Download Chapter 21 – Section 2 The Early Cold War Years

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Chapter 21 – Section 2
The Early Cold War
Chapter 21 – Section 2
1) Containing Communism:
It was the goal of the United States to stop
communism from spreading.
A) The Long Telegram
The U.S was having trouble working with the Soviets
after WWII and diplomat George Keenan sent a
message which recommended that the United States
must follow a policy of containment, not war, to defeat
the Soviets (Russians.)
Chapter 21 – Section 2
B) Crisis in Iran
The first place where Containment was put into place,
was in Iran. The U.S. sent battleships to the
Mediterranean Sea, to force the Soviets to withdraw
from Iran.
Chapter 21 – Section 2
C) The Truman Doctrine
The Next battle place for influence was Greece. There
was a civil war between Communists and nonCommunists within Greece.
The Soviet Union supported the Communists and the
British tried to help the non-Communists but could not
afford to.
U.S. President Truman got congress to give the nonCommunists in Greece $400 Million.
This strategy became known as the Truman Doctrine
which said that the U.S. would give money to people
who were fighting communism.
Chapter 21 – Section 2
. .
D) The Marshall Plan
The U.S. also feared that the kind of
economic problems that had led the
Germans to vote for Hitler could also cause
other nations to turn to Communism if those
problems continued.
Secretary of State George C. Marshall
created a plan, known as the Marshall Plan
where the U.S. would give countries in
Europe money to rebuild after WWII.
This plan included billions of dollars pumped
into western Europe.
Chapter 21 – Section 2
2) The Berlin Crisis
Remember that
all four winning
nations of WWII
had a part of
Berlin, even
though Berlin
was in the
Soviet section
of Germany.
Chapter 21 – Section 2
A) West Germany is founded
The U.S.,
French and
British joined
their sections
together to
make “West
Germany” in
The Russians
didn’t like this
and blockaded
West Berlin.
Chapter 21 – Section 2
Chapter 21 – Section 2