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Chapter 6 Theoretical
Perspectives on Intercultural
Managing Organizations in a Global
Economy: An Intercultural Perspective
First Edition
John Saee
Copyright  by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning. All rights reserved.
Theories of Intercultural
Communication and Adaptation:
Theories of intercultural
communication have their origins in
trans-disciplinary areas of research.
True or false: “Intercultural
communication competence has to a
large extent to do with learning a
foreign language.”
Psychological Theories of
Intercultural Communication
 Intercultural
communication is explained in
terms of individual behavioral adaptation.
 The main focus: personal and interpersonal
traits and attributes, and individual internal
psychological responses in intercultural
communication situations.
Stages of Cross-Cultural Learning and
Adaptation (Harris & Moran 1979,
Lysgaard 1955)
 Initial
 Initial culture shock
 Superficial adjustment
 Depression/isolation
 Reintegration/compensation
 Autonomy/independence
"Culture Shock" U-curve (Oberg
 “Honeymoon"
 Stage of hostility
 Recovery stage
 Final stage
How do foreigners react to the
host culture (Bennett 1971; Taft
 Value
of psychological theories: a useful
framework for understanding psychological
reactions by sojourners living in the host
 Critique:
conceptually problematic.
Focus of other theories
 Explaining
intercultural communication in
terms of the development of effective
interpersonal relationships and the ability to
communicate effectively.
Convergence Theory (Kincaid 1988)
 If
two or more individuals share information
with one another, then they will tend to
converge toward one another, leading to a
state of greater uniformity.
 The main underlying thesis: the provision
of opportunity for unrestricted
 Hall
1976; Triandis 1972, 1983; Gudykunst
1983, 1984
 Emphasis on “cultural learning”and adaptation
as a way of developing intercultural
communication competence.
Anxiety/Uncertainty Management
(AUM) Theory (Gudykunst)
 Theoretical
 The Concept of Stranger
 Uncertainty
 Anxiety
 Effective Communication
 Being Mindful
AUM Theory
 Maximum
and minimum thresholds for
 Avoidance (Stephan & Stephan 1985).
 Biases in how we process information.
 Road block to communicating effectively.
AUM Theory
 Uncertainty
and Anxiety Reduction
(Gudykunst & Hammer 1988) through:
 Knowledge of host culture
 Shared networks
 Intergroup attitudes
 Favorable contact
 Stereotypes
 Cultural identity
 Cultural similarity
 Second language competence
AUM Theory
 Four
variables influence only uncertainty
 Intimacy
 Attraction
 Display of nonverbal affiliative expressiveness
 Use of appropriate uncertainty reduction
AUM Theory
 Four
variables associated only with
reducing anxiety:
 Strangers' motivation to live permanently in the
host culture
 Host nationals' intergroup attitudes
 Host culture policy toward strangers
 Strangers' psychological differentiation
Motivation to Communicate
(Turner 1988)
 Reactions
to strangers.
 Social categorizations.
 An increase in strangers’ understanding of
the similarities and differences between
their culture and the host culture.
 “Ability to adapt to the host culture” equals
“effectiveness of communication.”
theory critique:
 The responsibility for miscommunication
rests on the shoulders of the stranger who
has not learned or interpreted the host
culture sufficiently to adapt to cultural
General Systems Theory (Kim
 The
intercultural communication
competence: the overall internal capability
of an individual to manage differences and
unfamiliarity, intergroup posture, and the
accompanying experiences of stress.
General Systems Theory (Kim
 Cognitive,
affective, and operational
adaptability of an individual's internal
system in all intercultural communication
 Adaptability of an individual's internal
system equals an individual’s growth.
General Systems Theory (Kim
1988) Critique
 The
processes are one-way, whereas the
process of intercultural communication is
Interpersonal Theory of Intercultural
Communication (Irwin 1996)
 The
ideologies of intimacy (closeness) and
performance (competence).
 The key features of the communication
 Context
 Conduct
 Content
Intercultural communication
competence is a difficult concept to
define adequately and precisely.
What is competence?
 The
set of personal qualities/traits, attitudes,
skills, abilities, and knowledge that enable
an individual to......
Ruben and Kealy (1979):
 Give
individuals empathy
 Display respect
 Perform role behaviors
 Be nonjudgmental
 Be open
 Be tolerant of ambiguity
 Interactively manage
The knowledge component of
 Knowledge
 How to gather information
 Group differences
 Personal similarities
 Alternative interpretations for others’
Skills/Abilities (Berger 1979; Coleman &
Depaulo 1991; Bellah et al. 1985;
Gudykunst & Kim 1997):
 The ability:
 To be mindful
 To tolerate ambiguity
 To calm ourselves
 To explain and make accurate predictions
of strangers’ behavior
Behavioral Dimensions Associated with
Perceived Competence (Gudykunst,
Wiseman, & Hammer 1977)
 Dealing
with psychological stress
 Communicating effectively
 Establishing meaningful interpersonal
Do specific skills/abilities,
knowledge and behaviors ensure
that we will be perceived as
competent in any particular