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Professional Development Tool Box:
Communication & Messaging
Jacqueline Coleman, M.Ed, MSM
February 28, 2012
Learning Objectives
 MLP Participants will:
– Learn the interdependent components of the Leadership
– Identify the various skills utilized in effective communication
– Recognize the various types of communication styles
– Discuss enhancers and barriers to effective communication and
strategies to overcome barriers
– Identify the distinction between communication and dialogue and
elements of crucial conversations
– Understand the process of effective meeting facilitation
Professional Development
Level 1
Work on Yourself
Focus on Strengths
Devote 70%
on Strengths
Work in Your Strengths
Focus on New things
Devote 25%
on New Things
Work on Your Priorities
Focus on Weakness
Devote 5%
on Areas of Weakness
Work w/ Your Contemporaries
Communications 101
 Communication
– Styles
– Types
 Effective Communication
– Skills
 The Art of Dialogue
 Presentation Anxiety & Strategies to Overcome
 PowerPoint
 To convey a message to someone else clearly and
in a manner that everyone involved understands the
same information.
– Non-Verbal
 Written
 Body language
– Verbal
Communication Styles
 Guardians
– Servers and protectors, cornerstones of society
 Idealists
– Concerned with personal growth, passionate
 Rationals
– Problem solvers
 Artisans
– Spontaneous, adaptable and competitive
Non-Verbal Communication
 Written
– Email
– In-person
 Body Language
 Eye Contact
Effective Communication
 What examples of non-verbal communication have
you experienced that significantly impacted the
– What was the impact?
 What are the enhancers or promoters to effective
communication that you have experienced?
 What are the barriers to effective communication
that you have experienced?
Your Experiences with
Communications Brainstorm
What are the enhancers or
promoters to effective
What are the barriers to effective
Traits of Effective Communicators
Speaks Clearly
Aware of body language
Communication Skills
Use of humor
Eye Contact
Learning How to Hold Crucial
Crucial Conversations
 Four principles of turning ideas into action:
– Master the content
– Master the skills
– Enhance your motive
– Watch for cues
[Source: Patterson, 2002]
Style Under Stress Test
This 33-question assessment allows you to see how you
respond in crucial conversations in a specific relationship. The
results indicate your natural tendencies to move toward silence
or violence as well as the dialogue skills or tools you use well or
need improvement in.
Crucial Tip
 Work on Me First
– "There's only one corner of the universe you can be
certain of improving, and that's your own self.“
- Aldous Huxley
– A focus only on improving your own responses and
reactions, will allow you to have the power to improve
both your results and your relationships.
Making Effective Presentations
Presentation Anxiety
 When you present or think of presenting,
what makes you anxious?
Strategies to Overcome Anxiety
 Master the four key elements of presenting
– Audience
– Content
– Process/Delivery
– Environment
10 Points to Consider
1. Once you have written your text, cut, cut, cut
2. Group similar ideas together and organize into
thematic groupings
3. Make sure audience departs more informed
4. Involve audience in presentation where possible
5. For every hour of presentation, prep for 10 hours
10 Points to Consider
6. Research the audience
7. Test the microphone and other technology ahead of
8. Open effectively, close memorably
9. Prepare yourself – think positively; believe in
10. Visualize success
Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
Select Key Points
Be Clear
Be Concise
Use examples
Follow a natural sequence
Think through possible questions
Anticipate Murphy’s arrival
Manage the silence
Check out the space in advance
Arrive early
Ensure equipment is working
Dress appropriately
Additional Tips
Practice relaxation techniques
Make eye contact
Use excess energy…move
Preparing your Visual Aids
 According to researchers, people retain:
– 20% of what they hear
– 30% of what they see
– 50% of what they hear and see and;
– 90% of what they see, hear, say and do
Use of PowerPoint
– Provides framework
– Makes visual connection
– Guides the presenter
PowerPoint Basics
Less is more
Use contrasting colors
Use phrases not complete sentences
Use large font
Proof your slides
Distracting animation
Sound effects
Too much text
Too many photos, etc
 Recognize the various styles of
 Identify skills used in effective
 Overcome anxiety through preparation
 Keep your presentation simple
Quiz on Presentation
1.Small audience
2. Large audience
3. Bored audience
4. Equipment failure
5. Meeting delayed/Limited time
6. Dealing with Q/A session
7. Other
8. Other
Strategy To Address
The Art of Facilitation
What is Facilitation?
 The art and science of managing meetings
and group processes, facilitation involves
guiding meetings and groups while using a
specific set of skills and tools.
 An effective facilitator smooths the way for group
members to:
– Brainstorm options
– Identify viable solutions
– Develop and implement action plans
The Skills
Making everyone feel
comfortable and valued
Preventing and
managing conflict
Guiding the group
Ensuring quality
Ensuring outcomebased meetings
Listening and observing
Facilitator’s Main Task
Keep the group on task
Assess the group’s concentration and engagement
Clarify confusing discussions
Provide feedback to the group
Enforce group rules
The Art of Dialogue
What is Dialogue ?
– di-a-logue or di-a-log (n)
 The free flow of meaning between two or more
A Model of Dialogue
[Source: Patterson, 2002]
Crucial Conversation Tip
 "If an issue is so serious that we find ourselves
acting it out instead of talking it out, we need to hold
the conversation with the person in question."
- Al Switzler, coauthor of Crucial Conversations
How Does it Work?
 Fill the pool of shared meaning
 Start with heart
– Work on you first – you’re the only person you can control
 Focus on what you really want
– Ask: what does my behavior tell me about what my motives are?
– What do I really want for myself?
– For others?
– For the relationship?
[Source: Patterson, 2002]
How Does it Work?
 Open yourself to change
 Search for the elusive And
– Avoid the Sucker’s choice
– Watch to see if you are making yourself choose
between peace and honesty, winning and losing, right
or wrong
– Break free and search for And
– Clarify what you don’t want, add to what you want and
ask your brain to search for healthy options
Professional Development
Tools & Resources
My Development PlanGrid For Success
New Things
Areas of
Organizational Quiz
Making meaningful change to improve
products, processes or organizational
1. Knowledge Assets
Results in improved services to clients
and stakeholders
2. Effective
How well a process or measure
addresses its intended purpose
3. Core competencies
Organization’s greatest areas of
Desired future state of your
Accumulated intellectual resources of
your organization
Consistency of plans, processes,
information, actions, results to support
organization-wide goals
4. High performance work
5. Alignment
6. Innovation
7. Vision
The 7 Habits of Highly
Effective Managers
1) Know your limits
2) Listen first before speaking
3) Ask ‘Why?’ not ‘What?’
4) Be decisive
5) Be responsive
6) Communicate frequently
7) Manage passion
Competency Best Practices
 Communication (effectively express to and receive
information from individuals and diverse groups)
 Conflict management (communicating performance
feedback in a timely and effective manner, using
resistance, and receiving criticism)
Competency Best Practices
 Coaching (developing clear individual goals and
implementation plans for team members, developing
trust, and supporting, motivating and reinforcing
individual performance in support of their own and
organizational goals)
Competency Best Practices
 Focus (establishing a clear vision, values, and
mission to drive and sustain a customer-centered,
strategic change)
 Team development (establishing team processes that
support diverse professionals to work together for
the joint mission)
[Source: Change Central, 2001]
Leadership Empowerment Rules
 Rule # 1 – Do one or two things well and avoid the
– The first 90 percent of a project takes 90 per cent of
the time. The last 10 percent takes the other 90
percent of the time. -Anonymous
 Rule # 2 – Avoid straightjacket thinking.
– No one is less ready for tomorrow than the person
who holds the most rigid beliefs about what tomorrow
will contain. -Watts Wacker, The Visionary’s
Leadership Empowerment Rules
 Rule # 3 – It is easy to forget that you are supposed
to be an innovative, creative, cutting-edge sort of
– Consider how you would view the job, dept. and team
if you were a stranger
 Rule # 4 – Every job is a self-portrait of the person
who does it. Autograph your work with excellence.
 Rule #5 – Train them to bring you solutions, not just
Leadership Empowerment Rules
 Rule #5 – Train them to bring you solutions, not just
 Rule #6 – Create a good atmosphere
 Rule # 7 – Hold effective meetings – no, really
– Meetings have 4 purposes:
 To create and fuse a team
 To impart information
 To brainstorm ideas [and make decisions]
 To collect information [and make decisions]
Leadership Paradigm
 Patterson, K., Grenny, J.; McMillan, R.; & Switzler, A. [2002].
Crucial conversations: tools for talking when stakes are high.
New York, NY: McGraw Hill.
 Templar, R. [2005]. The rules of management. London: Pearson
Education Limited.