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There are no safe drugs, only
safe ways of using them
Voltaire 1694-1778
Prof Nerida Smith
School of Pharmacy, Gold Coast campus
Griffith University, Queensland 4222 Australia
Hospital errors killed golfball teen: coroner
Thu Jan 24, 2008
A coroner has found Sydney's Royal North Shore (RNS) Hospital made almost every
conceivable error in its treatment of a teenage girl, whose "tragic" death was "avoidable".
Sixteen-year-old Vanessa Anderson died at the RNS in November 2005, two days after
she was hit on the head by a golf ball.
Deputy state coroner Carl Milovanovich re-opened the inquest in July last year after
fresh allegations emerged about a doctor central to the case.
The inquest heard anaesthetist Sanaa Ismial gave Ms Anderson the
wrong dose
of a painkiller.
Mr Milovanovich has found the teenager died of respiratory arrest due to the effect of the
medication she was administered.
He referred to mistakes in judgement and a failure in communication, and recommended
a full and open inquiry into the state's health system.
Children at risk of medication error halves
Sydney Morning Herald November 20, 2008
The number of children who die, become ill or are put at risk of harmful
side-effects from medication prescribed during their stay in hospital has
dropped by more than half over the past four years, a project at the Sydney
Children's Hospital has found.
But despite the improvements, almost nine out of every 100 pediatric
patients prescribed drugs during their stay in hospital experiences or
narrowly avoids an adverse drug event.
The most common causes of medication error are staff's failure to read or
misreading charts, slips in attention, particularly after hours and when busy,
and distracted staff dealing with unfamiliar patients.
In response, children's hospitals throughout Australia have developed a
standardised chart for all inpatients.
A poor state of health: NSW
hospitals the worst in the country
January 29, 2010
• Adverse Drug Events (ADEs)
– Adverse drug reactions
– Medication errors
• Medication-related injury in high risk
Interfaces with the health system
– Elderly
– Children
Aged Care
– Complex regimens Specialist/GP
– Low safety margin medications
hospital admission
• 5-fold increase in ADR associated admissions 19812002
• Increases in medication use correlates with ADRs
associated with hospitalisation
• 1.3% of admissions associated with an ADR that
required treatment
– A further 0.3% had an untreated ADR
– A further 1.2% had an ADR during their stay
Carrol et al. Aust Health Rev 2003; 26:100-105.
Runciman et al. Int J Qual Health Care 2003; 15(Supp 1):i49-i59.
• 3% of attendances at the Emergency
Department for children were due to ADEs
– Conventional medications
– Complementary and alternative medications
• 50% potentially preventable
Easton-Carter et al. J Paediatr Child Health 2003; 39(2):124-9.
Taylor et al. Emerg Med Australasia 2004; 16(5-6):400-406.
Roughead & Semple. Review for the Aust Commission on Safety & Quality in
Healthcare, 2008
Hospitals can be risky places......
• ADRs are often under-reported
• 26% of 27,000 hospital-related incidents were medicationrelated
– < 5% ADRs
– Majority involve dose omission, overdose, wrong medicine,
• Patients on warfarin
5% have an INR > 5
1% have abnormal bleeding
0.05% have cerebral haemorrhage
0.2% die
Runciman et al. Int J Qual Health Care 2003; 15(Supp 1):i49-i59.
• ADRs in Oncology patients
– 74% of admissions associated with an ADR
(median 2/admission)
– 47% potentially preventable
– Impact on life
0 = no impact
6 = totally changed my life
• 53% rated 4 +
• 19% “totally changed my life”
Lau et al. Support Care Cancer 2004; 12:626-633.
• ADEs in the elderly
– up to 30% of hospital admissions and readmissions for 75+ year olds are medication
– ADRs 10 – 25%
– 30% potentially preventable
Chan et al. Intern Med J 2001; 31(4):199–205.
Runciman et al. Int J Qual Health Care 2003; 15(Supp 1):i49-i59.
Witherington et al. Qual Saf Health Care 2008; 17(1):71-5.
Roughead & Semple. Review for the Aust Commission on Safety & Quality in
Healthcare, 2008
ADR Communication
• Directors of Pharmacy surveyed
– 49.5% responded
– 61%
centralised ADR reporting (pharmacists)
– 18%
assessed preventability of ADRs
– 22.5% gave feedback to reporters
– 62%
gave general feedback
– 13%
rewarded reporters
• Notified
– 96%
– 89%
– 11%
(91% verbal, 17% card, 13% letter)
(15% via patient, 70% discharge
summary, 26 % letter)
community pharmacist
And on return to the community.....
• 20% of those > 65 years receiving home
care after hospital discharge report an ADE
• General practice - up to 25% of “high risk”
patients reported experiencing an ADE in the
previous three months
Gray et al. Ann Pharmacother1999; 33(11):1147-53.
Sorenson et al. Age Ageing 2005; 34(6):626-32.
Drugs implicated in ADRs
Cardiac glycosides
Roughead & Semple. Review for the Aust Commission on Safety & Quality in
Healthcare, 2008.
“I stopped taking the medicine
because I prefer the original
disease to the adverse drug
Adverse Drug Reaction
• Any response to a drug which is
noxious, unintended and occurs
at doses used in humans for
prophylaxis, diagnosis or therapy
• WHO, 1976
Adverse Drug Reactions
Lee, Adverse Drug Reactions, 2001
Type A
Type B
Adjust dose
Stop drug
• Inhaled corticosteroids for
asthma prevention
• Impaction of steroid 
– Immunosuppression
– Overgrowth of commensal candida
Reduce exposure: Rinse after inhalation. Use a spacer.
Reduce frequency of exposure: once or twice daily (not 3 – 4 times/day)
– Additive anticoagulant effects 
• Warfarin
• Ginkgo biloba
• Glucosamine
• Ginseng
• Ginger
• Guarana
• Garlic
• Pharmaceuticals in herbals
– NZ: herbal remedies for
eczema, asthma, arthritis
(Shen Loon, Cheng Kum)
• Contained potent corticosteroid
•  “remarkable” cures
+/- Cushing’s Syndrome
• Substitution of one herb for another
(more toxic) herb
– Periploca sepiu instead of Siberian Ginseng
 “hairy baby case”
(androgenisation of mother + infant)
Stilnox callers jam hotline
The Courier-Mail March 27, 2007
• CONCERNS are rising over the controversial
sleeping drug Stilnox (zolpidem),
with 300 callers swamping a consumer
information line detailing dangerous side-effects,
including sleep walking over high-rise balconies.
• Sydney man Brett Crealy, 33, is lucky to have survived plunging from a
12-storey hotel balcony on Queensland's Hamilton Island in late
February after taking Stilnox.
• A Brisbane woman in her 40s had her leg amputated at Princess
Alexandra Hospital in December after taking Stilnox for the first time.
"She was taken to hospital after being found in the bathroom
unconscious a day after falling on her leg," said pharmacist Geraldine
Moses, of Australia's Adverse Medicine Events Line. "She'd cut off the
circulation for so long it had gone gangrenous."
Why do ADRs still occur and
remain unrecognised as ADRs?
• Prescribers and patients may be reluctant to accept that
treatment has resulted in harm
• ADR may mimic a common symptom
• ADR confused with symptom of disease
• ADR is not easily associated with drug
being prescribed - EVENT MONITORING
• Delay between drug administration and ADR onset
Why aren’t ADRs detected
• Numbers!
To detect one case with 95% CI, must study 3 x ADR
“Rule of 3”
– Idiosyncratic ADRs 1:10,000
– Need n=30,000 in Phase 3 sample to detect ADR
– Phase 3 sample usually n= 3,0000
• Post-marketing population is diverse
– Known risk factors, uncontrolled regimen, concomitant drugs
and diseases
• Surveillance usually voluntary
Examples of drug withdrawals
• Troglitazone
90x hepatoxicity:
Thiazolidinedione; Type 2 diabetes
68 deaths
1997: marketed
10 transplants
2000: withdrawn
Known liver problems, benefits > risks (??)
• Bromfenac
50x hepatoxicity
NSAID; orthopaedic pain
(uncontrolled use)
1997: marketed
1998: withdrawn
Expected liver ADRs; <10 day treatments
Preventing ADRs
• Take a careful history
• Start Low, Go Slow
• Adjust dose to therapeutic end-points
• Adjust dose to optimum Cplasma
• Adjust dose to RF, LF, Diseases, Drugs
renally excreted drugs
•Only 26% of 38 patients weighed before prescribing
•45% of 192 patient admitted with poor renal function had too high
a dose
Hilmer et al 2007; Med J Aust 37:647-650; Pillans et al 2003; Intern Med J 33: 10-13.
• Who can report ADRs?
– Doctors, pharmacists, dentists,
nurses, herbalists, general public
…. anyone!
• What ADRs can be reported?
– Serious
– Unexpected
– New
Blood product
• Reports are sent to WHO - data added to worldwide data base
Aust Commission on
Safety and Quality in
Hospital errors
• 26 staff interviewed
• 29 medication errors in 25 patients
– 21 slips and lapses
(prescribing, dispensing, administration)
– 8 knowledge based
Patient impact
13 wrong dose
10 wrong drug
2 drug with-held
1 wrong patient
• Contributors
– Individual, team, patient, environmental
– Inadequate knowledge
• 23%
• 23%
• 27%
– 30%
– 31%
Accessing protocols and guidelines
Accessing drug dosing information
Unfamiliar drug
Communication problems
Unfamiliar with patient
Nichols et al. 2008; Med J Aust
• 21 prescribing errors by hospital interns
– 90 % Environmental factors
(workload, skill mix)
– 76%
Team factors
(communication, supervision)
– 76%
Individual factors
(knowledge and skills, motivation)
– 76%
Task factors
(Med chart design, protocols, test results)
– 62%
Patient factors
(patient condition, communication)
Coombes et al. 2008; Med J Aust 188:89-94.
• 154 registered nurses in regional hospitals
– 51% responded
– 25%
Interruptions and distractions
– 25%
Stress, high workload
– 17%
Fatigue, lack of sleep
– 13%
Poor communication
– 29%
“I need further training in medication
• Other studies:
– High workloads, high doctor expectations
– Good knowledge protects against errors
– Importance of systems in preventing errors identified
Deans C. 2005; Collegian 12:29-33
Roughead & Semple. Review for the Aust Commission on Safety & Quality in
Healthcare, 2008.
Discharge Prescription errors
• Prescribing errors on discharge prescriptions:
• 5%
Handwritten Rx
• 11.6% Computer-generated Rx
– Excessive duration (antibiotics→default quantity)
– Dosing errors
– Including ceased medications
Coombes et al 2004; Med J Aust 180:140-141.
Pharmacy errors
• Hospital
– dispensing error rates 0.08% - 0.8%
– Potential for patient harm not reported
• Community pharmacy
– “mystery shoppers”
– voluntary reporting and < 10%
direct observation
Allan et al. Am Pharm 1995; NS35(12): 25-33.
General Practice
• Medications prescribed to 1000 high risk GP patients
– 115 errors per 100 patients
• 25% of medical negligence claims involving GPs
– Prescribing, monitoring, administering
IM iron
Gilbert et al. Med J Aust 2002: 13(2):101-4.
Bird S, 2002; Aust Fam Phys 31(12)
Tuesday 20 April 2010
Improving patient medication safety in Australia
World Health Organization’s High 5s Project
28 hospitals across Australia will introduce standardised procedures to collect and
check information about each patient’s medicine
From admission through each stage of treatment when medicines may change
The GP receives an accurate and comprehensive list of the medicines
WHO 2006 - Patient Safety collaboration
• Reduce 5 challenging patient safety problems in 5
countries over 5 years.
Australia, Canada, Germany, the
Netherlands, NZ, UK, USA,
France, Saudi Arabia, Singapore
1. Assuring medication accuracy
at transitions in care
2. Managing concentrated
injectable medicines
3. Performance of correct
procedure at correct body site
4. Communication failures during
patient handovers
5. Addressing health careassociated infection
Assuring medication accuracy
at transitions in care:
Medication reconciliation
• "The interface between different care settings is particularly prone
to error and a potential target for interventions to reduce medication
Easton, K., T. Morgan, et al. (2008). Medication safety in the community: A
review of the literature. Sydney, National Prescribing Service.
• Matching the medicines the patient should be prescribed to those they
are actually prescribed.
– Admission to hospital
Transfer from the Emergency Department to other care areas
Transfer from the Intensive Care Unit to the ward
From hospital to home, ....
Medication Reconciliation Project
• 28 hospitals
• 5 year project
• Testing SOP for assuring medication accuracy at
transitions in care using medication reconciliation process
• Phase 1: medication reconciliation for patients > 65 years
ED→ Inpatient Ward
• Phase 2: roll-out across all patients and all entry points to
inpatient and outpatient settings
• Canada, France, Netherlands, Singapore, UK, USA
• On-line information system: learning community,
• National Medication Reconciliation Seminar 11th Oct 2010
Managing concentrated
injectable medicines
• Patients have died after
being mistakenly injected
with Potassium Chloride
instead of Normal Saline
• Numerous “near misses”
• Recommendations
– Wards: Remove ampoules of KCl and replace with
– Critical care: Risk assess if KCl needed as stock.
Develop SOP for safe preparation and use.
– Store KCl and pre-mixes separately
KCl amps / Pre-mix Progress
• 2003
Pre-mix introduced
KCl amps removed from Qld Health Formulary
• 2005
24,000 KCl amps/month used
(91 % by ICUs)
• Suitable Pre-mix minibag produced
75% users satisfied
Unclear labelling, packaging differences (imported product)
Australian product sourced (improved labelling and packaging)
Endorsed by Qld ICU network
Statewide roll-out
Statewide Medication Chart
• Multidisciplinary collaboration of 7 hospitals
• Standardised medication chart with revised ADR
documentation and warfarin management
• Trialled and evaluated
– Patient identification
– Weight recorded
– ADR history recorded
– ADR details recorded
– Missing PRN frequencies 23%
– Unclear PRN frequencies 37%
– INRs > 5
It’s in your Vest Interest
• Medication Round Safety Vest
on trial in Australian hospitals
• "Research has shown that the introduction of
Medication Safety Vests will act as a visible
outward sign, reducing distractions for
nursing staff administering medications."
— Queensland Health
New roles for pharmacists
• Liaison Pharmacist
– Target patients “at risk”
– Hospital discharge process
– Home visits
• Warfarin
• Chronic heart failure
• Emergency Department Pharmacist
Medication reconciliation
Drug information
Tablet identification
ED drug stock
Staff education
Many more exciting initiatives
to improve Medication Safety
Automated dispensing and distribution
Bar coding/scanning
Labelling and packaging
Academic detailing
Education and training
Systems-based approaches