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Chapter 11
Lessons 1: Getting Along with Others
Lesson 2: Communicating Effectively
Farwah Haq
Alesia Apana
Brittany Lane
Maya George
Tania Paracha
 The target audience is 9th grade students
 The setting is a classroom
1. Healthy relationships
-Types of healthy relationships
-Components of a healthy relationship
2. Communication
- Non-verbal Communication
 Bond or connection between people
 Affects your physical, mental, & social
 Different types
 Family relationships
 Friendships
 Community relationships
 Provide the strongest bonds
 Last a lifetime
 Usually with people you turn to when sick
or injured
 Parents/guardians provide love & care,
teach values, & give guidance
 Relationships based on caring, toleration,
& trust
 Vary in importance based on how
challenging & complicated they are
 Lots of work to maintain
 Usually with people you share interests
or hobbies with
 Community leaders & businesses provide
services to meet the citizens’ needs
 Can be formed in community classes,
book clubs, & recreational activities
 Choose people who:
 Support you
 Encourage your best qualities
 Healthy relationships satisfy your basic
human needs of safety, security, value, &
 A part that you play in a relationship
 Examples:
 Brother
 Daughter
 Student
 Band Director
 Employee
 Roles switch suddenly or change
gradually depending on needs and some
 Can have more than one role at a time
 Roles can be confusing in a relationship
 Increase self-esteem
 Improve mental and emotional health
 Help you have fuller lives
Mutual Respect
Separate Identities
Good Communication
A relationship is unhealthy when it involves
mean, disrespectful, controlling, or abusive
- Speaking
- Listening
- Non-verbal Communication
 Say CLEARLY what you mean
 Do not assume anyone else can read
your mind
 Use of “I” messages
o A statement in which a person tells
how her or she feels using the pronoun
o Helps to avoid blaming or namecalling.
 Changes in your tone and voice and its
pitch and loudness play an important role
o Kind words in a sarcastic tone
o Speaking too loudly may make others see
you as arrogant and bossy
o Speaking too softly may make others think
you are not too sure of what you are saying
 Most often overlooked
 Hearing is not the same as listening
 Skilled Listeners use active listening
 Active listening skills
o Reflective listening: rephrase what the other
person has said
o Clarifying: ask questions to gain a better
o Encouraging: give signals to show interest
o Empathizing: feeling the other’s feelings as
you listen
 Sending messages through gestures,
behaviors, and facial expressions
 Subtle
 Often take place subconsciously
 Helps to make sure you are sending the
messages you intend.
 It is important that your body language
and intended message match
 Examples of
body language
 Unrealistic Expectations
 The need to Project a Superior Image
 Prejudice
 Your intended message is not received
as expected.
 Not being prepared for reality.
 A person may feel attacked
 Usually occurs during puberty
 Makes individuals hard to reach
 Impedes progress
 A prejudice is an unfair opinion or judgment
about a person or a group of people
 Free communication is difficult to attain
 Neither side is heard
 Clouds judgment
 Accept the situation for what it is
 You are not always going to be able to solve every
 Encourage both parties to let down their
 Ex. Through peer mediation
 Try to set realistic expectations
 This will prevent both parties form getting frustrated
 Educate people in order to get rid of existing
•Types of Relationships
–Family Relationships
–Community Relationships
•Traits of a Healthy Relationship
Separate Identities
Mutual Respect
Good Communication
 Communication
 Speaking
 Listening
 Nonverbal Communication
 Communication Barriers
 Unrealistic Expectations
 Need to project a superior image
 Prejudice
Proper communication leads to sustaining
healthy relationships
 You just found out that your younger brother/sister just
read your diary. What would you do to react?
 Your parents found some drugs in your bag, they’re not
your drugs, but your parents are really furious at you.
What do you do?
 Your best friend is going to cheat on her next exam.
She/He asks if they can cheat off of you. You know it’s
wrong, how do you explain it to them?