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Imperialism and America
Section 1
Background Information
Monroe Doctrine
of 1823 defined United States foreign policy
in the Americas for the rest of the nineteenth century and beyond.
• It declared that the United States had an interest in the Western
Hemisphere and that European powers must not meddle in the affairs of
any developing nations there.
• The United States was a young nation in 1823 and did not really have the
power to back up the Monroe Doctrine.
The idea of manifest destiny gained popularity in the 1830s and
• Many Americans came to believe that it was their nation's "manifest
destiny" to possess all of the North American continent.
• Later in the century, this idea gave way to dreams of expanding America's
influence around the world.
Roots of American Imperialism
• By the late 19th century, the growing industrial economy of the United
States was producing many more goods than the nation itself could use.
This overabundance of industrial goods led the
United States to look for new markets abroad.
• European nations such as England, Spain, France, Russia, Portugal,
Germany, and Belgium had already carved up Africa and large parts of Asia
into colonies and "spheres of influence" by the late 1900s. To remain
competitive, the United States reacted to
imperialism by looking for a way to secure its own economic
future through a policy of expansionism.
Imperialism in Africa
• Belief in the racial and cultural superiority of
• This belief led many Americans to claim that
the U.S. had a responsibility to expand and
spread Christianity and “civilization.”
Alfred T. Mahan
What did Mahan urge the US to do
to protect its interests?
1. Develop a modern navy to protect U.S. shipping
2. Establish naval bases in Caribbean
3. Construct a canal across country of Panama
4. acquire Hawaii and other Pacific Islands
Showing Force: Route of the Great White Fleet
United States Takes Hawaii
The Economy:
• Sugar plantations- Americans owned about 2/3 of sugar plantations and
brought in labor from Japan, China, and Portugal.
• 1875- U.S. and Hawaii signed treaty allowing sale of Hawaiian sugar tax
free in the U.S.
• 1877-American businessmen force King of Hawaii to change the Hawaiian
constitution to give only wealthy landowners the right to vote. Also U.S.
forces Hawaii to allow the U.S. navy to build a base at Pearl Harbor.
Queen Lil of Hawaii: she wants to restore power to the
Hawaiian people
The Queen Disposed
• John L. Stevens-U.S. ambassador who helps businessmen prevent
Queen Lil from carrying out her plans by organizing a revolution.
• U.S.S. Boston-Stevens orders marines to come ashore to “protect
American lives and property.” Volunteer troops take over
government building and imprison Queen Lil in the palace.
• Stanford B. Dole-becomes president of temporary government
• Stevens appeals to Washington to annex Hawaii, but President
Cleveland refuses until a majority of Hawaiians want annexation.
President McKinley favors annexation and makes Hawaii a U.S.
territory on August 12, 1898.
Spanish-American War
Section 2
Background Information
• Cuba-controlled by Spain. U.S. has been interested in controlling Cuba for
years. Cuba had a long history of rebellion (1868-1878), but failed to gain
• American businessmen invested money in sugar plantations and the U.S.
soon became Cuba’s main market.
• Jose Marti-Cuban poet living in exile in NY. Organized
resistance against Spain using guerilla warfare and destroying
American property (sugar plantations)
The Butcher
• Valeriano Weyler- “the Butcher” sent by Spain to Cuba to put
down the rebellion. Put rural people in concentration camps
to try and prevent guerrilla war.
Causes of the Spanish-American War
• Yellow Journalism-Hearst and Pulitzer attracted readers by
using exaggerated accounts of true events happening in Cuba.
“You furnish the pictures, I’ll
furnish the war.”
--William Randolph Hearst
Causes of Spanish-American War
• De Lome Letter-letter written by Enrique Dupuy de Lome, Spanish
Minister to the U.S. Called President McKinley “weak” and “a bidder for
the admiration of the crowd.”
• American public to some extent did agree
with letter, but did not approve of criticism of
Causes of Spanish-American War
• USS Maine Explodes-sent to Cuba to protect American lives and property.
February 15, 1898 ship explodes killing 260.
• No one knows for sure what caused the explosion. At time thought it was
to be a mine, but later studies found it was probable that an internal
explosion caused the ship to explode.
War Breaks Out
• April 20, 1898 U.S. declares war on Spain
• The Philippines:
-First battle of war takes place in Manila Bay where the U.S. Navy defeats the
Spanish Navy.
-U.S. led by Naval Commander Charles Dewey and his victory allowed U.S.
troops to march toward Manila. U.S. troops will join Emilio Aguinaldo
(rebel leader) and defeat the Spanish in August.
• Cuba:
-U.S. blockades Cuba while troops get ready to move inland.
-Most of U.S. Army is inexperienced. Had inadequate supplies (food and guns)
and lacked good leaders.
War Breaks Out
-Rough Riders:
• Volunteer cavalry led by Teddy Roosevelt and Leonard Wood; existed for
133 days.
• Involved in battle–Kettle Hill—but on foot, not horses.
• Given credit for second battle—San Juan Hill—even though had little to do
with it.
-Spain tried to break through blockade but were defeat by U.S Navy. Spain
surrenders on July 25, 1989.
Treaty of Paris, 1898
• Signed on August 12 and ended a war that had lasted 16 weeks.
• 5,400 soldiers died but only 379 from the war, rest due to disease or other
• December 10, 1898 Spain and U.S. agreed:
1. Cuba becomes independent
2. Spain gives Puerto Rico and Guam to U.S.
3. U.S. would pay Spain $20 million for Philippines Islands
• This would cause a big discussion in the U.S. Arguments were over
annexation of Philippines, but issue was imperialism. Some felt by not
giving new territories, deny them self-government. Issue was solved
when Senate approved treaty in February, 1898.
Puerto Rico
p to U.S. ?
affairs are
by stronger
e or colony
access to
Why did
U.S. try to
control its
Protect U.S. Provide raw
materials &
What laws
and policies
affected it
w/ U.S?
Treaty of
Foraker Act; t
Treaty of
and protect
Open Door
affected its War
w/ U.S.?
War; 3
that led to
US military
o Bay
Open Door Notes
3 foundations for American foreign
1. Americans thought growth of U.S. economy
depended on exports.
2. U.S. had right to intervene to keep foreign
markets open.
3. Feared closing of an area to American
products, citizens, or ideas threatened U.S
America as a World Power
• Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Diplomacy:
Treaty of Portsmouth- Roosevelt negotiates peace treaty between Russia and
Japan; U.S. reputation increases and U.S. enters into agreements with
Panama Canal
Background Information:
• All of Mahan’s goals had been achieved EXCEPT for building a canal
through Central America
Why is the canal so important??
2 possible routes for the canal:
1. Nicaragua- less problems b/c crossed large lake
2. Panama-province of Columbia; route was shorter
but filled with mountains and swamps
Panama Canal
Background Information:
• Negotiations broke down between U.S. and Columbia; Philippe BunauVarilla (chief engineer/investor in New Panama Canal Co.) led a rebellion
for Panamanian independence. U.S. helped negotiate treaty gaining
independence for Panama and control of 10 mile wide canal zone.
Construction of Canal Zone
Roosevelt Corollary
Background Information:
• Roosevelt feared European countries interfering in the Western
Hemisphere; Latin American (LA) countries borrowed money from Europe
and U.S. feared LA countries would not be able to repay loans and Europe
would be drawn into Western Hemisphere.
• Roosevelt based LA policy on African policy: “Speak softly and carry a big
stick; you will go far.”
Roosevelt Corollary
• Based on Monroe Doctrine but went step further
• Disorder in LA might “force the United States… to the exercise of an
international police power” in order to protect U.S. economic interests.
• Example:
1911 rebellion in Nicaragua left country bankrupt; President Taft ordered
American bankers to loan money to Nicaragua to pay back debts. U.S.
would get money back by collecting custom duties. U.S. also gained
control of public RR system; people revolt against Nicaraguan president
and U.S. sends in Marines to put down rebellion; U.S. successful and
leaves some troops there until 1933.
Dollar Diplomacy
• Roosevelt and Taft administrations
• Using nation’s economic power to exert influence over other countries
• Use U.S. government to guarantee loans made to foreign countries by
American businessmen
Wilson’s Missionary Diplomacy
• U.S. has a moral responsibility to deny any LA govt that it viewed to be
oppressive, undemocratic, or hostile to U.S. interests.
• Put pressure on nations in Western Hemisphere to set up democratic
• Tested immediately by the Mexican Revolution
Mexican Revolution
• President Porfirio Diaz of Mexico ruled as a dictator who supported
foreign (U.S.) investment. Wealthy supported him, poor hated him.
• Poor revolt in 1910 and Diaz is forced to leave Mexico City.
• Francisco Madero (leader of revolutionaries) becomes President in 1911.
Was a wealthy land owner and could not meet demands of the upper and
lower classes.
Mexican Revolution
• General Victoriano Heurta takes over in 1913 and executes Madero.
American businessmen want Wilson to recognize Heurta’s government,
but Wilson refuses to move from his “missionary diplomacy.” Wilson is
going to “watch and wait” to see if an opportunity will come to move
against Heurta.
• April 1914: Mexican officials arrest U.S. sailors in Tampico; Mexicans
quickly release sailors and apologize, but Wilson uses it as excuse to send
troops to Mexico.
Mexican Revolution
• Incident brings U.S. and Mexico closer to war.
• Argentina, Brazil, and Chile (A, B, C countries) mediate the conflict. Say:
Huerta step down and U.S. with draw w/out paying Mexico for damages.
Mexico refuses and Wilson will not recognize power that has come to
reign due to violence.
• Huerta’s government comes to end and Venustiano Carranza comes to
power in 1915 and Wilson recognizes his government.
Pershing and Villa
• Problems in Mexico continue with Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Emiliano