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On the Use of Feedback in an Introduction-Based Reputation Protocol∗
Patrick Caldwell1 and O. Patrick Kreidl2
Abstract— Consider a network environment with no central
authority in which each node gains value when transacting
with behaving nodes but risks losing value when transacting
with misbehaving nodes. One recently proposed mechanism
for curbing the harm by misbehaving nodes is that of an
introduction-based reputation protocol [1]: transactions are
permitted only between two nodes who (i) consent to being
connected through introduction via a third node and (ii) provide
binary-valued feedback about one another to that introducer
when the connection closes. This paper models probabilistically
the decision processes by which this feedback is both generated
and interpreted—the associated reputation management algorithms account for different modes of misbehavior, respect the
inherent information decentralization and are consistent with
the utility-maximizing decisions established previously for other
parts of the protocol.
This paper builds upon the authors’ previous works [2],
[3] to mathematically model and analyze an introductionbased reputation protocol, formally introduced in [1] in the
context of secure Internet packet routing. The premise of the
protocol is to emulate the “word-of-mouth” mechanism that
prevails in any well-functioning system of commerce, where
an individual becomes associated to a positive or negative
reputation based upon others’ ratings of the experiences
of past transactions with that individual. Automated forms
of such mechanisms are referred to as reputation systems,
tracking the trustworthiness of all parties as a means to
preserve the value of transactions between behaving parties
while curbing the harm of transactions with misbehaving
parties [4]–[7]. Familiar modern-day Internet-based instantiations include Ebay’s “feedback forum,” the “Web-of-Trust”
browser plug-in and “Angie’s List.” An introduction-based
approach strives to similarly dis-incentivise repeated misbehavior but in a manner that eliminates the dependence upon
a central reputation authority (e.g., “Angie”).
Fig. 1 illustrates the fundamental aspects of an
introduction-based reputation protocol: transactions are allowed only between two parties, or nodes, that are connected,
where both nodes consent to the connection through an
introduction sequence involving a third node. In other words,
*Work supported by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) under
contract FA8750-10-C-0178. The views expressed are those of the authors
and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense
or the U.S. Government.
1 Patrick Caldwell is a Graduate Research Assistant in the Signal Processing and Network Science (SPaNS) Laboratory, School of Engineering,
University of North Florida, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224, USA
[email protected]
2 O. Patrick Kreidl is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering,
University of North Florida, 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224, USA
[email protected]
Fig. 1.
Sequence Diagram of an Introduction-Based Reputation Protocol
every new connection between two nodes, the introducees, is
preceded by an introduction sequence involving a third node,
the introducer, already connected to each introducee. The
introducer may or may not offer the introduction (based on
its reputations of the introducees) and each introducee may
or may not accept the introduction (based on its reputation
of the introducer), but if offered and accepted then the
connection between the introducees is established and the
two nodes can transact and/or request introductions to others.
The connection exists indefinitely until either introducee
elects to close it and each then provides feedback to the
introducer. Note that, depending on the state of all nodes’
connections, forming a new connection may require multiple
consecutive introductions; moreover, it is also assumed that
the network initializes with every node having at least one
a-priori connection in place. Clearly the success of such a
protocol depends upon a constructive interplay among the
different decision processes within the different roles.
The utility of each connection with a behaving node
is the sum-reward of (always non-harmful) transactions,
but each connection with a misbehaving node yields negative utility due to the risk of harmful transaction (and
because non-harmful transactions with misbehaving nodes
have zero reward). At the heart of the problem for each
node is that the true behavior of any other node cannot
be known with certainty but is rather summarized through
its reputation. However, as a consequence of there being no
central reputation authority, every node must manage its own
private pool of reputations to drive its different decisions
(e.g., whether to forcibly close an established connection,
whether to accept an offered introduction, how feedback is
generated in the role of introducee or interpreted in the role
of introducer), including how to evolve those reputations
based on evidence from only its own connections. These
decisions local to each node are prescribed by a so-called
policy, which for the encouraging simulation results reported
in [1] was selected somewhat ad-hoc i.e., a set of heuristic
reputation management rules with parameters tuned via a
time-consuming simulation-based search.
This paper, building upon its predecessors [2] and [3],
presents a key step towards a more model-based optimization
approach to policy selection in an introduction-based reputation protocol. As indicated in Fig. 1, the focus of this paper
is on the decisions that occur upon closing a connection,
namely how each introducee generates feedback and then
how the introducer interprets that feedback. The decision on
whether to continue an established connection was analyzed
in [2], while the decision on whether to accept an offered
introduction was analyzed in [3]. Section II summarizes the
results in [2] and [3] for these upstream decisions of the
protocol, emphasizing the aspects that materialize at the
interface to the feedback analysis presented in Section III. In
addition to treating a different part of the overall protocol,
the contributions of this paper beyond the work of [2] and
[3] are twofold:
generalization to a multi-mode misbehavior model and
the associated notion of multi-mode reputations; and
explicit consideration of information decentralization
across all nodes and the associated notion of multiperspective reputation management.
As will be discussed, both contributions rest upon maintaining at each node a correspondence between optimal
reputation management and performing probabilistic inference over a dynamic Bayesian network [8], [9]. As a result
of decentralization, the observed evidence and the hidden
variables influenced by that evidence will be different in an
introducee’s perspective than in the introducer’s perspective.
We conclude the paper in Section IV, also suggesting items
for future work in the broader context of emerging controltheoretic approaches to other cyber-security problems.
This section summarizes the models and results used in
our previous analyses of the introduction-based reputation
protocol [2], [3]. The basis of these analyses is to uphold a
correspondence between evolving a reputation and revising
the probability of misbehavior conditioned on new evidence,
which is formalized in the following definition. It is worth
noting that the explicit dependence on the mode of misbehavior is looking ahead to the analysis of Section III, when
this generalization becomes essential.
Definition 1 (Single-Mode Reputation): Consider a probabilistic model that jointly defines a (hidden) binary-valued
state variable Xim , indicating whether remote node i is
misbehaving in mode m, and a vector Z(n) of random
variables to be observed across all connections up to and
including time period n. Letting
i (n) = P [Xi = 0 | Z(n)]
denote the conditional probability that node i is behaving
in mode m given the evidence Z(n) realized through time
period n, the corresponding reputation is defined by
pi (n)
Ri (n) = log
1 − pm
i (n)
Observe that as the posterior behaving probability pm
i (n)
approaches unity (zero), the reputation Rim (n) approaches
positive (negative) infinity. Also observe that the function
mapping probability to reputation is bijective, having inverse
i (n) =
exp [Rim (n)]
1 + exp [Rim (n)]
We will suppress the subscript, superscript or parenthetical
notation in Definition 1 when the remote node, misbehavior
mode or time period in question is clear from context.
A. Summary of Continue vs. Close Decision Analysis [2]
Consider the protocol sequence of Fig. 1 between the
time that a particular connection is first established to the
time that it is eventually closed. On a per-transaction basis,
each introducee receives new evidence and is then faced with
the decision on whether to continue or (forcibly) close the
connection. As fully developed in [2], this continue vs. close
decision process can be cast as a variant of the sequential
detection problem first studied by Wald [10]. The associated
utility-maximizing policy is, in turn, a variant of Wald’s
original solution (the so-called Sequential Probability Ratio
Test) combined with Definition 1 to translate the policy’s
probability parameters into units of reputation.
The probabilistic model at each introducee involves a hidden variable X T , indicating whether the remote introducee
is a misbehaving transactor. It is Bernoulli with parameter
pT (0), which is assigned from a given initial reputation
RT (0) via Definition 1. The evidence Z(n) evolves in
accordance with the detector’s alert stream Y associated to
the sequence of transactions, each successive alert or nonalert indicating (perhaps erroneously) that the corresponding
transaction is harmful or benign, respectively. This alert
stream Y (conditioned on X T ) is a Bernoulli process with
a per-transaction alert probability
, if X T = 0
qA =
1 − q qFP + q (1 − qFN ) , if X T = 1
where probabilities qFP and qFN capture the falsepositive/false-negative rates of the detector and probability
q T captures the attack rate of the misbehaving transactor.
Under the assumptions discussed in [2], the utilitymaximizing continue vs. close policy consists of just three
parameters: a reputation increment RINC and decrement
RDEC that is applied per non-alert and alert, respectively, as
well as a reputation threshold RTHR that renders the optimal
continue vs. close decision. The increment and decrement
are both determined in closed form from model parameters
qFP , qFN and q T . The threshold, however, requires solution of
a dynamic program [11] that also yields the optimal utility
function V ∗ pT (0) , expressing the infinite-horizon expected
total discounted reward given initial reputation RT (0) ⇔
pT (0). This optimal threshold policy provably strikes the
best balance between foregone reward if forcibly closing on
a behaving transactor (type-I misclassification) and increased
harm if naturally closing on a misbehaving transactor (type II
misclassification). The associated misclassification rates are
similarly policy-dependent and a function of initial reputation
RT (0) ⇔ pT (0); specifically, letting binary random variable
U indicate whether the connection is closed forcibly, the
optimal threshold policy achieves a type-I rate function
α∗ pT (0) = P U = 1 | X T = 0; RINC , RDEC , RTHR (2)
and a type-II rate function
β ∗ pT (0) = P U = 0 | X T = 1; RINC , RDEC , RTHR .
Exact computation of these rates is often intractable for
general optimal stopping problems, but for binary state
numerous approximations are known e.g., [10]–[12].
On any active connection, a natural closure occurs because
both nodes have elected to continue until all transactions
are exhausted, while a forced closure occurs if either node
elects to discontinue before transactions are exhausted. In the
sequence diagram of Fig. 1, there are actually three active
connections: the two previously-established (and presumed
continuing) ones between the introducer and each introducee
as well as the newly-established (and eventually closed) one
between the two introducees. It’s worth noting that, during
actual operation, any of these six continue vs. close decision
processes can result in a forced closure. Moreover, a forced
closure on a connection with the introducer will automatically trigger a forced closure on any connection brokered
by that introducer. In any case, whether a connection is
closed naturally or forcibly is assumed to be observable to
both ends of the connection (i.e., analogously to a phone
call ending with a two-way farewell or with an abrupt oneway hang up), raising the question of how each introducee
combines evidence from a close event with the accrued
transaction evidence. Closing a connection also triggers each
introducee to generate feedback for the introducer, raising
the similar question of how the introducer combines the
feedback evidence with the evidence observed directly from
its transactions with both introducees. Indeed, these types of
“combining evidence” questions are addressed in Section III.
B. Summary of Accept vs. Decline Decision Analysis [3]
As described in the preceding section, the utilitymaximizing continue vs. close policy of any modeled connection is a reputation threshold rule defined by solving a
dynamic program. We next consider the protocol sequence of
Fig. 1 at the time each introducee is faced with the decision
on whether to accept or decline an offered introduction. As
fully developed in [3], this accept vs. decline decision is
akin to deciding whether to continue or close the prospective
connection, or the connection that would be established if
the offered introduction is in fact accepted. Specifically,
upon modeling the prospective connection and solving its
associated dynamic program, the offered connection should
be accepted only if the initial reputation is above the optimal
threshold. It follows that the only additional degree-offreedom in this accept vs. decline decision process is the
reputation initialization rule.
The analysis in [3] appeals again to Definition 1 and identifies the following initialization rule, expressed assuming that
(an already-connected) node A is offering an introduction to
remote node B:
pTB (0) = p̃TB pIA (0) + 1 − pIA (0) 1 − q I .
Here, p̃TB denotes an initial reputation for node B as supplied
by introducer A, pIA denotes the current (locally-supplied)
reputation of the introducer and probability q I denotes the
attack rate of a misbehaving introducer. The assumptions are
that a behaving introducer only offers introductions to presumed behaving transactors and always truthfully selects p̃TB
from its pool of reputations, while a misbehaving introducer
deliberately offers a fraction q I of its introductions to presumed misbehaving transactors and can select p̃TB arbitrarily.
Note the underlying multi-mode misbehavior model here—
node A’s reputation as a transactor is not reflected in (3)
and there need not be any relationship between the attack
rates q I and q T of the two misbehavior modes. Clearly this
setup couples the reputation of remote node B to that of its
introducer A, a matter to be addressed further in Section III.
As summarized in the preceding section, the results in [2]
and [3] characterize the decision-making of each introducee
in the sequence diagram of Fig. 1 from the moment an
introduction is offered up to the moment that the connection
is closed. The analysis in this section leverages these results
and focuses on the decisions that occur upon closing the
connection, namely how each introducee generates feedback
and how the introducer interprets that feedback. Fig. 2
illustrates the main questions underlying these decisions for
the two1 perspectives, assuming a (just-closed) connection
between local node L and remote node B that was originally
introduced by (still-connected) node A. The introducee’s
perspective is presented to completeness in Subsection III-A,
while the introducer’s perspective is more elaborate (and also
still under analysis) and thus only its summary is presented in
Subsection III-B. As with the protocol’s upstream decisions,
1 There are technically three perspectives, one per node, but in the scope
of the feedback analysis that of introducee B parallels that of introducee L.
Fig. 2.
A Closed Connection in an Introduction-Based Protocol
these feedback decisions rest upon maintaining at each node
a correspondence between optimal reputation management
and probabilistic inference. However, an increased number
of random variables are involved so tools from dynamic
Bayesian networks [8], [9] are used. The setup also requires
generalization to a multi-mode misbehavior model and the
associated notion of multi-mode reputations, which is formalized by the following definition.
Definition 2 (Multi-Mode Reputation): Consider a collec
tion of M binary state variables Xi = Xi1 , Xi2 , . . . , XiM ,
together indicating whether remote node i is misbehaving in
any one of M different modes (with each Xim as described
in Definition 1). Letting
pi (n) = P Xi1 = Xi2 = · · · = XiM = 0 | Z(n)
denote the conditional probability that node i is behaving in
every mode given the evidence Z(n) realized through time
period n, the corresponding multi-mode reputation is defined
pi (n)
Ri (n) = log
1 − pi (n)
A few remarks on Definition 1 and Definition 2:
1) Random variable Xi takes its values in a finite set
of cardinality 2M and thus its probabilistic description
consists of up to 2M − 1 independent parameters. This
becomes unmanageable for even moderate values of M
unless there is a known special structure (e.g., sparsity
in the full probability vector, conditional independencies
among subsets of the M per-mode variables) that admits
a more compact representation.
2) Knowing all M per-node reputations Ri1 , ..., RiM is,
in general, not sufficient to deduce the multi-mode
reputation Ri . The one exception is if the collection of
per-mode random variables Xi1 , . .Q
. , XiM are mutually
independent, in which case pi = m=1 pm
i . Similarly,
knowing only the multi-mode reputation is not sufficient
to deduce the M per-node reputations, but it is always
true that Rim ≥ Ri for every m, or Ri ≤ minm Rim .
Another generalization in this section will be to probabilistic models that consider multiple active connections.
The main model in Section II was in the scope of only
a single active connection, whether to continue or close it
on a per-transaction basis or whether to accept or decline
it on a per-introduction basis. However, as suggested by
Fig. 2, the feedback decisions in each perspective involve
evidence that accrues over two connections. The underlying
probabilistic models will have to represent possible crossconnection dependencies in how the different remote nodes
misbehave or in the evidence provided by the different
misbehavior detectors. Throughout this section, the following
simplifying assumptions will be made.
Assumption 1 (Simple Cross-Connection Dependencies):
In any multi-node network with multiple active connections,
(a) if two or more nodes are misbehaving, they do so without
collusion between them;
Fig. 3.
Bayesian Network Local to Introducee L’s Perspective
(b) if any one node is misbehaving in multiple modes, its
per-mode attack sequences are independent processes;
(c) the detector on any one connection makes its errors independently of the error sequences on other connections.
A. Decisions from Introducee’s Perspective
Fig. 3 shows the Bayesian network that captures the inference problem faced by an introducee, in this case node L,
when a connection is closed. The total evidence accrued over
the lifetime of the connection (indicated by the shaded nodes)
are alert streams YA and YB on the respective connections
with A and B as well as the (natural or forced) close action
UB taken by node B. The hidden variables XA and XB
comprise the collection of misbehavior indicators that are
influenced by this evidence. In the scope of the analysis of
Section II, node A has interacted with node L as both a
transactor and as an introducer, whereas node B has so far
interacted with node L only as a transactor. Upon observing
the close event, however, node L faces the questions depicted
in Fig. 2 that begin with whether node B is misbehaving
as a closer, deliberately aiming to inject confusion into the
nominal workings of the protocol. That is, if a forced close
occurs (UB = 1) then either node B (whether behaving or
not) has innocently made a type-I misclassification or node
B has opted to attack as a misbehaving closer. Alternatively,
if a natural close occurs (UB = 0), then node B has made
a correct classification and, if a misbehaving closer, also
declined to attack on this particular opportunity. Letting XBC
indicate whether node B is a misbehaving closer with attack
rate q C and letting αB denote B’s type-I misclassification
rate as modeled by (2), the associated probabilistic setup is
, x=0
P UB = 1 | XBC = x =
αB + (1 − αB )q C , x = 1
and P UB = 0 | XBC = x = 1 − P UB = 1 | XBC = x .
Altogether, node A can misbehave as a transactor or as
an introducer and thus XA = (XAT , XAI ), whereas node
B can misbehave as a transactor or as a closer and thus
XB = (XBT , XBC ). To achieve optimal reputation management via probabilistic inference, it remains to specify the
joint distribution
P [YA , YB , UB | XA , XB ] P [XA , XB ]
between all of the evidence and state variables identified in
Fig. 3. Assumption 1 refines the structure implied by the
Upon Natural Close
Upon Forced Close
Reputation Decrement, RC
Reputation Increment, RC
Closer Attack Rate, q C
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.
Closer Attack Rate, q C
Increment/Decrement Parameters for Closer-Mode Reputation
Bayesian network alone: in the priors we have
P [XA , XB ] = P [XA ] P XBT | XAI P XBC | XAI ,
while in the likelihood we have
P [YA , YB , UB | XA , XB ] = P YA | XAT P [YB , UB | XB ]
with P [YB , UB | XB ] = P YB | XBT P UB | XBC . Here,
the quantity P [XA ] refers to the length-4 probability vector
that node L held on the connection to node A at the time
the introduction
to node B was accepted. The quantities
P XBm | XAI derive from initialization rules of the type
in (3), where now the introducer supplies p̃m
B for
misbehavior mode m of node B. The quantities P Yi |XiT
derive from the (conditional) Bernoulli process description in
(1) and are thus (conditionally)
binomial distributions, while
the quantity P UB | XBC is given in (4).
Having represented the introducee’s Bayesian network,
the associated reputation management decisions follow from
solving the inference problem and appealing to Definition 1
and Definition 2. The impact of the close event is particularly
straightforward: the closer-mode reputation RBC is additively
adjusted by
P UB = u | XBC = 0
P UB = u | XBC = 1
which for a natural close (u = 0) yields increment
= log
1 − qC
and for a forced close (u = 1) yields decrement
RDEC = log
αB + (1 − αB )q C
That the increment does not depend on the type-I misclassification rate αB stems from the fact that, in node L’s
misbehavior model, node B can close naturally only if it has
not misclassified node L. Fig. 4 plots these policy parameters
versus the closer attack rate q C , showing the decrement for
different values of αB . Observe the softening impact of the
close event against stealthier misbehavers (i.e., decreasing
q C ) or more error-prone classifiers (i.e., increasing αB ).
Bayesian Network Local to Introducer A’s Perspective
The alert stream Yi for each node i is processed via the
per-transaction increment/decrement parameters applied to
the single-mode reputation RiT as described in Section II.
However, the threshold test on whether to continue or close
a connection is now applied to the multi-mode reputation, reflecting a conservative posture that any form of misbehavior
is equally costly. That is, compared to what was described
in Section II, it is now the multi-mode reputation Ri (n) that
drives the accept vs. decline and continue vs. close decisions.
Having characterized the introducee’s reputation management decisions, generalized to the case of multi-mode
misbehavior models, it remains to specify the rule by which
feedback to the introducer is generated. We equate deciding
to send positive or negative feedback to the introducer with
deciding whether to accept or decline an immediate reintroduction. That is, given the connection was opened in
time period 0 and closed in time period n, node L again
applies (3) but using pIA (n) in place of pIA (0) and the locallysupplied pTB (n) in place of p̃TB . If the resulting reputation is
above threshold RTHR , then positive feedback is sent and
otherwise negative feedback is sent.
B. Decisions from Introducer’s Perspective (Summary)
Fig. 5 shows the Bayesian network that captures the inference problem faced by an introducer, in this case node A,
when a connection it brokered is closed. The total evidence
accrued over the lifetime of the connection are alert streams
YL and YB on the respective connections with L and B,
but the close actions are not observed; rather, the introducer
observes only the (positive or negative) feedback FL and FB
sent by L and B, respectively. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the
primary question to the introducer is how to interpret this
composite feedback in relation to the misbehavior modes
indicated by hidden variables XL and XB .
Previous sections have already introduced three misbehavior modes (as transactor in the continue vs. close decision
analysis, as introducer in the accept vs. decline decision
analysis and as closer in the feedback analysis for the introducee perspective). This section introduces the misbehaving
feedbacker, a fourth mode representing the possibility that
either introducee is distorting its feedback to the introducer
to deliberately confuse the nominal workings of the protocol.
A misbehaving feedbacker’s attack sequence is modeled as
a Bernoulli process with rate q F , each attack generating
the opposite feedback message than would be sent by a
behaving node. Because behaving nodes can make erroneous
classifications, an interesting property of this misbehavior
model is that the introducer can experience “two wrongs
making a right.” For example, consider a feedback attack
after the occurrence of a type-I misclassification that would
have triggered negative feedback from a behaving node.
Altogether, in the introducer’s Bayesian network of Fig. 5,
each hidden variable XL = (XLT , XLC , XLF ) and XB =
(XBT , XBC , XBF ) is its own collection of three binary variables. The structure of this Bayesian network, in combination
with Assumption 1, implies that the priors simplify to
P [XL , XB ] = P [XL ] P [XB ]
and the likelihood simplifies to
P [YL , YB , FL , FB | XL , XB ] =
P YL | XLT P YB | XBT P [FL , FB | XL , XB ] .
Here, the quantity P [Xi ] for i ∈ {L, B} refers to the length-8
probability vector that node A held on the connection to node
i at the time
the introduction was established. The quantities
P Yi |XiT derive from the (conditional) Bernoulli process
description in (1) and, as in the preceding sections, are thus
(conditionally) binomial distributions. The only remaining
quantity is P [FL , FB | XL , XB ], which is indeed the crux of
the model. Numerous avenues for its definition are under
exploration, all involving both introducees’ misclassification
rates αL , βL , αB and βB as well as both introducees’ attack
rates qLC , qBC , qLF and qBF in the closer and feedbacker modes.
The differences rest mainly in the assumptions about how
the introducer’s model compensates for not having access to
information about the policies that each introducee employs,
which in turn affects the introducer’s approximation of the
true probabilistic processes generating the feedback messages and, ultimately, the achievable network-wide utility.
Four core decision processes of a recently proposed
introduction-based reputation protocol [1], aiming to retain
the attractive properties of trust systems but without the
assumption of a centralized reputation server, have been
modeled within a utility-maximizing probabilistic framework. Previous work [2], [3] showed that the decision to
accept introductions to new connections is entwined with
the decision process by which established connections are
managed. This work addressed the decision processes that
occur upon closing a connection, concerning the protocol’s
use of feedback to signal whether misbehavior is present.
For each introducee’s perspective we detailed how its experience with the other introducee is rated, whereas for the
introducer’s perspective we summarized how that pair of
ratings is subsequently interpreted. These analyses rest upon
maintaining an equivalence between evolving reputations of
all interacting nodes across time/connections and solving
standard inference problems on Bayesian network models.
The details of each such model were seen to depend upon
the perspective under analysis, reflecting the information
decentralization inherent to the protocol. Ongoing work
includes (i) the impact of different assumptions in the way an
introducer interprets feedback, (ii) extensions that apply to
multiple levels of introductions or multiple introductions by
one introducer and (iii) analysis of decisions by introducers
on whether to offer a requested introduction in the first place.
The application of probabilistic graphical models to
reputation-driven trust networks appears in multiple fields
(e.g., computing, communications, control), but relatively
few approaches assume no central authority or allow a multistage analysis like the introduction-based scheme considered
here. References [13] and [14], for example, each employ
graph-based inference techniques to map a collection of
“opinions” into binary-valued trust relationships with minimum error, but sequential decision-making is not represented. Even so, our work has yet to consider the impact of
richer adversary models than just the per-mode Bernoulli attack sequences here, such as strategic on/off misbehaviors or
the possibility of collusion among multiple nodes. Inquiries
along these lines are likely related to the growing body of
work on network security games e.g., [15]–[17].
The authors are grateful to Dr. Gregory L. Frazier and
Dr. Brian DeCleene for numerous helpful discussions.
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