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CpSc 810: Machine Learning
Evaluating Hypotheses
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Most slides in this presentation are
adopted from slides of text book and
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Basics of Sampling Theory
A random variable can be viewed as the name
of experiment with a probabilistic outcome. Its
value is the outcome of the experiment.
A probability distribution for a random variable
Y specifies the probability Pr(Y=yi) that Y will
take on the value yi, for each possible value yi.
Consider a random variable Y that takes on
possible values y1, …, yn. The expected value
(or mean value) of Y, E[Y], is:
E[Y] = i=1n yi Pr(Y=yi)
The variance of a random variable Y, Var[Y], is:
Var[Y] = E[(Y-E[Y])2]
The variance characterizes the width or dispersion of
the distribution of about its mean
The standard deviation σY of a random variable
Y is the square root of the variance.
Basics of Sampling Theory:
Binomial distribution
The Binomial distribution gives the probability of observing r
heads in a series of n independent coin tosses, if the probability
of heads on a single coin toss is p. its probability function:
P( r ) 
p r (1  p ) n  r
r! ( n  r )!
A reasonable estimate of p is r/n
If the random variable X follows a Binomial distribution, then
The expected, or mean value of X, E[X]=np
The variance of X, Var(X) = np(1-p)
The standard deviation of X, σY is
 X  np(1  p )
Basics of Sampling Theory:
Normal distribution
A Normal distribution (also called Gaussian distribution)
is a bell shaped distribution defined by the probability
density function:
1 x  2
p( x ) 
2 2
 (
A normal distribution is fully determined by two parameters: μ
and σ
If the random variable X follows a Normal distribution,
The expected, or mean value of X, E[X]= μ
The variance of X, Var(X) = σ2
The standard deviation of X, σX = σ
Confidence Interval
A N% confidence interval estimate for parameter p is
an interval that includes p with probability N%
If a random variable Y obeys a Normal distribution
with mean μ and standard deviation σ, then the
measured random variable y of Y will fall into
following interval with N% confidence:
μ  zN σ
Two-sided and one sided bounds
Basics of Sampling Theory:
Central Limit Theorem
The Central Limit Theorem is a theorem
stating that the sum of a large number of
independent, identically distributed random
variable approximately follows a Normal
Consider a set of independent, identically
distributed random variable Yi,…Yn. All
governed by an arbitrary probability
distribution with mean u and standard
deviation σ. Define the sample mean
1 n
Y   Yi
n i 1
Central Limit Theorem: As n->∞, the
distribution governing Y approaches a
Normal distribution, with mean u and
variance σ2 /n
Evaluating Hypotheses: Motivation
Evaluating the performance of learning
systems is important because:
Learning systems are usually
designed to predict the class of
“future” unlabeled data points.
In some cases, evaluating
hypotheses is an integral part of
the learning process (example,
when pruning a decision tree)
Difficulties in Evaluating Hypotheses
when only limited data are available
Bias in the estimate: The observed accuracy of
the learned hypothesis over the training
examples is a poor estimator of its accuracy
over future examples
we test the hypothesis on a test set chosen
independently of the training set and the hypothesis.
Variance in the estimate: Even with a separate
test set, the measured accuracy can vary from
the true accuracy, depending on the makeup of
the particular set of test examples. The smaller
the test set, the greater the expected variance.
Questions Considered
Given the observed accuracy of a
hypothesis over a limited sample of data,
how well does this estimate its accuracy
over additional examples?
Given that one hypothesis outperforms
another over some sample data, how
probable is it that this hypothesis is more
accurate, in general?
When data is limited what is the best way
to use this data to both learn a hypothesis
and estimate its accuracy?
Two Definition of Error
Definition 1: The sample error (denoted
errors(h)) of hypothesis h with respect to target
function f and data sample S is:
errors(h)= 1/n xS(f(x),h(x))
where n is the number of examples in S, and the
quantity (f(x),h(x)) is 1 if f(x)  h(x), and 0,
Definition 2: The true error (denoted errorD(h)) of
hypothesis h with respect to target function f
and distribution D, is the probability that h will
misclassify an instance drawn at random
according to D.
errorD(h)= PrxD[f(x)  h(x)]
Problems Estimating Error
Bias: if S is the training set, errors(h) is
optimistically biased
Bias = E[errors(h)]-errorD(h)
For unbiased estimate, h and S must be chose
Variance: even with unbiased S, errors(h)
may still vary from errorD(h)
Estimating Hypothesis Accuracy
Two Questions of Interest:
Given a hypothesis h and a data
sample containing n examples
drawn at random according to
distribution D, what is the best
estimate of the accuracy of h over
future instances drawn from the
same distribution? ==> sample vs.
true error
What is the probable error in this
accuracy estimate? ==> confidence
An estimator is a random variable used
to estimate some parameter of an
underlying population
errors(h) is a random variable
Choose samples of size n according to
distribution D.
Measure errors(h)
Example: Hypothesis h misclassified 12 of 40
examples in S
Given observed errors(h), what can we
conclude about errorD(h)?
Estimators, Bias and Variance
errors(h) follows a Binomial distribution, we
errorS(h) = r/n
errorD(h)= μ errors(h)= p
where n is the number of instances in the sample S,
r is the number of instances from S misclassified by
h, and p is the probability of misclassifying a single
instance drawn from D
Definition: The estimation bias ( from the
inductive bias) of an estimator Y for an
arbitrary parameter p is
E[Y] - p
If the estimation bias is zero, we say that Y is an
unbiased estimator
Estimation bias should not be confused with the
inductive bias
errors(h) is an unbiased estimator for errorD(h)
Estimators, Bias and Variance
In general, given r errors in a sample of n
independently draw test examples, the standard
deviation for errorS(h) is given by
 errorS ( h ) 
p(1  p )
Approximation: p ≈ r/n = errorS(h)
 errorS ( h ) 
errorS (h )(1  errorS (h ))
Confidence Intervals for
Discrete-Valued Hypotheses
S contains n examples, drawn independently of h
and each other
n 30
We can approximate the distribution of
errorS(h) as normal distribution.
The general expression for approximate N%
confidence intervals for errorD(h) is:
errorS(h)  zNerrorS(h)(1-errorS(h))/n
where ZN is given in
This approximation is quite good when
n errorS(h)(1 - errorS(h))  5
Confidence Intervals for
Discrete-Valued Hypotheses
S contains n examples, drawn independently of
h and each other
n 30
The general expression for approximate
95% confidence intervals for errorD(h) is:
errorS(h)  1.96errorS(h)(1-errorS(h))/n
Calculating Confidence Intervals
1. Pick parameter p to estimate errorD(h)
2. Choose an estimator errorS(h)
3. Determine probability distribution DY
that governs estimator
errorS(h) gorvened by Binomial distribution,
approximate by Normal when n>30
Determine the N% confidence interval by
finding thresholds L and U such that N% of
the mass in the probability distribution DY
falls between L and U.
Difference in Error of two
Let h1 and h2 be two hypotheses for some
discrete-valued target function. H1 has been
tested on a sample S1 containing n1 randomly
drawn examples, and h2 has been tested on an
independent sample S2 containing n2 examples
drawn from the same distribution.
The difference between true errors of these two
hypothesis is d:
d= errorD(h2)- errorD(h2)
d can be estimated by the difference between
the sample errors dˆ
dˆ = errorS1(h1)-errorS2(h2)
Difference in Error of two
The difference of two Normal distribution is
also a Normal distribution, then dˆ will also
can be approximated by a normal
distribution and the variance of this
distribution is the sum of the variance of
errorS1(h1) and errorS2(h2):
 d2ˆ 
errorS1 (h1)(1  errorS1 (h1)) errorS 2 (h2)(1  errorS 2 (h2))
The approximate N% confidence interval
for d is:
errorS1 (h1)(1  errorS1 (h1)) errorS 2 (h2)(1  errorS 2 (h2))
dˆ  z N
Comparing Learning Algorithms
Which of LA and LB is the better learning method on
average for learning some particular target function
To answer this question, we wish to estimate the
expected value of the difference in their errors:
ESD [errorD(LA(S))-errorD(LB(S))]
Of course, since we have only a limited sample D0
we estimate this quantity by dividing D0 into a
training set S0 and a testing set T0 and measure:
Problem: We are only measuring the difference in
errors for one training set S0 rather than the
expected value of this difference over all samples S
drawn from D
Solution: k-fold Cross-Validation
k-Fold Cross-Validation
1. Partition the available data D0 into k
disjoint subsets T1, T2, …, Tk of equal
size, where this size is at least 30.
2. For i from 1 to k, do
use Ti for the test set, and the remaining data for
training set Si
Si <- {D0 - Ti}
hA <- LA(Si)
hB <- LB(Si)
i <- errorTi(hA)-errorTi(hB)
3. Return the value avg(), where
avg() = 1/k i=1k i
Confidence of the k-fold
The approximate N% confidence interval for
estimating ESD0 [errorD(LA(S))-errorD(LB(S))]
using avg(), is given by:
where tN,k-1 is a constant similar to ZN (See
[Mitchell, Table 5.6]) and savg() is an estimate of
the standard deviation of the distribution
governing avg()
savg())=1/k(k-1) i=1k (i -avg())2