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Introduction to Classical Social Theory
Part Two: Classical Social Theory
1. To develop an understanding
of what social theory is and
the questions it attempts to
2. To understand what classical
social theory is.
1. Go over assignments for this
part of the course
2. Social theory activity
3. Social theory discussion
4. Classical theory discussion
1. Country Boys
Reflection Due:
Thurs 9/20
2. Read “Marx Packet”
& keep track of
evidence of your
3. Critical Thinking
Assignments: Due
Wed 10/17
4. Marx, Weber,
Durkheim Paper:
Due Wed 10/24
What is Social Theory?: Activity
• Put simply: Social theories are ideas about
society, social functioning, and social change.
• To better understand what social theory, we will
do the following:
– We will break up into small groups
– Each group will be given a large sheet of paper
containing one fact about the social world in which we
– With your group, try to develop an explanation for why
that fact is true and write it on the bottom of your sheet
of paper.
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What is Social Theory?
• Now let’s develop a more precise
• Social theory is a system of
generalized statements or
propositions about social
• Social theories do two things:
– Explain and predict the phenomena
in question
– Produce testable hypotheses
• Thus where formal social theory
departs from the type of theorizing
exercise we just did is that formal
social theories put forth
propositions that extend across
societies and across time periods.
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What is Social Theory?
• For example, a long standing
social theory predicts that as
society becomes more
modern, the importance of
religion will decline.
• This theory is not restricted
in its scope to any one time
period or population.
• Instead it is a general
proposition that can be
tested in any society
undergoing modernization at
any time.
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What is Classical Social Theory?:
• Many of the seeds for what would later
become sociology were first planted in the
Enlightenment (late 1600s to late 1700s).
• During the Enlightenment, a number of longstanding ideas and beliefs were turned
upside down.
• One of the new ideas
introduced was the
notion that science and
reason could be used to
understand both the
physical and natural
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What is Classical Social Theory?:
• The rise of science in turn gave
birth to sociology in the mid 1800s.
• The central idea behind the new
discipline of sociology was that
society could be the subject of
scientific examination just like
biological organisms or the physical
properties of material objects.
– In fact, sociology was originally
called social physics
• The goal of early sociologists was
to uncover--rationally and
scientifically--the laws of the social
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What is Classical Social Theory?:
• While sociology as a
discipline arises out of the
Enlightenment it is the
changes brought on by the
Industrial Revolution
(late 1700s to early 1900s)
that gave new impetus to
the field.
• The new field of sociology sought to understand the
causes and effects of the dramatic economic, social, and
political developments occurring during the Industrial
• The writings of these sociologists form the basis of
classical theory.
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What is Classical Social Theory?
• Classical social theory refers to the work of
early sociologists who sought to understand
the revolutionary change occurring in 19th
century society.
• We will read works by three classical social
– Karl Marx
– Emile Durkheim
– Max Weber
• Together they form the
“trinity” of classical
sociological thought.
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Why Study Classical Social Theory?
• Many students find it difficult to understand and interpret
what classical theorists have to say.
• Many more wonder what the point is of studying the
ideas of old, dead, white guys; how are their ideas
relevant to our world today.
• There are two reasons why studying the works of
classical social theorists are important:
– The ideas articulated by classical theorists lay the foundation
of sociology as a discipline.
– The theories they put forth still guide contemporary theory
and research.
• For example, we are still concerned with the nature of capitalism, the
role of authority in social life, the dynamics of gender and racial
• The concepts and ideas introduced by classical
theorists thus help us to better understand our world
Plan for Our Study of the Classical
• Discuss assignments
and plan of study.
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