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Quick Grad Review
Social Studies
Graduation Remediation
Pre-Colonial and Colonial Eras
Means “rebirth”
Began in 14th century Italy
Period of great cultural and social change
Asked people to question the teaching of
the Catholic church
Began with Martin Luther
Sought to reform the Catholic church
Catholic church persecuted reforms
Reformers broke away from the Catholic church
Many moved to new world for religious freedom
Columbian Exchange
• Voyage of Christopher Columbus -set out to find new
route to Asia in 1492
• Columbus’s voyage marked beginning of European
colonization of Americas
• Led to a mixing of native cultures with European cultures
• Diseases brought by Europeans cause the death of
many native people
conquistadors “Spanish explorers”
Ponce de Leon -searched for Fountain of
Youth in Florida
• Cortez -defeated Aztecs in Mexico
• Pizarro - conquered Incas in Peru
• De Soto - searched for gold in Alabama
and American southeast
• Coronado -searched for “Seven Cities of
• First successful English settlement in New World
• Founded by Virginia company, a joint-stock company (a
private company which sells shares to investors in hopes
of making a profit)
**Mayflower Compact**
• guaranteed just and equal laws for all;
adult males made laws
**House of Burgesses**
• 1st representative assembly in America
• Model for present day Congress and how
to create a democratic government
• An economic system where a nation’s
power is measured in gold reserves
• Country exports more than it imports
• Creates a “favorable balance of trade”
The American Revolution and
the War of 1812
Graduation remediation
• A market with one supplier
• England wanted a monopoly in the
• Passed Navigation Acts to restrict colonial
**French and Indian War**
Also known as Seven Years’ War
Britain vs. France
Fighting over control of the Ohio River Valley
France lost all lands east of the Mississippi River
**Stamp Act**
• Tax on all paper items like legal
documents, newspapers, playing cards
• 1st direct tax placed on colonists, not on
• Also called an internal tax
**Sons of Liberty**
• Founded by Samuel Adams to protest
Stamp Act
• Stamp act was repealed
• Act was replace by the Townsend Act (tax
on glass, paper, lead)
Boston Massacre
• Incident happened outside a Boston
Custom House over taxes
• Only 5 people killed
**Patrick Henry**
• “give me liberty or give me death”
**Paul Revere**
“The British are coming.”
**Declaration of Independence**
• Written by Thomas Jefferson
• Signed July 4, 1776
• Principles:
– All men are created equal
– All people have certain unalienable rights
– Govt. exists by consent of governed
– Govt. must be changed if unjust
Major battle of American Revolution
• Battles of Lexington and Concord -1st
battles of war
• Battle of Saratoga –after this battle,
French will be American ally
• Battle of Yorktown- last battle of revolution,
British will surrender
Valley Forge
• Place where Washington trained his troops
• Very bad conditions; they almost starved
Treaty of Paris 1783
• Treaty to end American
• Britain recognized
independent U.S.
• set boundaries of new
nation (north, Canada;
south, Spanish Florida;
west, Mississippi River;
east, Atlantic Ocean)
Causes of War of 1812
Impressment –took
sailors from United
States’ ships and
force them to serve
in British or French
Embargo- prohibiting
the entry or
departure of ships
British encouragement
of Native Americans
to attack U. S.
War hawks, western
encourage war.
Tecumseh and the Prophet
Battles of War of 1812
• Battle of Horseshoe Bend
• Battle of Fort McHenry –Star Spangled
Banner written by Francis Scott Key during
this battle
• Battle of New Orleans – took place after
war had ended; made Andrew Jackson a
war hero
The United States Government
Foundations of the United States
• John Locke –government should get its power from the
people it governs “natural rights”
• Rousseau –Wrote The Social Contract; there should be
an agreement between the people and the government
that limits the rights and duties of each
• Montesquieu -believed there should be three branches
of government so that one did not gain too much power
• Great Awakening – religious revival of Christianity in
America; contributed to nationalism
• House of Burgesses – first representative assembly
Articles of Confederation
• 1st United States constitution
• Didn’t work! Eventually rewritten
Problems with Articles of Confederation
•a legislative branch only (no executive, no judicial)
•Congress could not collect taxes
•Congress could not enforce its powers
•Each state had one vote in Congress, regardless of size
Constitutional Convention
• met to rewrite the constitution
The Great Compromise
• Divided Congress into a bicameral (two-house)
• Senate –every state gets two votes
• House of Representatives –representation based on
• Shared power between state and national
Three branches of government
• Legislative=makes laws (Congress)
• Executive =enforces laws (President and
• judicial =interprets laws (court system)
Elastic Clause
• Gives Congress power to pass laws that
are “necessary and proper” to do its jobs
• Give Congress right to stretch its powers
to include things that are not directly
• Sometimes called “implied powers”
Bill of Rights
• 1st ten amendments to the U.S.
• Insured basic rights and freedoms of
Important Amendments
• 13th Amendment -abolished slavery
• 14th Amendment –civil rights guaranteed to
all people
• 15th Amendment –black males get vote
• 19th Amendment –women suffrage (right to
John Marshall**if they ask
anything about a Supreme Court
justice, pick John Marshall. He is
the only one that is ever on the
• Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
**Marbury vs. Madison**
• Supreme court case that established
*judicial review*, the right of the Supreme
Court to declare a law unconstitutional
Growth of a Nation
**Louisiana Purchase**
Doubled the size of the United States
Purchased by Thomas Jefferson
Territory explored by Lewis and Clark
Lewis and Clark led by Indian named Sacajawea
**Alabama became state in 1819.
• Admitted as a slave state
• Followed Jacksonian Democracy = all
white men could vote whether or not they
owned property.
**Monroe Doctrine**
• U. S. would remain neutral on European affairs
• U. S. would oppose any intervention in North
America by European countries= we would see
it as an act of hostility
American System
• Proposed by Henry Clay
• Plan was to make the U. S. independent by:
– Protective tariff = taxes on imports
– Internal improvements =build road, canals,
– National bank =issue paper money
**Andrew Jackson as President**
• Presidency known as Jacksonian
Democracy – all white men could voted
whether or not they owned property
• Known as “common man’s president”
• Spoils system – began plan to put friends
and supporters in power once elected
**Trail of Tears**
• Andrew Jackson refused to enforce a Supreme
Court case to stop the Indian Removal Act.
• Cherokee Indians were forced to walk from
Georgia to Oklahoma to live on reservations
• ¼ of all the Cherokee died
Trails leading West
Oregon Trail – route to Pacific Ocean
Mormon Trail –taken by religious group to Utah
California Trail – taken by prospectors looking for gold
Sante Fe Trail – established to trade with Mexico
**Manifest Destiny**
• Belief that it was God’s will for the U.S. to
expand and posses the entire continent.
Temperance Movement
• Movement to stop the sell of alcohol
• Maine was the first state to pass law
forbidding alcohol
Abolition Movement
• Movement to abolish slavery
Secession and Resistance
Missouri Compromise
• Admitted Maine as a free state; Missouri as a
slave state
• Set the 36o 30’ parallel as the dividing line
between free and slave states
• North of line =free; south of line = slave
Compromise of 1850
• Allowed for popular
sovereignty, citizens
would vote if area
would be slave or
• Created the Fugitive
Slave Law, northern
states were forced to
return escaped
Dred Scott Decision
• Supreme Court Case that said:
– No slave is a citizen
– No right to sue in court
– Dred Scott is not free just because he spent
time in a free territory
1860 election
• Lincoln won
• South seceded, left the Union
Confederate States of America
• Jefferson Davis chosen as President
• Montgomery, AL - capital
**Winston County, AL.**
• Met at Looney’ Tavern and voted to remain
neutral during Civil War
• People were poor and did not own slaves
Civil War and Reconstruction
Civil War Battles
• Bull Run – North defeated and Washington, D.C.
almost invaded
• Shiloh – bloodiest battle of Civil War
• **Antietam –bloodiest one day battle in history of
• Vicksburg –Confederacy lost; Union controls the
Mississippi River
• **Gettysburg –turning point of Civil War;
Confederacy no longer had ability to lead
offensive into Union territory
• **Mobile Bay – Admiral Farragut defeated
Confederate forts at Mobile Bay; Union occupies
During the Civil War both sides
used the draft.
• The draft, forcing men to serve in the military,
caused riots in both the North and South
because the rich could get out of service.
Emancipation Proclamation
• Issued by Lincoln to free slaves in the
states that were in rebellion.
Border states were
states that had
slaves, but hadn’t
seceded from the
13th Amendment freed
the slaves
Freedmen’s Bureau
• Created to help former slaves and poor
• Offered clothing, food, shelter, schools,
**Black Codes**
• Made blacks second class citizens
• Could not own weapons, marry whites,
meet after sundown
• Period of time after Civil War when southern
states had to meet certain requirements to be
readmitted to the United States
**The Compromise of 1877
•Rutherford B. Hayes became President
•Republicans ended Reconstruction
• People who came from the North to do business
in the South- teachers, ministers, lawyers
• Southern whites hated them
• Southerners who supported
Ku Klux Klan
•• Used
Jim Crow Laws
• Prevented blacks from voting by using poll
taxes and literacy tests
• Segregated public facilities like restaurants
and schools
Expansion and
Transcontinental Railroad
• Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroad joined at
Promontory Point, Utah
• Impact=allowed rapid settlement of West
Dawes Act
• Attempted to assimilate Native Americans into
mainstream, white culture
• Reservations dissolved and each family was
given 160 acres to farm
Inventions-led to settlement of Plains
Bessemer process – made steel more efficiently
Steel plow – invented by John Deere to plow
tough prairie soil
Windmill – used power of wind to pump water
Barbed wire – used to help settle west by
fencing in property; no more wide open plains
Railroads – used to settle land and ship crops
and livestock
**Alabama Agriculture and Industry
• Known as Black Belt for rich soil
• Boll weevil- forced Alabama farmers to diversify
crops; they had to grow more than just cotton
because the boll weevil ate cotton plants
• Birmingham known for steel production
• Mobile known as a major port for shipping
**Social Darwinism**
• Government
should not
interfere in big
business; the
strongest would
**Labor unions**
• Formed to improve working conditions and
• Used strikes (workers refusing to work) to
improve conditions
• Journalists who wrote about corruption in
business and politics
• Upton Sinclair – wrote The Jungle, about
unsanitary meatpacking conditions
• Ida Tarbell – wrote The History of
Standard Oil Company about the
corruption of John D. Rockefeller
16th Amendment
• Congress given power to collect federal
17th Amendment
• Direct election of U.S. Senators by
citizens, rather than by state legislatures
• Makes government more accountable to
18th Amendment
• Prohibited the making, selling, transporting
of alcohol
19th Amendment
• Women’s suffrage, the right to vote
Election of 1912
• Woodrow Wilson,
Democrat, won
because Taft and
Roosevelt split the
Republican Party
• Theodore
Roosevelt created
the Bull Moose
Party because Taft
got Republican
Booker T. Washington
• Founded Tuskegee Institute
• Believed that blacks should seek gradual
integration by taking blue-collar jobs to
prove economic value to white
W.E.B. Dubois
• Founded the NAACP
• Believed that blacks should demand rapid
integration and seek professional, whitecollar jobs
• National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People
• Use court system to fight racism
Niagara Movement – forerunner of the
NAACP; equality for all
Plessy vs. Ferguson
• Supreme Court case that said separate
but equal was legal
• Segregation was legal
Alabama Constitution
• Denied blacks the right to vote by using
literacy tests, poll taxes, and land
Grandfather clause: allowed whites to
vote that would have been denied by
other restrictions
Chapter 8 test
World War I and the 1920s
Imperialism – a policy in which a
strong country seeks to control
another country
• Wanted raw materials, new markets and
military bases around the world
Spanish-American War
• U. S. wanted to
free Cuba from
Spanish rule
• Yellow journalism,
sensational writing
without regard for
truth, led us into
• The U.S.S. Maine
was reportedly
sunk by the
Spanish; yellow
journalism led us
to declare war; it
was actually sunk
by an accident on
the ship
Results of the Spanish-American
Cuba is independent War
• Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippines became
territories of the U.S.
**Open Door Policy**
• Policy of the U.S. in which China was
opened to trade with all nations
Panama Canal
• U. S. supported a revolution
in Columbia to gain control of
• Built a canal through Panama
to save travel time around
South America
Dr. William Gorgas
• From Mobile
• Sent to Panama canal zone to get rid of
mosquito problem
Long term causes of World
War I
• Imperialism- strong nations seeking to
control weaker nations for raw material,
new markets, and military bases
• Nationalism –belief in national unity;
extreme devotion to one’s own nation
• Militarism- maintaining a large standing
army to protect global interests
• Alliances – an agreement for protection;
promise to come to the aid of ally if
Assassination of Archduke
Francis (Franz) Ferdinand
started WWI.
WWI began in
• France, Great
Britain, Russia
• The U.S. joined in
Central Powers
•Germany, Austria-Hungary,
Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria
Causes of U.S. entering WWI in 1917
• Sinking of Lusitania by German u-boat (submarine); British passenger
ship with Americans on board; Germany said it was carrying arms
• Zimmermann telegram – note from German foreign secretary to Mexico
asking Mexico to attack the U.S. in return for territory
• Unrestricted submarine warfare – Germany had violated the Sussex
Pledge in which they said they would sink no more passenger ships
without warning; they then sunk three more American ships
World War I ended on
November 11, 1918 at 11:00
11/11/1918 @ 11:00
Treaty of Versailles-ended
Punished Germany by: WWI
War reparations – Germany had to pay
France and Britain for war damages
War guilt clause – Germany had to say
war was their fault
Lost overseas territory and part of
territory in Europe
Decrease the size of their military
League of Nations
• Created at the end of WWI to maintain
peace and security
• U.S. never joined; many believed it
would lead the U.S. into future conflicts
Harlem Renaissance
• An African American movement in art,
music, and literature
Began in the South and taken with blacks during Great
Migration when they moved North
Famous Musicians:
Jelly Roll Morton
W.C. Handy –form Florence, AL
Bessie Smith –Empress of the Blues
Louis Armstrong –jazz trumpet player
Harlem Renaissance writers
Langston Hughes
Zora Neale Hurston
Claude McKay
Jean Toomer
Dream Deferred
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore-and then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over-like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
**Red Scare**
• Fear of Communism
• Passed by 18th Amendment
• Led to rise in organized crime (Al
• People got liquor any way; speakeasies,
bootlegging, illegal stills
• Repealed with 21st Amendment
#9 The Great Depression and
World War II
The Great Depression lasted from 1929, when the stock market crashed
until 1941, when America entered WWII. The unemployment rate was
at about 25%.
The Great Depression
• Causes:
• Stock market crash
• Poverty of farmers – overproduction with drop
in farm prices and The Dust Bowl
Stock Market Crash
• October 29, 1929; Black Tuesday
• Caused by buying on margin (buying stocks
on credit) and speculation (buying stocks and
hoping that you can sell them for a higher
Dust Bowl
• Caused by drought, high winds, over-planting soil
• Environmental crisis
Herbert Hoover
• President when stock market crashed
• Believed economy would recover on its own
• Blamed for Great Depression
Hoovervilles- shanty town slums that
sprang up around cities; called Hoovervilles
to show blame
Bonus Army
• WWI veterans who marched to Washington to
demand bonus early
• Hoover sent in military to disperse them
Hoover will not be re-elected in 1932. The treatment of the Bonus
Army was the final mistake that he would make.
The New Deal
• Franklin Roosevelt’s promise of recovery for
the Great Depression
• Three R’s plan: relief, recovery, and reform
• Gave the American people hope
totalitarian leaders
• Hitler- Nazi Party-Germany
• Mussolini- Fascist Party-Italy
• Joseph Stalin-Communist Party-USSR(Soviet
Axis Powers
• Italy, Germany, Japan
Allied Powers
•Britain, France, Russia, USA
Munich Conference
• Hitler promised that if Britain and
France would let him take the
Sudetenland, he wouldn’t take any more
• Appeasement- giving in to demands to
avoid war
Non Aggression Pact
• Germany and the Soviet Union signed
an agreement not to attack each other
and to conquer and divide Poland
World War II begins
• Germany invaded Poland on Sept. 1, 1939
• Britain and France declared war on Germany
When WWII began, the U.S.
promised to remain neutral.
• Cash and Carry –
allowed Allies to buy
munitions if they
paid in cash and
carried the supplies
on their own ships
• Lend- Lease –Allies
ran low on cash, so
Congress passes
law to allow U.S. to
lend, sell, or lease
was supplies to
countries that were
vital to the defense
Pearl Harbor
• Attacked by Japanese December 7, 1941
• America declared war on Japan
**War bonds**
• Also called Liberty Bonds
• Sold to finance the war
Tuskegee Airmen
• Group of African-American pilots who
were trained during WWII
• June 6, 1941, invasion of the beaches of
Normandy, France
• Plan was to liberate France from Germany
• Genocide of 6 million Jews by the Nazis
• Nazis had killed a total of 11 million
V-E Day
• Victory in Europe Day
• May 8, 1945
• Germany surrendered
Manhattan Project
• Secret project to build an atomic bomb
Truman’s decision to drop atomic bomb on Japan
• Afraid that war would drag on and cost many
more American lives
• War in the Pacific showed that Japan would not
give up easily (rather die than surrender)
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
• Japanese cities where atomic bombs were
dropped that ended WWII.