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Quiz # 5
What term is used to describe children who are assumed to have been raised
by animals in the wilderness and isolated from other children, such as the
"wild boy of Aveyron"?
a. mentally challenged
b. developmentally disabled
c. deprived
d. feral
Based on studies of isolated and institutionalized children, what is the key
variable in acquiring the basic "human" traits we take for granted?
a. biological makeup
b. basic intelligence
c. intimate early social interaction
d. strict discipline
What concept do sociologists refer to when they say that "society makes us
a. stratification
b. psychoanalysis
c. cultural tradition
d. socialization
Our image of how others see us is called the ________.
a. id
b. super ego
c. libido
d. self
Bob's football coach is a very important influence in his life. Many of Bob's
actions are attempts to win the approval of his coach. Mead would suggest
that the coach is one of Bob's ________.
a. generalized others
b. significant others
c. primary group members
d. reference group members
Tory is 5 years of age. He loves to dress up like Batman and pretend to save
Gotham City from the Penguin. According to Mead's theory, he is in the
________ stage.
a. imitation
b. game
c. play
d. generalized
What term would Mead use to refer to the norms, values, attitudes, and
expectations of the public?
a. primary group
b. generalized others
c. secondary group
d. significant others
George Herbert Mead theorized that learning to take the role of the other
entails three stages – the ________ stage, ________stage, and ________
a. primary; secondary; tertiary
b. id; ego; superego
c. sensorimotor; preoperational; operational
d. imitation; play; team games
Individuals who are approximately the same age and are linked by common
interests, including friends, classmates, and the "kids in the neighborhood,"
are most appropriately referred to as ________.
a. significant others
b. generalized others
c. peers
d. confederates
How does the mass media influence gender roles in contemporary American
a. It encourages a sexless society.
b. It encourages women to assume male roles to be successful.
c. It reinforces gender roles considered appropriate for one's sex.
d. It encourages cross-gender behavior.
People and groups that influence our orientation to life – our self-concept,
emotions, attitudes, and behaviors – are called ________.
a. total institutions
b. generalized others
c. agents of socialization
d. out-groups
Although formal education is intended to transmit knowledge and skills, it
unintentionally teaches students that the same rules apply to everyone. This
universality reflects what sociologists describe as ________.
a. a signaling system
b. a pattern variable
c. a latent function
d. a manifest function
As a third grader, Henry is reading stories about the American Revolution and
how the early Americans were willing to fight to gain their freedom.
According to conflict theorists, Henry is not only learning to read, but is also
absorbing lessons in patriotism and democracy. These lessons would be
referred to by conflict theorists as ________.
a. a latent dysfunction of U.S. education
b. a part of the hidden curriculum in U.S. schools
c. a manifest function of education
d. a manifest dysfunction of education
Frankie and Johnnie are both above-average students, but they feel that they
learn much more about life, success, and relationships with others from other
students outside of the classroom. In this sense, Frankie and Johnnie are
relying on the ________ for their education.
a. hidden curriculum
b. corridor curriculum
c. manifest function
d. latent function
When young people enter college as resident students, they must learn new
norms, values, attitudes, and behaviors. This is an example of ________.
a. resocialization
b. socialization
c. the "looking-glass self"
d. anticipatory socialization
Fred has just joined a fraternity. As part of his initiation, he has been forced to
cook for the fraternity brothers, clean the frat house, and address the fraternity
members as "sir." This is an example of what Harold Garfinkel termed
a. learning conformity
b. a personal identity kit
c. anticipatory socialization
d. a degradation ceremony
John joined the military this year. When he arrived at boot camp he was
immediately greeted with a degradation ceremony and came under total
control of the officials. The military is an example of a(n) ________.
a. social institution
b. agent of socialization
c. social location
d. total institution
What are the starting and stopping points of the development of the self during
the life course?
a. The self-concept begins prior to conception and concludes at birth.
b. The self-concept begins at birth and concludes by age 5 or 6.
c. The self-concept begins at birth and continues as a life-long process until
d. The self-concept begins when a child is able to reason and concludes at
about age 18.
What term applies to the stages that people pass through from birth to death,
beginning with "childhood" and concluding with "the older years"?
a. rites of passage
b. life theme
c. the life course
d. stages of development
Mead's theory of personal development is based on the image that we present
to those around us, the reactions of these people, and way that we interpret
these reactions.
a. True
b. False
Mead emphasized that in order to learn to take the role of the "other" a child
must pass through three stages – imitation, play, and team game.
a. True
b. False
Parents are the first significant others to teach children about the fundamental
symbolic division of the world.
a. True
b. False
The latent function of formal education is to teach knowledge and skills, such
as writing, reading, and arithmetic.
a. True
b. False
The term "total institution" refers to a place in which people are cut off from
the rest of society and where they come under almost total control of the
officials who are in charge.
a. True
b. False
Because of the power of peers and social institutions, we are all prisoners of
a. True
b. False