scan recent labs in chart including: cardiac enzymes,
electrolytes, +cultures
 If labs unavailable, get stat Accucheck, oxygen saturation
 Try naloxone (Narcan), usually 0.4-1.2 mg IV, if there is any
possibility of opiate OD
“Move Stupid”
 Metabolic – B12 or thiamine deficiency
 Oxygen – hypoxemia is a common cause of confusion
Others - including anemia, decreased cerebral blood flow (e.g., low cardiac output),
CO poisoning
Vascular – CVA, intracerebral hemorrhage, vasculitis, TTP, DIC, hyperviscosity,
hypertensive encephalopathy
Endocrine – hyper/hypoglycemia, hyper/hypothyroidism, high /low cortisol states and
Electrolytes – particularly sodium or calcium
Seizures –post–ictal confusion, unresponsive in status epilepticus; also consider
Structural problems – lesions with mass effect, hydrocephalus
Tumor, Trauma, or Temperature (either fever or hypothermia)
Uremia – and another disorder, hepatic encephalopathy
Psychiatric – diagnosis of exclusion; ICU psychosis and "sundowning" are common
Infection – any sort, including CNS, systemic, or simple UTI in an elderly patient
Drugs – including intoxication or withdrawal from alcohol, illicit or prescribed drugs
Go to bedside to determine if patient still actively seizing
Call your resident
Check your ABCs
Place patient in left lateral decubitus position
Immediate Accucheck
If still seizing, give diazepam 2mg/min IV until seizure stops or
max of 20mg (alternative: lorazepam 2-4mg IV over 2-5min)
 Give thiamine 100 mg IV first, then 1 amp D50
 Load phenytoin 15-20 mg/kg in 3 divided doses at 50 mg/min
(usually 1 g total)
 Remember, phenytoin is not compatible with glucose-containing
solutions or with diazepam; if you have given these meds earlier, you
need a second IV!
 If still seizing >30min, pt is in status—call Neuro (they can order
bedside EEG)
 Get Head CT if appropriate and if pt stabilized
Cord Compression
 Suspect in patients with new weakness or change in sensation
(especially if they have a demonstrable level), new bowel/bladder
retention or incontinence.
Prognosis is dismal for pts w/no function for >24h.
Prognosis is best for pts with new, incomplete loss (i.e. weakness).
Surgical emergency: call Neurosurgery.
Stabilize the spine: collars for C-spine, Turtle shells (TLSO) for
Dexamethasone not always indicated (in case of traumatic
fracture, for instance).
If tumor, needs immediate radiotherapy.
 Go to the bedside!!!
 Check mental status
 Check vital signs including pulse ox
 Check med list
 Check blood glucose
 Examine pt to ensure no fractures
 Thorough neuro check
 Check tilt blood pressures if appropriate
 If on coumadin/elevated INR—consider head CT to r/o
Delirium Tremens (DTs)
 Give thiamine 100mg, folate 1mg, MVI
 See if patient has alcohol history
 Check blood alcohol level
 DTs usually occur ~ 3 days after last ingestion
 Make sure airway is protected (vomiting risk)
 Use Ativan 2mg at a time until pt calm, may need Ativan
drip, make sure you do not cause respiratory depression
 Monitor in ICU for seizure activity
 Always keep electrolytes replaced
 Shortness of Breath
 Oxygen De-saturations
Shortness of Breath
 Go to the bedside!!!
 Check an oxygen saturation and ABG if indicated
 Check CXR if indicated
Causes of SOB
 Pulmonary:
 Pneumonia, pneumothorax, PE, aspiration, bronchospasm, upper
airway obstruction, ARDS
 Cardiac:
 MI/ischemia, CHF, arrhythmia, tamponade
 Metabolic:
 Acidosis, sepsis
 Hematologic:
 Anemia, methemoglobinemia
 Psychiatric:
 Anxiety – common, but a diagnosis of exclusion!
Oxygen Desaturations
Supplemental Oxygen
 Nasal cannula: for mild desats
 Face mask/Ventimask: offers up to 55% FIO2
 Non-rebreather: offers up to 100% FIO2
 BIPAP: good for COPD
 Start settings at: IPAP 10 and EPAP 5
 IPAP helps overcome work of breathing and helps to change
 EPAP helps change pO2
 CPAP: good for pulmonary edema, hypercapnea, OSA
 Start at 5-7
Indications for Intubation
 Uncorrectable hypoxemia (pO2 < 70 on 100% O2 NRB)
 Hypercapnea (pCO2 > 55) with acidosis (remember
that people with COPD often live with pCO2 50–70 +)
 Ineffective respiration (max inspiratory force < 25 cm
 Fatigue (RR>35 with increasing pCO2)
 Airway protection
 Upper airway obstruction
Mechanical Ventilation
 If patient needs to be intubated, start with mask-
ventilation until help from upper level Arrives
 Initial settings for Vent:
 A/C FIO2 100 Vt 700 Peep 5 (unless increased ICP,
then no peep) RR 12
 Check CXR to ensure proper ETT placement (should
be around 4cm above the carina)
 Check ABG 30 min after pt intubated and adjust
settings accordingly
 Chest pain
 Hypotension
 Hypertension
 Arrhythmias
Chest Pain
 Go and see the patient!!!
 Why is the patient in house?
 Recent procedure?
 STAT EKG and compare to old ones
 Is the pain cardiac/pulmonary/GI?—from H+P
 Vital signs: BP, pulse, SpO2
 If you think it’s cardiac:
 Give SL nitroglycerin if pain still present (except if low
blood pressure, give morphine instead)
 Supplemental oxygen
 Aspirin 325 mg
 Go and see the patient!!!
 Repeat Manual BP and HR
 Look at recent vitals trends
 Look for recent ECHO/ meds pt has been given.
 Vitals: orthostatic? tachycardic?
 Neuro: AMS
 HEENT: dry mucosa?
 Neck: flat vs. JVD (=CHF)
 Chest: dyspnea, wheezes (?anaphylaxis), crackles (=CHF)
 Heart: manual pulse, S3 (CHF)
 Ext: cool, clammy, edema
Management of Hypotension
 If offending med, stop the med!
 If volume down/bleeding: give wide open IV NS
 Correct hypoxia
 Recent steroid use? Adrenal insufficiency
 Is there a neuro cause for hypotension?
 If appropriate, consider: PE, tamponade, pneumothorax
 If fever, consider sepsis—need for empiric antibiotics
 If hives and wheezing, consider anaphylaxis—tx with
oxygen, epinephrine, Benadryl
 Need for pressors? Transfer to ICU!
Commonly Used Pressors
Receptor Affected Dose
Alpha 1
10–200 mcg/min
Pure vasoconstrictor;
causes ischemia in
A1, B1
2–64 mcg/min
Vasoconstriction, positive
inotropy; causes
1–2 mcg/kg/min
Splanchnic vasodilation
("renal dose dopamine"
even though many doubt
such effect exists)
2–10 mcg/kg/min
Positive inotropy;
Causes Arrhythmias
Causes Arrhythmias
B1, B2
1–20 mcg/kg/min
Positive inotropy and
Causes Hypotension
 Is there history of HTN?
 Check BP trends
 Is patient having pain, anxiety, headache, SOB?
 Confirm patient is not post-stroke pt—BP parameters are
different: initial goal is BP>180/100 to maintain adequate
cerebral perfusion
 Manual BP in both arms
 Fundoscopic exam: look for papilledema and hemorrhages
 Neuro: AMS, focal weakness or paresis
 Neck: JVD, stiffness
 Lungs: crackles
 Cardiac: S3
Management of Hypertension
 If patient is asymptomatic and exam is WNL:
 See if any doses of BP meds were missed; if so, give now
 If no doses missed, may give an early dose of current med
 Remember, no need to acutely reduce BP unless
 So, start a medication that you would have normally
picked in this patient as the next agent of choice
according to JNC/co-morbidities/allergies
Hypertension (continued)
 SBP>210 or DBP>120
 No end organ damage
 SBP>210 or DBP>120
 Acute end organ damage
 OK to treat with PO
 Treat with IV agents
 Decrease MAP by 25% in
one hour; then decrease
to goal of <160/100 over
2-6 hrs.
 Nausea/Vomiting
 GI Bleed
 Constipation
 Diarrhea
 Acute Abdominal Pain
 Vital signs, blood sugar, recent meds?
 Make sure airway is protected
 EXAM: abdominal exam, rectal (considering obstruction,
pancreatitis, cholecystitis),neuro exam (increased ICP?)
 May check KUB
 Treatment:
 Phenergan 12.5-25mg IV/PR (lower in elderly)
 Zofran 4-8mg IV
 Reglan 10-20 mg IV (especially if suspect gastroparesis)
 If no relief, consider NG tube (especially if suspect bowel
GI Bleed (to be discussed in detail at a later date):
 Hematemesis, melena
 BRBPR, hematochezia
 Check vitals
 Check vitals
 Place NG tube
 Rectal exam
 Wide open fluids if low BP
 Wide open fluids vs. blood
 Check H/H serially
 Check H/H serially
 If suspect PUD: Protonix
 Transfuse if appropriate
 Pain out of proportion? Don’t
 If suspect varices: octreotide
forget ischemic colitis!
 Call Resident and GI
 Very common call!
 Check: electrolytes, pain meds, bowel regimen
 Check KUB if suspect ileus/obstruction
 Rectal exam to check for fecal impaction/mechanical
 Treatment:
 If not acute process, can order “laxative of choice”
 Fleets enema for immediate relief (unless renal failure b/c
high phos—then can order water/soap suds enema)
 Lactulose/mag citrate PO if no mechanical obstruction
 Check: electrolytes, vitals, meds
 Quantify volume, number, description of stools
 Labs: fecal leukocytes, stool culture, guaiac, C.diff toxin if
recent antibiotic or nursing home resident
 Treatment:
 Colitis: flagyl 500mg po tid
 GI bleed: per GI section
 If don’t suspect infection: loperamide initially 4mg then 2mg
after each unformed stool up to 16mg daily
Acute Abdominal Pain
 Go to the bedside!!!
 Assess vitals, rapidity of onset, location, quality and severity
of pain
 Epigastric: gastritis, PUD, pancreatitis, AAA, ischemia
 RUQ: gallbladder, hepatitis, hepatic tumor, pneumonia
 LUQ: spleen, pneumonia
 Peri-umbilical: gastroenteritis, ischemia, infarction, appendix
 RLQ: appendix, nephrolithiasis
 LLQ: diverticulitis, colitis, nephrolithiasis, IBD
 Suprapubic: PID, UTI, ovarian cyst/torsion
Acute Abdomen?
 Assess severity of pain, rapidity of onset
 If acute abdomen suspected, call Surgery
 Do you need to do a DRE?
 KUB vs. Abdominal Ultrasound vs. CT
 Treatment:
 Pain management—may use morphine if no
 Remember, if any narcotics are started, use sparingly in
elderly, ensure pt on adequate bowel regimen
 Decreased urine output
 Hyperkalemia
 Foley catheter problems
Decreased Urine Output
 Oliguria: <20 cc/hour (<400 cc/day)
 Check for volume status, renal failure, accurate I/O, meds
 Consider bladder scan
 Labs:
 UA: WBC (UTI); elevated specific gravity (dehydration);
RBC (UTI/urolithiasis); tubular epithelial cells (ATN); WBC
casts (interstitial nephritis); Eosinophils (interstitial casts)
 Chemistries: BUN/Cr, K, Na
Treatment of Decreased UOP
Decreased Volume Status:
 Bolus 500 cc NS
 Repeat if no effect
Normal/Increased Volume:
 May ask nursing to check
bladder scan for residual
 Check Foley placement
 Lasix 20 mg IV
Foley Catheter Problems:
 Why/when was it placed?
 Does the patient still need it?
 Confirm no kinks or clamps
 Confirm bag is not full
 Examine output for blood clots or sediment
 Do not force Foley in if giving resistanc: call Urology
 Nursing may flush out Foley if it must stay in
 The sooner it’s out, the better (when appropriate)
 Ensure correct value—not hemolysis in lab
 Check for renal insufficiency, meds
 Check EKG for acute changes, peaked T-waves, PR
prolongation followed by loss of P waves, QRS
Treatment of Hyperkalemia
 Immediate Rx (works in minutes): for EKG changes,
stabilize myocardium with 1-2 amps calcium gluconate
 Temporary Rx (shift K into cells):
 2 amps D50 plus 10 units regular insulin IV: decreases K by
0.5-1.5 mEq/L and lasts several hours
 2 amps NaHCO3: best reserved for non-ESRD patients with
severe hyperkalemia and acidosis
 B2-agonists: effects similar to insulin/D50
 Long-lasting Elimination:
 Kayexalate 30g po (repeat if no BM) or retention enema
 NS and Lasix
 Dialysis
(Will be covered in detail at later time)
 Identify precipitating factor (e.g., infection, MI,
noncompliance with meds)
 Check for anion gap
 Check for ketones in urine or serum
 Give bolus 1 Liter NS, then run IVF at 200 ml/hour if no
 Start insulin drip DKA protocol in ICU (EPIC order)
 Check electrolytes every 4 hours and replace as appropriate
 Similar to DKA but for Type II diabetes and no ketones
 There is also an insulin drip NON-DKA protocol in ICU
(EPIC order)
 Positive Blood Culture
 Fever
Positive Blood Culture
 You get called by the lab because a blood culture has become
Check if primary team had been waiting on blood culture.
Is the patient very sick/ ICU?
Is the culture “1 out of 2” and/or “coag negative staph”? This is
likely a contaminant.
If pt is on abx, make sure appropriate coverage based on
culture and sensitivity
If you believe it to be true Positive then give appropriate
empiric treatment for organism and likely source of
infection/co-morbidities of patient and discuss with primary
team in the AM
 Has the patient been having fevers?
 DDX: infection, inflammation/stress rxn, ETOH
withdrawal, drug rxn, transfusion rxn
 If the last time cultures were checked >24 hrs ago, then
order blood cultures x 2, UA/culture, CXR, respiratory
culture if appropriate
 If cultures are all negative to date, likely no need to
empirically start abx unless a source is apparent and you
are treating a specific etiology
 Anticoagulation
 Blood replacement products
 Appropriate for DVT, PE, Acute Coronary Syndrome
 Usually start with low molecular weight heparin—(Lovenox)
1 mg/kg every 12 hours and adjust for renal fxn
 If need to turn on/off quickly (e.g., pt going for procedure)
use heparin drip—there is a protocol in EPIC
 Risk factors for bleeding on heparin:
 Surgery, trauma, or stroke within the previous 14 days
 History of peptic ulcer disease, GI bleeding or GU bleeding
 Platelet count less than 150K
 Age > 70 yrs
 Hepatic failure, uremia, bleeding diathesis, brain mets
Blood Replacement Products
 PRBC: One unit should raise Hct 3 points or Hgb 1 g/dl
 Platelets: One unit should raise platelet count by 10K;
there are usually 6 units per bag ("six-pack")
 use when platelets <10-20K in nonbleeding patient.
 use when platelets <50K in bleeding pt, pre-op pt, or before
a procedure
 FFP: contains all factors
 use when patient in DIC or liver failure with elevated coags
and concomitant bleeding or for needed reversal of INR
What test do I order for what problem?
 Plain Films
 CT scans
Plain Films
 Portable if pt in unit or bed bound
 PA/Lat is best for looking for effusions/infiltrates
 Decubitus to see if an effusion layers; needs to layer >1cm
in order to be safe to tap
Abdominal X-ray:
 Acute abdominal series: includes PA CXR, upright KUB
and flat KUB
 Head CT
 Non-contrast best for bleeding, CVA, trauma
 Contrast best for anything that effects the blood brain
barrier, tumors, infection
 CT Angiogram
 If suspect PE and no contraindication to contrast (e.g.,
elevated creatinine)
 Abdominal CT
 Always a good idea to call the radiologist if unsure whether contrast is
needed/depending on what you are looking for
 Renal stone protocol to look for nephrolithiasis
 If you have a pt who has had upper GI study with contrast, radiology won’t
do CT until contrast is gone—have to check KUB to see if contrast has
passed first
 Increased sensitivity for soft tissue pathology
 Best choice for:
 Brain: neoplasms, abscesses, cysts, plaques, atrophy,
infarcts, white matter disease
 Spine: myelopathy, disk herniation, spinal stenosis
 Contraindications: pacemaker, defibrillator, aneurysm
clips, neurostimulator, insulin/infusion pump, implanted
drug infusion device, cochlear implant, any metallic
foreign body
 Pronouncing a patient
 Notify the patient’s family
 Request an autopsy
 How to write a death note
Pronouncing a Patient
Check for:
 Spontaneous movement
 If on telemetry—any meaningful activity
 Response to verbal stimuli
 Response to tactile stimuli (nipple pinch or sternal rub)
 Pupillary light reflex (should be dilated and fixed)
 Respirations over all lung fields
 Heart sounds over entire precordium
 Carotid, femoral pulses
Notify the Patient’s Family
 Call family if not present and ask to come in, or if family is
 Explain to them what happened
 Ask if they have any questions
 Ask if they would like someone from pastoral care to be
 Let them know they may have time with the deceased
 Nursing will put ribbon over the door to give family
Request an Autopsy
 Ask family if they would like an autopsy
 Medical Examiner will be called if:
 Patient hospitalized <24 hours
 Death associated with unusual circumstances
 Death associated with trauma
How to Write a Death Note
 “Called to bedside by nurse to pronounce (name of pt).”
 Chart all findings previously discussed:
 “No spontaneous movements were present, pupils were
dilated and fixed, no breath sounds were appreciated, etc.”
 “Patient pronounced dead at (date and time).”
 “Family and attending physician were notified.”
 “Family accepts/declines autopsy.”
 Document if patient was DNR/DNI vs. Full Code.
Bottom Line:
 When in doubt, call your Resident
 It is OK to call your attending if over your head
 You are Never All Alone 
 Write a NOTE about what has happened for the
primary team
 Call primary team in the AM about important events.
 Have fun…it’s gonna be a great year!