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8th Grade TAKS Review
Objective Three
Objective Three
 8.5B Summarize arguments
regarding protective tariffs, taxation,
[and the banking system.]
Objective Three
 8.13A Identify economic differences
among different regions of the United
Objective Three
 8.13B Explain reasons for the
development of the plantation
system, the growth of the slave
trade, and the spread of slavery.
Objective Three
 8.14B Identify the economic factors
that brought about rapid
industrialization and urbanization.
Objective Three
 8.15A Explain why a free enterprise
system of economics developed in the
new nation.
Objective Three
8.24D Analyze the contributions of
people of various racial, ethnic, and
religious groups [to our national
Objective Three
 8.24E Identify the political, social,
and economic contributions of women
to American society.
Objective Three
 8.25A Describe the historical
development of the abolitionist
Objective Three
 8.25B Evaluate the impact of reform
movements including public
education, temperance, women’s
rights, [prison reform, and care of the
Objective Three
 8.28A Explain the effects of
technological and scientific
innovations such as the steamboat,
the cotton gin, [and the Bessemer
steel process.]
Objective Three
 8.28B Analyze the impact of
transportation systems on the
growth, development, and
urbanization of the United States.
Objective Three
 8.28C Analyze how technological
innovations changed the way goods
were manufactured and marketed,
nationally [and internationally].
Objective Three
 8.28D Explain how technological
innovations led to rapid
Objective Three
 8.29C Identify examples of how
industrialization changed life in the
United States.