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Box of Chocolates
Chinese Emperors
True or False
Test Questions
Q $100
Q $100
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Q $400
Q $400
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Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Box of Chocolates
This was the name of the 200 year
civil war that China fell into at the end
of Zhou dynasty.
$100 Answer from Box of Chocolates
The 200 year civil war at the end of
the Zhou dynasty was known as
the Warring States Period.
$200 Question from Box of Chocolates
This black and white symbol
is associated with Taoism.
$200 Answer from Box of Chocolates
The yin and yang symbol
is associated with Taoism.
$300 Question from Box of Chocolates
In “The Story of the Taoist Farmer,”
what was the Taoist farmer’s response
to his neighbor’s comments about the
farmer’s fortune, or luck.
$300 Answer from Box of Chocolates
To his neighbor’s comments, the farmer
simply stated, “Maybe.”
$400 Question from Box of Chocolates
What do B.C. and A.D. stand for?
$400 Answer from Box of Chocolates
B.C. stands for before Christ and A.D.
stands for anno domini.
$500 Question from Box of Chocolates
According to the clips we watched,
during what dynasty was the Great
Wall of China completed?
$500 Answer from Box of Chocolates
The Great Wall was completed during
the Ming dynasty, according to our video
$100 Question from Chinese Emperors
This man was never an emperor
but was China’s most famous
$100 Answer from Chinese Emperors
$200 Question from Chinese Emperors
This word means a series of rulers
from the same family.
$200 Answer from Chinese Emperors
The word dynasty means a series of rulers
from the same family.
$300 Question from Chinese Emperors
During the Zhou dynasty, emperors
began to lose power. This group of
people began to take power instead,
which caused a 200 year civil war.
$300 Answer from Chinese Emperors
As the emperors lost power during the
Zhou dynasty, lords began to take gain
respect and loyalty.
$400 Question from Chinese Emperors
During the Han dynasty, this
emperor made Confucianism
China’s adopted government
$400 Answer from Chinese Emperors
Liu Bang adopted Confucianism
as China’s official government
$500 Question from Chinese Emperors
Ying Zheng is more commonly known
as who?
$500 Answer from Chinese Emperors
Ying Zheng is more
commonly known as Shi
$100 Question from True or False
Confucius said a king should use harsh
punishments to rule.
$100 Answer from True or False
$200 Question from True or False
The first Han emperor was born a
$200 Answer from True or False
$300 Question from True or False
Liu Bang had an army of terracotta soldiers
built for his protection in the afterlife.
$300 Answer from True or False
$400 Question from True or False
Daoism says that men are superior
to women.
$400 Answer from True or False
$500 Question from True or False
Even though people didn’t like Qin
Shi Huangdi as a leader, many
positive things happened in China
during his reign.
$500 Answer from True or False
$100 Question from Test Questions
Who was Laozi?
$100 Answer from Test Questions
Laozi was the most famous
Daoist teacher.
$200 Question from Test Questions
Place these leaders in order
Shi Huangdi, Liu Bang, Yu the Great
$200 Answer from Test Questions
Yu the Great lead first. Shi Huangdi.
Then Liu Bang.
$300 Question from Test Questions
This word describes an area that
is more associated with farmland or
$300 Answer from Test Questions
The world “rural” refers to the country
or to farmland.
$400 Question from Test Questions
Qin Shi Huangdi made roads in China
50 paces wide. Why?
$400 Answer from Test Questions
Shi Huangdi’s roads were 50 paces
wide because he wanted goods to
be able to get from place to place
without difficulty.
$500 Question from Test Questions
During the Han dynasty, leaders
were chosen how?
$500 Answer from Test Questions
Since during the Han dynasty
Confucianism was adopted as the
government philosophy, leaders
were chosen based on their merits.
Basically, they were chosen based upon
their abilities to rule.
$100 Question from Potpourri
How did soldiers communicate
with one another while patrolling
the Great Wall of China?
$100 Answer from Potpourri
Soldiers communicated with one
another by creating smoke signals,
which were created at each
$200 Question from Potpourri
What do historians believe Shi
Huangdi ingested that some believe
led to the demise of his brain and other
internal organs.
$200 Answer from Potpourri
Historians believe Shi Huangdi
drank mercury.
$300 Question from Potpourri
This tool was invented during the
Han dynasty to measure the strength
of earthquakes.
$300 Answer from Potpourri
The seismograph.
$400 Question from Potpourri
Why do some historians believe
Shi Huangdi ingested
chemicals? What was the purpose
of doing so?
$400 Answer from Potpourri
Historians believe he ingested
chemicals to become immortal.
$500 Question from Potpourri
What is the present day
capital of China?
$500 Answer from Potpourri
Beijing is the capital of China.
Final Jeopardy
“To see
things in the
seed, that is
Choose two of these quotes. What did Chinese
Philosophers mean by them?
“To know what you know
and what you do not know,
that is true knowledge.”
“One who is too
insistent on his own
views finds few who
agree with him.”
“I hear and I forget. I
see and I remember. I
do and I understand.”
Final Jeopardy Answer
Answers will vary.