Download Ancient River Valley Civilizations

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Ancient River Valley
Global 2R
Spring 2009
• Pre-historic = before written records
• Two periods of pre-history to know
– Paleolithic
– Neolithic
• Paleolithic
– (Old) Stone age period
• Stone primary material for tools
– Hunter-gathers
– Nomadic lifestyle
• Neolithic Age
– (New) stone age
• Stone still primary tool material
• Agriculture
• Domestication of animals
• Some settlement
• Some nomadic groups
Start to
• A form of culture, characterized by
cities,specialized workers, complex
institutions, record-keeping and
advanced technology
• To be a civilization, society must have a
majority of these:
– Cities
Specialized labor
– Government
Science & tech
– Religion
– Taxes
Social classes
– Written language
River valley Civilizations
• Helpful Hint:
– Know one of these cold
– Be very familiar with a second
– Have heard of a third
Tigris & Euphrates
• Located in modern Iraq
• Known as Mesopotamia (land between
2 rivers)
• Known as Fertile Crescent
• Look for the only green in the
brownish Middle east on the map
• Rivers empty into Persian Gulf
Tigris & Euphrates
• The geography does not help
– Unpredictable flooding
– No natural barriers to invasion
– Plenty of fresh water for farming and
– Access to trade/travel & cultural
– Silt deposited by rivers
Tigris & Euphrates
• Geography does not help, but problems
– For defense, walls of mud bricks
were built
– Trade of grain, cloth and tools
brought in natural raw materials like
stone, wood and metal
Tigris & Euphrates
• Main crops grown were barley &
• Surpluses produced led to development
of different civilizations in the region
Tigris & Euphrates
• Cities associated with Mesopotamia
– Sumer
– Akkad
– Babylon
– Ur
Tigris & Euphrates
• Sumer
– Polytheism
– Run by soldiers
– Temples called Ziggurats
– Invented sail, plow, wheel & 1st to use
– Developed geometry & arithmetic
Tigris & Euphrates
• Sumer
– Developed arches, columns, ramps
– Developed cuneiform (wedge
writing in wet mud which was
allowed to dry)
Tigris & Euphrates
• Akkad
– Sargon of Akkad conquered Sumer
– Created world’s first empire
– Dynasty lasted 200 years
Tigris & Euphrates
• Babylon
– Based on Euphrates river
– Empire hit peak under Hammurabi
– Hammurabi’s Code
Tigris & Euphrates
• Hammurabi’s Code
– Needed single, unified code of law to
unify people
– Written in stone
– Placed throughout the empire
– “eye for an eye”
– Law applied to everyone, but applied
differently to men/women & rich/poor
Page 33
Written Law Codes
10 Commandments
Hammurabi’s Code
Draco’s Code
12 Tables
Justinian’s Code
Napoleonic Code
Nile River Valley
• Geographic Issues
– Floods predictably (develop calendar)
– River deposits silt on banks
– Access to travel/trade
– Grow papyrus (turn into paper)
– River flows north into Mediterranean
– Egyptians forced to live close to river
(little cultural diffusion)
Nile River Valley
• Egypt = “gift of the Nile”
• Without the river there is no Egyptian
• Silt very fertile
• Desert very harsh
• Irrigation ditches to water crops
• Surpluses led to civilization
Nile River Valley
• Egypt
– Polytheism
• Kings (pharaohs were god-kings)
• Egyptian government was
theocracy (based on religious
Nile River Valley
• Egypt
– Pyramids were actually tombs for
– Pharaohs were mummified
– Bodies dried and preserved for use in
the afterlife
Nile River Valley
• Egypt
– Writing developed called hieroglyphics
• Glyphs are symbols/pictures
• First written on stone
• Hieroglyphics written on early paper
made from papyrus
Nile River Valley
• Egypt
– Developed very accurate calendar
– Developed arithmetic & geometry
– First to use stone columns
– Developed early medical procedures
for broken bones, wounds & fevers
Indus River Valley
• Indus = India (you cannot forget this!!)
• Indus River starts in Himalaya
mountains & flows to Arabian Sea
• Himalayas natural boundary
• Unpredictable flooding
Indus River Valley
Indus sites not fully discovered yet
No kings/queens known
Few available records
Was largest empire until Persia
develops 1000 years later
Indus River Valley
Two main cities of the Indus Valley
Both carefully planned & laid out in a
grid pattern
• Structures built of oven-fired bricks
• Homes had indoor plumbing
Indus River Valley
• Archaeologists believe the 2 cities had
strong organized government
• Food seemed to be in good supply
• City planning indicates development of
mathematical skills
• Indus first to cultivate cotton
• Polytheistic religious beliefs
Huang He River Valley
• China’s geography has isolated it
• Chinese developed belief that China
was the center of the Earth & source of
all civilization
• China to south & southwest hemmed in
by Tien Shan & Himalaya mountains
Huang He River Valley
• China’s history began in Huang He
• People learned to farm during the
Neolithic Age
• The yellow soil particles in the river
give it its name “Yellow”
• Also known as “China’s Sorrow”
because of the unpredictable flooding
Huang He River Valley
• The flooding is due in part to the loess
in the water that raises the level of the
• Flooding has often been disastrous
• First Chinese in the valley to develop
were the Shang
• Zhou overthrew the Shang
• Developed Mandate of Heaven idea
Huang He River Valley
• Mandate of Heaven says that the gods
allowed a dynasty to rule until that
dynasty got old & corrupt
• New dynasty was given new Mandate
of Heaven to over throw old
• This changing of dynasties is called the
Dynastic Cycle
Dynastic Cycle
New Dynasty
Old Dynasty
•Brings peace
•Builds roads
•Too many taxes
•Land to peasants
•No protection
•Protects people
•No building
Huang He River Valley
• By 1000 BC Chinese had develop silk
• Chinese also produced first books
under the Zhou
• Also produced porcelain, writing,
coined money and cast iron
Other Civilizations to Consider
• Indo-European Civilizations
– Aryans
– Hittites
• Developed Caste System
– Lighter skin, higher caste
– Aryans blended cultures
– Brought in Hinduism
• Believed in reincarnation
• Karma & dharma
• Cows are sacred
• Centered in Anatolia (modern Turkey,
Asia Minor)
• Developed iron technology
• Developed the chariot which changed
warfare dramatically
Other Civilizations to Consider
• Fertile Crescent
– Phoenicians
– Coast of eastern Mediterranean Sea
– “Pop-Eyes” of the ancient world
– Carriers of civilization
– Created alphabet (“Hooked on
• Centered in the area of modern Israel/Palestine
• Hebrews are first monotheistic people
– Torah is holy book (same as Old Testament of
Christian Bible)
– Abraham starts religion
– God is Yahweh
– Hebrews are God’s “chosen people”
– Hebrews have a covenant with God
• Enslaved in Egypt
– Led out of Egypt by Moses
– Moses presents Hebrews with God’s
rules known as 10 Commandments
– Settled in modern Israel
• Romans show up in Middle East
– Jews forced out between 75 & 135 AD
– Known as period of Diaspora (dispersal)
– Jews spread from Palestine to eastern
Final Thoughts
How are these groups similar?
How are they different?
What did they contribute to the world?
What impact did geography have on
each society?