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Hey Dude! How Did I
Get Here?
Melinda Lucas, M.S., M.D., F.A.A.P.
SouthWest Virginia Pediatric
Conference, August 4-5, 2012
Disclosure Statement of Financial
Melinda Lucas DOES NOT have a financial
interest/arrangement or affiliation with one or
more organizations that could be perceived as a
real or apparent conflict of interest in the
context of the subject of this presentation.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
All individuals who participate in sponsored activities
are expected to disclose any significant financial
relationships that may pose a conflict with the
principles of balance and independence.
In the past 12 months neither Melinda Lucas nor any
member of her family has had a financial or beneficial
relationship with one or more of the following
commercial entities: grant/research support, other
remuneration (Speaker’s Bureau, honoraria, travel
expenses, etc.), Major Stock/share holder (not mutual
funds), Advisory Board; Ownership or Partnership.
Learning Objectives
Develop a differential diagnosis for patients with
hallucinations and an altered state of
Understand the impact of social media on illicit
drug usage
Become familiar with the toxidromes for 2
designer drugs.
Alice In Wonderland
11 Year Old Female
Fever, cough, Coryza, & Myalgias for 3 days
Night-time Audio and Visual Hallucinations
Pictures Zoomed in and out which scared her
Alleged her parents were talking and moving in
very, very slow motion
Alice in Wonderland
Negative PMH; No Migraines
Family History negative for Migraines,
Tamiflu (oseltamivir phosphate) for 24 hours
Vital Signs: Temp 36.8oC, Heart Rate 107 bpm, BP
92/68 mm Hg, Pulse Ox 98% Room Air
Physical Exam: no meningeal irritation; Cranial
Nerves 2-12 Normal, Cerebellar Function Normal
Motor and Sensory Systems Normal
Alice in Wonderland
CBC & diff Normal
 CMP Normal
 EBV Serology Negative
 H1N1 PCR Positive
Clinical Course:
Flu symptoms resolved in 2 days
 Neurological symptoms resolved in 2 days
Tamiflu stopped after 5 day course.
Alice in Wonderland
First Described by John Todd, an English
psychiatrist, in 1955
Disorienting Neurological Condition
Temporary Condition
Alice in Wonderland
Visual Distortions
 Macropsia
Distorted Perception of other Sensory
 Touch
 Sound
Alice in Wonderland
Associated with
 Brain Tumors
 Psychoactive Drugs
 Initial Presentation of Epstein-Barr Virus
 Influenza
Usually Influenza A
 Can be H1N1
Alice in Wonderland
Take Home Messages
Medical Illnesses can present with visual and
auditory changes or hallucinations
 Mental Health Problems can present with
 Psychotropic Drugs can also cause hallucinations
and/or visual & auditory changes
The Spice Girl
17 year old girl 11 weeks gestation
Bipolar Disorder and Depression History
Stayed at friend’s house until afternoon
Slept 2-6 p.m.
Awoke with Nausea, dizziness, thirst, heart
racing, unable to void
Visual and Auditory Hallucinations
Medications: Prenatal Vitamins
The Spice Girl
Cutting Behaviors
2 Inpatient Psychiatric Admissions
Psychiatric Medications self-discontinued
Last Psychiatric Visit > 1 year ago
Prior user of Cocaine and Cannabis
Prenatal Care started 2 weeks ago
Broke up with boyfriend recently
(father of unborn child)
The Spice Girl
Denies suicidal & homicidal tendencies
Denies thoughts of wanting to hurt unborn child
Vital Signs: Temp 97oF; HR 150; BP 115/51 mm Hg; Pulse
Oximeter 100% Room Air
Alert, Anxious, awake
Warm, Dry Skin without flushing
PERRLA, No nystagmus, Pupils 3 mm
Dry Mouth
Normal Thyroid
Tachycardia without Murmur
Normal Neurological Exam except for visual and auditory
The Spice Girl
Normal Urine Drug Screen for amphetamines,
barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, opiates,
phencyclidine, cannabis using kinetic interactions of
micro particles technique
 Negative blood tests for ethanol, acetaminophen,
 EKG with 130 beats per minute, QRS interval 86
milli seconds, QTc interval of 380 milliseconds, no
ischemia, NOT SVT
The Spice Girl
20 mL/kg Normal Saline IV
Ultrasound of Pelvis with single live intrauterine
pregnancy at 12 weeks 2 days
Admitted for Observation
2 Episodes of hypotension (70/30 mm Hg) treated with
IV NS – 20 mL/kg each
Hallucinations Resolved over 2 days
Confessed to ingestion of a powder from her
mother’s spike rack to get high
instructions on T.V.
The Spice Girl
Abortifacient by American & English women in late
19th & early 20th century.
 Euphoric and Hallucinogenic effects with low cost
and ease of availability
 Spice obtained by grating the kernel within the fruit
of the nutmeg tree.
 Mace is made from the red-laced membrane
surrounding the seed.
The Spice Girl
Nutmeg comes from the evergreen tree, Myristica
fragrans, & is a mixture of compounds:
Aromatic (myristicin, elemicin, and safrole)
 Terpene (eugenol and mace)
 Compositions vary with differences in quality,
storage, purifying and processing
 Elemicin chemically closely resembles mescaline
 Myristicin is closely related to 3-methoxy-4,5
The Spice Girl
Atropine-Like Syndrome or mistaken for pure
antichoinergic toxicity
Dry mouth
 Facial flushing
 Nausea
 Unsteadiness (dizzy)
 Epigastric Pain
 Urinary Retention
 Blurred Vision
The Spice Girl
Sympathomimetic and Serotonergic Effects
Cardiovascular Effects
Sinus Tachycardia
 Palpitations
 Hypotension
Central Nervous System Effects
Hallucinations - 14% of users
 Psychosis
 Anxiety
 Drowsiness
 Fear
 Paresthesias
The Spice Girl
Ingestions of >10 g of nutmeg
1-3 whole nuts or 1-2 TBSP ground nutmeg
Appear 3-6 hours after ingestion
 Duration of 24-48 hours
Supportive care for agitation, hypotension, and
psychiatric symptoms
Legal Highs
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
Morning glory (Ipomoea violecea):
Kava kava (Piper methysticum)
mitragynine, a low dose stimulent & high dose narcotic
Jimson Weed (Datura stramonium)
Kava lactones = sedation & hallucinations
Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa)
lysergic acid amide, a hallucinogen
Belladonna alkaloids, atropine, scopolaine, hyoscyamine =
delerium, hallucinations, anticholinergic syndrome
Salvia divinorium
Salvinorin A: subtle high to vivid psychedelic experience
The Spice Girl
Take Home Message
Sources of information may be from unverified
sources such as T.V., online encyclopedias, You
Tube, online “trip reports”, tweets & blogs, and
“how-to” information on the Web
 Conventional intoxicants and “legal highs” are a
trend with adolescents.
Reliable web sites:
Mountain Mike
15 year old brought to ER by EMS for violence,
crazy behavior, and visual hallucinations.
15 minutes prior to calling EMS he took a Single
Bong Hit from a water pipe.
Prior History of being high before, but not like
Mountain Mike
Physical Exam
Restless, anxious
 Oriented to person, place, time
 Complains legs feel numb and twitchy
 Vital Signs: HR 120 bpm; BP 135/85 mm Hg;
afebrile; pulse oximeter 98% room air
 PERRLA, EOMs intact, Pupils slightly dilated
 Moist Membranes
 Normal Thyroid
Mountain Mike
Chest exam normal
 CV exam no murmur or gallop; otherwise normal
 Abdominal exam normal
 Skin: sweaty, no flushing of skin, no rash
 Neurological: Normal cranial nerves, no clonus,
normal strength and sensation in extremities;
fasciculations in quadricep muscles.
Mountain Mike
Glucose normal – not elevated or low
 CMP: Potassium 2.9 mEq/L; normal otherwise
 Ethanol negative
 Urine radioimmunoassay (RIA) for amphetamines,
barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, opiates , and
phencyclidine (PCP) is negative. Positive for
Mountain Mike
Lorazepam 2 mg IV
HR decreases to 95 bpm
 Calmer
Observation for 6 hours
Confused as to how he got to hospital
3 Friends taken to same hospital after trying a new
marijuana for the first time
Mountain Mike
Acute Marijuana Intoxication
Increase Heart Rate
Increase Blood Pressure
Euphoria and a Sense of Detachment
Unpleasurable experience rare
inconsistent with patient’s prior history
Dysphoria with Large Doses and assosciated with panic,
anxiety or depression – Not agitation
Hypokalemia NOT TYPICAL unless malnourished in a
habitual drug user
Mountain Mike
New Marijuana
? Grown with advanced horticultural techniques which have increased
psychoactive potency
? Marijuana with addition of another psychoactive substance such as
? Different botanical entity being smoked
Clenbuterol : B-adrenergic agonist
PCP: cyrstal joint, supergrass, dipper, illy, fry, wet
Freebase or Powdered Cocaine: dusting, snowcapping
Salvia divinorum: legal marijuana, herbal smoke, herbal marijuana
Mephedrone derived from khat plan (catha edulis)
? Chemical entity being smoked
Herbal incense, herbal smoke
Mixture of 1 or more synthetic cannabinoids
Mountain Mike
Synthetic Cannabinoids
Different chemical structure than 11-nor-9carboxytetrahydrocannabinol
Most common molecule tested in UDS
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in highly
specialized laboratories
4 Selected synthetic cannabinoids
 JWH-073
 CP-47,497
 HU-210
Mountain Mike
Synthetic Cannabinoids
Brand Names
K 2 after second highest mountain on earth
(28,251 ft
Deadly to inexperienced climbers
Spice after spice from Frank Herbert’s book Dune
 JWH-018
Sold over the Internet to a private residence for research
laboratory purposes only and comes with a disclaimer
Sold at certain “convenience” stores
Sold at “head shops” or drug paraphenalia shops
Mountain Mike
K-2 or Spice Toxidrome
Elevated Blood Pressure
Mountain Mike
Take Home Message
Anticipatory Guidance
Manufacture not regulated
 Full range of immediate adverse effects unknown
 Long-term consequences of synthetic cannabinoids and the
derivatives are unknown
 Tolerance and physiological withdrawal have been reported
If the symptoms do not add up, suspect “incense”
State-specific guidelines about possession exist
FDA bans sale and importation
Aggressive Andy
14 year old with ADHD brought to ED for a
mental status exam by police
Police called to residence by mother because patient
threatening to kill her and destroying walls and
Mother states patient was in bedroom and emerged
with intermittent confusion and aggression
May have been hallucinating for several days, and
seems to be hiding from someone, but no one
Aggressive Andy
Patient uncomfortable and complains of chest
pain and his heart racing
Intermittent racing of heart for several days
Thoughts race through his brain
Panicking as thoughts race
Very hungry but cannot eat
Aggressive Andy
No medications
Self-stopped medications for ADHD years ago because
they were costly
SH denies substance abuse initially but later admits
to alcohol (three 12 packs each weekend), cigarettes
(1 ppd), K-2 or Spice if horticultural marijuana not
available (2-4 joints 2 times a day), mother’s Xanax,
tried meth and cocaine recently
Admits to taking mother’s Xanax tonight and also
the “white powder” she uses when upset and needs
to laugh
Aggressive Andy
Physical Exam
HR 250
 BP 161/110 mm Hg
 Temp 37.6 C
 RR 22-30/minute
 Restless - hands & feet in constant motion
 No eye Contact
 Very short attention span
 Exasperated with all questions
Aggressive Andy
Dilated, reactive pupils without nystagmus
 Normal nares, nasal septum, oral pharynx
 No goiter
 Chest clear
 CV with tachycardia, but normal pulses and
perfusion and warm pink extremities
 No liver or spleen enlargement
 Sweaty skin
Aggressive Andy
Cranial Nerves 2-12 intact, Motor strength and tone
normal, normal DTR, alert and able to answer
questions but concerned about chest pain,
 Tremor in outstretched hands
Aggressive Andy
CMP normal
Glucose Normal
Ethanol Not detected
Commercial radioimmunoassay of urine for
amphetamines, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, cannabis,
cocaine, opoids was negative
CXR Normal
CT head Normal
Aggressive Andy
IVF with 20 mL/kg Normal saline bolus
 Adenosine X 2 with HR converting for 20 seconds
 Response to Cardizem (diltiazem) with HR 220.
Aggressive Andy
Compensated SVT
 Hypertension unusual for SVT
 Agitation and Aggression Worrisome for Safety of
Health Care Providers, safety of patient
 Overdose/Ingestion of ? Bath Salts or K-2
 Binge Drinking and habitual substance abuse
Aggressive Andy
Transfer to PICU requested - utilizing Helicopter
Patient refused stretcher and restraints and became aggressive
and threatening
Helicopter Pilot refuses to fly uncooperative patient
Ativan 4 mg IV given X 2 and patient settles
Ground transport with EMS and helicopter crew transports
patient to PICU
Patient restrained and cooperative in SVT with talk down
2-4 hours later patient converts from “stable SVT” to NSR
after maximum dose of cardizem bolus and drip used.
Admits to snorting some salt
Leaves AMA 2 days later with Mother and GF’s assistance
Aggressive Andy
Diagnosis of Exclusion
Urine Toxicology for PCP, Cocaine, Amphetamines
Serum Alcohol Level
BMP for Electrolyte Imbalances
Bedside Glucose
ABG as metabolic acidosis seen with sympathomimetic
CBC & Diff for infection or severe anemia
CT head for subarachnoid hemorrhage or hydrocephalus
12 – Lead EKG for arythmia or ischemia
Consider Troponin, CPK-MB, Myoglobin
Aggressive Andy
Definitive Diagnosis
Specific high performance liquid
chromatography/tandem mass spectroscopy of the
urine for MDPV and Mephedrone
Aggressive Andy
Other Complications
Cardiac (up to 2 weeks later)
 Hypertension
 Renal:
Aspiration Pneumonia
Aggressive Andy
Other Complications:
 Intracerebral Hemorrhage
 Critical Illness Myopathy/Polyneuropathy
 GI: intestinal infarction/ischemia
Other polydrug usage
Manganism from potassium permanganate exposure
Aggressive Andy
agranulocytosis/thrombotic events
Prolonged Anxiety
Panic Attacks
Aggressive Andy
Bath Salts
Not Epsom salts or spa-type bath salts
Drugs of abuse marketed with an innocent name
Bypass current U.S. drug laws
Known as White Rush Bath Salts
Sold as “plant food”
Sold as “insect repellant”
Sold over the internet
Sold at small convenience gas station markets
Sold at selective stores like “head shops”
Aggressive Andy
Other Names for the bath salts
Blue Silk
Down2Earth White Horse
Energizing Aromatherapy
Ivory Wave
Purple Wave
Red Dove
Vanilla Sky
White Lightning
Aggressive Andy
Bath Salts
White, tan, or brown powder
Usually “clumpy”
Encapsulated or crystal
Packages of 50-200 mg or large vials of 500 mg of
Pharmacological Effect depends on purity,
concentration, and filler properties
PO, Rectal insertion, Snorted (insufflated), Injected or
Onset of action, Peak, and Duration depends on route
of administration
Aggressive Andy
Sympathomimetic Toxidrome
 Agitation
 Tachycardia/ SVT
 Hypertension
 Mydriasis
 Diaphoresis
 Tremor
Aggressive Andy
Other Substances Causing Sympathomimetic
 Methamphetamine
 Cocaine
 Prescription Drugs for ADHD
Aggressive Andy
Schedule 1
Ecstasy (MDMA)
 Mushrooms (psilocybin)
 Mescaline (peyote active ingredient)
October 2011
Illegal to possess or sell the chemicals in bath salts or
products containing them in the U.S. for 1 year
Studies to be done to weigh whether they should be
permanently banned
Aggressive Andy
Federal Analog Act: Any chemical “substantially
similar” to a Schedule I (heroin and lysergic acid
diethylamide (LSD) ) or Schedule II (methadone
and injectable methamphetamine) to be treated as if
it is also a controlled substance, with the caveat that
the chemical has to be intended for human
Marketed with the label “NOT FOR HUMAN
Aggressive Andy
Bath Salts
Stimulant derivatives of Schedule I chemical
cathinone (bata-ketoamphetamine) from the Khat
shrub, Catha edulis
Mephedrone = 4-methylmethcathinone: popular
Structurally like cocaine, amphetamine, & MDMA (ectasy)
MDPV = 3,4-methylenedioxypyrovalerone: potent
Inhibit reuptake of norepinephrine and dopamine
 Promote release of dopamine, noradrenalin, &
Aggressive Andy
Six Chemicals
Mephedrone, 4-MMC
Flephedrone, 4-FMC
Methylone, MDMC
Methedrone, BK-PMMA, PMMC
Aggressive Andy
European Club Scene in 2010
40% of 2,000 clubbers had used bath salts
 30% of 2,000 clubbers used them in past month
 Use of ecstasy declined
MDMA unavailable
Instability of ecstasy market
Internet English – Language sites selling bath salts
30 in 12/2009
 70 in 3/2010
Poison Control Centers in U.S.
2009: No calls
 2010: 303 Calls
 July 31, 2011: 4,100 calls
Aggressive Andy
Recreational Users report
 Empathy
 Increased Alertness
 Improved Concentration and ability to focus
 Higher energy levels
 Sense of well-being (decreased hostility?)
 No hangover, or comedown or depression like
amphetamines, cocaine, and ecstasy
Aggressive Andy
Health Care Providers Report
Severe Paranoia
Severe Anxiety
Severe psychosis
Severe Agitation
Bizarre Behavior
Persecutory Hallucinations
Signs and Symptoms last for several DAYS
Aggressive Andy
Health Care Providers Report
Shortness of Breath
Hot Flashes
Overwhelming Thirst
Jaw pain from bruxism (ecstasy & amphetamines)
Signs & Symptoms like Amphetamine & Cocaine
Intoxication – sympathetic nervous system stimulation
Aggressive Andy
Health Care Providers Notice Initially
Violent Behavior without Warning
Health Care Providers Notice Finally
Suicidal Thoughts & Actions
Extreme Sadness
Aggressive Andy
Greatest Risk for Adverse Psychiatric Reactions
Underlying Neurological Conditions
 Underlying Psychiatric Conditions
Greatest Risk for Healthcare-directed Violence
 History of Violent Behavior, Psychiatric Illness,
and/or drug or alcohol abuse
Aggressive Andy
Warning Signs for Patients at High Risk for
Acting Out
Speaking increasingly Loudly
 Abusive Language
 Clenched Fists
 Avoidance of eye contact
 Tense Posturing
 Pacing
Aggressive Andy
Successful Management
Verbal Deescalating Techniques may not be
successful if patient psychotic
 Sedation and nonrestrictive methods of restraint
should be tried first
 Physical restraints probably needed
Aggressive Andy
Sedatives in large doses & intubate to maintain airway
Antipsychotic Medications
Diazepam = Valium
Lorazepam = Ativan
Haloperidol = Haldol
Ziprasidone = Geodon
Monitor temperature
Fatal Hyperthermia (Mephedrone)
Serotonin Syndrome-Induced Hyperthermia
Metabolic Acidosis
DDIC – disseminated intravascular coagulation
Aggressive Andy
Protect Caregivers
50% ED staff become victims of patient violence
5% violent patient possess a concealed weapon
Emergency Psychiatric Evaluation As Soon As Possible
 Body & Possession Search to remove objects of potential
Notify Security
Keep Exit to room available for providers
“safety sitter”
Aggressive Andy
Anticipatory Guidance
Unclear as to effects of metabolites
 Unclear as to chemicals included in “bath salts”
 No quality-control scrutiny
 Variable Potency leading to unintentional overdose
 Long-term consequences on brain function unknown
Psychiatric Referral
Consider Alcohol and Drug Withdrawal Program
Law Enforcement: Charges for possession or for assault
Aggressive Andy
Increasing Concerns
 Addiction
Healthcare Workers
Personal Safety
Government Officials
 Legal System
Schedule I
 Criminal Activity
Aggressive Andy
Take Home Message
Designer Drugs are distributed in different ways
 The Internet makes the distribution of designer
drugs spread more rapidly.
 The web makes alterations in drugs “easy” and
readily available for the “chemist”
 Bath Salts are not benign but are readily available
and can be deadly
Web Site:
Thank you
Any Questions?
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