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Lupus Nephritis
What is Lupus?
Lupus is a lifelong disorder of the immune system. Immune cells attack the body's
own healthy tissues, leading to inflammation and tissue damage. Symptoms may be
limited to the skin, but more often lupus also causes internal problems such as joint
pain. In severe cases, it can damage the heart, kidneys, and other vital organs.
Although there's no cure, there are treatments that can minimize the damage.
Patients with lupus have production of autoantibodies and immune complexes
formation. These antibodies can target against many nuclear antigens such as DNA,
proteins, or against cytoplasmic or cellular membrane antigens.
These immune complexes can be deposited or be formed in diverse tissues, activating
the complement and releasing proinflammatory cytokines that produce tissue damage.
Lupus patients will undergo chronic periods of unpredictable flare ups.
Lupus Nephritis is an inflammation of the kidney caused by systemic Lupus
erthematosus (SLE).
Diagnosing lupus can be tricky. The disease can mimic other conditions, and it
often takes a different course in different people. Many people have it for years
before developing symptoms.
Although there is no one test for lupus, certain proteins usually show up in a
patient's blood. A blood test for antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) can provide a
critical clue. Other lab tests may check cell counts, kidney function, and clotting
time. A tissue biopsy of an involved organ such as the skin or kidneys
sometimes helps with diagnosis.
About 1.5 million Americans are and 5 million people worldwide are currently
living with lupus (Lupus foundation, 2011).
Lupus is most common in African American, Hispanic, Asian and Native
American descent.
Although the cause of lupus is not known, there have been suggestion that
genes may play an important role. However, there are many factors that may
trigger the disease.
Symptoms of Lupus
Since lupus can affect different organs, a wide range of symptoms can occur:
extreme fatigue (tiredness)
painful or swollen joints
anemia (low numbers of red blood cells or hemoglobin, or low total blood
swelling (edema) in feet, legs, hands, and/or around eyes
pain in chest on deep breathing (pleurisy)
butterfly-shaped rash across cheeks and nose
sun- or light-sensitivity (photosensitivity)
hair loss
abnormal blood clotting
fingers turning white and/or blue when cold
Symptoms of Lupus Nephritis
Patients with Lupus related to kidney disorders, do not experience any symptoms with the
kidney until 70- 75% of renal function is gone. Most patients only learn about their kidney
trouble when a urine test reveals blood or abnormal protein levels.
The clinical signs of Lupus nephritis include increased loss of protein in the urine. This loss
of protein leads to accumulation of sodium (salt) and water in the peripheral tissues leading
to edema.
Patients that lose over 3000 mg/24 hrs of protein (normal up to 150 mg/24 hrs) can
develop Nephrotic syndrome; a condition where swelling is found throughout the body
including the hands, feet, lower legs and eyelids.
For many patient’s, the onset of proteinuria can be detected by patients if they notice that
their urine has developed an unusual “foamy” character. The increase in urine foam is
sometimes the result of increased urinary protein content.
Another symptom found with Lupus nephritis is high blood pressure
Function of the Kidneys:
The function of the kidneys is to deliver blood to the
glomeruli, which are small filtering units of the kidneys,
through small capillaries.
The Glomeruli regulates blood pressure and
electrolytes by removing or reabsorbing fluids and salt
according to the body’s needs.
Patients with lupus nephritis, have the large antigen
complexes that circulate in the blood that can become
lodged in the glomeruli and cause damaging
A healthy kidney only allows small molecules like salts
to be removed from the body, and allows large protein
molecules to remain in the blood.
However, in kidney disease (lupus nephritis), causes
proteins to leak out of the kidney into urine. High
levels of protein in the urine, clinically
called proteinuria, are indicative of kidney damage.
Treatment and Drugs
The goal of treatment is to reduce symptoms and slow the progression of the
This disease increases the risk for blood clots in the lungs and legs. Patients are
occasionally prescribed blood thinners to prevent these complications.
Controlling blood pressure is the most important measure to delay kidney
damage. The goal is to keep blood pressure at or below 130/80 mmHg.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor
blockers (ARBs) are the medicines most often used.
Corticosteroids and other drugs that suppress or quiet the immune system may
be used, such as predinsone.
The immune suppression medications that are used to treat lupus nephritis
include (Imuran) and (Cytoxan), both of which can be given by mouth.
Cyclophosphamide is also given as a single large dose (pulse) in certain
situations. These pulses are continued monthly for six months and every three
months thereafter.
FDA approved a new drug call Benlysta in March of 2011, which is the first
new lupus treatment in 50 years.
An FDA advisory panel voted 13-2 in favor of approval. But the panel noted that
Benlysta is “no wonder drug.” Only 30% of patients who took the drug in clinical
trials saw a benefit. And because the drug weakens the body's immune
defenses, it comes with serious side effects. These include infections,
cancers, depression, and suicide.
Stem cells may help fight lupus.
Patients have blood removed to harvest the stem cells. Next, chemotherapy
destroys the existing, "broken" immune system. Patients are then given
stem cells to build a new immune system
Living with Lupus
A low salt diet may help with swelling in the hands and legs. Water pills or
diuretics may also help with this problem.
A moderate-protein diet (1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight per day)
may be suggested. Lupus patients must maintain a strict diet.
Don't smoke.
Exercise regularly.
Improve stress management skills.
Limit exposure to sunlight as this may cause a flare up.
Get plenty of rest. Some people with lupus need up to 12 hours of sleep a night.
However, when lupus nephritis leads to kidney failure, however, kidney
dialysis or transplantation is necessary to sustain life.
What test can be done to see if the
patient has kidney problems?
Urine test, which will show if the patient
has proteinuria.