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• A period of 46 years that revolved around heightened tensions
between the United States and the Soviet Union over nuclear
capability and the spreading of ideology.
• U.S.—no more military alliances; spheres of influence
• International organization to arbitrate disputes
between countries
• Nation’s right to self-determination
• Soviets and British—great powers control areas of
strategic importance
• Britain had many colonies that they did not want to
give independence
• Soviets wanted a sphere of influence in eastern
United States
Stop the spread of
United Germany
Independent nations in
Eastern Europe
Support free peoples who
are resisting subjugation
Soviet Union
Spread communism beyond
Eastern Europe
Weak, divided Germany
Eastern Europe under Soviet
World domination
• Nov. 1943—Tehran Conference (Iran)
• Soviets agreed to open a war against Japan
• U.S. and Britain agreed to second European front
• Question over future of Poland
• Installation of a pro-Soviet or pro-Western
• Feb. 1945—Yalta Conference
• FDR agreed to give SU certain land in Pacific
• Plan for the United Nations
• Uncertainty over a free Poland
• Stalin wanted to establish a pro-Soviet
government while U.S. and Britain wanted a
democratic government
• Stalin agreed to hold “free and unfettered
elections”would not occur for more than 40
• Germany will be divided into four spheres
• Berlin, inside of the Soviet sphere, will be divided
into four zones
• Stalin broke his Yalta promise and forced communism amongst
Eastern Europe nations
• Became known as satellite states
• Stalin outlawed political parties or newspapers that opposed
the Communists.
• The Soviets jailed or killed some political opponents.
• The Soviets rigged elections to ensure the success of
• Yugoslavia was the one Eastern European nation that was not
under the direct control of Stalin and the Soviet Union.
• Josip Broz Tito, a Communist, refused to take orders from the
Soviet Union.
• Big Three—Stalin, Truman, and
Clement Atlee met outside of
• Soviets were denied the rights to
claim reparations from German
zones not theirs
• Confirmed that “war criminals”
would be brought to justice swiftly.
• March 5, 1946 Winston
Churchill made his “iron
curtain” speech in
• Clear division between
democracies and
communism has
descended upon Europe
The day after
Churchill gave his
“iron curtain”
speech, this
appeared in a
British newspaper
Western Views of the Iron Curtain
• Winston Churchill attacked the Soviet Union for creating an
Iron Curtain.
• The term reflected Churchill’s belief that communism had
created a sharp division in Europe.
• Harry S Truman urged his secretary of state to get tough with
the Soviets.
Soviet Views of the Iron Curtain
• Stalin believed that the Iron Curtain was necessary to protect
the Soviet Union from western attacks.
• Stalin used Churchill’s words to help persuade his people that
the United States and Great Britain were their enemies.
• He also used this as an excuse to rebuild the military.