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(Shang and Zhou Dynasties)
Amaya Ramos, Nicole Fortoso and
Devon Farris
Fun facts on the
Shang Dynasty
•Time Period: 1523 BC - 1028 BC
The Shang Dynasty is believed to be the oldest Chinese dynasty
based on archaeological and documentary evidence.
•Most of the writing from the Shang dynasty was inscriptions
carved into animal bones, turtle shells, and bronze vessels.
•Working with bronze became common during this dynasty,
starting the Bronze Age.
•The Shang people believed in human sacrifice.
•Many people that fought in wars were peasants forced to leave
their fields to walk alongside chariots.
•The kingship went from brother to brother or brother to
nephew instead of father to son like most cultures do.
Fun facts on the
Zhou Dynasty
• Time Period: 1046 BC - 221 BC (800 years)
• Kings were called the "Sons of Heaven“
• -Longest lasting dynasty in Chinese History (about 800
• -Emperor Wu was the 1st official Zhou emperor
• 1st sections of the Great Wall were built
• -Divided into 2 parts: Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou
• -Confucius was born during this dynasty
• -Chopsticks were thought to be invented in the Zhou
• Also Know as the Chou dynasty
• Shang was mostly an agricultural society
• Farmers were sometime called to fight in the army or work
with slaves on building projects.
• Shang ruling elite- a group of wealthy people who had free
time for leisure activities.
• Chinas population increased and farmers learned new
• Their social classes went in the order of state officials at
the highest then peasants then craftsmen and merchants.
• The Zhou Dynast lasted longer than any other Dynasty.
• During the Shang period, china was ruled by a
strong monarchy.
• To keep order in China, the King appointed
governors to rule distant parts of the kingdom
• People started to rebel which was known as the
warring states period (403BC-221BC) they fought
for land and power.
• The government split land into nine squares in the
shape of the character “jing”, the middle square
was own by the government and the rest was for
farmers. This helped keep the food supply.
• The Qin Dynasty arose to end the Zhou Dynasty.
• Shang believed in an afterlife
• Prisoners of war were sacrificed in the
tomb so they could serve the ruler in
the afterlife
• They worships ancestors
• The Shang worshipped the “Shang Di,”
who was the supreme god that ruled
over the lesser gods of the sun, the
moon, the wind, the rain, and other
natural forces and places.
• Conquered the Shang Dynasty
• The Chinese believed that royal
authority is the result of divine
approval (mandate of heaven)
• They believed that anything that
became corrupt was the will of the
• The earliest examples of Chinese
writing during the Shang Dynasty is
writing inscribed in oracle. During the
Shang Dynasty the invention of
writing; the development of a
stratified government; the
advancement of bronze technology;
and the use of the chariot and bronze
weapons in warfare were created.
• The Shang and the Zhou Dynasties
spoke the same language and so did
many other Chinese dynasties.
• This language is known as old Chinese
or Archaic Chinese.
• The Shang Dynasty is also known as bronze age, at that time
bronze represented power, wealth and luxury. Archeologists
have dug up thousands of bronze pieces and artistry and
workmanship of the bronze pieces reveal the Shang’s mastery of
bronze technology.
• The Zhou Dynasty used bronze as well but learned how to use
iron as a backup to strengthen their economy and their army for
weapons, they made coins as well.
• Most of the Shang Dynasty
income came from farming and
harvesting crops.
• The serfs and slaves preformed all
economic functions of society
• Legacies say that the Shang
dynasty was threatened because
had money for bronze and the
• In the Zhou Dynasty most people
made their money by farming and
selling iron and bronze.
Our Artifact
Our artifact is a bronze knife, this was used during
the Shang Dynasty which was also considered the
Bronze Age. During this time, men learned to mine
and melt copper and tin to make bronze weapons
and tools. The bronze knife was dated to 3000 BC.
The bronze knife was used as a weapon.
Works Cited
• Hermanson, J.. N.p.. Web. 9 Feb 2014.
< History
• Lu, Y.. N.p.. Web. 9 Feb 2014.
• . N.p.. Web. 9 Feb 2014.
• Ruru Zhou, . N.p.. Web. 9 Feb 2014.