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Prescription Drugs: Risks vs. Benefits
7 Questions for women to ask about meds
Each year, an estimated 4 million Americans rush to the doctor
or the ER in response to an adverse reaction to a prescription
drug. So while medications can save or improve your life,
they also cause side effects and need to be taken judiciously.
Women should weigh the risks and benefits of each drug.
1. What is the lowest effective dose?
2. Can this cause dependency or a rebound effect?
3. What is the shortest amount of time I need to be on
this drug and do I have to wean myself off of it?
4. What are the potential side effects, such as weight
gain, low libido, liver or kidney problems?
5. What if I’m planning to get pregnant or have an
unplanned pregnancy?
6. Will alcohol or other meds exaggerate or block this
med’s effect?
7. Should I make lifestyle changes or consider alternative
About MedShadow
MedShadow is an online patient advocacy nonprofit providing educational information about the side effects and long-term effects of prescription medications. We seek
to encourage discussion between individuals and their health care providers on treatment choices.
MedShadow does not accept donations or support from pharmaceutical companies.
Balancing Rx Risks & Benefits
When a medicine is needed, the benefits are obvious and can even be life-saving.
With every medicine comes side effects, however. Here are some particular side
effects associated with drugs commonly used by women.
Birth Control/Oral Contraceptives
Pills, patch, ring, injection: Ask about weight gain,
moodiness, breast tenderness, swelling, dizziness and
the risk of blood clots. Birth control can alleviate PMS
symptoms, prevent acne, and reduce cramping and
menstrual pain. Newer methods use 3rd and 4th generation hormones, which can have a slightly higher
risk of pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis. Ask about the symptoms.
Sleep Aids
Drugs in this category can cause drowsiness in the
morning, difficulty waking up, mental impairment,
headache, dizziness and nausea. There is often a
rebound effect, meaning the symptoms can worsen
when you stop the medicine. You may need to stop
this drug in increments; many people find it difficult
to return to a normal sleep pattern.
GERD/Indigestion/Acid Reflux Drugs
Many of the drugs in this category block the absorption of vitamins and calcium. There is often a
rebound effect, meaning the symptoms can worsen
when you stop the medicine. Ask about anemia,
bone density and if vitamin supplements are needed.
Antidepressants/Anti-anxiety Medication
It’s best to work closely with a psychiatrist and include
talk therapy. Ask about weight gain, tremors, constipation, sweating and low libido. Stopping these meds
can prove difficult and should be conducted under a
doctor’s care.
ADHD Drugs
Stimulants are commonly used to address ADHD.
These can trigger cardiovascular issues, appetite loss,
restlessness and aggression. Studies indicate that
stimulant use in adolescents, whose brains are still
developing, might affect their prefrontal cortex and
brain plasticity (ability to switch between functions).
For more information,