Download Introduction Welcome all to Intermediate Algebra! It is my hope... With hard work, determination, and support, it is my belief...

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Welcome all to Intermediate Algebra! It is my hope that you will choose to succeed in this class.
With hard work, determination, and support, it is my belief that each and every student in this class
will successfully complete the course! To accomplish this, it is important that you understand how
this course will be conducted.
I inherently trust and respect every student in my class. Your behavior will determine your ability
to maintain or tarnish your reputation. Please strive to maintain a great reputation. My goal is to
ensure you succeed.
Course Objectives
1. Understand algebraic terms, formulas, concepts, and procedures to successfully solve written or
spoken problems.
2. Apply known knowledge of algebra to solve or complete various real-world exercises, problems,
and activities.
3. Prepare to be successful in future math classes, and life!
Course Topics
1. Function Sense
2. Linear Functions and Inequalities
3. Systems of Equations
4. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
5. Quadratic and Higher-Order Polynomial Functions
6. Radical and Rational Functions
7. Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability
8. Sequences and Series