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Cardiovascular Drugs
Review Clotting
• Back in the Game strives to markedly
improve your life. Pain relief is usually
the first step. The second is a
comprehensive rehabilitation
program. It is our mission to return
our patients to their homes, their jobs,
or back to their chosen activities as
quickly and safely as possible. We
continuously ask ourselves the
question, "how can we best serve
Cardiovascular Drugs
• Medications that affect heart and
blood vessels
• Anticoagulants
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Cardiac glycosides
Antiarrhythmic agents
lipid agents
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Platelet inhibitors
Thrombolytic agents
Platelet inhibitors
Thrombolytic agents
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Cardiac Glycosides
Strengthen the heartbeat
Congestive heart failure
Digoxin or digitalis
Monitoring apical pulse
– namely atrial fibrillation
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
• Toxic side effects
• increased intracellular amounts of
Ca2+ ions+
• usually given by mouth, but can also
be given by IV injection in urgent
• Contraindications or extreme caution
• Interactions
• Patient education
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Antiarrhythmic Agents
• Suppress various types of
• Need for accurate and timely
reporting of vital signs and
• Alert for signs of hypotension and
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Antiarrhythmic Agents
Adrenergic blockers
Calcium channel blockers
Patient education
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Lower blood pressure
Prescribed on trial basis
Monitor VS and observe for side
• Common side effects is hypotension
– Postural hypotension
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Initial Therapy Options
• Thiazide diuretics
– Good first choice and cost effective
• The members of this class of diuretics are
derived from benzothiadiazine. They work
by inhibiting reabsorption of sodium (Na+)
and chloride (Cl−) ions from the distal
convoluted tubules in the kidneys by
blocking the thiazide-sensitive Na+-Cl−
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Therapy Options
• Calcium channel blockers
– Hypertension with diabetes or coronary
• Beta-adrenergic blockers
– Hypertension with angina, postmyocardial infarction, and certain
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Antihypertensives (See next
• ACE inhibitors
– Decrease vasoconstriction
• Angiotensin receptor blockers
– Similar to ACE inhibitors as they block
vasoconstriction, but at different sites
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Coronary Vasodilators
• Treat angina by dilating blood vessels
• Ischemia
• Angina pectoris
– Obstruction or constriction of coronary
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Angina Treatment
Isosorbide (Isordil, Sorbitrate)
Side effects
Contraindications or extreme caution
Patient education
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Antilipemic Agents
• Elevated blood cholesterol
– Risk factor for coronary heart disease
Therapeutic lifestyle changes
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Antilipemic Agents
Bile acid sequestrants
Nicotinic acid (Niacin)
Fibric acid derivatives (Fibrates)
Cholesterol absorption inhibitor
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
• Adrenergic in action
• Constrict blood vessels
– Increase blood pressure
• Side effects
• Precautions
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
• Prevent formation of clots or decrease
the extension of existing clots
• Do not dissolve clots
• Observe closely for bleeding
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Coumarin Derivatives
• Administered orally
• Interfere with vitamin K
• Antidote
– Vitamin K
• Used for long-term therapy
• Blood tests to determine dosage
• Interactions
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
• Types
– Standard and low molecular weight
• Standard
– Intra
– venously or subcutaneous
oldest drugs currently still in widespread
clinical use
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
– Subcutaneous only
• Acts on thrombin
– Inhibiting action of fibrin in clot formation
• How to administer
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
IV administration is immediate acting
Dilute flushing
Side effects
Patient education
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Platelet Inhibitor Therapy
Decrease platelet clumping
Dipyridamole (Persantine)
Clopidogrel (Plavix)
– important in aggregation of platelets and
cross-linking by the protein fibrin
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Thrombolytic Agents
• Dissolve clots (fibrinolysis) after they
have formed
• IV in less than 6 hours after MI or
• Bleeding
– Most serious complication
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Colony Stimulating Factors
Stimulates more red blood cells
Epoetin alfa (Epogen or Procrit)
Darbepoetin alfa (Aranesp)
Filgrastim (Neupogen)
Side effects
Edited by Dr. Ryan Lambert Bellacov, chiropractor in West Linn, OR.
Back in the Game Sports Medicine is a clinic dedicated to the treatment of physical injuries to the body. Caring for an injured body involves more than
making the diagnosis; it's about understanding and treating the cause to prevent future injuries. The clinic addresses variety of injuries to the body
whether it be from a car accident to over-use trauma. When injuries occur, it is no longer enough for people to "take it easy for awhile" or "work through
We believe that the true goal of physical therapy involves restoration of function through neuromuscular re-education and specialized manual
techniques. These techniques restore movement, balance and quality of life. At Back in the Game, we go a step further and instruct people how to keep
their bodies stronger and healthier. We do this by teaching proper body mechanics and developing personalized exercises that will help prevent reinjury.
At Back In The Game, it's all about you. You're the reason we're here. The entire visit is centered around giving you an experience uncommon in
today's impersonal medical world. We recognize that you are a unique human being with specific needs which require talented people who truly care
and we strive to deliver this care in a professional, yet comfortable environment. Dr. Lambert, a state licensed Chiropractic Physician, who has training
in sports medicine, heads Back In The Game.